NEMESIS Distribution Offer Form for Vendors ------------------------------------------- See VENDOR.DOC for detailed explanation ! /-----------------------------------------------------------------\ | NEMESIS Distribution offer form v1.10 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------| | | | (Co.) Name ________________________________________________ | | | | Address ________________________________________________ | | | | ________________________________________________ | | | | City/ST/ZIP ________________________________________________ | | | | Telephone _________________________ Data _______________ | | | | Date ________________ EMAIL address _______________ | \-----------------------------------------------------------------/ We are interesting in acquiring a distribution right for the following NEMESIS-versions: __ a) actual and all future versions (unique payment) __ b) only the actual version __ c) actual version and ____ additional versions (bugfixes not counted, only real updates (first number after or before the point must change, e.g. from 1.10 to 1.20) We offer _________ $ or _________ DM to get this right Please print this form and send it filled to : Christian Sy Am Rain 8b D-7512 Rheinstetten 2 Germany If we accept your offer, you will get the corresponding written distribution permission from us. After we got your money, the permission is valid. Send your money to either a) Banker : Sparkasse Ettlingen , Germany BLZ 660 512 20 account/Kontonummer : 135 66 33 accountholder : Christian Sy (This account is hold for NEMESIS only) or b) Badische Beamtenbank, Karlsruhe, Robert Hoerner Eurocard /MasterCard 5232 9605 4027 9316 NEMESIS is copyrighted by Christian Sy and Robert Hoerner. All Rights reserved.