Enter (S)traight, (B)i-Sexual, (G)ay : (Match on (S)traight, (B)i-Sexual, (G)ay, (A)ll ({Q=quit{): ;Enter your First Name or Alias/Handle % Is this Correct? <%}Y/n}>:  Sorry, No More Room for New Callers.. Sysio Must Register Door! @Enter Your CITY/TOWN : (Enter Your STATE/COUNTRY (3 char. only): (Enter Your SEX (M or F) : (Enter Your Birth Date (MM/DD) : (Enter Your AGE : (Tell Us Something About Yourself! (Maximum of 3 lines - 74 Char/Line) E on Line By Itself Ends Input $ Save Your Answers? (You can modify them from Main Menu) : ? Too Many Questions... 50 Maximum! .. Notify Sysop 2 Too Many Answer or Question Lines specified! .. Notify Sysop =-> `Correct? (Y/n/q)` -->  Saving Answers  Updating Files  Are you Sure You Want to Change Your Questionaire Answers? ASunrise Doors/Utility Software ** `EVALUATION COPY` ** 7 This option only valid in REGISTERED version of Match Maker! = That Person NOT in Database!  YOU CAN NOT SEND MESSAGES TO YOURSELF! 'Continue? :  Message Limited to 15 Lines  ave, dit, bort, ontinue, ist, elete 6 MAXIMUM MESSAGE LINE LIMIT REACHED #Enter Line Number to Delete: Enter Text to be Changed:  Text Not Found Enter New Text:  Message Save in Progress  Sorry, Your Mail Box is Empty ! eply, elete, = Keep: * elete, uit, = Continue - No Mail Found  Not Enough Entries to Match!  MAKE-A-MATCH Criteria Definition !Enter Minimum Age to Match On ({Q=quit{): )Enter Maximum Age to match On ({Q=quit{): )Enter Sex to Match On: M=male, F=female, B=both ({Q=quit{): ; Enter Minimum Percentage of Matches Acceptable ({Q=quit{): ; Maximum Age Less Than Minimum Age ! $Everything Correct? :  No Matches Found, Please Try Again on Next Call! 1 Invalid Name... Re-Enter Sunrise Doors/Utility Software ** `EVALUATION COPY` ** 7 You Already Have An Alias !... Please try again.. 2 CONFIG FILE ERROR - BLACKOUT PERIOD Parameter .I was not able to detect the use of ANSI. )You will need ANSI to play the Door! $Want to (C)ontinue or (R)eturn to BBS? & Before you can use the MatchMaker Door you are required to answer B some questions that will supply me with the information I need to B match callers with similar interests. If you wish to abort back to C the BBS, before you finish the questionaire, please reply to any A question with a 'Q' (without the quotes). *CHANGE PERSONAL INFORMATION  Select the ONE that applies  Select ALL that apply  Change Personal Information  Change Questionaire Answers  Private Message Center  MATCHMAKER - Make me a match  Review an Individual's Answers  Display Door Users  Color ON/OFF Upload Questionaire Answers  Return to BBS  Check For Mail/Read Mail  Send Private Mail  Read/Delete Messages You Entered ! Return to Main Menu  Sysop Function - Review/Delete All Messages , Display (M)ales, (F)emales or (Enter)=All *Please enter the name of the person #whose answers you wish to review. ! Name City St Last Time On Sex Age Birth Sign K---------- -------------------- -- ------------ --- --- ----------- K Question File Missing !!  Number of Questions in Each File NOT EQUAL !! . Your Game Time Has Expired ! ! Thank You For Playing  Please Come Back Soon  M E S S A G E B A S E IS FULL % N O T I F Y S Y S O P You have played the maximum number of times . for today. You can play again tomorrow. ) E V A L U A T I O N C O P Y  SUPPORT SHAREWARE !!  MUST BE REGISTERED AFTER 30 DAYS ! # HELP YOUR SYSOP REGISTER THIS GAME # CONFIG FILE ERROR - BLACKOUT PERIOD Parameter .This Door is Not Available Please Try Again Later  Download Questionaire Tell Us Something About Yourself! (Maximum of 3 lines - 74 Char/Line) E on Line By Itself Ends Input $Additional Information About the Individual +Enter Line Number to Edit:  Would you like to take the defaults to the questionaire that follows? F There is an option on the Main Menu that will allow you to DOWNLOAD D the questionaire and then UPLOAD your answers on your next call. A Your Choice: efaults nswer the Questions Now: 7