This is article is from Reuter News Service on 2/23/93: JOHANNESBURG, Feb 23, Reuter - A computer virus more destructive than the programme-wiping Michelangelo could strike next month, a South African software helpline said on Tuesday. It said the virus, Exebug II, which was programmed to wipe out hard discs on every day of next month, asks the system for the date and wreaks destruction if the month is March. The exact target of the Exebug II was not immediately clear. Michelangelo was programmed to strike on the 517th anniversary of the Renaissance master's birth last March, targetting the hards disks contents of any computer compatible with the International Business Machines Corp (IBM) standard. South Africa was the country hardest hit by Michelangelo, with more than 1,000 computers affected in up to 500 companies, most of them pharmacists likely to have infected each other's systems durign their frequent communications. Viruses are rogue software programmes, usually designed by anonymous hackers, that when activated might do anything from flashing a message on the screen over and over to filling the hard disk with gibberish as Michelangelo did. Helpline, a software research and security firm, also said there had been "confirmed sightings" of the Maltese amoeba virus, described as a parasitic virus that can mutate causing screens to flash and lose information. Danger dates were March 15 and November 1. *** Additional note: Exebug II is not among the viruses which can be detected by McAfee's Scan program! ***