THE ROYAL HIGHMOOR GOLF CLUB Located in Scotland Designed by: Jim Wildenhaus ======================================================================== 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 OUT Championship Tees 426 430 171 407 410 162 528 583 422 3539 Professional Tees 420 411 154 385 392 154 500 565 402 3383 Men's Tees 407 397 137 373 375 140 478 546 380 3233 Ladies Tees 389 383 122 348 358 135 452 506 347 3040 Par 4 4 3 4 4 3 5 5 4 36 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 IN Championship Tees 404 184 400 430 536 422 173 536 386 7010 Professional Tees 397 173 381 414 510 402 160 517 371 6708 Men's Tees 376 162 362 397 490 386 144 496 356 6402 Ladies Tees 351 146 320 378 470 360 128 469 352 6014 Par 4 3 4 4 5 4 3 5 4 72 ========================================================================= History of THE ROYAL HIGHMOOR GOLF CLUB ========================================================================= The Royal Highmoor Club came about after the wars between the McGregors and the McDonalds finally ended. Local legend has it that the great fued started when a McDonald and a McGregor fell in love with the same Bonnie Lassie from the nearby village.It is unclear who won the Maiden's heart, but it is known that she jumped to her death from the white cliff where you will play the sixth hole,"Maiden's Leap. She was so distraught over the fact that she caused so much bloodshed that she thought that death was the only way out.Little did she know that the fued would go on for two hundred years. The land of the White Cliffs, as the area was known,was controlled by the two families.The McGregors living above the cliffs in the Highlands, and the McDonalds below in the Moores.Countless battles were fought along the cliff,as it was the unofficial boundary seperating the two families.No one dared to venture into this area for fear of being mistaken for a member of the opposite Clan. If someone was caught by one or the other,and they were not a member of their Clan,chances were they would never leave the area alive.One family would venture into the other's territory frequently with death on their minds.In one such raid old Linus McGregor was caught out in one of his high Meadows,and never left it alive.Don't put your drive behind his grave on fifteen. Well, as a story book ending would happen, the fued ended when a McGregor lad and a McDonald lass fell in love and got Married.As you play twelve and head toward the green,remember that this is where the lad proposed to the lass.As they were walking toward the point he was supposed to have asked for her hand ,and she gladly accepted.From then on a fragile peace fell over the valley,and as time heals stories turned into legend. The bonding of the families was complete when the couple produced a son. The young McGreger was not of the same stock as the families before him.He didn't follow the land, but chose a path in life as a successful business- man.He lived in town close to the creature comforts.He seldom visited the land of the white cliffs.His business forced him to do extensive traveling. On one of his trips to St.Andrew's he became acquainted with a couple of Gentlemen who introduced him to a ancient game that the Shepherds played. His new friends "Old" Tom Morris and Billie Barou taught him how to strike the ball straight, and to use a delicate touch when needed.It would be needless to say that the young lad took to the game like a Duck to water. More and more of his "business" trips were to St.Andrew's.He got to spending so much time there that his successful ventures in the real business world were beginning to show the effects of neglect.His wife also was beginning to notice the change in him.One day she sat him down and lectured him on many things, mostly about joint property.The lad got the message and went back to the challenges of the everyday business world.But he missed the game that the Shepherds played,and dreamed of the warm weather when it was most enjoyable to be on the Links. One spring day, as fate would have it,the lad went to the land of the white cliffs,mostly to assess the family holdings,but also to possibly catch a "spring run Salmon.As he sat in the warm sun looking out over the land,a crazy great idea came to him.He ran all the way back home to tell his wife his idea.He sat her down and excitedly told her of his divine revelation. Needless to say she thought that he was a bubble and a half off of plumb.Any man who would go chasing a little ball filled with feathers had to be tetched.But his persistance paid off. Also the fact that he promised he would never travel again didn't hurt.She thought to herself,"where will all these Shepherds come from to play this game on the course that he wants to build through the family land? But she finally gave in........ And the rest is history !!!! ========================================================================= The course plays average in my opinion for what it's worth. On a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being easy, I say it plays around a 5 or 6. There is a lot of water,sand,trees, and anything else I could sneak in. I tried to make accuracy an important element of the course,but I tried to stay away from"target" golf.I was hoping to reward a good shot. I designed this course to be played from the championship tees. I didn't playtest it from any others.I figure a lady's finger on a mouse or keyboard is just as strong as a man's. ========================================================================== I would like to thank everyone I borrowed or stole objects from,mainly Lee Ritze and Revery for their objects from St Andrew's and Muirfield. Also LR's background from St A's.I stole more but names escape me.So if you recognize your object,"many many thanks" Also I would like to thank John Kunyik, who made the Toolbox. A great great asset. I would appreciate comments on the course, good and bad, I don't care....If you didn't like the course,maybe you liked the story I'm on Prodigy,and in the PNGT. I hang around Flight C with the Hack-Attackers. Jim Wildenhaus CWKX53A Enjoy !!!!!