Time for a dose of reality. The gay community is attempting to put "gay rights" on the same footing as the struggle that many blacks have given their all for...many women have fought for, or any of those who have been discriminated against because of their age, color, or sex. It is very wrong to do so. The conflicts are simply too far apart to be equated with one another. People are born white, black, red, yellow, male, female..not gay. Gay is something that comes because of a person's environment, like men who prefer their women fat, or women who prefer their men bearded. Societies rear their young to prefer certain sexual attractions, but none are stupid enough to make it a law. Standard, "let's have children, keep the world going," sex - requires male and female. Anything else is preference...including gay. The worlds of "preference" run from simple to extremely bizarre. The worst of these encompasses the abuse of children, or even the taking of life. No, I am not for even a second saying that these cases of preference are part of the gay world. But, as the gays fight to achieve what they consider their "rights," others are hanging on their coattails. Who are "Hookers from Hell," "S&M Chapters of San Francisco," and NAMBLA? Attend the next gay rights parade. They will be there. Let's imagine for a moment that a NAMBLA member rents an apartment across the hall from yours. Your family has children, who make friends with those across the hall. Eventually, you discover that NAMBLA stands for North American Man Boy Love Association. Their philosophy runs to, "let's have sex with our children, and the children of friends...so we don't get AIDS." With sexual "preference" rights, who moves? You or them? Who loses their rights? The problem is ----- WHO draws the line where "preference" stops and deviation begins? Ignore, if you would, all the major world religions. Who, then, is going to say where the line goes? Take away moral value from the law and there are really no limits to where liberalism can go, and where exploitation of people's fantasies can grow into a monster that takes lives. Would I feel secure if a gay couple moved in next to me? Probably just as much as with any unknown couple. In today's world, everyone is suspect when it comes to the safety of your children. How would I feel if a bizarre deviant with "preference rights" moved in? How would you feel, knowing that if you make the wrong move, say the wrong thing, you might violate those rights, and lose yours to a man who likes little boys? Gays today need to rely upon our system of laws to achieve what they consider their "rights," their paths to liberty and the pursuit of happiness. They need no "Gay rights" to have the same privileges as everyone else. Gays can come to the same end without anyone legislating it. The laws are already in place to protect everyone's basic rights. Once "sexual preference" rights become law, the other people ALL of us fear have their foot in the door. Let's consider another aspect about gays, which our times are forcing upon us....the military. Why do you suppose that women have never been part of the fighting forces of nearly all armies in the history of mankind? There have been exceptions, but generally, women are not in the foxhole. It's not because they can't fight. It's because it changes the way that men fight. They tend to make errors in judgement to protect the women up front that cost them all their lives. They are less reluctant to take the offensive when women are present. Sometimes enforced isolation creates emotional monsters that destroy the cohesion of a combat unit, where raw emotional strength is necessary to survive. Members of our military feel that this same attitude may occur when gays are openly members of the military. Now, with the ban on gays, fewer are bold enough to join, and those that do limit their relationships. Once this restriction goes away no one knows what might happen? Is Joe likely to order his friend Mark to his possible death when they're lovers? Is a pre-dominantly gay platoon a good risk in combat? (once gays are permitted, you can be assured that they will have a tendency to group together) Most members of the military scorn gays because of the traditional onus society places on its members to do so. Truth be told, this has become largely a reflex. Who can deny that people living the gay life-style are not threaded throughout our entire population? Scorn is now turning to real fear and concern that living with gays will become a snake's pit of emotion and the fear of saying the wrong thing. How can a drill sergeant scream at a recruit to instill discipline and not fear being accused of "gay bashing?" How can a soldier, male or female, take a shower with others and not feel that they might be looked on as a sexual object? How secure can a young man sleep when the man above him just yesterday asked if he was also gay? If you have ever been in a military barracks, you understand that there is no privacy at all, and inserting sex into it can be very, very dangerous. We must leave the military alone, and keep gays out of combat. At least we should have enough common sense not to subject them to the hazards of living with others who fear them. Pumping out laws and regulations to force gays into privileged "preference" positions is dangerous both for gays and straights. It creates resentment, fear, and a launching platform for those with darker "preferences." Our society is weak enough without badgering it into accepting that too. Dane R. Amos