Dear Family Tree Journal Users, Well, it had to happen! As soon as I thought version 10 was perfect, several customers reported problems. There is one major "bug" that produces strange relationships in your data files that WILL occur (if you haven't experienced it already.) If you make any changes to spouses in either the main data entry screen or changes to spouses, children or siblings in the F7 screen, the program creates entries in your .GEN file that results in out- landish relationships between family members. The file called FTJENTER.EXE in your earlier version 10 of Family Tree Journal has been updated. After you replace FTJENTER.EXE, start the program and go to the data entry screen. Bring up an existing family member on the screen (anyone will do) and save that person with the F8 key. This will clean out the false entries in the .GEN file. The other files are not affected so this process will not eliminate any names, biographies, references, etc. in your data. After cleaning, the remaining information will be correct and the problem should not reoccur. Unfortunately, you may find that you will have to reenter the genealogical information for the people that had become scrambled. I apologize for the inconvenience that this may have caused and thanks to those of you who pointed out the problem. It required quite a bit of detective work to determine what had occurred before I could duplicate the problem and fix it. Rick