LOTTO BUSTER V. 7.00 A LOTTERY NUMBER SELECTION PROGRAM The FreeBooter(tm) LOTTO BUSTER documentation and diskette are copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this documentation may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior consent of FreeBooter(tm) Software. Permission is given to any party or parties to copy the diskette under the "FreeBooter" marketing technique, providing that neither the content of the program or the data files, are altered in anyway. In addition, no individual compensation may be gained in the copying of the diskette other than by valid PC Users Groups, Clubs, or Share- ware distributors, and then those groups or clubs may charge no more than what is charged for their lowest price diskette. LIABILITY DECLARATION IN NO EVENT WILL FREEBOOTER SOFTWARE BE LIABLE, BEYOND THE REGISTRA- TION PRICE OF $29.95 LESS EXPENSES, FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE LOTTO BUSTER PROGRAM. THE END USER, IN USING THIS PROGRAM, ACKNOWLEDGES FULL PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY GAINS OR LOSSES INCURRED FROM THE USE OF THE LOTTO BUSTER. EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES, FREEBOOTER SOFTWARE SHALL HAVE NO FUTURE LIABILITY TO THE USER, OR ANOTHER USER, BEYOND THE REFUND OF THE REGISTRATION PRICE OF THE PRODUCT LESS EXPENSES. THE END USER, BY LOADING THE LOTTO BUSTER PROGRAM IN THE COMPUTER, AGREES TO THE LIABILITY DECLARATION, AND THAT ANY DISPUTE BETWEEN THE USER AND FREEBOOTER SOFTWARE, WILL BE SETTLED BY THE AMERICAN ARBITRATION ASSOCIATION. Copyright 1987-92 Darrell R. Fichtl FreeBooter Software P.O. Box 19624 Portland, OR. 97219 (503)244-4800 FreeBooter(tm) is a registered trademark of D.R. Fichtl HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS: IBM-PC or compatible with 3«" or 1.44 MB 5¬" floppy or a hard disk. This enlarged program requires 560K of memory and DOS 3.0 or higher. The monitor can be color or monochrome. Due to the advanced nature of of the routines used in Lotto Buster, BIOS that are considerably off from that of IBM can effect performance. A good example is Tandy 1000 and AT&T 6300 machines. The program will hold fifty histories. NOTE: A FEW COMPUTERS ARE UNABLE TO FIND THE RUNTIME MODULE THAT IS NEEDED TO RUN THE PROGRAM DUE TO THEIR DOS IRREGULARITES. A MESSAGE WILL APPEAR AT THE START OF THE PROGRAM "RUNTIME INPUT PATH". JUST ENTER THE LETTER OF THE DRIVE YOU ARE USING FOLLOWED BY A COLON. Contents Page Disk Files 2 Description of the LOTTO BUSTER 3 Un-archiving LOTTO BUSTER 5 Getting started 6 Files Selection Bar 8 Ticket Selection Bar 10 Print Selection Bar 11 Strategy Selection Bar 12 Utilities Selection Bar 14 Use in Windows 15 Authors Notes 15 1 This is a brief description to acquaint you with the operation of the LOTTO BUSTER program. We have designed the program to be as easy as possible without the need for help screens. This manual will aid you to more fully understand the program's functions. DISK FILES AND THEIR USAGE The LOTTO BUSTER program is written in PROFESSIONAL QUICK BASIC with a QUICK WINDOWS LIBRARY and is complied into a EXE program. The source code is not available for this program. LOTTO.EXE Introduction program LOTTO7.EXE Main LOTTO BUSTER program CONVERT.EXE Older data file conversion program BRT71EFR.EXE Runtime module for program RANDOMNO.DAT Wheeling matrix data file HELP.SLB Help voice file NUMBERS.SLB Number voice file LOTTERY.SLB Other voice file ???????.LOT Lottery History Files ???????.HIS Brain Storm Memory Files 2 DESCRIPTION AND HISTORY Congratulations! You now possess one of the best tools on the market for unlocking the riches that await those who play the state lotteries. By using the systems that are on this disk, you can improve your chances of winning by 550%. Keep in mind, though, there is no sure way to win the lotto. The only thing you can do is improve your odds by using a wheeling system. Any lottery betting program relies on a certain amount of "luck," and the more advanced programs, like the LOTTO BUSTER, attempt to unlock the biases that are built into the lottery number selection system. You may feel that your lottery is totally unbiased, but I assure you, it is not! ANY mechanical selection process involves biases that show up in the long run. These biases can be played on to your ad- vantage and profit. There is no such thing as "hot" numbers or "hot" combinations like those advertised in so many publications. The only winning advantage is the biases that cannot be taken out. Sure, they can be mitigated, but not taken out entirely. Here in Oregon we use ping pong balls that are dropped into an air blowing hopper. These balls are then thoroughly mixed in the hopper and pop up one at a time as the six ball vents are opened. What could be more arbitrary? Well, consider the following 1. Are all the balls exactly the same weight? Don't you think there will be some infinitesimal difference? 2. How about the paint on the balls? Wouldn't you think that the paint on the number 40 would weigh more than the paint on the number 1, and shouldn't the number 1 come up faster into the ball vent then the 40 ball? 3. But, if there are more numbers on the ball causing additional surface irregularities, wouldn't the added friction of the air- stream on the ball irregularities cause the number 40 ball to rise faster than the number 1 ball? There are two ways that anyone can play the lottery: dumb luck, which only occurs by chance; and, although still luck, smart luck using a system. With a system you can get the odds to push with you and significantly increase your chances of winning. 3 Everyone plays the lottery every day! EVERYDAY! You bet! Every day you select which traffic lane is going to move faster, or which grocery checker will get you through first. When you do this you are playing a form of lottery. How do you select the best grocery line? With information. Right? You look at the line and look at the number of units in each grocery cart, and, if you happen to know the clerks in that particular store, you know which ones are slow and which aren't. You then select the least items in the shortest line with the fastest checker. What about getting stuck in a traffic tie-up on the freeway? Blind luck. Right? You don't know what has caused the delay. You also don't know which lane is moving faster because you can't see ahead. But what if you had information? What if a traffic helicopter is overhead and you are tuned to the correct station and the announcer says that there's a traffic accident on the inside lane of the west bound freeway at a certain location? You'd know enough to move the the outside lane for a faster route through the tie-up. It's no different with the LOTTO BUSTER. It's going to supply you with information to improve your odds for winning. Historically, lotteries have been around since mankind crawled out of the caves. The casting of lots is talked about in several places in the Bible. Even the separation of the promised land was done by lots. China is credited with being the ancestral home of such gambling games as Bingo, Keno and the Lottery. The lottery as we know it today goes back to the Middle Ages in Italy. From there it spread to the rest of Europe. The American settlers brought it to this country in the early 1600s. Proceeds from the state and local lotteries were used to finance the construction of roads, bridges, schools, and to support the poor. The lotteries were an integral part of the American culture until they became corrupted. Near the end of the nineteenth century the lotteries were banned until the early sixties when they were restarted in New Hampshire. The LOTTO BUSTER is designed to work with any lottery up to 99 numbers and a pick five, six, or pick seven combination. There are several other variations such as the daily numbers of pick-4, pick-3, and the instant scratch games, but the predictability of these games is minimal and the reward so small that it isn't worth the trouble to use any system on these methods. The real action is in the lottery games that are worth millions of dollars. The pick-5, pick 6, and pick 7 game is what it's all about. 4 INSTALLING THE LOTTO BUSTER PROGRAM Version 7.00 is quite large due to the pull down menus and "windowing" effects used in the program. It will be necessary to install the programs onto a separate disk. FLOPPY DISK USERS: Simply place the current disk in either floppy disk drive and a newly formatted disk in the other drive. The drive that you are installing the program on MUST be either a 3«" or a high density 5¬" drive. The new program WILL NOT FIT ON A 360K FLOPPY DRIVE. Enter INSTALL, then the source drive, then the destination drive. For example INSTALL A B The disk will install from drive A to the B drive. HARD DISK USERS: Place the Lotto Buster disk in drive A and enter INSTALL, then the source drive, then the destination drive. For example INSTALL A C will place the program on the C drive in the LOTTO directory. After installing the LOTTO BUSTER diskette, make a backup copy. Follow the instructions in your DOS manual for this procedure. 5 GETTING STARTED: Select the drive, and the directory if applicable, that the LOTTO BUSTER is on and type LOTTO. If you have a mouse be sure that you have activates it by using the MOUSE command. The introductory screen will come up. Press any key to advance to the FreeBooter screen. At this point you are given the option to register the program or continue on. To continue on just press Enter or push the left hand mouse button with the mouse cursor on the continue pushbutton. Registration The registration module will allow you to expand LOTTO BUSTER to include the enhancements of the registered version. Registration is simple. Please do the following steps. 1. Obtain your VISA or Mastercard number and it's expiration date. 2. Start the LOTTO BUSTER and select the registration pushbutton at the second screen. 3. Call 1-800-366-4012 and tell the person that answers, you wish to register LOTTO BUSTER Version 7.0 4. You may be transferred to another person who will ask for your VISA or Mastercard number, it's expiration date, your name, address, and daytime telephone number. They will then ask you for the 5 or 6 digit number that appears on the registration screen. They will give you back a six digit number. You enter that number into the computer. At that point a blue registration screen will come up show- ing that you are a registered user. 5. If you do not care to register in this manner send a check or money order in US funds for $29.95 plus $1.75 postage ($5.00 overseas) to: FreeBooter(tm) Software P.O. Box 19624 Portland, OR 97280 The program advances to the next module and a menu bar will appear. This bar can be activated by using your mouse or pressing the Alt key. On the lower right is the status window displaying the selected lottery, the strategy, and the wheel size. When the program first comes up there should be NONE displayed on all categories. 6 The menu bar breaks down as follows: FILES TICKET PRINT STRATEGY UTILITIES QUIT As each bar categories is selected they breakdown as follows: FILES TICKET PRINT STRATEGY LOAD ENTER DRAWING DRAWING HISTORY WHEEL SIZE ADD PRINT TICKETS NUMBER POPULARITY SELECTION STRATEGY DELETE BRAIN STORM MEMORY* EDIT * Registered Version Only UTILITIES QUIT BIAS OFF EXIT TO DOS FILE CONVERSION MONOCHROME SOUND OFF The bar may be transversed by using the right and left arrow keys or pointing with the mouse. As each selection is activated, you can make your selection on that category by using the up or down arrow key or selecting with the mouse. When your selection is made, press either the Enter key or the left mouse button. The red bias indicator displays the status of the bias (active or inactive). The bias, if active, applies a weighting to the influence of all winning ticket history after the last five dates recorded. In doing this the older winning tickets will not have as much influence on choosing the next lottery numbers as the more recent history. If the bias is inactive all numbers in the entire history have the same weighting. The Cyan rectangle shows the status of Brain Storm Neural Network. If you are REGISTERED Brain Storm is activated and will select the best possible combination of bias, wheel size, and strategy for your particular lottery. PLEASE NOTE: Brain Storm is a learning environment. It needs a good selection of winning tickets before it is ready to do it's work. If you happen to be using lottery history that is supplied on the disk, Brain Storm is already active and will do a good job. UNREGISTERED USERS: Brain Storm is dormant until you register. Although it is recording as you enter tickets, it will not activate without a registration number from FreeBooter Software. Without the assistance of Brain Storm you will have to set your own bias, wheel size, and strategy. 7 FILES Selection LOAD: Selecting the LOAD function switches screens and brings up the data file selection window that displays all the data files ending in .LOT. The program is shipped with several lotteries. These lotteries are current as of the time the disk was copied. Move the selection bar using either the arrow keys or the mouse. When you reach the selection you desire, press the enter key or the left mouse button. The data file will then load and switch back to the main menu. You'll notice that the lottery data file name in the system status box has now changed from NONE to the lottery file that you have selected. If you register Lotto Buster, Brain SDtorm will automatically select the correct strategy, bias and wheelsize to use for your lottery. ADD: To add a files you'll need to know the following information: 1. How many numbers are selected by the lottery when the winning numbers are drawn. This can range from 5 to 11 depending upon which lottery you are playing. If you choose 6 there will be a power ball window pop-up. If you are starting a POWER BALL type of lottery push the YES button. You can select which button by either using the arrow keys or the mouse. If not POWER BALL select NO. Power Ball type lotteries use a seperate machine to select the sixth number. It is therefore possible to have two balls, with the same number, in the lottery draw. 2. How many number do you select when you purchase a lottery ticket. 3. What is the highest number in the lottery. 4. Decides on a name for your lottery file. The length of the name can not exceed eight letters. Selecting the ADD function changes the screen to an input format to answer the above questions. Have the answers ahead of time. After entering these answers, you'll be asked if the data is okay. Answer- ing Y will return you to the main menu. If you wish to work with the newly created data file go to the FILES option and LOAD the lottery data file. When you enter the lottery history data enter the OLDEST data first. Do not go back further than 104 draws. Entering more is a waste of time. The program is designed to handle only 104 draws, and when it reaches its max, it just puts the newest one in at the top and drops the oldest one out at the bottom. DELETE: Selecting the DELETE function, will switch you to the delete file mode. All the files ending in .LOT will be displayed. Select the file for deletion by using either the up or down arrow or the mouse. 8 To delete the file, press the ARROW key to the OK selection and press ENTER, or move the mouse to the OK selection and press the left mouse button. To CANCEL this operation, be sure CANCEL is selected and hit the ENTER key or the left mouse button. Deleting a file erases that files from the database. Once deleted there is no way to recover the files except by the use of Norton's Utilities on some similar product. EDIT: Selecting the EDIT mode, switches screens to the edit function. If you have not selected a lottery file you are prompted to select a file at this time. The screen comes up with the latest data presented first. This can be moved by using the up and down arrow keys, or moving the indicator tab on the right hand side of the screen with the mouse. The buttons listed below do the following tasks: PgDn - Next Page PgUp - Previous Page Up/Down Arrows change selection Enter - Select highlighted date Esc - Leave Editing Mode Pressing the ENTER or the left mouse button, puts you into the data editor. You may return to the data line selection screen by pressing the Esc key. You may at this time delete the current line, add a line directly above the current selection, or edit the current line. The selection of actions can be done by using the ARROW key. Editing the current line relists the data entry screen for that line and you can input corrected data at this time. You'll be given the opportunity to verify if the entry is correct. If it is incorrect, use the ARROW to move to the REDO selection and press ENTER. Otherwise insure that the selection is on ACCEPT and press the left mouse button or the ENTER key. 9 TICKET: TICKET ENTER: This selection allows you to enter history from the latest lottery ticket draws. You may enter a single draw or several at one time if you wish. If you have not selected a lottery you will be prompted to select one at this time. Upon selecting a lottery the screen will change and prompt you for the date. Entry should be uniform in nature. We strongly suggest the following type of data entry. June 10, 1990 should be entered as 06/10/90 August 1, 1990 should be entered as 08/01/90 Then proceed to enter the numbers that were the winning draw. Its best that the single digit entries be proceeded by a zero. Upon entering all the digits for the lottery, you'll be given the opportunity to ACCEPT, REDO, or CANCEL. This can be selected with the ARROW key or the mouse. Pressing either the ENTER key or the left hand mouse button completes the processes. If your entering POWER BALL the power ball will be the last entry. You'll then be asked if you wish to enter another selection. Again, the ARROW button or the mouse will change your selection from NO to YES. Pressing either the ENTER or the left hand mouse button comp- letes the selection. If you selected NO, you'll be returned to the main menu. YES puts you back into the data entry mode again to repeat the entry process. If you enter multiple entries, only the last entry will be processed through the scanning mode. You will then be asked if you wish to print winning tickets. This will occur after the scanning process. The program will then switch to the ticket scanning mode. It will evaluate all possible combinations of bias, wheel size, and strategy. As the program goes through these different combinations you will see numbers change in the various boxes. This indicates that the program has found winning tickets that contain either 3, 4, 5 and if the lottery goes up to 6 and 7, also 6 and 7. At the same time that it is doing this it is updating the Brain Storm memory. NOTE: WHEN STARTING UP A NEW LOTTERY, MANY OF THE STRATEGIES WILL DISPLAY THE SAME NUMBER OF WINNING TICKETS. UNTIL YOU HAVE A LEAST TEN DRAWS IN HISTORY THEY WILL BE VERY CLOSE TO EACH OTHER. 10 When the scanning is complete you can then print the screen. You will then be asked if you wish to save the history. IF YOU WISH TO GO BACK TO PRINT OUT TICKETS TO VERIFY THE WINNING SELECTIONS - DO NOT SAVE. ONCE SAVED, THE DATABASE WILL BE UPDATED AND THE TICKETS WILL NO LONGER BE THEN SAME. Otherwise save the history. If you do not save the history now you will need to reenter it later. REGISTERED USERS ONLY: At this point the program will ask if you wish to see the Brain Storm memory. If you answer Y the program will go through the entire memory cortex and display the current memory values. Brain Storm uses these values to set the bias, strategy, and wheel size when you select the lottery. PRINT TICKETS This selection puts you in the mode to print tickets. Be patient during the ticket sorting mode as the computer is sorting the tickets from low to high. After sorting you can select tickets to print by either using the left hand mouse button or the up/down arrow keys and the enter key. If you are selecting only a few tickets pick every 10th or 20th or 30th ticket. This will give you the best "wheel" type of selection. When you are completed selecting press F1 to print and exit. PRINT DRAWING HISTORY: This selection changes the screen and presents a printer check box. At this time you may press any key to print the database history or press Esc to return to the main menu. NUMBER POPULARITY: The number popularity allows you to either print or display drawing history. The popularity will change depending upon the stra- tegy and bias that have been selected. If LOW is selected, then numbers with the lowest incidence of "hitting" will be at the top of the list. If HIGH is selected, then the numbers with the highest incidence of "hits" will be at the top. If HOT is selected, those numbers that "hit" most in the last ten draws will be at the top. With the HOT selection, you will see quite a number of zeros present at the bottom of the list, since these numbers were not selected at all within the last ten draws. NOTE: The "Hot" selec- tion counts differently. It looks first at the last five drawings and gives one count each time a number is found. Then it looks at the next five drawings. If a number is found that already has a count it counts again, otherwise it ignores that number. If you are looking at POWER BALL there will be a window that pops up asking if you wish to see the regular numbers or the power ball numbers. 11 REGISTERED USERS ONLY BRAIN STORM MEMORY Making this selection will print out the Brain Storm memory cortex. BE SURE that your printer is set to print the upper set of graphic type characters instead of italics. Failure to change to the proper character set will result in italics characters being printed instead of lines. STRATEGY Selection A - This selection has been included for those who feel that because a particular number is low in its incidence of "hitting," the probability for it to "hit" is now very high. If the bias is set to active this selection counts the number of hits that occurred in the last five draws and gives that number one count for each hit. After the fifth draw the program gives each number the value of (1/log(X-2). X in the expression is the drawing number history (1 to 104). As you can see, as the history goes farther back, the effect of the weighing becomes less and less. The numbers then sorted with the lowest incidence number first and the highest incidence number last. If the bias is inactive, all numbers in the entire history have the same weighting value of 1. Selection B - This selection reverses the Selection A mode. The weighting is exactly the same and the totals add up to exactly the same as they did in selection A. The difference is, they are sorted with the highest value first down to the lowest value. Both Selection A and Selection B look at the entire lottery drawing history that is available. Selection C - This selection, the "hot list," is calculated diff- erently and seems to be the best method for selecting the lottery numbers. It looks at the last 10 history drawings. A number gets one point for each time it has hit in the last five drawings. If it has hit in the last five drawings, it gets additional points for each time that it hits in the next five drawings. If you print the Lotto Popularity Chart, you can see that the incidence of hit spread between Selection B and Selection C becomes significantly greater. This strategy will print the numbers from the highest hit to the lowest in that order. SELECTION D- High scatter is a unique strategy to capture those elusive out of strategy hits. We have found that Lotto Buster is excellent at three and four hits, but the five and six hits are difficult to come by. The only reason is that the lottery seems perverted in hitting two or three numbers that are `out of strategy' To counteract this we have developed the High Scatter strategy. We take half the wheelsize numbers from the high strategy and the other half from a newly developed scatter principle. The computer 12 `learns' with every history entry using the High Scatter mode. Since we don't want to give away the show to our competitors, I'm sure you'll understand we don't want to divulge the process. We now feel that this is probably the best strategy to use. PLEASE NOTE: The more biased your lottery is, the closer the High and High Scatter numbers will be. If it's very biased, the numbers may be identical especially with the lower wheel sizes. Generally there will be a difference of one or two numbers if you are using the 18 wheel size. SELECTION E-Pick your own. As the name implies your can pick your own numbers. If you are playing POWER BALL you will have to fill out two screens. One for the regular numbers and one for the power ball. WHEEL SIZE Once the strategy is selected, the size of the selection "wheel" needs to be determined. The "wheel" is actually a complex mathematical formula that is stored within the program and governs the selection placement of the lottery numbers on the ticket printout. These data values will place the numbers in a designated order that will render the greatest possible return for the smallest investment. The wheel size has nothing at all to do with the number of tickets that are selected. It only deals with the quantity of numbers that are allowed into the selection matrix. By selecting 42 tickets from the 200 on display in a balanced manner ( balanced infers that you randomly select from across the whole 200 not just from one end or the other ), the follow- results should be obtained. 12 system - Selects twelve numbers from the strategy selection. If all numbers drawn by the state lottery are in the selections that were drawn by the computer, you are assured of a second place. But, there could be four second places. If only four numbers match, you can expect at least one third place. 14 system - Selects fourteen numbers from the strategy profile. If five of the numbers match, you can be assured of a third place prize. 16 system - Selects sixteen numbers from the strategy profile. If six of the numbers match, you can be assured of winning at least one third prize. 18 system - Selects eighteen numbers from the strategy profile. If six of the numbers match, you will win at least one third place. The following are rules that you should consider when determining the wheel size. 13 RULE #1 - As the wheel size increases, the possibility of getting a first or second prize decreases. RULE #2 - As the wheel size increases, the probability of winning a third place also increases, providing, all numbers that were drawn in the lottery are in the selection. RULE #3 - As the wheel size decreases, the probability of winning a first place increases, providing, all numbers that were drawn in the lottery are in the wheel selection. UTILITIES BIAS: The bias is either active of inactive. Selecting this changes the state of the bias. Until version 7.0 the bias was always active. In being active, drawing history that was past 5 draws did not have a full count as strategy numbers were found. The older the history the smaller effect it had on the lottery selection of numbers. With the bias inactive all numbers in the history have the same weighting and all effect the outcome of the lottery numbers equally. CONVERSION: This module will convert the version 2.0 to 4.0 of LOTTO.DAT and version 5 of *.LOT to the new format used by LOTTO BUSTER. Floppy disk system: 3 1/2" There is plenty of room on the 3 1/2" disk for multiple lottery files. Just copy the program LOTTO.DAT or *.LOT onto the new disk and start the program. Hard disk systems: Copy the LOTTO.DAT file or *.LOT from the old LOTTO BUSTER program onto the new LOTTO BUSTER directory and start the program. All systems: Once the program is started, go into the conversion mode. Version 2.0 to 4.0 The program will ask the name of the new file. For example, if you were running the New York lottery, you may wish to name it NEWYORK. This will change the name of the LOTTO.DAT file to NEWYORK.LOT. Depending on the version of the file that you are converting, the program may ask you for the number of numbers drawn by the lottery, the number of numbers that you select for a ticket, and the highest number of the lottery. When all the necessary questions are answered, you will return to the main menu. From there, you can go into the FILE LOAD mode and load that data file. 14 Version 5.0 TO 5.11 Just select the datafile from the menu and the conversion is automatic MONOCHROME - This will force the display to monochrome. Many of our lap top users have CGA displays and Lotto Buster recognized these as color monitors. When the display came up the box inserts were lost due to background color conversion to mono. SOUND OFF - Selecting sound off turns off the voice generator with the exception of the registration alert notice for unregist- ered users. Using Lotto Buster with Windows If you want to use Lotto Buster with windows there is a icon included in the Lotto directory. Copy this icon to your windows directory. To do this transfer to your windows directory and enter COPY C:\LOTTO\LOTTO.ICO followed by pressing the enter key. Then start the windows programs. To add the Lotto Buster into windows proceed as follows: Click on FILES Click on NEW This will place you in the Program Properties Window Enter LOTTO BUSTER in the description Enter LOTTO in the Command Line Enter C:\LOTTO in the Working Directory line Click on Change Icon The Change Icon window will then open up Click on OK The next window will then open Click on Browse The find LOTTO.ICO in the File Name directory Click on LOTTO.ICO Click on OK You'll then be back to the Change Icon window Click on OK You'll then be back in the Program Properties window Click on OK Windows will then process to assignment and bring back the Lotto icon on the windows screen. Double click on the Lotto icon to start Lotto Buster. If you win on the lottery, we would like to hear from you and share in the spirit of your win. We are keeping records of success stories like yours. We don't need your name - only what you won, and what state lottery you were playing. You can call us on 1-800-366-4012. Remember, only thing that keeps our user supported software going are the registrations that FreeBooter(tm) Software receives for its con- tinuing work in updating the LOTTO BUSTER to a better and better product. 15 The program is copyrighted by FreeBooter Software. There is only one thing that we request from the registered end user. Do not give out a copy of a registered disk. If you help us out in this respect, then the registration will continue to come in and the product will continue to be improved. Technical Assistance: We are happy to provide technical assistance to registered users from 9AM to 5PM Monday through Friday Pacific time on (503) 244-4800. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. If you have already registered, thank you for your support! If you haven't, please consider doing so. Programming inexpensive software is our full time job and we rely on your registration for our con- tinued operation and program improvements. Best of luck to you! Thanks again - Darrell & Dianne Fichtl and Chairman Mao - our chow dog! If you know chow dogs you'll under- 16