info on RCL.PAR and RCL.FRM -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This ZIP file contains the following files: readme.rcl -- This file rcl.frm -- A formula file for Fractint rcl.par -- A parameter file for Fractint The formulas in rcl.frm are mostly adapted from Pickover's book _Computers, Pattern, Chaos and Beauty_. For these fractals (RCL_Pickn), I take no credit accept what might be due to me for adapting them to Fractint. Of course, I wouldn't have been able to do this if Fractint were not such a robust program, or without the formula compiler feature! There are a few "original" fractals (RCLn) that were inspired by Pickover's book or just arrived at empirically. The parameter file (rcl.par) provides simple examples of each formula. I did not make an attempt to generate an artistic image for each, but rather a starting point for those who wish to explore! I hope everyone enjoys these fractal formulas. If I have stepped on any toes with a particular formula, please let me know. Before I tried out any of these, I checked the existing fractal types in Fractint, and any additional .frm files I have downloaded! Ron Lewen CIS: 76376,2567