info on file FRACTCFG.2 and FRACTCFG.3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FRACTCFG.2 this is a slightly improved 'fractint.cfg' file. it has some extra disk-video modes defined (mostly disk-video modes like 1280x1024x256 and similar). most of the low-rez and less common modes commented out, and it also has a few extra disk-video modes defined. as is, it will work great for anyone with a supervga display, otherwise, edit it and uncomment whichever modes you want to use. none of the hotkeys have been changed. FRACTCFG.3 this is a very modified 'fractint.cfg' file. it has no new modes, but has an improved hotkey setup for the video modes. note that .bat files for generating fractals in batch mode assume a particular hotkey is defined as a particular video mode, so you may have to fiddle with your .bat files if you use this file.