To: MAURICE FRANK Refer#: 2619 From: GROVER COX Read: 02-08-93 (22:58) HAS REPLIES Subj: MULTIUSER HANDOUT Status: PUBLIC MESSAGE Conf: FOX (5) Read Type: GENERAL (+) Maurice, I have uploaded my example program and a description of Multi-user commands that I presented at the last meeting. It is in the Fox Conference under the file name: MUDEMO.ZIP. It contains 4 files: MUDEMO.TXT - Text file of multi-user command summary MUDEMO.WRI - Windows Write file of multi-user command summary MUCODE.TXT - Text file of multi-user program example MUCODE.WRI - Windows Write of multi-user program example I wrote it all in Windows Write which allows the bolding of the multi-user commands in the program listing. But since we all don't have/use Windows I also included the same files in text formats. Hope this helps! Sincerely, Grover