After a call to Intel Product Support and their support BBS, I've been able to put together the following information about the 14.4EX and 14.4EXF. Look at the sticker on the bottom of the modem for the Part Number. If your Part Number is PCEM72144, your modem is a 14.4EX and is not FAX capable. Do NOT run the flash PROM update program. If your Part Number is PCEM72144F, your modem may or may not be FAX capable. The model name for your modem is actually 14.4EXF based on the "F" in the Part Number. Run the flash PROM update program as per the instructions. Based on my conversation with a technical support advisor at Intel, most of the 14.4EXF modems in circulation are not FAX capable. A few are, but there is no way of knowing based on Part or Serial Numbers alone. The fact that there are FAX capable 14.4EXF modems in existence was a marketing decision. You can enter the "AT" command below from your communications software to find out your modem's capability. =========================================================================== The following information will aid in telling you if your Intel 14.4EXF is Class 1 FAX capable, and therefore SatisFAXion 400e comaptible. The AT I3 command causes the modem to list its ROM components, including the software revision number. Start your communications software and, from terminal mode, enter the following in either all upper or all lower case - not a combination: AT I3 You modem will return a string of charcters that describes ROM components and software revision numbers. The string below was returned by my 14.4EXF after having run the flash PROM update, and indicates that it is Class 1 FAX capable. U10,U20-28F001BX-5.02 The technical support advisor did not say that there is a range of numbers that would indicate FAX capability, though there may be. While he was helpful and friendly, he wasn't offering any more information than he had to. CAVEAT: Intel will honor the warrantee on the 14.4EXF modem as a data modem only. If you return your modem to Intel for service or replacement, there is no guarantee that you will get the same unit back. There is no guarantee that if you send them a FAX/modem for repair, you get a FAX/modem in return. User's Guides and software for the SatisFAXion 400e can be ordered from Intel using the following Order Numbers and phone number: FA - SatisFAXion 400e book JL - Software on 5¬" disks JK - Software on 3«" disks Call 503-222-5373 The price that he quoted was $30.00 for the book and one set of disks. Note that the software provides send FAX capability only - not receive FAX. The required FAX device driver TSR is included. =========================================================================== If you have further questions regarding your modem, please call Intel Product Support at 503-629-7000. =========================================================================== Ken Baker 03/09/93