Pressing F2 Will Present a Picklist of Recipes Yield 2 Extended Yield b- Perform Cost DCalculations - View Original CRecipe Costs - View Costs for Yield 1 - View Costs for Yield 2 - Return to Previous Menu Extended Yields: These are the amounts that the recipes will Be converted to. K- Add/Delete/Change ?Inventory Items and =Prices - Calculate Invnetory =Costs -- Return to Previous Menu - Add Delete Inventory Items - Add Delete Convert Recipes - Calculates Costs - Performs File Functions - Return to DOS Prompt Press Enter to Return to Program This Menu is Designed to Assist you in the off chance that some calculations are incorrect. These programs will clear some work fields in the program allowing you to run the processing programs as if from the start. The rebuild function will clean up deleted records and rebuild all file keys. p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 Raw Cost: These Displays will show you the cost of the recipe and calculate the single serving cost. F2 : Will Present a recipe selection Menu ESC: Will Exit this Screen p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 - Add/Change/Delete ?Portions to Prepare - Add/Change/Delete Recipes - Convert Recipes - View Converted Recipes - Return to Previous Menu p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 p;{33 CONVERT COST EXT_YIEL INVENTOR0 MAIN PROG RAW RECIPE TEMP