ProfitMasterTM ORDER FORM: PRICES SHOWN ARE SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES, WHICH ARE TYPICALLY 50% OF REGULAR PRICES. THESE SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES MAY BE WITHDRAWN OR INCREASED IN THE FUTURE WITHOUT NOTICE. (In any event, these prices are subject to future change without notice) Please Indicate Diskette Size Desired: 5.25" 3.5" COMMERCIAL VERSIONS: ProfitMaster with forecasts on 800 Optionable Stocks, $24 _______ ProfitMaster with forecasts on 3,000 NYSE+AMEX Stocks, $29 _______ ProfitMaster with forecasts on 3,000 OTC Stocks, $29 _______ ProfitMaster with forecasts on 6,000 NYSE+OTC+AMEX Stocks, $49 _______ Add the above choices and enter Sub-Total here: SUB-TOTAL _______ (Above are price/issue, if you wish to subscribe to multiple issues, multiply the sub-total with the number of issues, and enter the TOTAL here) Number of Issues ________ TOTAL _______ DEDUCT DOCUMENTED CREDITS EARNED FOR DISTRIBUTING FREE SAMPE ISSUES of ProfitMaster (Detailed documentation must accompany order to receive credit, see accompanying FREE!!.TXT) _______ Subtract Credits from TOTAL above and enter TAXABLE Amount: _______ CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS, ADD 8.25% SALES TAX on Taxable Amount . . _______ (credit may not be applied to sales tax) ADD $6/issue FOR SHIPPING & HANDLING, $12/issue FOR OVERSEAS ORDERS (Multiply per issue S&H by Number of Issues and enter the amount here. Credit may not be applied to shipping and handling, which must be remitted with Order, or it will not be processed) TOTAL SHIPPING & HANDLING Enclosed . . . . . . _______ TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED (Add the last three items, i.e. TAXABLE Amount, SALES TAX (if applicable) plus TOTAL SHIPPING & HANDLING, and enter the sum here) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _______ (PLEASE ALLOW 4 TO 6 WEEKS FOR DELIVERY WITHIN USA TO BEGIN; 6 TO 8 WEEKS ELSEWHERE) YOUR NAME: _________________________________PHONE:_____________________ STREET ADDRESS:________________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP:______________________________________________________ COUNTRY:____________________________ VISA/MasterCard #:_________________________________Exp. Date:__________ Send Payment with Order, payable to "ITC", to: UPLOAD CREDITS PROGRAM, P.O. Box 60842, Sunnyvale, CA 94088-0842, U.S.A. Phone: 408-773-8715 (For faster service on VISA/MasterCard Orders, call 408-773-8715 direct)