Welcome to the world of high stock market profits with advance forecasts of future price movement in direction, percentage, magnitude, target and time to reach target. To install this program, first create a subdirectory on your hard disk. We suggest you use a simple name for the directory, e.g. $. Then copy the entire content of the distribution disk to that directory. Then type "GO" to extract all the files. Just before file extraction, you will be asked whether you want to: PROCEED TO EXTRACT ALL FILES? [Y/N]. Answer "Y" if you have followed the above instructions, otherwise answer "N" to get out of the program and carry out the missing steps. Then type "GO" again once you are ready. Once you have extracted all files, you are ready to use the forecasts. Simply type "!#OTC" to run forecasts for the OTC stocks, and "!#A&N" to run forecasts for the AMEX and NYSE stocks. That's all there is to it! Wishing you high exponential profits! TIPS: The forecasts indicate the short-term equilibrium prices. Barring unexpected intervening factors, prices will tend toward equilibrium. It is advantageous to buy near a previous support area and sell or sell short near a previous resistance area. Accordingly, a price chart will prove highly useful for initial screening and assessment of entry and exit points. If you decide to go short, it is important to protect your short position with cheap, short-term, at- or slightly-out-of-the-money calls. Avoid unprotected short positions. If a stock is not optionable, use protective stops for your short positions. Ideally, a long position should have forecasts with increasingly positive percentages, amounts of movement and price targets. A good example is AMGN (Amgen) when it fell below $33 in early March, 1993. Similarly, a short position ideally would have increasingly negative percentages, amounts of movement and price targets. A good example would be BS (Bethlehem Steel) in March, 1993. Where a stock is optionable, the forecasts will give a very good indication on what options to write (for sellers) with low probability of exercise. On the other hand, the buyers of options and those who do option spreads will be able to ascertain the range of price movement and avoid being long on unrealizable exercise prices while avoid be short on realizable exercise prices. This will greatly increase the profitability of any options strategy. Stocks in an industry typically go up and down with some togetherness. Therefore, one increases one's chances for profit while reduces one's risk if related stocks in the same industry are generally bullish (for long position) or generally bearish (for short position). ProfitMaster readily lends itself to such industry analysis. All you need are the ticker symbols. Additionally, it shall be found that important price tops and bottoms for gold stocks correlate well with price tops and bottoms for spot gold. The same observation may be made for oil companies's stocks in relationship to the price of spot crude. There are many other innovative and novel ways of using and benefiting from ProfitMaster. Drop us a note and share your ideas with us, as we share ours with you here. FINALLY: To be totally successful in the stock market, one must combine both timing with strategy, and applied sound money management techniques. These latter important topics are beyond the scope of this brief README.TXT