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                            25.2 DESQview

     FrontDoor will request a virtual screen buffer from DV and write
     to it. The result is very fast and very well behaved screen
     writes. Here are the settings I use with DESQview (2.2x / 2.3x):

         Keys to Use on Open Menu            FD
         Memory Size (in K)                  250


         Writes text directly to screen      N
         Displays graphics information       N
         Virtualize text/graphics (Y,N,T)    N
         Uses serial ports (Y,N,1,2)         2
         Requires floppy diskette            N

         Advanced Options:

         System Memory (in K)                0
         Maximum Program Memory Size (in K)  <empty>
         Script Buffer Size                  0
         Maximum Expanded Memory Size (in K) 0

         Text Pages                          1
         Graphics Pages                      0
         Initial Mode                        <empty>
         Interrupts                          00 to FF
         Maximum Height                      25
         Starting Height                     25
         Starting Row                        1
         Maximum Width                       80
         Starting Width                      80
         Starting Column                     1

         Close on exit (Y,N,blank)           N
         Uses its own colors                 Y
         Allow Close Window command          Y
         Runs in background (Y,N,blank)      Y
         Uses math coprocessor               N
         Keyboard conflict (0-4)             0
         Share CPU when foreground           Y
         Share EGA when foreground/zoomed    Y
         Can be swapped out (Y,N,blank)      N
         Protection level (0-3)              0

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson