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                   21 Global command line switches

 Support for these switches is included in all programs in FrontDoor,
 except where otherwise stated. All command line parameters must be
 preceded by either a forward slash (/) or a dash (-). Command line
 parameters are case insensitive (case does not matter) except where
 otherwise stated.

 Switch      Programs    Description
 C           FDSETUP     Forces color mode

 M           FDSETUP     Forces monochrome mode

 NORES       All         Disables use of internal (and undocumented)
                         DOS pathname resolution calls. This is
                         required under PC-MOS/386 and some LAN

 NOCOMMIT    All         Disables use of DOS 3.3 commit() call.

 NOSHADOW    All         Disables window shadows.

 NOMULD      All         Prevents FrontDoor from attempting to detect
                         a multi-tasking environment, such as DESQview
                         and PC-MOS/386.

 NOEKBD      All         Prevents FrontDoor from using extended (AT-
                         style) keyboard BIOS calls.

 NOISCR      FM          Forces FM to treat a SoftCR (ASCII 141)
                         character as any other printable character.
                         The default for FM is to strip these when
                         reading and writing message from/to disk.

 INTL        FM          Forces FM to always insert the TL kludge
                         line in newly created NetMail messages. FM
                         will, by default, only insert INTL
                         information if the destination system of the
                         message is located in a different zone than
                         that of the originating address (your) used
                         to create the message, or when a different
                         originating address than your primary AKA is

 NOEMS       FD, FM      Disables use of LIM/EMS memory for overlay
                         file buffers. This switch does not affect
                         whether or not FD and FM use EMS/XMS memory
                         when (if) swapping.

 NOLOCK      FM          Disables Hudson Message Base locking support
                         in FM. Do not use this unless absolutely

 NODASH      FD          Forces FD to strip dash (-) characters from
                         telephone numbers before sending them to the
                         modem. This does not affect how telephone
                         numbers are displayed on screen or logged to

 NOUNPACK    FD          Forces FD to ignore received mail packets
                         (files with .PKT extension). This assumes
                         that you have an external utility to unpack
                         NetMail packets. Do not use this unless you
                         absolutely need it.

 NOMDM       FD          Forces FD to ignore information listed in

 NOSLO       FD          Disables support for the Overdrive protocol
                         option (SLO) in SEAlink. SLO is by default
                         only active during error free connections
                         (/ARQ, /MNP, /LAPM, etc.) and for link speeds
                         above 2400 BPS.

 NODZA       FD          Disables support for the DirectZAP Zmodem
                         protocol (DZA) variant used between some EMSI
                         capable mailers such as FrontDoor and
                         D'Bridge. DZA is only used during EMSI mail
                         sessions that have not been negotiated via a
                         script file.

 NOZAP       FD          Disables support for the Zmodem protocol
                         during mail sessions negotiated using the
                         FTS-6 (YooHoo) session protocol. This
                         effectively means that FD will only establish
                         FTS-6 sessions using the DietIFNA protocol
                         option. This does not affect sessions
                         negotiated using EMSI.

 NOYOOHOO    FD          Disables support for the FTS-6 (YooHoo)
                         session protocol. This means that FD will
                         only support FTS-1 and EMSI sessions, unless
                         otherwise restricted.

 NOFTSC1     FD          Disables support for the FTS-1 session
                         protocol, effectively making FD non-FidoNet
                         compliant. This means that FD will only
                         support FTS-6 and EMSI sessions, unless
                         otherwise restricted.

                         --- Public (listed as non-PVT in the FidoNet
                         nodelist) FidoNet systems should use this
                         option with CAUTION since by using it, you
                         may be in violation FidoNet policy. ---

 NOEMSI      FD          Disables support for the FSC-0056 (EMSI)
                         session protocol. This means that FD will
                         only support FTS-1 and FTS-6 sessions, unless
                         otherwise restricted.

 RDEBUG      FD          Enables debug output from the mail routing
                         handler in FD. This is quite useful when
                         debugging your ROUTE.FD file.

 X<1..255>   FD          Forces FD to terminate with the specified
                         errorlevel as soon as there is no more
                         outbound calls to make. This is not available
                         in the noncommercial version.

 T           FD          Forces FD into Terminal mode directly from
                         DOS. Once you exit the Terminal, you will be
                         returned to DOS.

 M           FD          Forces FD into Mail mode directly from DOS.
                         This switch was added to allow you to
                         override the Terminal-only setting in

 S           FD          Forces FD to ignore any forced events it may
                         have missed. FD will by default execute all
                         pending external events when it is brought
                         up. This switch is useful if you have
                         performed system maintenance for several
                         hours and do not want FD to execute any
                         overdue forced events.

 L:<pwd>     FD          Locks the keyboard with the specified
                         password directly from DOS. This has the same
                         effect as using the LOCK, <Alt-L>, function
                         from FD's main menu.

 ONLINE      Terminal    Forces the Terminal to not initialize the
                         modem when it is started. This is not
                         available in the noncommercial version.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson