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                            19.3 Using it

     You are sitting in front of your computer at home, working with a
     report or something similar and find that you need some files
     from the office machine.

     Assuming that these files contain information that is very
     sensitive or confidential, and even though you have the option to
     protect your file requests with a password, you may still not
     want to have the files semi-accessible. This is where you can use

     The directories and file names used in this example were thought
     up and does not necessarily match the setup on your machine.

     Create a message addressed to FDSERVER on the node you want to
     call and send it.

         By: joaquim homrighausen, JoHo's Home (2:270/17.1)
         To: fdserver, Advanced Engineering sarl (2:270/17)
         Re: password
         cd      \TEMP
         copy    C:\LOTUS\THA*.SPS

         arj a   THA THA*.SPS
         erase   *.SPS
         copy    THA.ARJ C:\REQUEST\FORNOW
         erase   THA.ARJ

     The server function will read the message and execute each line.
     The next step would be to create a new server request containing
     the following:

         By: joaquim homrighausen, JoHo's Home (2:270/17.1)
         To: fdserver, Advanced Engineering sarl (2:270/17)
         Re: password

         erase   C:\REQUEST\FORNOW\THA.ARJ

     And send it along with a File Request for THA.ARJ. FD will
     process the File Request first, and when the mail session has
     been completed, the newly created server request will be
     processed by FDSERVER.

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