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                            18.7 MNEMONICS

     The following mnemonics may be used to enter control characters
     in the script, both for sending and receiving. They can be used
     with the following commands: SEND, DIAL, PROVOKE, WAITFOR, and

             ASCII    MNEMONIC   :   ASCII      MNEMONIC
               0       <NUL>     :    17         <DC1>
               1       <SOH>     :    18         <DC2>
               2       <STX>     :    19         <DC3>
               3       <ETX>     :    20         <DC4>
               4       <EOT>     :    21         <NAK>
               5       <ENQ>     :    22         <SYN>
               6       <ACK>     :    23         <ETB>
               7       <BEL>     :    24         <CAN>
               8       <BS>      :    25         <EM>
               9       <HT>      :    26         <SUB>
              10       <LF>      :    27         <ESC>
              11       <VT>      :    28         <FS>
              12       <FF>      :    29         <GS>
              13       <CR>      :    30         <RS>
              14       <SO>      :    31         <US>
              15       <SI>      :    32         <SP>
              16       <DLE>     :

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