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18.2 Commands
Sends a series of characters to the modem or the remote system.
Everything following the SEND command on the same line will be
sent. Control characters may be entered using mnemonics, eg.
<CR>. In addition, <CR> (carriage return) may be sent by using
the pipe (|) symbol. The string will be sent exactly as entered,
with no case conversion.
Sends NUMBER, preceded by the dial command specified in FDSETUP's
modem section. Control characters may be entered in the same
manner as with the SEND command.
Sets the communications port to the specified parameters. BAUD
can be any value supported by the hardware between 300 and 9600
baud. At no time will the baud rate be set to a higher value than
the highest supported speed of the destination system, or the
baud rate of the outbound node in a PC Pursuit script. DATABITS
is 7 or 8. STOPBITS is 1 or 2. PARITY is NONE, ODD or EVEN. In
addition, a value of -1 means that the previous setting for that
parameter should be retained.
Keeps sending STRING with an interval of one second, until any
character is received from the remote system, or until a timeout
occurs (see TIMERSET), or until interrupted by the user. Control
characters may be entered in the same manner as with the SEND
Sets the timer for fatal timeouts while waiting to receive
something from the remote system. The default is 120 seconds (two
minutes). The maximum value is 300 seconds (five minutes), and
the minimum is 0.
Sets debug mode on or off. In debug mode, all characters received
while waiting for one or more strings will be displayed. When you
are not using debug mode, only the string that matched a pattern
will be displayed. Similarly, in debug mode all strings sent to
the modem/remote system will be displayed, whereas FD will only
say "Sending string" when not using debug mode. It is recommended
that you enable debug mode while developing and testing a script.
Makes the script wait for SECONDS seconds before continuing.
Forces the script function to wait for one or more specified stri
ngs or until a timeout occurs (see TIMERSET). Each string must be
separated with a pipe (|) character. Control characters may be
entered in the same manner as with the SEND command. Of the
specified strings, only the first will signify success, the other
strings will immediately terminate the script with failed status.
The string comparison is case sensitive, and requires an exact
Starts and ends a CASE statement, respectively. CASE is a more
flexible variety of WAITFOR. Each line after CASE must start with
a string that the script should wait for, followed by a colon and
one or more script commands, or a label jump directive (see
If the string consists of more than one word, it must specified
between quote characters ("). The CASE statement is ended with
the command ENDCASE on a separate line.
When a matching string has been received from the modem or the
remote system, the command on the same line will be executed. If
the command consists of a label jump instruction, the script will
continue from the specified label position. If it is one or more
script commands, they will be executed, and the script will
continue from the line following the ENDCASE statement, unless
the command terminates the script (see SESSION and FAIL).
The string comparison is case sensitive, and requires an exact
match. A short example follows.
CASE ; Comments:
CONNECT : session ; connect
BUSY : >redial
"NO CARRIER": >redial
VOICE : fail
@NOCARRIER : fail ; carrier lost
@DEFAULT : fail ; timeout
@NOCARRIER Tests the presence of carrier in a CASE
@DEFAULT May be used to specify a default course of action
if a timeout occurs in a CASE statement.
Terminates the script with success status, leading to a mail
session. It is NOT necessary to have a SESSION command in script
files used to connect to another system in the Terminal. The
SESSION command is only used to establish mail sessions.
Terminates the script with failed status. No mail session will be
Purges the inbound buffer, getting rid of any pending characters.
Purges the outbound buffer, getting rid of any pending
Provides a means of incrementing and checking a predefined retry
count variable. If the retry count exceeds RETRIES, the script is
terminated with failed status, otherwise the count is incremented
with 1. The retry count does not include the first attempt.
Clears the predefined retry count variable, resetting it to 0.
Commands following on the same line will only be executed if the
max baudrate for the session is 1200/2400. The maximum baudrate
for a session is calculated as the maximum baudrate supported by
the remote system, by the outbound node (if using PCP), or by
your own modem, whichever is lowest.
Eg. MAX2400 setport 2400 -1 -1 -1
MAX1200 setport 1200 -1 -1 -1
Used to insert the name of an outbound PC Pursuit node in a
string. The contents of @OUTBOUND is undefined if used in any
other script than PCP.SCR.
Eg. send C @OUTBOUND,ABC12345<CR>
Used to insert the local telephone number in a PC Pursuit script.
The contents of @LOCALNUM is undefined if used in any other
script than PCP.SCR.
Terminates a "node block". See NODE BLOCK.
Transmits the files matching FILESPEC to the remote, using the
PROTOCOL transfer protocol (X=Xmodem, T=Telink, S=SEAlink,
Z=Zmodem). FILESPEC may include wild-cards characters for all
protocols. This command is not available in the noncommercial
Eg. upload Z C:\FILES\FD*.LZH
Receives one or more files from the remote, using the PROTOCOL
transfer protocol (X=Xmodem, T=Telink, S=SEAlink, Z=Zmodem). PATH
must be a complete filename for Xmodem transfers and a valid
directory for Zmodem, SEAlink, and Telink transfers. This command
is not available in the noncommercial version.
Eg. download Z C:\INFILES\
Unconditionally terminates a call (if any) from within a script.
Script execution will resume as soon as the carrier (CD) signal
has been lost; the script function lowers DTR to disconnect. This
command is not available in the noncommercial version.
<line to execute>
Executes the command(s) listed on <line to execute> (which is the
line following "IFBAD") if an UPLOAD or DOWNLOAD command failed.
This command is not available in the noncommercial version.
Transmits a short BREAK signal to the modem. This command is not
available in the noncommercial version.
Transmits a long BREAK signal to the modem. This command is not
available in the noncommercial version.
18.3 Labels
A label is used to define a position in the script, so that it
may be used as a jump destination. The label can consist of any
word, starting with a letter from A to Z, except the above script
commands, and must be preceded by a colon.
At the position in the script where you want to execute a jump to
the label, you enter the label name preceded by a greater than
sign (>).
Eg. ..
CONNECT : session
BUSY : >redial
@default : fail
18.4 Node block
A node block is a special type of label. It starts with a node
number preceded by a colon. All commands from the first line to
the ENDNODE statement, that ends the node block, will only be
executed if you are currently calling the specified node.
Eg. ..
:270/17 ; start of node block
send ATZ<CR>
ENDNODE ; end of node block
18.5 PC Pursuit
You can use a generic script for calling all "PC Pursuitable"
nodes, taking advantage of the specific PCP commands @OUTBOUND
and @LOCALNUM. This requires that the script file is named
PCP.SCR and is placed in the SYSTEM directory. You must also
compile the nodelist with the file PCP.DAT, containing a list of
all "PC Pursuitable" exchanges, present in the NODELIST
If you have followed these steps, the PCP script file will be
used automatically when FrontDoor finds that a node is "PC
Pursuitable". You will probably wish to prevent FrontDoor from
using the PCP script in the daytime on weekdays. A special route
command, NO-SCRIPT, exists specifically for this purpose. For
further information, see Mail routing.
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Written by Dave Pearson