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                      10.1.3 Session <Alt-S>

         Capture     Allows you to capture characters, as they appear
                     on the screen, to a disk file, or logging it to a
                     printer. Since the Terminal filters out NUL
                     characters (ASCII 0), they will never appear in a
                     capture file.

                     Other characters and control sequences may not
                     appear either, depending on what terminal
                     emulation protocol is active at the time.

         Conversation (chat)
                     The conversation mode function splits the screen
                     in half, creating two windows or sections on the
                     screen. Data received from the remote system will
                     be displayed in the top section, while the
                     characters you type will be displayed in the
                     bottom section.

         Dial        Allows you to dial a system in the nodelist. This
                     function is disabled if no nodelist files are
                     detected when the Terminal/FD is started. Note
                     that you cannot queue numbers in the nodelist.

         Manual dial
                     Allows you to enter a number manually, which will
                     then be dialed until you press the <Esc> key or a
                     connection has been made. Note that you cannot
                     queue manually entered numbers.

         Disconnect  Disconnects the current call and displays the
                     elapsed time.

         Phone directory
                     Brings up the phone directory manager.

         Reset timer
                     Resets the on-line timer. The timer is
                     automatically reset when a new connection is

         Scroll back buffer
                     Allows you to view data that has scrolled off the

         Send BREAK  Sends a (short) BREAK signal to the modem.
                     Consult the documentation for your modem
                     regarding BREAK signals. This is often used to
                     terminate inquiries to commercial on-line
                     systems, etc. but can be treated differently by
                     your modem.

         Clear screen
                     Clears the screen and moves the cursor to the
                     upper left-hand corner.

         Initialize modem
                     Transmits the Init-1..Init-3 modem strings as
                     configured in FDSETUP under Modem > Command
                     strings, followed by the Init string defined
                     under Terminal > Miscellaneous, to attempt to
                     initialize the modem.

                     This is not available in the noncommercial

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson