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                    9.5 Other keys in edit mode

     <Down>          Moves the cursor.

     <Ctrl-Left>     Places the cursor at the beginning of the word to
                     the left of the cursor.

     <Ctrl-Right>    Places the cursor at the beginning of the word to
                     the right of the cursor.

     <Home>          Moves to the beginning of the current line. If
                     the cursor is already at the beginning of the
                     line, it will be moved to the top of the text

     <End>           Moves to the end of the current line. If the
                     cursor is already at the end of the line, it will
                     be moved to the bottom of the text window.

     <PgDn>          Scrolls one page up/down.

     <Ctrl-Down>     Scrolls one line up/down without moving the
                     cursor. This option is only available for systems
                     with 101/102 key (extended) keyboards.

     <Ctrl-PgDn>     Moves to the beginning/end of the message.

     <Tab>           Expands to four spaces (or to the next TAB

     (Backtab)       The opposite of Tab. Moves the cursor four spaces
                     back (or to the previous Tab column). If the
                     cursor is already at the beginning of the line,
                     no action is taken.

     <Ins>           Toggles insert mode on/off.

     <Del>           Deletes character under cursor and scrolls the
                     rest of the line left without moving the cursor.

     <Backspace>     Deletes character to the left of cursor and
                     scrolls the rest of the line left, moving the
                     cursor one step.

     <Ctrl-End>      Deletes from the cursor to end of line.

     <Ctrl-Y>        Deletes the entire line.

     <Ctrl-U>        Changes the case of the current line. Uppercase
                     characters are converted to lowercase characters
                     and vice versa.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson