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                          4.4.5 Terminal

             Init        An additional modem initialization string,
                         sent to the modem as soon as the Terminal is
                         started. If you start the Terminal directly
                         from DOS (FD /T) or have set the
                         Terminal-only option in FDSETUP, the Mailer's
                         initialization strings are first sent to the

             Download    Default download path. Files that you receive
                         (download) during a Terminal session will by
                         default end up here.

             Upload      Default upload path.

             Editor      Allows you to install an Editor or file
                         listing program and invoke it from the
                         Terminal. The Terminal will prompt your for
                         optional parameters, such as filenames, etc.
                         This can also be used to invoke external
                         protocols or external protocol menu programs.

             Protocol    Zmodem, Telink, or Xmodem. Defines the
                         default transfer protocol to use for file
                         transfers in the Terminal. While SEAlink is
                         an available protocol in the Terminal, it
                         cannot be set as the default protocol in

             Emulation   ANSI, TTY, VT100 or VT52. Defines the default
                         Terminal emulation protocol to use in the
                         Terminal. Note that the Terminal's ANSI
                         protocol supports the AVATAR (AVT/0)
                         emulation protocol.

             Avatar      Allows you to disable the support for AVATAR
                         sequences in ANSI emulation. This can be
                         toggled from within the Terminal.

             Buffer      The size, in KB, of the scroll-back buffer.

             Connect noise
                         Whether or not the Terminal should make noise
                         when a connection has been established.

             Transfer noise
                         Whether or not the Terminal should make noise
                         after file transfers.

             Use tables  Whether or not the Terminal translation
                         tables should be active by default. See
                         Editor.Xlat In for a detailed explanation of
                         translation tables.

             Auto Zmodem
                         Whether or not the automatic Zmodem download
                         (receive) function should be enabled by

             Local echo  Whether or not the Terminal should echo typed
                         characters to your screen by default.

             Wrap around
                         Whether or not the Terminal should move the
                         cursor to the beginning of a new line when it
                         reaches the end of the previous line.

             Delay       Number of seconds to wait between outgoing
                         calls if the number you dialed was busy or
                         did not answer. If there is more than one
                         entry in the dial queue, the delay is ignored
                         and the Terminal proceeds to the next number
                         in the queue.

             Logging     Allows you to enable logging of file
                         transfers, dialed numbers, and time spent on-
                         line to systems. Similar to the Mailer's (FD)
                         log output.

                         This is not available in the noncommercial
                 Screen size
                     25  25 line mode.

                         43/50 line mode. Only available for systems
                         with EGA and VGA cards.

                         Specifies that the Terminal should attempt to
                         automatically adapt to whatever the current
                         screen size is when it is are started. This
                         also means that the Terminal will not attempt
                         to reset the screen mode when it is

                         Allows you to specify computer register
                         values to send to the INT 10h (Video BIOS) to
                         set and reset the screen.

                         This is not available in the noncommercial

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