Article 4647 of alt.politics.clinton: Xref: bilver alt.politics.clinton:4647 soc.culture.jewish:25548 Path: bilver!tous!tarpit!fang!att!att!linac!!!!!u45301 Newsgroups: alt.politics.clinton,soc.culture.jewish Subject: CLINTON SPEECH TEXT: RABIN MEETING Supersedes: <> Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago Date: Sunday, 23 Aug 1992 04:25:12 CDT From: Mary Jacobs Message-ID: <> Lines: 48 SEND COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INFORMATION TO THE CLINTON/GORE CAMPAIGN AT 75300.3115@COMPUSERVE.COM (This information is posted for public education purposes. It does not necessarily represent the views of The University.) ======================================================================== Statement by Governor Bill Clinton on meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin August 12, 1992 I am pleased to have the opportunity to meet today with Israel's new Prime Minister, Yitzhak Rabin. His warm welcome in the United States is a tribute to his dedication to the values our two nations share and to the importance of our relationship both to Americans and Israelis. This meeting provided us the chance to discuss a variety of issues of concern to both our countries, and to emphasize the critical need to move forward in several key areas. I support the agreement on loan guarantees for Israel reached yesterday and urge the Congress to move expeditiously to grant this long overdue humanitarian assistance. The right of Soviet Jews to emigrate is one that we have embraced as a nation for many years. We now have a responsibility to assist Israel to absorb successfully these talented individuals, who are making a remarkable contribution to Israeli society. We also discussed the current peace negotiations in the region. I commend Prime Minister Rabin for his determination to achieve significant progress. I expressed to him my strong personal commitment to support the peace process. The end of the Cold War and the recent elections in Israel offer a promising opportunity for progress toward a lasting peace in the Middle East. American leadership and sustained involvement will be crucial to achieving that goal, and I pledge to build on that progress as President. We discussed other areas of continuing cooperation, including reining in the dangerous spread of weapons of mass destruction, promoting democracy in the region and enhancing the strategic, technical and economic cooperation between the U.S. and Israel. As the war with Iraq brutally demonstrated, Israel continues to be at risk in the region and needs our unwavering support. If elected, I look forward to working with Prime Minister Rabin to advance these goals. We stand together today with hope that a new dawn of peace is rising for Israel and the region. It is an opportunity that, together, the United States, Israel and the Arab world cannot afford to miss.