Article 4426 of alt.politics.clinton: Path: bilver!tous!peora!masscomp!!rpi!!!!u45301 Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago Date: Monday, 17 Aug 1992 22:48:16 CDT From: Mary Jacobs Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: alt.politics.clinton Subject: CLINTON TEXT: RODNEY KING VERDICT REMARKS Lines: 39 SEND COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INFORMATION TO THE CLINTON/GORE CAMPAIGN AT 75300.3115@COMPUSERVE.COM (This information is posted for public education purposes. It does not necessarily represent the views of The University.) ======================================================================== Clinton for President Statement by Governor Bill Clinton April 29, 1992 As a rule, I don't think it's proper to second-guess the verdict of a jury of American citizens. I didn't see all the evidence, but I did see the videotape, and it sickened me, and it makes me wonder whether this is a just verdict. I was surprised and concerned by this verdict. But the jury has spoken -- nothing can change that. What matters now is what America says, and America tonight must speak out against hatred and violence and cruelty. America tonight must speak out for tolerance and justice and mutual respect for all of the victims of all of the crimes in our society. In a time of pain and injustice, America must come together, or we will surely come apart. We can only hope that out of this pain some good will come. Already we have seen excellent report of the Christopher Commission and the appointment of a new police chief in Los Angeles. The laws must be reviewed to determine if they are adequate. And we must all work and pray so that no new violence is born from what has already happened. It is indeed a tragedy how much our country has come to accept violence as the rule of the day. We must heal the wounds, bridge the divisions of fear and hatred and mutual distrust. We must all search our hearts for compassion, and search our national character for a new commitment to justice.