Article 4767 of alt.politics.clinton: Path: bilver!tous!peora!masscomp!!rpi!!!!u45301 Organization: University of Illinois at Chicago Date: Wednesday, 19 Aug 1992 05:54:44 CDT From: Mary Jacobs Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: alt.politics.clinton Subject: CLINTON TEXT: HAITIAN REFUGEES Lines: 31 SEND COMMENTS AND QUESTIONS REGARDING THIS INFORMATION TO THE CLINTON/GORE CAMPAIGN AT 75300.3115@COMPUSERVE.COM (This information is posted for public education purposes. It does not necessarily represent the views of The University.) ======================================================================== Clinton for President Statement by Governor Bill Clinton on Haitian Refugees I am appalled by the decision of the Bush administration to pick up fleeing Haitians on the high seas and forcibly return them to Haiti before considering their claim to political asylum. It was bad enough when there were failures to offer them due process in making such a claim. Now they are offered no process at all before being returned. This policy must not stand. It is a blow to the principle of first asylum and to America's moral authority in defending the rights of refugees around the world. This most recent policy shift is another sad example of the Administration's callous response to a terrible human tragedy. This problem will not be resolved until Washington addresses more firmly and coherently the question of restoring democracy to Haiti. The military regime must be made to understand that it cannot successfully oppose the restoration of democracy simply by waiting. I urge the Administration to redouble its efforts, with the OAS, to tighten the embargo and to insist that our European allies observe it, particularly with regard to oil. As I have said before, if I were President, I would -- in the absence of clear and compelling evidence that they weren't political refugees -- give them temporary asylum until we restored the elected government of Haiti.