IRREGULAR CHANNEL IRRCHANL DOCUMENTATION: Irregular channel program written in house using Manning's equation. The cross section may have up to 21 points. Coordinates are entered in order from left to right. The X coordinate must always increase from left to right. With each set of X and Y coordinates the value of manning's "n" between this and the previous set of coordinates is entered. The value of "n" entered with the first set of coordinates is a dummy and is not used in the calculations. Each point can have a different manning's "n" value. The machine will ask for the "n" value of the main channel so that the output can be separated into the areas left of main channel, main channel and right of main channel. Initial and final depths which you enter must be based on the same datum as the Y coordinates. The limits on Y are +/- 9999.9. The number of output stages available is 20. The average velocity is the summation of Q times V for all "n" regions divided by total Q. The mean velocity is simply total discharge divided by total area. The program also has the capability of storing x-sections on diskette for future use. You also have several ways of modifying the x-section. You can alter manning's "n" either one point at a time or by increasing or decreasing each of the three sections (left, main, and right) by a given percent. You can also redefine the x-section by making the overbank narrower. If the resultant x-section produced by this narrowing operation contains more than 21 points, an error message is printed and you have the option of trying again. PLACE HYDRAULICS DISK IN DRIVE "A" AND DATA DISK IN DRIVE "B" 1. IS X-SECTION ON DISKETTE 0=YES 1=NO If X-section has been stored previously then answer yes. When just beginning, then the answer is no. If no: 2. ENTER NO. OF PTS. ON X-SECTION? Input total number of coordinates of x,y,n. Maximum 21 sets of points. The P.C. will keep track of number, therefore, helping with input. 3. ENTER NO. 1 x, y, "n" Input first coordinate separated by commas. For example, 110, 950, 0.1 (110 is the x distance, 950 is the elevation, and 0.1 is the manning's "n"). The manning's "n" for the first coordinate is a dummy. The value of "n" between 1st coordinate and 2nd coordinate is defined by the value of "n" in the 2nd coordinate, etc. This question will appear until all specified coordinates are keyed in. P.C.'s OUTPUT POINT NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X: 110 185 320 380 395 420 440 575 650 Y: 950.0 945.0 942.0 940.0 932.0 933.0 941.0 940.0 951.0 N: 0.0000 0.0900 0.0600 0.0600 0.0350 0.0350 0.0350 0.0500 .082 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 4. IS DATA CORRECT? YES=0 NO=1 If no: a. ENTER NO. OF POINT IN ERROR? In the example - say the point #6, the elev. should be 931 instead of 933, therefore, input 6 and press RETURN key. b. ENTER NO. 6 x, y, "n"? In example, input 420,931, 0.035 P.C.'s OUTPUT POINT #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X: 110 185 320 380 395 420 440 575 650 Y: 950.0 945.0 942.0 940.0 932.0 931.0 941.0 940.0 951.0 N: 0.0000 0.0900 0.0600 0.0600 0.03500 0.0350 0.0350 0.0500 0.0800 5. IS DATA CORRECT? YES=0 NO=1 6. ENTER MAIN CHANNEL "N"? In example, input 0.035 This will separate the values for the left overbank, the right overbank and the main channel. 7. ENTER INITIAL STAGE ELEVATION? Program is looking for the lowest desired elevation to begin the stage vs. discharge calculations. In example, input 937. 8. ENTER FINAL STAGE ELEVATION? Looking for the highest desired elevation to end the stage vs. discharge calculations. In example, input 939. 9. ENTER ELEVATION INCREMENT? The program is asking for a desired increment for the purpose of calculating stages between the initial and the final elevations. A large enough increment should be chosen so that no more than 20 stages are generated. If increment chosen will generate more than 20 stages, P.C. will give appropriate message and will ask for increment again. a. THE NUMBER OF STAGES WILL EXCEED 20 b. ENTER MAIN CHANNEL "N"? c. ENTER INITIAL STAGE ELEVATION? d. ENTER FINAL ELEVATION? e. ENTER ELEVATION INCREMENT? P.C.'s OUTPUT "N" FOR MAIN CHANNEL = 0.0350 =STAGE= =====AREA (SQ FT)===== =WETTED PER (FT)== ===HYD RAD=== FEET LEFT MAIN RIGHT TOTAL LT MAIN RT TOT LT MAIN RT 937.00 0 197 0 197 0 49 0 49 0.0 4.0 0.0 938.00 0 245 0 245 0 53 0 53 0.0 4.6 0.0 939.00 0 297 0 297 0 58 0 58 0.0 5.1 0.0 10. ENTER SLOPE? (ft/ft) In example, 0.0005 P.C.'s OUTPUT =STAGE= ========VELOCITY (FT/SEC)======= ======DISCHARGE (CFS)====== FEET LEFT MAIN RIGHT AVE MEAN LEFT MAIN RIGHT TOTAL 937.00 0.00 2.40 0.00 2.40 2.40 0 474 0 474 938.00 0.00 2.63 0.00 2.63 2.63 0 645 0 645 939.00 0.00 2.84 0.00 2.84 2.84 0 844 0 844 ________________________________________________________________________ 11. CHANGE "N" 0% 1=NO 2=POINT? Gives opportunity to change Manning's "n" by percent or point by point. If by percent: (input 0) a. % CHANGE IN LEFT "N" (+,-,0)? The program is looking for a positive or a negative percent change in left overbank. Zero (0) indicates no change. In example say -10% (input -10). b. % CHANGE IN MAIN "N" (+,-,0)? The program is looking for percent change in main channel "n" In example, input 0 c. % CHANGE IN RIGHT "N" The program is looking for percent change in right overbank "n" In example, input 15 (meaning 15 percent) P.C.'s OUTPUT POINT #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X: 110 185 320 380 395 420 440 575 650 Y: 950.0 945.0 942.0 940.0 932.0 931.0 941.0 940.0 951.0 N: 0.0000 0.0810 0.0540 0.5400 0.03500 0.0350 0.0350 0.0575 0.0920 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SLOPE = 0.0005000 13. IS DATA CORRECT? YES=0 NO=1 Gives opportunity to change anything else about the x-sec. 14. ENTER MAIN CHANNEL "N"? The main channel "n" could have been changed previously. In example, input 0.035 P.C.'s OUTPUT 'N' FOR MAIN CHANNEL = 0.0350 15. ENTER INITIAL STAGE ELEVATION? If desired, can change to different elevation than previously used. In example, input 937 16. ENTER FINAL ELEVATION? In example, input 939 17. ENTER ELEVATION INCREMENT? In example, input 1 P.C.'s OUTPUT 'N' FOR MAIN CHANNEL = 0.0350 =STAGE= =====AREA (SQ FT)===== =WETTED PER (FT)== ===HYD RAD=== FEET LEFT MAIN RIGHT TOTAL LT MAIN RT TOT LT MAIN RT 937.00 0 197 0 197 0 49 0 49 0.0 4.0 0.0 938.00 0 245 0 245 0 53 0 53 0.0 4.6 0.0 939.00 0 297 0 297 0 58 0 58 0.0 5.1 0.0 SLOPE = 0.000500 =STAGE= ========VELOCITY (FT/SEC)======= ======DISCHARGE (CFS)====== FEET LEFT MAIN RIGHT AVE MEAN LEFT MAIN RIGHT TOTAL 937.00 0.00 2.40 0.00 2.40 2.40 0 474 0 474 938.00 0.00 2.63 0.00 2.63 2.63 0 645 0 645 939.00 0.00 2.84 0.00 2.84 2.84 0 844 0 844 ________________________________________________________________________ 18. CHANGE 'N' 0=% 1=NO 2=POINT This question is looped until completely satisfied with the manning's "n" and, therefore, the stage vs. discharge results. If no: 19. NEW SLOPE? YES=0 NO=1 (in ft./ft.) Gives opportunity to vary the slope. In example, input 0. 20. ENTER SLOPE? (in ft./ft.) In example, input 0.0007 P.C.'s OUTPUT SLOPE = 0.000700 =STAGE= ========VELOCITY (FT/SEC)======= ======DISCHARGE (CFS)====== FEET LEFT MAIN RIGHT AVE MEAN LEFT MAIN RIGHT TOTAL 937.00 0.00 2.84 0.00 2.84 2.84 0 560 0 560 938.00 0.00 3.11 0.00 3.11 3.11 0 762 0 762 939.00 0.00 3.36 0.00 3.36 3.36 0 997 0 997 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 21. CHANGE 'N' 0=% 1=NO 2=POINT? Opportunity to change manning's "n" In example, input 1 22. NEW SLOPE? YES=0 NO=1 Opportunity to change slope, etc. In example, input 1 23. NEW CALC. INTERVAL? YES=0 NO=1 Gives opportunity to make interval smaller and the range of stages closer to the design, overtopping, Q100 discharges. It is recommended that 0.1 be used as the final increment for the purpose of designing bridge structure opening. In example, input 0. If yes: (input 0) a. ENTER INITIAL STAGE ELEVATION? Should be set just low enough to provide stages for desired discharges (Design, overtopping, or other). In example, input 944.6 b. ENTER FINAL STAGE ELEVATION? In example, input 944.8 (It is assumed that design discharge is 4500 cfs and Q100 is 5500 cfs). c. ENTER ELEVATION INCREMENT? In example, input 0.1 P.C.'s OUTPUT =STAGE= =====AREA (SQ FT)===== =WETTED PER (FT)== ===HYD RAD=== FEET LEFT MAIN RIGHT TOTAL LT MAIN RT TOT LT MAIN RT 944.60 368 629 626 1622 177 64 167 408 2.1 9.8 3.8 944.70 386 635 642 1663 182 64 167 413 2.1 9.9 3.8 944.80 404 641 659 1704 186 64 168 419 2.2 9.9 3.8 SLOPE = 0.000700 =STAGE= ========VELOCITY (FT/SEC)======= ======DISCHARGE (CFS)====== FEET LEFT MAIN RIGHT AVE MEAN LEFT MAIN RIGHT TOTAL 944.60 1.78 5.14 1.70 4.01 2.98 576 3236 1026 4839 944.70 1.81 5.18 1.73 4.02 2.99 611 3288 1068 4967 944.80 1.83 5.21 1.76 4.03 2.99 647 3340 1114 5100 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ d. CHANGE "N" 0=% 1=NO 2=POINT In example, input 1 e. NEW SLOPE? YES=0 NO=1 f. NEW CALC. INTERVAL? YES=0 NO=1? In example, input 1 24. NARROWER OVERBANK 0=YES 1=NO Provides opportunity to eliminate a portion of x-section. from left or right overbank. Sometimes useful when balancing stage with observed highwater. Eliminates portion of x-section from conveying flow and, therefore, stage can be higher. Sometimes can be used to quickly determine the change in stage due to encroachment onto the floodplain by development. If yes: (input 0) a. STORE ORIG. X-SECTION 0=YES 1=NO In example, input 0 b. DATA FILE # (on P.C. asks for filename) The program loops on making x-section smaller and smaller, but once the desired effect is by-passed, the program can not make x-section bigger (because it looses from memory the points that have been chopped off). The way to by-pass this, is to store the original x-section, then recall it to make a more accurate cut (narrowing). c. ENTER MIN. LEFT X VALUE (or 0)? The program is looking for a beginning distance value (x value) along the x-section at which point a slope can be applied, as say 50:1, 10:1, 2:1 etc. Since the x-section can be made only smaller, therefore, the most farthest value from the main channel is preferable. Then if the results are still not satisfactory, another starting X value closer to the main channel can be entered. In example, input 250 d. ENTER LEFT OVERBANK SLOPE X:1 The program is looking for a slope value as a ratio, as 10:1 etc. In example, this slope will start at distance value of 250 and continue at 2:1 as high as necessary. In example, input 2 e. ENTER MAX. RIGHT X VALUE (OR 0)? Same as for left overbank. Begin with the farthest desirable distance from the main channel. Input of 0 (zero) indicates that no change is necessary. In example, input 0 f. ENTER RIGHT OVERBANK SLOPE X:1? Input a slope as 15:1 or a 0 (zero) if previous input was 0 (zero). In example, input 0 P.C.'s OUTPUT MINIMUM LEFT X VALUE = 250 SLOPE = 2:1 MAXIMUM RIGHT X VALUE = 0 SLOPE = 0:1 POINT #: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X: 237 250 320 380 395 420 440 575 650 Y: 950.0 943.6 942.0 940.0 932.0 931.0 941.0 940.0 951.0 N: 0.0000 0.0540 0.0540 0.4500 0.03500 0.0350 0.0350 0.0575 0.0920 g. IS DATA CORRECT? YES=0 NO=1 Gives opportunity to change any point in x-section. In example, input 0 h. ENTER MAIN CHANNEL "N"? In example, input 0.035 i. ENTER INITIAL STAGE ELEVATION? In example, input 944 j. ENTER FINAL STAGE ELEVATION? In example, input 944.2 k. ENTER ELEVATION INCREMENT? In example, input 0.1 P.C.'s OUTPUT 'N' FOR MAIN CHANNEL = 0.0350 =STAGE= =====AREA (SQ FT)===== =WETTED PER (FT)== ===HYD RAD=== FEET LEFT MAIN RIGHT TOTAL LT MAIN RT TOT LT MAIN RT 944.00 266 593 527 1385 131 64 163 358 2.0 9.2 3.2 944.10 279 599 543 1421 131 64 163 359 2.1 9.3 3.3 944.20 292 605 560 1456 131 64 164 360 2.2 9.4 3.4 1. ENTER SLOPE? In example, input 0.0007 P.C.'s OUTPUT SLOPE = 0.000700 =STAGE= ========VELOCITY (FT/SEC)======= ======DISCHARGE (CFS)====== FEET LEFT MAIN RIGHT AVE MEAN LEFT MAIN RIGHT TOTAL 944.00 1.17 4.95 1.54 3.99 2.91 311 2931 784 4025 944.10 1.21 4.98 1.57 4.00 2.91 336 2980 822 4139 944.20 1.24 5.01 1.59 4.00 2.92 363 3030 861 4254 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- m. CHANGE 'N' 0=% 1=NO 2=POINT? n. NEW SLOPE? YES=0 NO=1? In example, input 1 o. NEW CALC. INTERVAL? YES=0 NO=1 In example, input 1 p. LOAD X-SECT OFF DISK 0=YES 1=NO? If yes, will load the original (the last x-section that was stored previously) x-section and will repeat all questions beginning at b. If no (input 1) 25. NARROWER OVERBANK 0=YES 1=NO? In example, input 11 26. STORE X-SECTION 0=YES 1=NO? If narrowing routine was not used previously, this provides opportunity to store the x-section for some future use. If narrowing routine was used previously, this provides the opportunity to store the changed x-section. In example, input 0 26. STORE X-SECTION 0=YES 1=NO?