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Korg A5 Alembic bass preamp? Peavey Bass-EFX/ART Nightbass comparison ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 05 Jan 1993 10:49:14 +0100 From: Jack Jansen Subject: RE: Sound files I think you don't want to code in ULAW but in ADPCM, which is only half the size (4 bits/sample) and quite often better quality (but not on a sun, of course:-). The real problem, though, is that even 1 minute at 32kbps is still 2Mbit or 250Kbyte, and this is a lot. You don't want to drag this over the atlantic, for instance. And, 1 minute isn't really worth it, you'd really want at least a whole song. Now, *my* band might fit a song in 1 minute, but that doesn't hold for everyone, I guess... What we could do is try and set up a scheme where one song is published every week, made available on a few well placed FTP sites (I could probably provide a european site), and then available for one week. After that, it is replaced by a new song from some other list member. -- Jack Jansen | If I can't dance I don't want to be part of Jack.Jansen@cwi.nl | your revolution -- Emma Goldman uunet!cwi.nl!jack G=Jack;S=Jansen;O=cwi;PRMD=surf;ADMD=400net;C=nl ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 01:59:49 -0800 From: jimlynch@netcom.com Subject: RE: The Bottom Line #274 Hi gang.... I'm having a problem. I have an SVT-II and while I was playing, it appeared the main fuse blew (no power to anything in the amp, no lights, etc).... To which I was relieved since if there remained power and I still wasn't playing, that would be a serious problem that wouldn't be the fuse... And now my problem: _What_ fuse??? I can't find the damn thing. Not on the front or back panels... Is the amp fused? Ampeg, are you listening?? And while I have Ampeg's attention, did they bury the fuse well within the amp to make the chaing (changing) a very expensive proposition which would void my warrentee if I tried to _SIMPLY CHANGE THE FUSE_ myself? Is this a violation of electrical code or appliance code? Ampeg _does_ claim that an SVT-II is an appliance, and most microwave ovens that _I_ have seen have accessable fuses. And the most serious flame/question of Ampeg of all: What if I was playing a gig at the time? Ok, ok, flame off... Please, if anyone knows, where is the fuse? -Jim "How do you like me now?" Lynch ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 02:08:25 -0800 From: jimlynch@netcom.com Subject: Audio files I have a friend to whom I have suggested he compose a 30-second or 1-minute song that he records and distributes over the net. From what I have read so far, however, not everyone can play them and even if they can, there is no standard format. As for myself, I don't think I can. (I ha (have) a mac SE/30... does anyone know how I can and if so, which format? ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 13:00:48 GMT From: Roger G Haworth userid Subject: BASS FOR SALE *** Resending note of 05/01/93 12:58 To: BASS --UKACRL From: Roger G Haworth userid SRGH0. CSG Operational Support, SO-PH rm 1101, x1131. E-mail (JANET): srgh0@uk.ac.rl.ib As I have previously threatened, I'm offering for sale the following: Fender Precision standard 1989 Japanese Sunburst, rosewood fingerboard, white scratchplate, strap locks Excellent condition $200 (pounds, not dollars) or nearest offer If anybody is interested in getting a quality bass at a (hopefully!) reasonable price, please e-mail me. British subscribers may like to call me on Swindon (0793) 763960, or daytime (0793) 411131. Happy New Year to all TBLers! Rodge ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 08:52:37 EST From: feit@ERA.COM Subject: Tee Shirt A few last-minute entries that have been sitting in my account awhile: Slap, Crackle and Pop (Accompanied by elves with basses...) Don't Fret It Bassists do it 'til it Hz - Mark ................................. ................................. : Mark A. Feit KD4TAJ : Internet: feit@era.com : : Engineering Research Associates : USENET: ...!uunet!era!feit : ................................. ................................. "Keep BSD Free -- Boycott AT&T" ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1993 09:47:46 -0500 (EST) From: Len Moskowitz Subject: For Sale -- SVT Head (near mint) For Sale: Ampeg SVT head, 1973-1974, almost mint condition, recently re-tubed, with heavy duty road case (also in almost mint condition), vinyl cover, manuals, schematics $550 plus shipping or best offer Can be seen in Teaneck, New Jersey, (near Paramus, 10 minutes from the George Washington Bridge and 20 minutes from midtown Manhattan, 5 minutes from Hackensack) Len Moskowitz 201-393-2915 (days) 201-692-0233 (eves) moskowit@panix.com ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 10:49:49 EST From: djudy@djudy.East.Sun.COM Subject: RE: The Bottom Line #274 I have a SPARCstation with audio, I would be ineterested in audio files. Dennis ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 05 Jan 93 11:14:18 From: mikeg@Think.COM Subject: Peavey 410 TX cabinet I know that this has been discussed before, but I am thinking of purchasing the new Peavey 410 TX cabinet as a second cabinet for my current rig (consists of an SWR Goliath II with SWR SM-400 head). I am told it sounds as good as , if not better than the Goliath. And the price is about $300 less. Does anybody have any experience with this cabinet, either tried one or own one? I have not heard it yet, but the specs look good, and the price is right. Thanks, Mike Geiser ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 11:13 EST From: Peter Parisi Subject: Missing news The second bass newsletter sent out last night contained only the tab of Portrait of Tracy. I was interested in the G&L item. Is there any way I can receive the full version of that issue? Thanks! [ The issue I received was complete, as well as the issue here at uwplatt. A new issue will be in the mail to you, Peter, as soon as this one goes out. If anyone else only received a partial digest, feel free to email me (preferably at habbinga@csn.org) and I'll send you out a new copy. Of course, all digest can be found at the ftp site. bass-mgr ] Peter Parisi, Humanities Division, Penn State Harrisburg (pxp8@psuvm) ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 11:54:14 EST From: Christine Murdza Subject: stolen gear Hello All, I had the incredible misfortune of having my gear stolen New Year's Eve. So now I'm in the process of replacing my stuff, and well I thought I'd talk to you all and get a feel for what is out there. I owned a Hartke 410 cabinet and a GK800RB. I loved the crisp sound of my old rig, but I realize a few things I don't like (or need) about my old set up (now sitting in some pawn shop). I don't need nearly as much power as I had because I use it just for stage volume, and I definitely want to buy something lighter!!! I'll have about $1200 from insurance, but I can't stress how important the weight thing is. The combo amps I looked at were just as heavy as my old cabinet, but I need something that is durable too, because it'll be lugged to gigs at least twice a week. Any suggestions? I'm pretty ignorant of what's out there. Thanks! Christine murdza@brl.mil ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1993 12:11:09 -0600 (CST) From: SMITH@EPVAX.MSFC.NASA.GOV Subject: Audio bios (not BIOS, you IBM jox) >From: I Stephenson >What is the general response to the idea of collecting sound files >from players on the list? I like the idea. Though it may just cause me to burn my instrument in despair...well, no I couldn't do that to a vintage Fender. :) >So the logistics: >How many people on the list can play audio files? >How many people on the list can record audio files? >What format is best? >Should it be moderated?/what submission criterea? I can do SoundBlaster files, and probably Sun .au files, and maybe Mac stuff if someone will tell me how (email anyone?). Sun format is probably best, though if we have unlimited space it would be nice to have a format for unix, IBM PC, and Mac platforms pre-converted.... I think it should be moderated, as in making sure that each subscriber gets only one file and that all files are valid, but not as in rejecting someone's submission because it isn't "interesting" or "virtuoso" etc. | James W. Smith, NASA MSFC EP-53 | SMITH@epvax.msfc.nasa.gov | | "This is your pilot. We are about to attempt a crash landing." | | And I said "Uh oh...this is going to be some day...." | | --Laurie Anderson, _From the Air_ | | Neither NASA nor (!James) is responsible for what I say. Mea culpa. | ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 1993 13:32:21 -0500 From: mlaurenc@world.std.com Subject: The logo gif... Well, it looks as if my technique is bad - I don't think the logo I uploaded is readable. I am going to have to upload it again, but it might take a few days, since my Mac just died! I am using a different computer to check mail, so keep those votes for the slogan coming, but I can't do anything graphic for a few days at least. I'll delete the one at kappa.rice.edu Thanks for the feedback, Matt ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 15:41:19 PST From: francis@Csli.Stanford.EDU Subject: Korg A5 Hello, It seems as if Korg has discontinued the A5 to make way for the (more expensive) A4. I tried American Musical Supply and Musician's Friend and they're both out of stock. Since I've never bought effects before, I'd prefer to check out the A5 instead of the more full blown A4 and save $$. Anyone know where they might be in stock? Am I better off just going with the A4 anyway? thanks, dave ---------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 5 Jan 93 23:19:40 -0500 From: Michael J Kobb Subject: Alembic bass preamp? Peavey Bass-EFX/ART Nightbass comparison Greetings! I was in the music store the other day, where they finally got both a Peavey Bass-EFX and a Nightbass in at the same time. I went in to compare the two of them. While I was there, I ran into a guy who plays a Chapman Stick, and he said he's using a rackmounted Alembic preamp for the Stick. He recommended it highly. Anybody else out there have one of these? Where do I find one? I'd love to try one. Also, by the way, I was very favorably impressed by the Peavey. It had very sweet-sounding chorus effects, and the pitch shifter was not bad, although it does much better shifting down than up (no surprise). I also preferred its foot controller. I'm going to go back sometime and read the manuals for both of them. Good things about the Peavey: +Nice display. Bright letters on black background much easier to read than the Nightbass's black-on-grey. +One space. +Nice chorus, delay, reverb. Decent pitch shifting. +Very flexible effects configurations, allowing you to put the effects in whatever order you want, and insert the effects loop anywhere in the chain. +Foot controller built like a tank. Much more durable-feeling than the X-15, with a much better display, and the option of using your own CV pedals. I did have a few complaints about the Peavey: -it does have a noticable "pop" when switching between some patches -The data entry/patch select dial is free spinning, which makes it hard to step through patches with it. -No tube in the preamp, and I hate solid-state preamps. I'd probably use it as FX only, in the effects loop of a tube preamp Thanks, --Mike ---------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous ftp access for back issues, etc.: kappa.rice.edu ( in the /pub/bass directory (Username is 'anonymous', password is your e-mail address. Try typing 'help' for more info once logged in.) _The Bottom Line_ is a digest dedicated to the art of playing electric and acoustic bass. It is distributed on a basis that coincides with the amount of material received, from the University of Wisconsin - Platteville, USA; Kevin Tipple, Erik Habbinga, editors Copyright _The Bottom Line_, 1992 The contents of _The Bottom Line_ are solely the opinions and comments of the individual authors, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the authors' managements or the digest management. The editors do not assume responsibility for copyright infringement of submitted material. *************************** End of The Bottom Line #275 ***************************