ATR-42 FLIGHT CREW OPERATING MANUAL ------------- LIMITATIONS ------------- Weights Maximum Weight Taxi 36870 LB Take-Off 36825 LB Landing 36160 LB Zero Fuel 33510 Lb ************************************* Speeds Maximum KTS Vmo 250 (Max Operating) Va 160 (Maneuvering) Vfe Flaps 15 160 (Flaps operating or extended) Vfe Flaps 30 145 (Flaps operating or extended) Vfe Flaps 45 130 (Flaps operating or extended EMERGENCY ONLY) Vle 160 (Landing gear operating or extended) Vs 36000 Lb 102 (Stall speed 0 flaps,gear up) Vso 36000 Lb 81 (Stall speed 30 flaps, gear down) ************************************* Fuel Usable Fuel 9920 Lbs 1516 US Gal Fuel Burn approx 1000 Lbs/Hr @ 22000 Ft ASL =================================================================== -------------------- OPERATING PROCEDURES -------------------- Take-Off 1. Set flaps to 15 (first notch) for take-off. 2. Set trim to 0 if your using T&A. If not just set it to neutral. 3. Advance throttle to full, as the aircraft accelerates to 100 rotate the nose up to about 15 degrees, and start your climb at 100-106 Kts or so. As soon as you have a positive rate of climb retract the landing gear. Upon reaching 400 Ft. above ground level, lower the nose to level the aircraft off and let it begin to accelerate. When the airspeed reaches 130 Kts retract the flaps. 4. Accelerate and climb at 160 Kts. Climb at full power. Set the trim as required. 5. Once you reach you desired altitude level off, adjust the trim (T&A users -3840 seems about right). 6. Cruse - reduce the power to 75%. The aircraft should cruise at about 250 Kts. 7. Landing - On an ILS approach cross the outer marker (about 5NM from the airport) at 160 KTS. (44 % power and -1792 trim will result in 170 Kts with the gear and flaps up in level flight). Intercept the glide slope select the Flaps to 15 (first Notch) and the gear down. Continue to slow (leaving the power set where it was) until 145 Kts and select flaps 30 (second notch). Make the final approach at about 110 to 120 Kts. I found a power setting of 40% and the trim set to 0 or neutral worked well, assuming a 3 degree glide slope. At about 50 feet above the runway reduce the power to idle , flair the aircraft and land. If you not using the ILS just make your final approach at 120 Kts.