IN THE NEWS.......... What's NEW happening with ASAD.... We are still pursuing new members, authors, BBS's, Users Group and distributors. We will be making a big push toward the end of January for new members.. We are making our first mailing of programs. This first mailing will be at the expense of ASAD. We want to be able to determine the least costly way of mailing out programs to the BBS's, UserGroups, and Distributors. In addition, with this first program mailing, the various membership categories will be voting on their representative to the Board of Directors. Last but not least, there will be a changing of the guard, so to speak.... Lee Williams, because of work committments is handing the leadership of ASAD to Frederic Hertenstein.. Fred has been helping Lee with the organization of ASAD since its conception. Lee will still remain active with ASAD, but in a less time demanding role. He will be the Associate Director. The exchanging of the gavel will be January 1, 1993. There will be a few changes that we hope won't be to confusing. (ie address change, phone numbers etc) But until that occurs the current mailing address and phones will remain active.. Fred will bring to ASAD a variety of experiences. In keeping with the original idea that "ShareWare is a business and ASAD is a business" Fred received his AAS in Mid-Management, Bachelors in Adult Education and Management, and Masters in Business Administration. His primary career has been in the Medical Administration arena and part-time as a computer consultant and sales.. NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH NEWS FLASH ASAD has been contacted by the promoters of the "Summer Shareware Seminar" to be held this June. They what Lee and Fred to serve on a Forum to be held one of the two days. In addition, they are giving us a two hour period in which we can hold a meeting of all ASAD members attending the Seminar. This will not be a formal meeting this time it will more of an opportunity to meet and talk to everyone. ASAD wil be providing a member list to the SSS promoters so keep a look out for a mailing detailing the meeting time place and contents sometime after March of this year. See you at the 1993 Summer ShareWare Seminar...................