Contact: Bob Gordon, (516) 342-2391 CA-CLIPPER 5.2 IS LAUNCHED WITH IMPROVED PERFORMANCE, FUNCTIONALITY AND CONNECTIVITY Users Call It "Best, Most Stable Clipper Yet" Also Shipping: CA-Clipper Tools With NetWare Interface ---------- ISLANDIA, N.Y., February 24, 1993--COMPUTER ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL, INC. today began shipping CA-Clipper 5.2, the award-winning Xbase application development system. The upgrade improves performance, extends functionality, and provides greater connectivity to foreign data. List priced at $795.00, CA-Clipper 5.2 is available to registered CA-Clipper developers for a limited time at $149.00, with CA-dBFast, CA-Clipper Tools or the CA-Clipper/Compiler Kit for dBase IV available for an additional $50. Users of other Xbase systems, such as FoxPro and dBASE, can receive the upgrade and one of the above products for $199.00 upon registration. "This powerful, highly stable release of CA-Clipper reinforces our commitment to Xbase as a strategic tool for commercial application development," said Marc Sokol, director of product strategy. "With the recent release of CA-RET/Xbase, the imminent release of CA-dBFast 2.0 and the ongoing development of CA-Visual Objects for Clipper, we at CA are demonstrating that Xbase is a clear priority in setting the direction of a whole new generation of business software." The CA-Clipper application development system for DOS consists of a robust language, an efficient linker, flexible preprocessor and high-performance compiler. Together with such tools as an editor, debugger and Make utility, these elements form a complete system for the creation and distribution of professional PC and LAN-based applications. A new version of CA-Clipper Tools, featuring a complete Novell NetWare interface, is also shipping. Configured and optimized to support professional developers, this new version of CA-Clipper Tools adds more than 250 new CA-Clipper functions that access NetWare to give multi-user applications more efficiency and integrity. Included are functions for working with multiple servers/volumes, and tools for enhancing data security and access. What Users Are Saying Kent Kingery, president, InfoMatrix, Lewisville, TX: "CA-Clipper 5.2 contains features that developers have needed for a long time. The new replaceable database drivers and the ability to lock multiple records enhance CA-Clipper's usefulness for larger networked systems. This is the best, most stable Clipper yet. It has convinced me that CA is dedicated to Clipper developers and can continue to advance the product technically." John R. Phillips, president, J.P. Systems, Jamesville, NY: "My fears about CA's acquisition of Nantucket are laid to rest. I'm very excited about the new features in CA-Clipper 5.2. The debugger enhancements will help me develop better applications and the ability to lock multiple records makes transaction-intensive systems much easier." C. W. Kreimer, president, APPtitude Seminars, Pittsburgh, PA: "CA-Clipper 5.2 is the solution that MIS departments around the world have been waiting for! In addition to being rock solid, its ability to read file formats other than .DBF files--through the use of replaceable database drivers--and the ability to access additional virtual memory make CA-Clipper the ideal PC development tool." Larry Dysert, project estimator, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, N.Y.: "The new feature of multiple record locks provides a significant enhancement to those applications and environments requiring transactional processing capabilities. The release of dBASE IV, FoxPro and Paradox drivers provides improved compatibility and connectivity with other applications." Key Version 5.2 Enhancements *New and enhanced RDDs: --NTX driver provides conditional indexing, as well as overall performance improvements. --MDX driver for dBASE IV supports multi-tag and conditional indexes. --FoxPro driver allows CA-Clipper applications to read and modify Fox data transparently. --Paradox driver allows CA-Clipper applications to read and modify Paradox data transparently. *Additionally, a published API for Replaceable Database Drivers and Virtual Memory Management systems provides access to internal specifications never before available. *Dramatically improved documentation provides enhanced detail and ease-of-use. *Upgraded EMS support: --LIM 4.0 compliance --Overcomes the 8 meg. barrier --Improves EMS access *RSIS (Relocateable Screen Interface Specification) compliance as well as improved screen display performance. In the past four months, CA-Clipper won five awards for product quality: * DBMS Magazine's 1992 Readers Choice Award for best client/server development systems. * Data Based Advisor's 1992 Readers Choice Award for best Xbase compiler, best development language, and best application development product. * Data Based Advisor's 1992 Readers Choice also included CA-Clipper as among the best database managers on the market today. Availability and System Requirements CA-Clipper 5.2 and CA-Clipper Tools are available through CA's standard distribution channel, which includes distribution partners, resellers and retail outlets. Call 1-800-225-5224 for the dealer nearest you. CA-Clipper 5.2 requires an IBM PS/2, AT, XT, PC or its compatibles; 640K RAM; expanded memory requires LIM 3.2 or higher; hard disk required for development; DOS 3.1 or higher; works with all networks compatible with DOS 3.1 or higher. CA-Clipper Tools, list priced at $695.00, is available to registered users of CA-Clipper Tools II (formerly Nantucket Tools) at a special price of $129.00. System requirements include CA-Clipper 5.2, 640K RAM, DOS 3.1 or higher for single-user or network applications. A hard disk is recommended. ------- Computer Associates International, Inc. (NYSE: CA), with 7,500 employees around the world, is the leading software company for integrated systems, database management, business applications and application development solutions. These programs operate across a full spectrum of mainframe, midrange, and desktop computers. Founded in 1976, CA became a public company in 1981, and now serves most of the worlds' major business, government, research and educational organizations. Fiscal 1992 revenues exceeded $1.5 billion. ### All product names referenced herein are trademarks of their respective companies.