This is my humble attempt to create a local (ie. Canada) network along the lines of Throbnet. I already carry Throbnet on my BBS and it is great, but unfortunately most of the people involved are from wonderful places like California and Texas... Anyway, if you would like to get involved on the ground floor of a new adult network and you run your own BBS and you can support QWK then just follow these easy instructions: 1) Give my BBS a call - Sentinel II BBS (519) 742-8575 (HST) 2) Register as a new user and make note of the address to send your proof of age to. (You must be 21 years + to participate in Cumnet) 3) Leave mail to the sysop (Archangel) saying you are interested in joining Cumnet and leaving the following info: a) Real Name and Alias used on YOUR BBS b) Age (although you still have to send me proof) c) Name of your BBS d) Phone number of your BBS e) The password of a preset up account on your BBS for me under the name Archangel. f) Suggestions for possible message areas that you might like to moderate. 4) After I receive your ID, I'll give your BBS a call and we can get started!