I have received your payment for "Cong", which you sent to "ComSci" (as early versions indicated that you should). My new company is RSC(Richards Software Corporatio n). I am depositing your payment to the RSC account and will forward "Cong-II", the latest version of Cong, to you on or about January 4th. That version identifies newly elected members but does not formally include them because the y are not yet official "members", and committee assignments, office assignments, telephone numbers, etc., are incomplete. A version containing the data available as of the end of January, 1993, will be shipped in early February. Th ere will be no charge to you for that upgrade (only a minimal $5.00 shipping and handling fee). Please call or write if you would like to receive that upgrade. I have enclose This is not a letter. It is information to acquaint you with the RSC editor. The following points apply: 1. Use ^Enter (Control & Enter) to save your work. If you find yourself in the letter code field above, use ^Enter again to save your work. 2. Press F4 now to try the spell checker. Press "M" to move the spell check window to a better location. xxxx <<== test word (Press "B" to bypass it.) xxxx Press "I" to ignore it . xxxx xxxx the word throughout this document. xx {use the arrow keys to pick the correct word in the widow. Press to accept the highlighted word.} ==>>spellx<<== Press "A" to add the word to your personal dictionary. Press "T" to Type corrections to the word. Press F7 to highlight part of this sentence. Press f7 again to complete marking the block. Put the cursor somewhere else and press Alt-C (to copy the block) of Alt-M (to move the block) to where the cursor is. Press F1 anytime for a list of the active keys. Reference is made to our telephone conversation this morning. Please transfer $2,000.00 from my share savings account (Account# 0555555-000) to my Sharecheck account (Accou& There must be a letter with the code "A" for reasons that I will not go into here. It will not always be that way. Just rename this letter and use it for one of your l plan? I would like very much to read something on what Congress is doing about the deficit. Could you office send me something his morning is appreciated. This is an urgent request. Please call me collect at (703) 463-7777 to confirm the transaction (or fax me at (703) 463-7778. You courteous assistance t nt #0666660-703). My ssn is 444-22-5555. My DOB is 3/23/30. ry at no additional charge. I have enclosed brief descriptions of other RSC products for your information. y are not yet official "members", and committee assignments, office assignments, telephone numbers, etc., are incomplete. A version containing the data available as of the end of January, 1993, will be shipped to you in early Februa n). I am depositing your payment to the RSC account and will forward "Cong-II", the latest version of Cong, to you on or about January 4th. That version identifies newly elected members but does not formally include them because the I have received your payment for "Cong", which you sent to "ComSci" (as early versions indicated that you should). My new company is RSC(Richards Software Corporatio = = = = = = = = Edit Info = (Press "I" to ignore) = = = = = = = = This is not a letter. It is information to acquaint you with the RSC (press "B" to bypass) editor. The following p oints apply: 1. Use ^Enter (Control & Enter) to save your work. If you find yourself in the letter code field above, u se ^Enter again to save your work. 2. Press F4 now to try the spell checker. Press "M" to move the spell check window to a better location. xxxx <<== tes t word (Press "B" to bypass it.) xxxx Press "I" to ignore it . xxxx xx the word throughout this document. xxxx {use the arrow keys to pick the correct word in the widow. Press to accept the highlighted word.} ! ==>>spellx<<== Press "A" to add the word to your personal dictionary. " Press "T" to Type corrections to the word. Press F7 to highlight# part of this sentence. Press f7 again to complete marking the block. Put the cursor somewhere else and press Alt-C (to copy the block) of Alt-M (to move the block) to where the cursor is. $ Press F1 anytime for a list of the active keys. To force a page break within your text, insert a form feed % (ASCii code 12) in the text. To insert an ASCii, hold down the "Alt" key and press "1" and then "2" on the numeric keypad. Other ASCii codes may also be entered directly in your text in this same manner. Here's how an ASCii 12 looks: " letters. But leave the code ("A").