Recipe Title on 1st Line Category1 Category2 Category3 12 Serving Size 1 ea Ingredient name - (preparation/other info) 1/2 cup flour - all purpose 1 tsp shortening 1 Tbsp water Directions go here. Type in as many lines as you like, you can even skip lines if you want. Make sure you put 3 or more dashes after all of the directions have been added, to end each recipe. Source:Recipe's Source pg. 1 --- Barbecue Pork Chops Main Dish Beef 4 1 c Brown Sugar 1/2 c catsup 1 envelope dry onion soup mix 2 T vinegar 3 T mustard 8 pork chops Combine first 5 ingredients and pour over chops. Cook at 325 degrees for 1 1/2 hours. Source:Compu-Chef's Kitchen pg. 1 --- Seasoning Salt Seasoning 100 1 c Paprika 1 c Pepper 1 c Salt 1/4 c Red Pepper 1/4 c garlic powder 1/4 c onion powder Mix all ingredients well. Use on everything. Source:Compu-Chef's Kitchen pg. 2 ---