Paradise Connection BBS Is Proud To Present: CARSCONV.EXE Version 1.0 A Simple FREEWARE Utility To Convert The Cars (NighOwl) CD-ROM File Descriptions From Multiline to Single Line Descriptions By: Stan Brown This simple utility converts the Text files containing the descriptions for the files found on the CARS (NightOwl) CD-ROMs from the multi-line description to a single line description. This is very helpful in importing/updating the file databases on Wildcat BBS's to provide a longer descriptions of each file.. Why CARSCONV.EXE, The Beginning.... The WCFILE program from Mustang Software reads ordinary ASCII text files that contain the file name and file description. I found that it would only read the description that was on the line the file name was on. So I got to thinking that if I could convert the text file over to where each line had the WHOLE description on it, I could give my users ( and myself) a better understanding of what the program really was. Enter CARSCONV.EXE.... This simple utility reads your DIRXX. ( where XX is the file directory number) and makes a text file DIRXX.TXT . You can then use this new file with the TXT extension on with WCFILE to Import the file names and LONGER descriptions into the Wildcat File Database. Simply copy all your directory files ( the DIRXX. files) into a directory of their own, put CARSCONV.EXE in that same directory, go to that directory, and enter: CARSCONV At the dos prompt.. it reads and converts each DIRXX file it finds into a corresponding DIRXX.TXT file, Also saving the headings. Now delete all the DIRXX. files and run WCFILE as you normally would, but use the Directory created to find the DIRXX.TXT file you need for each Wildcat File area that uses the CD-ROM files. The new WCFILE now allows you to FRESHEN your file database descriptions with new ones.. JUST MAKE SURE YOU MAKE THE DESCRIPTIONS READ OUT ABOUT 300 SPACES TO THE RIGHT!!! AND PICK EXTENDED FILE DESCRIPTIONS UNDER THE WCFILE OPTIONS!!! DISCLAIMER ---------- THIS PROGRAM IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE AUTHOR WILL NOT BE LIABLE TO USERS OF THIS PROGRAM FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR LOST SAVINGS OR OTHER INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, ARISING OUT OF USE OF THIS PROGRAM. Enjoy....... Brought to you by....... Stan Brown, Sysop Paradise Connection BBS 812-925-7864 3/12/24/96/14.4 4 Phone Lines Over 25,000 Files On-Line