S O U N D M A N A G E M E N T B B S F I L E S O N D I S K --------------- M A I L O R D E R F O R M --------------- MINIMUM ORDER IS 2 DISKS Prices are as follows; All programs/patches are archived or zipped (compressed) to save disk space so you get more for your dollars. All programs/patches are sent on 3.5" 720K diskettes. (If you need 360K 5.25" IBM disks let us know on your order - 2 360K disks=1 720K disk price.) Prices are per 720K diskfull of programs/patches, please figure on about 700K per 3.5" disk. Each 3.5" 720K disk costs $10.95 plus $3.00 shipping and handling per order. All orders are shipped within 72 hours. 1 - 5 DISKS = $10.95 EACH 6 - 11 DISKS = 9.95 EACH 12 + DISKS = 8.95 EACH HOW TO ORDER JUST ENCLOSE WITH YOUR ORDER A LIST OF THE PROGRAMS EXACTLY AS SPELLED FROM OUR FILE DIRECTORY LISTS. MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE THE EXTENSION OF THE FILE (like .ARC, .ZIP, .EXE whatever it is) AND THE SIZE OF THE FILE AS GIVEN IN THE FILE DIRECTORY LIST. ADD UP THE NUMBER OF BLOCKS (SIZE FOR EACH FILE) MAKING SURE THAT EACH 720K DISK WILL HOLD ABOUT 700K WORTH OF FILES. DISKFULL EXAMPLE: MIDISTUF.ZIP 120,989K MORESTUF.ARC 320,333K GOODMIDI.EXE 168,000K Please fill in the forms and ENCLOSE THE LIST OF THE FILES REQUESTED, mail to: Sound Management BBS Disk Order P.O. Box 3 9 6 Mundelein, IL 60060 U-S-A Allow approximately 1 week for processing. (Outside USA - allow 2 weeks) All sales are final. Replacements will be made on any disks found to be defective after returned for inspection. Methods of payment: * Personal or company check (Int'l. Bank Check if outside USA) * Money order (standard or int'l.) * Credit card: MasterCard, Visa Method of payment : MC-( ) VISA-( ) Check/MO-( ) First name:_________________________ Middle INIT/name?:______________________ Last name: _________________________ Street address: _____________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: _________ Shipping Address (if different from above) Street address: ______________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________ State: ________________ Zip: _________ *************************************************************************** Card NUMBER (if applies)- ####-####-####-###?______________________________ Name EXACTLY as it appears on your card (if applies): First:__________________________ Middle INIT/Name?:_______________________ Last: __________________________ Expiration Date: _______________ Bank number (if applies):________________ *************************************************************************** Are you presently registered on Sound Management BBS? (Y)____ (N)____ Home PHONE: (required): AC_____ EXCH_______ #________________ BIZ PHONE: (required): AC_____ EXCH_______ #________________ EXT?_________ International: Please supply your country code, area & local calling number. ____________________________________________________________________ | | | TOTAL NUMBER OF DISKS @ $10.95__________ = TOTAL______________ | | | | TOTAL NUMBER OF DISKS @ $ 9.95__________ = TOTAL______________ | | | | TOTAL NUMBER OF DISKS @ $ 8.95__________ = TOTAL______________ | | | | USA ADD $3.00 OUTSIDE USA ADD $15.00 SHIPPING______________ | | (IL Residents add 7.5% Sales Tax)______________ | | | | ORDER TOTAL______________ | | PAYABLE IN U.S. DOLLARS | | | | Signature | | Required on ALL Orders______________________________________ | |____________________________________________________________________|