TPOV INUSE.FLGU :Someone is currently using BRE. Please try again later...>If this is not the case, then please delete INUSE.FLG. Thanks! RESET REGISTER SPECIALEFFECTS /NOSPECIALEFFECTS LOCAL /LOCAL /NOCHECKTIME SCORES NODELIST PLANETARY INBOUND OUTBOUND UPDATE RECONUPDATE GOOIEREMOVE P_SETUP IPSETUP ALLIES DELETE RECON Global recon requests created. ##&##U & 6 K R b h x BBS Name: BBS Node Number: ERROR: Node number is invalid. City: State: Country: STATUS: Nodelist updated.U New BRE Node Number: ERROR: Invalid Node.U Edit which BRE Node? ERROR: Invalid Node.U Delete which BRE Node? ERROR: Invalid Node. Are you sure you wish to delete U $BRE Nodelist Manager for BRNODES.DAT Nodelist Manager 1 N g } Pirate Name Editor Rename to: Set Color of to (0-15): "Sorry, this game isn't registered! Registered Editor Register Barren Realms Elite Enter Registration # Line REGISTERED4Congratulations! You now have a registered copy of Barren Realms Elite8To name your Bank and Food Market, please type BRE EDIT.BRegistration will automatically install all registration benefits.@To get configuration benefits, you will need to reset this game. Invalid Code Number!U (Are you sure you wish to reset the Game?"Erasing/Initializing data files...-Please enter when you wish the game to start: Month Year How many turns per day? How many turns of protection?9How much land do you want in the market at the beginning?*How much land do you want created per day? How much Daily Bank Interest?'How high Planetary Taxes [Out of 1000]?2What is the maximum purchasable regions per turn? How many days between turns?.Would you like this to be a league-wide reset? Creating Reset Info-Packets)Your BRE game has been reset...Thank you!U maintains his title of Planetary Master has usurped the title of from has captured the title of You have recieved Coins for being U Running Daily Maintenance Checking for Dead Empires! Processing Covert Operations Packing Investments Packing Trade Deals Packing Covert Operations Packing Treaties Awarding Planetary Master % Packing Duplicate Scanning Files. Processing Inbound Gooie Kablooie Attacks" Packing Inbound Gooie Attacks Checking for Old Recons! Scanning for Duplicate Users Daily Maintainence CompleteU Planetary Maintenance Checking Daily Maintenance Updating Local Recon Info Processing Incoming Data Purging Extraneous Netmail 4 This System does not allow BRE OUTBOUND this often. Releasing Group Attacks Packing Group Attacks( Updating Outgoing Gooie Kablooie Status Processing Outbound Data Updating NodeLists Not a member of InterBBS League Planetary Maintenance CompleteU \*.MSG BRE System Messages removed.U List of Bulletins BULLETIN.LST Enter Bulletin Name ENTER = Done BULLETIN.LSTU >Scanning for duplicate users - could take a bit. Please wait. >Scanning for duplicate users - could take a bit. Please wait. DATA\REPORTS\REPORT.BR >z#&;U@t &;E>t End of Turn Statistics(Your dominion goes through a civil war!!4Half of your empire crumbles beneath your fingers...1 1Your people would do almost anything to kill you!(Your people are rebellious and hate you!.Your people riot daily and cause much trouble!EYour people have held many meetings about the turmoil in your empire!6Some of your people wish that you would be overthrown!/Your people allow your rule, but are not happy.>Your people are discontent. They complain often of your ways. Your people are happy.;Your people admire your ways and are happy under your rule!0Your people greatly admire thee and thy courage!0Your people love thee and hope you rule forever!( Soldiers have fled your majesty's army.( Jets escaped your from your cruel rule. have left the empire. Your dominion gained million people. Your dominion lost 2Your empire has collapsed due to a lack of people!''s Barony has collapsed to nothingness!U }B2~; }N^_| ! ) L f n And the battle begins You have soldiers, Commanders, Jets, Missile Bases, Tanks, and Carriers. Send how many Soldiers? Send how many Jets? Send how many Tanks? A His allies send Soldiers and Tanks. BRWIN.DSP BRLOSE.DSP3Your forces have returned..Exhausted from battle... lost Soldiers, Jets, and You also destroyed Missile Bases, and BRCRUSH.DSP9You have crushed the enemy completely! You captured all Regions!/You also get all the remains of his military..."You won the battle! You captured attacked and defeated you. You lost the battle! attacked you but lost. You lost Tanks defending from U >z#&;UV| *&;ETs$ >z#&;U^| *&;E\s$ >z#&)ET& >z#&)E\& >z#&)Ed& >z#&)El& Hmm...So you want to Nuke , Eh?#I'll give ya a Nuclear Missile for coins. Deal?+Sorry guy...You can't afford one right now. BRNUKE.DSP Nuclear Assault made! regions were rendered useless! nuked your empire! regions were trashed!U >z#&)EH& >z#&)EL& 3Hmm...So you want to cause chemical destruction in , Eh?$I'll give ya the chemical stuff for coins. Deal?*Sorry guy...You can't afford it right now. BRCHEM.DSP Chemical Assault made! regions were rendered useless! In addition, million civilians were killed!- Used chemical warfare against your empire! Famine spreads in your empire!U >z#&)EH& >z#&)EL& /Hmm...So you want to cause famine and death in , Eh?*I'll give ya the biological equipment for coins. Deal?*Sorry sir...You can't afford it right now. BRBIO.DSP Biological Strike made! soldiers were killed! In addition, million civilians were killed!M Used biological warfare against your empire! Famine spreads in your empire!U >z#&)EH& >z#&)EL& :Your allies will send the following to aid you in defense:)Name Soldiers TanksA NONE Total ForcesU Attack Menu Regular Attack Nuclear Attack Chemical Attack Biological Attack Attack Pirates Alliance Strength Visit Bank Choice Normal Nuclear Raid Chemical Bombing BioWarfare Pirate Strike View Alliances No Attack MadeU }3\3s3}3 4&454;4 5 5%575<5A5N5v5 7 7"7;7U7]7l7 8"8'8,8L8W8\8a8u8z8 9"969;9@9`9k9p9u9 :$:3:;:H:W:_:m:r:w:S!>3>P>g>q> ?!?>?C?H?e?j?o? @$@<@A@F@_@u@{@ )Your HeadQuarters is already being built.+You have started work on your HeadQuarters. You cannot afford it! There are Regions available. You cannot afford any!"No land is available at this time. how many >z#&)EH& Spending Menu,Key Item Price # Owned System Menu Done You have coins and turns. Your Choice? Sell MenuU ! & B J a p w System Menu Abdicate Visit Bank Covert Ops Diplomacy Empire Status InterBBS Scores Messages See Scores Set Tax Rate Visit Advisors Write Macros Trading Set Industries Show Instructions Coordinator Menu Your Choice? Are you POSITIVE? As you wish...Bye!A End of Game...Please return! Glad you changed your mind!@Sorry. This option is only available in the registered version. You have no Covert Agents!(New Tax Rate [0-100, Current Tax Rate = Create Macros Set Industry Instructions BREINS.TXT Planetary Coordinator FeaturesU }<3u2 G<*u# - 4 C X _ n Edit Macro Ctrl- Editing Macro Ctrl- Press CTRL- to end edit. Aborted SavedU < rx<~wt Macro Editor Ctrl- Edit which macro D,E,F,R DATA\MACROS.BR DATA\MACROS.BR Coordinator Ops "Recon Requests Created to All BBSsU %<3u! Soldiers Jets MissileBases Commanders Food Coins Agents Tanks Carriers nothing and , and U DATA\TRADING.BR >Your Trade Fleet couldn't get a response from the other Baron. +Your Trade Fleet could not find its target. A trade deal has arrived from He requests in return for0Sorry, you cannot accept this deal at this time. Do you wish to accept? o, or gnore for now Accepted accepted your trade deal. Rejected rejected your trade deal. IgnoredU >z#&;U@t &;E>t >z#&+EH& >z#&+EH& >z#&)ET& >z#&)E\& >z#&)E`& >z#&)EX& >z#&)EP& >z#&)EH& >z#&)EL& >z#&) >z#&)Ed& >z#&)Eh& Nz#&;Uj |"&;Ehv Stuff to Demand(Key Item # to Demand Trade Deal requires Carriers. You do not have enough carriers.U >z#&;Uj |"&;Ehv (Your dominion is still under protection. *You do not have relations with that realm."That realm is still in protection. Send 1 Send how many Done. Demand Demand how many Send Trade Deal?'Sorry, you do not have enough carriers. Trade Deal sent to U >z#&; |&&; >z#&;Uj |%&;Ehv Trading !D!I!N!Z!e!q! "'"0"I"Q"\"k"s"~" #$#G#V#k#p#u#~# $,$C$J$R$e$v$ %)%8%@%K%Z%b%o%t%y% &(&=&J&O&T&g&o& &'','1'L'q' (/(<(N(c(u(}( )!)0)a)m) DATA\TRADING.BR DATA\T.BR DATA\TRADING.BR DATA\TRADING.BR Soldiers Missile Bases Commanders HeadQuarters Regions Covert Agents Tanks CarriersU "You can't sell your HeadQuarters!!1NOTE: You cannot sell Regions, only drop them... how many >z#&+EH& >z#&+EH& Spending Menu,Key Item Price # Owned You have coins and turns. Your Choice? " 8 L f n Your spy is successful!! Your agent was caught! was found spying on you. Please choose the second Empire. (You can't set a Dominion up with itself!A 0You have Bribed Agents in the following Empires:A Choose An Empire> None7Bribed Agent will expose enemy operations for 24 Hours. z#&;UJ |%&;EHv , ; @ H M R e m y DATA\COVERT.BR COVERT.PAKU DATA\COVERT.BRA %Your agent could not find his target. 3Your agents were successful in stirring revolts in .BYour public opinion dropped due to revolts around the countryside!&Your agents failed to stir revolts in + was found stirring revolts in your empire! Your agent successfully set up and declared on your empire. Your agents failed to set up was caught trying to set you up.-Your agent successfully caused dissension in You lost soldiers in dissensions.*Your agent failed to cause dissensions in * was caught trying to support dissensions!.Your agent successfully demoralized forces in 5Alcohol caused a military morale drop in your empire.#You failed to demoralize forces in - was caught trying to demoralize your forces! Your agent bombed Civilians in * Civilians were killed in random bombings! Your agent bombed Soldiers in ) Soldiers were killed in random bombings! Your agent bombed Agents in ' Agents were killed in random bombings! Your agent bombed Tanks in ) Tanks were destroyed in random bombings! Your agent bombed Jets in ( Jets were destroyed in random bombings!#Your agent bombed Food Storages in / tons of Food was destroyed in random bombings! You failed to bomb targets in tried to bomb your Empire!+Your agent successfully bribed an agent in You failed to bribe an agent in / was caught trying to bribe one of your agents!U DATA\COVERT.BR Covert.BR ' M v BRBRIBE.DSPDSources tell you that one or more of your agents are being bribed by yet unknown sources! Do you wish to: Pay ( to investigate, Ignore this, or Execute all of your agents? Pay to Investigate. Sorry, you cannot afford this! Traitor from found and executed! A total of traitors were found! No traitors were found! Execute 'em all... Are you positive?&All of your agents have been executed.U >z#&)EH& |$6;E |"6;E Welcome to We have tons of food available today. We are buying for and selling for You have coins and tons of food. Would you like to ell, isit Bank or ontinue? ell, or Buy Food Sell Food Continue Visit Bank"How much food do you wish to buy? You cannot buy that much! tons of food bought.#How much food do you wish to sell? You cannot sell that much! tons of food sold.>Sorry, this is an unregistered Version. Feature not available Your People Need tons of food How much will you give? Your Armed Forces Require -Your actions may lead to DISASTEROUS results. Would you like to reconsider? >z#&+EP& % 0 ? G T Y ^ s |$6;E Do you wish to visit the Bank? Your Armed Forces Require coins. How much will you give? - coins are required to maintain your regions. The Bank requires you pay coins towards your loan. Under Planetary Law*, you are REQUIRED to pay this. ThereforeEyour officials pay the required amount. (And of course, you WANT to!)1 coins are required to gain more popular support.2 coins are required to raise your military morale. requires coins for Taxes.-Your actions may lead to DISASTEROUS results. Would you like to reconsider? >z#&+Ep& >z#&+El& ! 1 T g t y has given you a coin tax refund!U coins were earned in taxes.( coins were produced from the Ore Mines. coins were earned in Tourism.- coins were earned by Solar Power Generators. & coins were produced by your Industry." coins were created by HydroPower.) Food units were brought from the rivers. Food units were grown.+ Soldiers were trained by Industrial Zones., Jets were manufactured by Industrial Zones.. Missile Bases were manufactured by Industrial Zones.- Tanks were manufactured by Industrial Zones.0 Carriers were manufactured by Industrial Zones.U >z#&; 0 5 C P U ] per yearU Industrial Production Soldiers Missile Bases Tanks Carriers Change Production? Soldiers Jets Missile Bases Tanks Carriers The remaining % will be used to produce Coins.U 8RSPU IRSPU BRPIRATE.DSP has captured Soldiers Missile Bases Tanks Coins AgentsU >z#&; Select Pirate Team Choice How many Soldiers? How many Jets? How many Tanks? BRRAID.DSP Your efforts against have brought you success! You took Coins, Regions, Soldiers, Jets, Missile Bases, Tanks, Agents! You could not successfully raid U >z#&)ET& >z#&)E\& >z#&)Ed& >z#&)ET& >z#&)E\& >z#&)Ed& Coastal River Agricultural Desert Industrial Urban MountainU Key Name Owned Your choice? BRREGION.HLP how many regions? U >z#&)EH& Your choice? how many regions? U Regions left Your choice? Quit How many regions? U >z#&) % G Q Y ^ c 'Would you like to buy a lottery ticket? Choose your 6 letters: Winning Letters: You won ) coins! They will be placed in the bank.:Sorry. You did not win this time! Better luck next time!U U Turns: Score: Coins: Bank: Population: Million (Tax Rate: Popular Support: Food: Agents: Headquarters: % Complete Military: Soldiers] Jets] Missile Bases] Tanks] Commanders] Carriers] [ % Morale] Regions: Rivers] Agricultural] Desert] Industrial] Urban] Mountains] Coastal] Wasteland] You have Years of Protection Left. This is year of your freedom.U |f&; # ; R Y a n s x -* Relations *-6Id Empire Name RelationsA Enemy None1 #Would you like to attach a message? DATA\TMSG.BRU Diplomacy Menu BRTREATY.HLP proposed to You do not have a treaty with Message sent to U DATA\TMSG.BR DATA\T.BR Message attached: DATA\TREATY.BRA proposes a 1 Regions: ; Net Worth: ; Score: ; Accept? rejected accepted your proposal. declared on your empire. Your treaty with has been broken.U >z#&;U@t &;E>t * < G [ p Do you wish to send a message?$Do you wish to send another message? DATA\MSGS.BRU DATA\MSGS.BR DATA\T.BRA Message From: The Game Itself >>UNKNOWN<< Message To : to Reply, to Delete, or to Ignore for now Reply Delete Ignore$Sorry, message is from the Computer. Sorry. Player not existant! ublic Reply, uthor only, or elect Destinations? Public Reply Author Only Select Empires Quote Message? >z#&;U@t &;E>t Pz#&;U@t &;E>t ( G n Planetary Operations ,Sorry....You are under New Realm Protection!&But you have no agents to strike with!-Sorry. This is a registered only feature. :( Help on which item? IPGAME.HLP >z#&; |-&; .Do you wish to do Inter-Planetary Operations? U Please choose a Planet: 1-50,? That is this Planet! That Planet does not exist!+We don't have a recon from that planet yet! List of Planets&## Planet Name Location , J## Planet Name Loc ## Planet Name Loc NoneU Players at *-=Id Empire Name Territory ScoreA ] U Please select a target [RETURN] To Abort That empire does not exist! NoneU 0 5 : Q c h m ~ InterBBS Scores <1rU<4wQ W<5rS<9wO Gooie Kablooie not existant.%Would you like to begin construction? That BBS is too small. will not allow this action. It will cost your planet Million Coins to fund. Accept? Target: Total Cost: Cost Left: .How many Million Coins do you wish to put in? Gooie Kablooie Complete. Launch to hours.U >z#&)EH& DATA\GOOIEA.BR'Do you wish to attack a Gooie Kablooie?BSorry! Only Jets can attack Gooie Kablooies due to their dynamic structure and you have no jets!C # From Strength Days Until Self-Destruct Enter Gooie Number Send how many Jets? Aborted.# Jets were destroyed in the attack!A Gooie Kablooie DESTROYED! successfully destroyed a from % of the Gooie Destroyed!U >z#&;U^ |4&;E\v. No existant Gooie Kablooie Gooie Kablooie to dismantled. DATA\GOOIES.BRU You can't afford that! Bomb Specialists sent out.U >z#&;UJ |%&;EHv >z#&)EH& Cost: You cannot afford it.%Would you like to prepare the attack? Attack Launched.U G<5uC >z#&)EH& Special Operations HSorry, but you have already made an InterPlanetary Nuclear Strike today!GThe cost of a nuclear assault depends on the size of the target barony.z#&)EH& Send how many Soldiers? Send how many Jets? Send how many Tanks? Attack Aborted This attack will cost coins. Sorry, you can't afford that! Send this Attack?A >z#&)ET& >z#&)E\& >z#&)Ed& >z#&)EX& >z#&)Eh& >z#&)EH& -You can only create one Group Strike per day! Do you wish to target ne Dominion One Empire Entire PlanetA Wait how many Hours [12-120]? DATA\SEND.BR.There are not any attack parties at this time.KId Target Planet Individual Target Soldiers Jets Tanks Leave Join which group? You now have a % share in this attack.U 0You can only send one individual Strike per day! ATTACKU - C S X ` e j ~ FNOTE: Planetary Diplomacy is *not* official. This is used for you toI allow the gamers to learn of your status with other Planets. NoneJ of the info in this chart is official. (ie, none of this is forced) nor reported to the other planets. Diplomacy Modification/Choose a Planet to modify your Diplomacy with: 1-50/? Change status to one, eace, or lly? Planetary Treaties DATA\ALLIES.BRU DATA\ALLIES.BRU Welcome to ! - Official Coins Bank Of You have Coins and in the bank. Coins and a loan of eposit, ithdraw, nvest, iew investments, or get a oan? ithdraw, or nvest, or iew investments? Deposit Withdraw Invest View Investments Continue$How much would you like to deposit? %You don't have any money to withdraw!%How much would you like to withdraw? JInvesting money will almost always profit! But profits depend on how longGyou invest. Longer investments are more profiting, but money cannot be accessed until it returns.#How much would you like to invest? HHow long would you like to invest for [Units are Hours; Range: 24-240]: Investing coins for hours.%Returns expected to be approximately coins. Accept? Investment made. Aborted,You have coins in our bank! Why get a loan? Your credit is overdrawn. Loan Interest Rate is %.&How many coins do you wish to borrow? -With finance charges, your loan comes out to Do you want this loan?#Listing of your current Investments DATA\INVEST.BR Return Date: Returns: U >z#&+EL& >z#&;UJ &;EHv >z#&)EH& >z#&+EH& >z#&;UN &;ELv >z#&)EL& >z#&)EH& >z#&)EL& >z#&;U@t &;E>t ) K P U n s x DATA\INVEST.BR DATA\INVEST.BR Payback on your investment was coins. +Your investment crashed! Returns are only 3Your investment severly crashed! Returns are only 8Investment held until bank account is partially emptied.U DATA\INVEST.BR DATA\T.BRU DATA\INVEST.BR RECON_UPDATE CONFIGUPDATE PLAYER_LIST DUMMY_DATA DATA\BRE.LOC . OUTBOUND\ Outbound mail for - Node created.U Duplicate File - Deleting #Processed Corrupted Packet - Size: Name: CRC Invalid - Size: U DATA\BRE.LOC \ OUTBOUND\ Routing mail to Node # \BRNODE BRNODES.DAT ' Processing Incoming Data from Node / Removing Incoming Data from Unknown Node: BRNODE*.U \OUTBOUND\ INTL FLAGS KFSU BRNODE BRNODES.DAT OUTBOUND\ BRNODES.DAT BRNODES. ' C S Y g r !'!1!?!L!\!j!y! "M"Z"m"t"|" "&#;#E#P#\#q#{# $$$)$.$;$@$K$P$ %-%=%M%X%`%r%x% &9&D&I&Z&h&u& &"'7'G'_'f'r'w' Type: *Corrupt Pkt* *Unknown Type* removed.U OUTBOUND DATA\REPORTS DATA\ DATA\REPORTS\ *.BR* OUTBOUND\ BRNODE*. B*.*A GLOBALRESET DATA\PLANET.BREU !ReIniting Planetary Data Files... DATA\PLANET.BRE SPECIAL_OP SPECIAL_RESULT A Nuclear Assault against from failed! attempted a nuclear assault but failed! A Nuclear Assault hit destroying ! blasted regions in a nuclear assault! A Chemical Assault against ) attempted a Chemical assault but failed! A Chemical Assault hit killed % million people in chemical bombings!!A V39-SkyRunner targeted against misfired!, almost hit your realm with a V39-SkyRunner! A V39-SkyRunner from struck on , hit and destroyed your Intelligence Center!6 hit and destroyed over 80% of your residential zones!* hit and destroyed several military bases!$ hit and destroyed several airbases! incinerated % of your regions!& incinerated most of your food supply!% developed many regions in your area!U A nuclear missile targetted for A misfired! failed! A nuclear missile by devastated was a success! Your nuclear missile hit destroying regions! Chemical bombings targetted for backfired! Your chemical attacks on Chemical bombings by Your Chemical bombs hit killing million people! The V39-SkyRunner targetted for was a disasterous failure! Your V39-SkyRunner aimed at hit it's target! Your V39-SkyRunner to # destroyed his Intelligence Center!" destroyed many residential zones! destroyed many military bases! destroyed many airbases! incinerated many regions! blew away food supplies!( backfired and developed unused regions!U # - < A S Z _ n s } 1 @ E O ^ c o !)!8!=!L!^!m!r!|! "%"*"4"C"H"T"f"u"z" #"#4#C#H#R#a#f#r# $*$<$K$P$Z$i$n$ %(%-%7%F%K%W%i%x%}% &!&0&5&?&N&T&g&v&{& '*'9'>'M'_'n's'}' ( (2(A(F(P(_(d(p( )#)2)7)C)U)d)i)s) *(*7*<*F*U*[*v* +(+.+I+X+]+l+~+ ,+,0,?,Q,`,e,o,~, DATA\GOOIES.BRU DATA\GOOIES.BRU Gooie Kablooie launched to GOOIE_ATTACK DATA\GOOIEA.BR Gooie Kablooie from destroyed regions! Gooie Kablooie -has been recreated due to datafile tampering! hit our Planet and destroyed U DATA\GOOIEA.BR Gooie Kablooie from destroyed " more regions in continued attack!% continues it's attack and destroyed MORE regions!U GOOIE_RESULTS Gooie Kablooie hits destroying regions and is still at % strength!U DATA\GOOIEA.BR GOOIE.TMP , 1 H P n } MESSAGE DATA\MSG.BRF DATA\SEND.BR ATTACK_RESULTS DATA\SEND.BR ATTACK DATA\SEND.BR T.BRU Invasion From Your forces were crushed by the enemy! blew the enemy away! You lost Regions!U &)ET& &)E`& &)Ed& Attack Party Results. Target: Date: Result: SUCCESS FAILURE NOT FOUND PROTECTED UNKNOWN(Your forces could not find their target!1Your forces found their target was in protection. Your forces were crushed by the enemy!!blew the enemy away and captured Regions! You lost Soldiers, Jets, and Tanks! Tanks returned home.U A O \ d $ 4 N h o !4!;!a!q!~! ","7"P"h"w"|" #!#�#?#D#Q#c#r#w# $,$E$T$Y$c$r$ %&%+%5%D%W%f%k%u% &-&;&C&K&P&X&w& '('<'Y'i' ("(2(](m( )')D)^){) PLANDATA.BBS FRONTDOOR BINKLEY DBRIDGE DBRIDGE15 OTHER NONEIWARNING: PLANDATA.BBS is missing Line #7. See PLANDATA.SAM for details.HThis line could be important in order for BRE Inter-BBS to run properly. IPDATA.CFG ROUTE CRASH RECONUPDATE OLDESTRECON % D O ^ i x BOMBING_OP BOMBING_RESULT Forces from ' were caught attempting to plant bombs! Our planet's Food Market was bombed! banks have been bombed!A !Attempts to bomb food markets in failed!-Your Bomb Specialists successfully destroyed % of the food in Attempts to bomb the banks in % of the banked coins in U TERRORIST_OP TERRORIST_RESULT -Your agents could not locate their target on Date : Target: )=Your terrorists found that their target was under protection. Agents of yours were caught in Agents from were caught in your empire! Military Status of : Soldiers = Jets = Missile Bases = Tanks = Morale = Intelligence Agencies successfully bombed! Intelligence centers bombed! Agents killed! Enemy Forces Demoralized!*Alcohol and Drugs demoralized your forces! Enemy dissent successful! troops fled your realm! Air bases successfully bombed! jets deserted your realm!1Agents killed many civilians in random shootings! killed in random shootings!-Agents aided rebellions throughout the realm!:Rebellions in the country suddenly gained massive support! Food Storages Agents bombed throughout the realm!' food destroyed in multiple explosions! Coin supplies0 coin supplies destroyed in multiple explosions!U . 3 B T c h r CONFIGUPDATE DATA\RECONS.BRU DATA\RECONS.BRU RECON_REQUEST v0.905U DATA\DUPE.BR DATA\DUPE.BR BRE System BRNODES.DAT *Error: BRNODES.DAT file corrupted/invalid. 2INVALID NODELIST! BRE will not function properly!U BRNODES.DAT DATA\PLANET.BRE ERROR: DATA\PLANET.BRE missing. DATA\PLANET.BRE ERROR: DATA\PLANET.BRE missing. + @ E J ] r w | You have coins and Turns left. Choice Help Me! Display Menu BankU ^ENDU ^ENDU DATA\TREATY.BR DATA\T.BR DATA\TREATY.BR DATA\TREATY.BR Soldiers MissileBases Commanders Agents Tanks CarriersU v<7u$ N<8u$ &<9u" DId Empire Name For Sale Price Trading MarketMKey Name Your Prices Owned For Sale Total For Sale Your Choice? U (Your dominion is still under protection. SPECIAL.ANS Change your setup, or Buy from Market: He is not selling!A is selling for Buy how many bought. bought from your Market. Change Setup1 Enter new amount of for sale: Set new price: QuitU >z#&; |&&; >z#&)EH& $Today's News ASCII filename invalid. * #Today's News ANSI filename invalid. $Today's News Ascii filename invalid. Barren Realms Elite v0.905": News File L----------------------------------------------------------------------------#Today's News Ansi filename invalid. : News File The Planetary EnquirerU The Wars continued today as defeated in a minor battle!(The endless struggle continued today as with a breathtaking defeat! by a narrow margin! overran ' in another battle in the ongoing wars! blew away - in a one way battle in the neverending wars! attempted an assault on ! It seems " faced a humiliating loss against today! And the war continues as + is forced to retreat from the defenses of + was silenced in a humiliating flight from got blown away / in a military failure of the neverending wars! NEWS! NEWS! was completely destroyed by has overrun the empire of ( in a battle to be put in history books!5 has made history in it's humiliating destruction of The empire of F was removed from the map in a humiliating battle against forces from EXTRA! EXTRA! was Hit by Nuclear Missiles by , shot a large volley of nuclear missiles at 7 angered many in it's fire of Nuclear Missiles against / has been bombarded with nuclear missiles from ! was Hit by Chemical Missiles by - shot a large volley of Chemical missiles at 8 angered many in it's fire of Chemical Missiles against 0 has been bombarded with Chemical missiles from was Hit by BioBombs by $ shot a large volley of BioBombs at / angered many in it's fire of BioBombs against ' has been bombarded with BioBombs from has raided the evil in a quick raid mission!, pleased many people in its attacks against & has been bombarded with attacks from attempted raiding the evil ! but suffered public humiliation!.'s meager military failed in a strike against > leaders were outraged to find their military failure against # repelled a military invasion from U regions InterPlanetary Strikes from from hit and stole a breathtaking ! The I-P Wars continued today as defeated stealing +Today we witness the humiliating defeat of capturing % were captured in an assault against & but failed due to marvelous defenses! failed in a strike against +Today we witness the glorious victories of in defense against 0Our planet has fought off yet another attack by against " failed due to marvelous defenses!,The I-P Wars continued today as forces from Massive invasion from were captured!!#Our baronies have failed to defend 's realm! captured Forces from have put disgrace to 's empire! They captured COur planet suffered a huge loss in the endless wars as forces from stole /Our forces faced catastrophic losses today, as invaded and captured repelled an invasion from !!1Our baronies have proved themselves in defending 's realm against have been disgraced as $'s empire warded off their invasion!DOur planet gained a huge victory in the endless wars as forces from failed to invade us!6Our forces faced minimal losses today, as forces from were blown back to their homes!('s forces have returned in triumph from and captured Our realm's glory expands - has captured The war goes well - More Military Successes! has lost to our Congratulations go to as our Baron has captured 2's forces have returned with news of failure from Our realm's glory diminishes - has failed in a strike against The war goes poorly - 3 has lost a strategically important battle against More Military Failures! has defended itself from our No congratulations will go to 3 today as our Baron has failed in a battle against 2Our planet's forces have returned in triumph from -Our realm's glory expands - We have captured %The war goes well - We have captured >More Military Successes! Our Planet's efforts have earned us # in leading our realm in capturing LOur planet's forces have returned in disarray and anger from a loss against ?Our realm's glory is gone! We have failed in assaults against =The war goes badly - We have failed in yet another attack on SMore Military Failures!! Our Planet's efforts have lead us to more losses against Anger grows against ( as our realm fails in assaults against $The wars go well - We have captured 5I5S5j5 6&6A6K6U6`6j6 8-888B8^8i8s8 :+:6:@:\:g:q: :,>?>I>X>]>k>t>~> ?"?,?;?A?b?l?v? @1@a@k@u@ A,A1A;AEAOA^AdA|A B*B2BPB|B C%C4C:C[CeC D#D)D DATA\REPORTS\REPORT.BR DATA\REPORTS DATA\REPORTS\REPORT.BRU The Planetary Food Market The Planetary Bank BRSCORES.ANS BRSCORES.TXT TDYNEWS.ANS YESNEWS.ANS TDYNEWS.TXT YESNEWS.TXT Emperor Reko IPBBS.ANS IPBBS.TXT IPSCORE.ANS IPSCORE.TXT IPWORTH.ANS IPWORTH.TXT IPREGION.ANS IPREGION.TXT DOORFILE.SRU ATTACKS.CONVENTIONAL ATTACKS.NUCLEAR ATTACKS.CHEMICAL ATTACKS.BIOLOGICAL ATTACKS.PIRATERAIDS FOODMARKETNAME BANKNAME DIPLOMACY MESSAGES TRADING ATTACKS TRADINGMARKET BANK COVERTOPS SCORES MACROS STRICTTIME COORDINATOR ANSISCORES ASCIISCORES TODAYNEWSANSI YESTERDAYNEWSANSI TODAYNEWSASCII YESTERDAYNEWSASCII IPPIRATENEWS LOCALPIRATENEWS DIPLOMACY.PEACE DIPLOMACY.TRADE DIPLOMACY.DEFENSE DIPLOMACY.PROTECTIVE DIPLOMACY.SOLDIER DIPLOMACY.TANK DIPLOMACY.FULLDEFENSE COVERT.SPY COVERT.REVOLTS COVERT.SETUP COVERT.DISSENSIONS COVERT.DEMORALIZE COVERT.RELATIONS COVERT.BOMB COVERT.BRIBERY COVERT.EXPOSE DELETIONDAYS CHECKDUPES CHECKDUPESALTERNATE DUPEALTERNATEFILE DUPEALTERNATELINE DUMPMONEYINBANK MINOUTBOUNDTIME IPBBSANSI IPBBSASCII IPSCOREANSI IPSCOREASCII IPWORTHANSI IPWORTHASCII IPREGIONANSI IPREGIONASCII PURGENETMAIL LEADER EXTERNALSCORESANSI EXTERNALSCORESASCII EXTERNALSCORESNAME MESSAGEDELETETIME ReportDELETETIMEU ! 3 ; E W _ i { BRREG.DATU BRREG.DATU