------------------------------------------------------------ BACKACHES AND BACK PAIN: A PERSPECTIVE ------------------------------------------------------------ The statistics are staggering. Each year more than 7,000,000 people in the United States report to their physicians suffering from backaches. More than 500,000 workers suffer on the job back injuries annually. And over 2,000,000 new backaches are added every year. If back pain was an infectious disease it would have been declared an epidemic years ago. Chronic backache is our most silent and painful epidemic. The cost of backaches in terms of lost time, wages and productivity run into billions of dollars annually. Some insurance companies report that reimbursements for back therapy and back surgery leads all other diseases in terms of total payments for medical care. On average, one out of four people gathered at random will report having a chronic, continuous backache within the last month. More than 30% will report having had a severe back strain or "sprain" within the last six months. And more than 20% of chronic back pain sufferers will request surgical intervention. Recently a large corporation held a "health fair" at its company headquarters. Presentations were offered on topics such as nutrition, exercise, pregnancy, aging, alcohol abuse, smoking and other health topics. Those who organized the health fair were stunned when employees overwhelmed a single presentation on back pain which had to be repeated FIVE times in order to accommodate all who requested seating at that specific presentation. Something is seriously wrong when a majority of individuals report chronic nagging backaches. And what is more frightening is that if neglected, back pain can yield to more severe permanent structural changes in bone, muscle or tissue. But there is hope. Amazingly, the majority of backaches can be relieved with common sense therapies, exercises and a simple understanding of anatomy. You do NOT need to suffer back pain. Make no mistake. You have to USE the ideas within this tutorial. You have to DO the exercises and try the suggestions. And of course you should have your physician CHECK your back and spinal condition prior to proceeding if your back pain is severe or chronic. You cannot handle your back pain simply by reading this tutorial, although it is a start. You can make backaches vanish if you decide to follow a few common sense therapeutic behaviors. Why does this software program exist? Because I needed this information myself. As a computer programmer I spend long hours sitting in front of a keyboard. Inevitably back pain found me and I did the wrong thing: I ignored it. The agony became worse until I decided to do some research. In between writing other software programs I spent almost a year investigating the topic, talking to physicians and thinking about what I could do to prevent back pain. Naturally my stack of notes became the perfect candidate for a software tutorial program and an ideal "electronic reference" I could use from time to time if my back pain returned and I needed to look up a reminder, an exercise or a tip. It's a bit ironic that long hours in front of a computer caused my back pain, yet some simple research produced a software program which helped relieve the backache which the computer caused in the first place. Let's move on in our tutorial and begin with the basics of human back and spinal anatomy.... This tutorial is merely a starting point! For further information on back care and back pain, be sure to register this software ($25.00) which brings by prompt postal delivery a printed, illustrated guide to back pain written by a physician plus two software disks. From the main menu select "Print Registration Form." Or from the DOS prompt type the command ORDER. Mail to Seattle Scientific Photography (Dept. BRN), PO Box 1506, Mercer Island, WA 98040. If you cannot print the order form, send $25.00 to the above address and a short letter requesting these materials. End of chapter.