Brother's Keeper 5.0 is designed to be run on a hard disk. It will run slowly on a floppy disk system. BK 4.5c runs much faster on a floppy disk system. If you need to run BK 5.0 on a computer without a hard disk, you will need to do the following: The main program should run OK from disk #1 if you put the LANGUAGE.BK5 file on disk #1. (You can transfer some other files to make room.) For the other programs (on the right side of the menu) you will need to copy to a disk the program you want to run and the language file (if needed) and a copy of the BKOPTION.DT5 file. Then while you are at the main menu, you can insert the program disk you want to run in the A: drive before choosing the routine. Note: This advice is for a dual drive computer. Do NOT remove the disk containing your data until the program has stopped. For example: copy to a new disk the following: TREE5.EXE LANGUAGE.BKT BKREP5.EXE LANGUAGE.BKR Then copy the BKOPTION.DT5 from your #1 disk to that disk. Then BEFORE you choose T for tree or R for reports, put in the correct disk. Before returning to the main menu, put the #1 disk back in. If you want to run a program, such as TREE5.EXE without starting the main menu of BK5 first, you can create a batch file. Copy the BK5.BAT file to a new file such as BKT.BAT. Then edit BKT.BAT and change the line from BK5MAIN to TREE5. You will also need a copy of BTRIEVE.EXE on the same disk. Then you can type BKT and the TREE5 program will start.