BIRMINGHAM CHRISTIAN BBS NEWSLETTER ISSUE #1 JANUARY, 1991 Table of Contents Title Author ---------------------------------- --------------------------- Yucky Technical Stuff Staff Ricky's Mindless Mumblings Ricky Eanes Gospel Music Today Larry Hardeman Untitled Michael Davidson Discussions With Disbelievers Computers for Christ BBS'ing to Come Brent Elliott What I Can Do... Mary Parker Fractal Manor: A True Story Henry S. McGraw BBS Focus Ricky Eanes Truth and Consequences Mark Lawley Birmingham Christian BBS Numbers Staff ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yucky Technical Stuff This newsletter was created as a way for the users of Birmingham's Christian BBS's to have their own publication to cover all the events, opinions, and general information of the various boards in Birmingham. We hope to provide the reader with accurate, interesting articles on a variety of topics, as well as dealing with modern Christian issues. Our staff works very hard on each issue, and we hope that you enjoy it. Disclaimer and Reprinting We at BCBN try to insure the accuracy and clarity of all information we publish. However, we cannot be held accountable for any damage as a result of errors or omissions in our publication. We want to have a good newsletter, and please let us know if you think that anything about it should be changed. If you wish to use any material in BCBN for your own needs or publication, please contact the author of the material or Ricky Eanes. In general we will let you reprint BCBN articles, but please notify us ahead of time and send us a copy of whatever you plan on using the article for. Rules for Submitting Articles BCBN is written by you. We hope to provide articles from many different people showing many different views and opinions. Anyone can write an article for BCBN, and we do not turn down many articles. As long as it has meaning and would be interesting to other people, we will publish it. Our only rule for the subject of articles is that we will not allow anything "bad", or should we say "against the teachings of the Bible". You get the picture. If you have an article, please type it in an ASCII text file and upload it to area "Y" of Hardeman's Christian BBS. It is for BCBN text files only, and while anyone can upload to it, only our production staff can download the files. If possible, please leave a C)omment to the SysOp or a message to Ricky Eanes telling us that you uploaded your article so that we will be sure and see it. We do reserve the right to change your article in any way we see necessary as far as formatting it. We will not change the content of your article or omit any of it. The whole thing gets published or none of it gets published. We now have our own folder on Hardeman's called BCBN Stuff. It is folder "J" and should be used for any questions, comments, or anything else about our newsletter that you want to ask or tell us in a message. This would be a good place for you to tell us when you have uploaded an article. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ricky's Mindless Mumblings by Ricky Eanes Welcome to the very first issue of what we hope is a great new online publication in the Birmingham area. You can also expect to see this little section in every issue. It is written by me, Ricky Eanes, as sort of an introduction to the issue and anything else I want to tell you that isn't important enough to put it a separate article. Please read it as there is a slight chance that there might actually be something important in here. First I want to tell you a little about BCBN's history. Around the beginning of the summer of 1991, two new boards popped up in Birmingham that were "Christian" boards. I got on them, liked them, and have since gotten very active on them. Another one moved to town not too long ago, so now we have 3 Christian boards in Birmingham. To me, all of the users of those boards needed a central newsletter just to sort of keep up on what's happening at the different places. What really inspired me was the newsletter that Hardeman's Christian BBS put out. Although it was just for that one board and was written by just one person, this was a start. And thus, while chatting with the SysOp one day, I decided that I wanted to start a Christian BBS newsletter. One of the main reason's for having the 2nd Christian BBS Users Meetings was so that I could get a chance to talk this over with everyone. We discussed everything and obviously decided to call it BCBN. So immediately after the meeting, we got to work and here it is. I hope that you enjoy it. In closing, I want to thank everyone for contributing to this newsletter. Thank you to everyone that reads and anyone who has or will write an article. As a note to article-writers, if your article didn't make it this month, it will be in next month's issue for sure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Gospel Music Today by Larry Hardeman Time seems to have been against us a little bit here, but beginning in the next issue we will have a section covering various tidbits on Gospel Music, recent and of old. The articles will deal with the top selling recordings and information on some of the top artists in the country. In addition, there will be listings of where one might go to find the latest recordings and their prices. I am not very knowledgeable on the Christian Rock, but with the help of some of the DJ's in this area, I will make an effort to cover it long with Southern Gospel. There are several local Quartets that rank high in the nation wide polls and it should make for some interesting reading. ***Editor's Note*** The aforementioned DJ will be Wayne Wallace, a nationally acclaimed DJ from WDJC, a local Christian music station. ***Editor's Note*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Untitled by Michael Davidson Guess what everybody! This is a column about math! I knew if I called it something pertaining to the subject matter than my audience would shrink considerably. But before you push page down, let me try to convince you to read this article. For a while, math has been my favorite topic in school. Yes, I do enjoy the infamous subject. For those of you who absolutely HATE math, this is going to be a bit different. I'm going to try to explain this in a way easily understandable to every one, and maybe even make it enjoyable. Just try it. You might like it. Todays topic is one that I've argued many times over and usually won (because frankly, this time I'm right): Why There Are No Circles in the Real World. Yup, that's right. There are no circles, and consequently, there are no spheres, cylinders, etc. There are things that look like these shapes, but actually aren't. Let's step back into basic geometry here. We all know that to find the circumference of a circle, you take the diameter and multiply it by pi (ã). We also all know that pi is a decimal that never ends, and never repeats itself. After billions of digits of expansion, it just keeps on going and doesn't do any of the aforementioned. How do we know it will never end? Trust me. We know. Having this property makes pi what is known as an irrational number. This means that pi cannot be expressed as the ratio of two rational numbers, or in everyday terms, you can't divide one number that either ends or repeats by another possessing the same qualities and get pi. Pi also is not the solution to any algebraic equation. Some of you might say, "But isn't 22/7 pi?" No. 22/7 is a commonly used replacement for pi. It's a pretty close approximation, but isn't actually pi. All fractions, including 22/7, either repeat or end. Pi doesn't. Now comes the interesting part. If you transform the formula using simple algebra or common sense, you will find that to get pi, you will divide the circumference of any given circle by the diameter of that same circle. Now we all know that you can take a piece of string, and measure the distance around any given circular object. We all can accept that the distance around any circular object will come out to be a decimal that terminates. Ditto the diameter. Now, if we take those two measurable distances and divide them, than we should come out with pi. We might come awfully close, but we don't. Why? Because like I said earlier, pi cannot be expressed as one number divided by another. The two numbers you divide will either terminate or repeat. ALWAYS. Try it with as many circles as you like. I hope you have enjoyed our little "walk on the wild side". Perhaps, if all goes well, our kind and loving editor will let me do another similar essay in the next issue of our beloved BCBN. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Discussions With Disbelievers By Computers For Christ - San Jose, CA 95123 Contributed by Harry Jones We have, over the years, held many discussions with various individuals and groups regarding the Holy Bible and the inspiration of the text by God. In many cases we have had to allow the "other end" to remain with their beliefs while we retained our own. The factors of each time have always resulted in the situation that the "other end" chooses to disbelieve. The Bible, time and time again, over the centuries has proven its trustworthiness and accuracy. While this convinces a few, several remain in disbelief by choice. It is for those individuals that this series of questions is posed: 1) How is it that the Old Testament, one of the most ancient of books, is always marvelously accurate when it touches scientific questions; whereas ALL other books a hundred years old, whenever touching such questions are full of glaring, and often foolish mistakes. A scientist once wrote to the British Association apologizing for not having a paper printed. He stated, "anything printed is ipso facto out of date." 2) How is it that of the Bible, and the BIBLE ALONE, it can be said: "It has ... truth without any mixture of error for its matter" (Locke). How is it that no single virtue or standard of righteousness taught elsewhere eclipses that taught in the Bible? 3) How is it that no references to historical events, historical characters, ancient customs, geographical and astronomical records abounding in the Bible have been proved incorrect? 4) How do you explain how Christ could be "in the beginning with God," one with the Father, and at the same time err in teaching and believing that the Bible was verbally inspired, as Jesus did? 5) How is it that hundreds of prophesies recorded in the Bible have been fulfilled to the letter, centuries after they were recorded. Why is it that the BIBLE ALONE has this unique feature that NO OTHER text in the world has? 6) How is it that a book written by some 40 individuals whose writings ranged over 1600 years, could, when bound together, present one unique whole, whose unity of thoughts in doctrine and plan is evident to the most casual of readers, and is a matter of increasing wonder and admiration to the student. Again, this has NEVER been found in any other collection of literature. A vivid contrast are the Hindu Shastras. 7) How is that writers such as Moses, David, Isaiah, John, Paul, Peter and many other men of integrity and spiritual acumen, could claim that many of the words they used were God's words, and all were written by inspiration, if in truth they had written them themselves apart from the control of the Holy Spirit. The former claim is made by the writers about 4,000 times. 8) How is it that fishermen, tax collectors and others were enabled to succeed in portraying a perfect character in the Gospels which no other writers have been able to do before or since them? 9) How is it that the Law given to Israel millenniums ago, worked successfully for centuries without amendment or repeal (Deut 4:2); and finally was used as a basis for British and American Law. During the reign of Victoria over 650 acts of Parliament were repealed. No count was kept of amendments! 10) How do you explain how it is that God honors all the promises in His Word when conditions are fulfilled, and when presented by those to whom they have been given. If they are not HIS promises, why does HE honor them? 11) How is it that the words of Scripture have, in numerous cases, unaided by man's influence, completely transformed the reader, turning him from the ways of error to a holy, clean and upright life? No OTHER book can make such a claim! 12) How is it that the spiritual treasures are inexhaustible? Every year produces scores of volumes, thousands of sermons, and tens of thousands of articles - all of which seek to exploit the unsearchable depths and riches of Jesus Christ, and the precious truths and teachings found in the Bible. This cannot be said about ANY OTHER book ever written! 13) How is it that apart from the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit much of the contents of the Bible are hidden from the wisest? 14) How is it that the Scriptures are uniquely adaptable for translation into any tongue? All other books lose greatly being translated and the value of many would be practically lost. There are over 800 languages and dialects in which some portion of the Bible is now obtainable in print. Many of these add freshness and beauty to a multitude of passages. To close, I wish to add that I have yet to debate with a person on the merits of the Bible where my opponent has even read the Bible. The majority have desired to question my faith and my beliefs without addressing the issue of the Bible. They wish to quote other human writers without the scholar attitude of checking the Bible themselves. ***Editor's Note*** This article is available for download on The Connection's religious conference as well as Hardeman's Christian BBS as INST11.ZIP. There are many other files like it available by Computers for Christ. We will make an effort to present one every month in this publication. ***Editor's Note*** ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BBSing To Come By Brent Elliott First of all I'm happy to be writing an article for Birmingham's ONLY (I think) Christian computing newsletter. Second of all it's late and I don't even live in Birmingham. I just got this silly idea to write an article on a subject I don't even feel qualified to write about... oh goes. Ever since 1983 when the Apple Cat Modem/300 was the coolest thing that ever hooked into a computer, very few things have changed. Baud rates have risen and programs are bigger. That's about it other than the systems themselves dramatically changing. BBS's are relatively boring for the fact that text is all that's there. I think with more people learning to program and show interest, more new things will come over the phone lines. Here are some of my neat (yet far fetched) ideas for the future. I think Sierra's new TSN (The Sierra Network) on-line service is on the right track. It combines VGA graphics with a unique way of meeting people. You simply create a face for yourself by selecting different features. You type in your interests and POW, an alternate personality. The bad part is, all there is to do is card games. I'm thinking 5 on 5 basketball (with a joystick Mr. Big) would rule. But that isn't all the future holds. Strap on your TeleGoggles and put on your trusty DataGlove. Some day, you could be taking a trip into Cyberspace. If you don't know what Cyberspace (or virtual reality) is, you're missing out on the most exiting advancement in computers EVER! Double monitors in your goggles gives a 3-D image which changes according to the position of your head in 3-D space! The glove and finger positions are tracked and can interact with a whole computer environment, with other modem pals. Wow that's exciting. Birmingham needs to bring this closer to reality with a load of people that can program (I'll be the Orlando hub). Well, until the next issue, make sure you bring a toothpick. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- What I Do Is Just About The Same As What You Do by Mary Parker How did all of this begin? I mean me on the modem, posting messages and receiving messages every day. It all sort of happened accidentally. About a year ago I decided to purchase a computer. I loved using a computer at work and I wanted to have one at home to play with. So I started making many telephone calls trying to find out exactly what equipment i would need and what kind of prices were available. Since my computer had to have speech I knew I would have to pay more for it, so I started getting some money together. Finally, I made my decision, purchased the computer, the hardware and software for the speech, and just plunged right in. At first I was always afraid I would do something to hurt my computer and, sure enough, the first evening I did. I still do not know what I did or how I did it, but the computer would not boot and DOS had to be reloaded. But after that everything worked except the printer. Finally, after about 1 week, my brother-in-law discovered the printer wasn't completely plugged into the back of the computer. So after that the printer even worked. I had a headache from worrying about getting everything to work. After that, my first project was to get my Bible installed. Sounds easy. Right? Wrong. It keep telling me I didn't have enough memory. Well I had plenty of memory and I couldn't figure it out. Finally we got it to work. After that, I wanted to transfer my booklogue from braille onto the computer. I read many books a year and I have been keeping a log of what I read since I was a teenager. I typed all of those titles into the computer and saved them. This took about 4 weeks on and off. After that, the question was, "What's next?" I really did not know, but someone suggested I get a modem. I didn't know what a modem was or why I would want one, but I finally decided to go ahead and buy one. Mike Tyner came over and installed the modem for me and Telix and a phone directory full of numbers of local boards. After he left I was lost. I knew how to dial a board, but I still wasn't sure why I would want to. I finally started calling a board every once in a while and soon learned how to log on and how to read and send messages. I really liked it. As a matter of fact, I liked it too much. I almost stopped going to bed at night. I was concerned at first that my speech synthesizer might cause problem on local boards, so I made it a practice to let the Sysop know that I can't see and therefore use a speech synthesizer. I've had very few problems using my equipment on these boards, and the more I use it the easier it becomes. Now I'm just having a great time. Many people have helped me from time to time along the way as I tried to learn how to use new software on different boards and other things like that. The nicest help I have gotten, though, has been on Hardeman's Christian BBS. I think it was Ricky Eanes that first came up with the idea of interpreting things to me that the speech can't read. He calls it Marylator and there have been various versions of it, but the idea is just to let me know what has been written in large letters that my speech can't read. It is cute and very helpful. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fractal Manor: A True Story By Henry S. McGraw Hello, yes it's me, Perry Journelle, back again with more from Fractal Manor. This month, I'm going to review my hardware for you, and talk a little bit about a program or two. First to the hardware . . . . . As you may or may not know, I'm running a Northgate 386-33 Elegance Tower with 8MB of RAM and a Maxtor 200MB hard drive. An awesome machine if I do say so myself. I added a Tandy CDR1000 CD-ROM drive and a Soundblaster card so I would be Multimedia Compatible. That was real smart since the only way to get the Mutimedia Extensions is to wait for Windows 3.1. Oh well, I can wait. That's not to say you can't enjoy both these devices without the Mutimedia Extensions, but they probably will help. Both the CD-ROM and Soundblaster have left and right speaker ports. The soundblaster of course amplifies the signal coming from it and has a volume control on the card. The ROM drive however, needs an additional amplifier between the speakers and the drive. I used only one set of speakers, and a couple of splitters in the speaker wires to hook the SB card and Amp in parallel. It works great. When I want to listen to music CD's, I turn on the amplifier, and when I'm playing games or running other computer CD's, the software redirects the output to the Soundblaster. Boy! My first article and already I have to make a correction. The Multimedia Extensions can be had by all registered owners of a Soundblaster for $59.00 direct from Creative Labs. Thanks, but I'll wait for Windows 3.1. My other computer; yes I have two; is a 386SX-16mhz Cumulus I got at Sears. It has 2MB RAM and an 80MB hard drive. I bought it to run my scanner: A Complete PC, HP compatible, 256 grey scale flatbed. Why don't I run it on my Northgate? I'm glad you asked. It seems the Soundblaster card and the scanner card, both try to use DMA channel 1. Neither is switchable to a different channel. There was no way to use both cards except one at a time. I mean there could only be one card installed at one time! Hence - a second computer. Let that be a lesson to you; If you want a second computer . . . . I also have a printer or two, or three. First is my Panasonic KXP1124. A good 24 pin workhorse. I use it to print out docs and such. Then there's the HP Laserjet III with 3MB Ram. A graphics machine. I can print out a full page of black if I want to, but I don't use it that way. Last but not least is the HP Deskjet 500C. A color inkjet. Great for spot color on flyers and such. Don't try to reproduce a photograph and you'll probably be alright. A nice printer. Recommended. That's about it for the hardware, except for the line conditioner. I advise everyone to get one of those little babies. Highly recommended. Software? I have a lot of software. I can't review it all here today, but I would like to tell you about my favorite program. It is COREL DRAW! This has got to be the best graphics program ever written. To do the things it does, as easily as it does them, is more magic than computer programming. I have both the floppy and CD versions and I recommend it to all computerist's, novice to poweruser. You can't go wrong with this program. Highly,Highly recommended. Game of the month - STELLAR 7 CD. Even though the voices and animation aren't quite in sync, it is still awesome. Next month - Utilities, among other things. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BBS Focus: by Ricky Eanes Hardeman's Christian BBS 640-6436 Moody, Alabama Larry Hardeman, SysOp HISTORY Hardeman's went online April 26, 1991 using PcBoard version 10. On June 1 it switched to WildCat software and has been using it ever since. Hardeman's has experienced incredible growth in doors, files, and especially messages in the past few months. SYSOP Larry Hardeman, 34, is a part-time programmer and nice guy. He is probably the nicest SysOp I have ever met, and he will literally do anything for his users. At night he is usually there for a nice online chat, and he is active in his own board's message bases along with several other boards. Larry also part-time sells and services computers in his home. MESSAGES BASES The board has several message bases all with a variety of topics. The two most active are the General folder, for messages of any type, and the Nonsense folder, hosted by yours truly, Ricky Eanes, and Michael Davidson. Other folders of interest are the Bible folder, Computer folder, Prayer folder, Shareware folder, Music folder, and of course the BCBN folder. It has recently added a Music conference along with a Shareware conference. FILE BASES While not established to be a file-only BBS, Hardeman's has a decent file section with around 800 or so files. This includes many games, applications, utilities, and LOTS of text files on Christian and other issues. DOORS Hardeman's has evolved to have a good many doors. The most used door is the Freshwater Fishing Simulator. The board also boasts two games of Esterian Conquest, the ever-popular space war game. Tomcat is there for .QWK message users, while Sinbaud, Rescue, Blockade, and Amazing Memory Game are there for gamers. OFFICIAL STATISTICS as of 1/10/91 Users: 129 Calls: 4213 Files: 818 Message Areas: 10 Messages: 1319 COMMENTS Hardeman's Christian BBS is a very well-maintained, well-equipped BBS. The SysOp is always open to suggestions, and the board has a decent file and doors selection, and my favorite message base in town. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd have to give it a 9.5. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Truth or Consequences 1 Timothy 1:3-7 By Mark Lawley "As I urged you when I went to Macedonia - remain in Ephesus that you may charge some that they teach no other doctrine, nor give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which cause disputes rather than godly edification which is in faith. Now the purpose of the commandment is love from a pure heart, from a good conscience, and from sincere faith, from which some, having strayed, have turned aside to idle talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, understanding neither what they say nor the things which they affirm." Paul had left Timothy in Ephesus, probably to function as pastor of the church there. We can know this from the instructions that he gives Timothy in areas such as selection of elders and deacons (3:1-12), instruction of the brethren (4:6-7), and exhortation and administrations (chapter 5). In verse 3, Paul again urges Timothy to remain in Ephesus, for the stated purpose of charging, or commanding, some that they teach no different gospel (than that which they had received), and that they not give heed to fables and the long genealogies that often caused them to end up arguing with each other, rather than edifying (building up) each other. Exactly what these fables and genealogies involved is not known. Whatever their nature, they were empty of any spiritual value, and led only to further speculation, confusion, and arguments. God's truths are grasped and implemented by faith, not by human imaginations and assumptions. By contrast, human speculations tend to lead off down blind tunnels, and endless paths which serve only to confuse and obscure God's truth. The intended result of Paul's instruction to Timothy was love that flows from a pure heart, a good conscience, and from sincere faith. He goes on to say that some of the Ephesians had strayed or swerved. The Greek says literally "missed the aim," and turned aside to idle talk. They had missed the aim because they desired to be teachers (a prominent position in that culture), but they didn't understand what they were saying much less the truths of God of which they were trying to teach. Paul's point was guarding the purity of the teaching of the church, which has tremendous application in today's world. Too much opinion, speculation, and erroneous teaching circulates as biblical truth, serving only to confuse or mislead the hearers. Deception and half truths are used by Satan to divert our attention from sound doctrine and biblical truths God would have us understand. As Christians we have a responsibility to be certain of that which we share with others as biblical truth. When we are standing on biblical principles we are standing on good ground and no compromise should be made. When we are standing on opinion it should be labelled as such and allowed to change if God's Word reveals it to be incorrect. 2 Timothy 2:15-16 says, "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings; for they will increase unto more ungodliness." John 8:32 says "ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." You have heard it said "you are the only Bible that some people will ever read," be sure they read the right version. The consequence could be their soul. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Birmingham Christian BBS Numbers Name Number SysOp Hardeman's Christian BBS 640-6436 Larry Hardeman Pooh's Korner 980-8710 Eddie Dake The Word 833-2831 Rod Lewis (Rockin' Rev) The Family Smorgas-Board 744-0943 Randall Dickerson ---------------------------------------------------------------------- We thank you for taking the time to read this, the first issue of Birmingham Christian BBS Newsletter. With your help, we hope to produce many more fine issues. Ricky Eanes and Michael Davidson- Editors