MKTPROBE mnthsamplef ZIPGROUPS REPORT Print a summary of 3,5 & 9 digit zip code groups (Y/N) (Your Primary Sort should be Zip Code, ie. ZIP only, or ZIP and STATE). Print zip code group COUNTS only when group size is greater or equal to: (default of 1 means all groups listed, even if only one in group) 99,999 ZRPT.MEM zipgrps ZIP CODE GROUPINGS REPORT for FF$+ NOTE: select ZIP CODE sort first # in 9-DIGITS # in 5-DIGITS # in 3-DIGITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------ d@`FF ctr=(ctr-1+&extranumf) 999,999,999c IN: 999,999,999c IN: 999,999,999c IN: TOTAL in Mailing=F 999,999,999c ZIPCTR MNTHSAMPLECTR CTRTOT ZCTR3TST CTR5TST BWINCOL NTHSAMPLE GOLOGIC LESIZE SETUPP FILE04 GK_ESC FILENAME SKIPREC SKIPNUM SKIPNAME CHECK EXTRANUMF CTRTST PLETHREE QUICKLBL quicklbl.lbx2 QUICK LABEL FILE: QUICKLBL.LBX Not found PREVIEW PRINT quicklbl.mem2 quicklbl.mem SENDING TO: FF quicklbl.mem qlbl* LBLNAME LEMREC WHOLEA GK_ESC QUICKLBL QLBLROW QLBLCOL EXPORT FILE TYPE BEING Cancel Comma Delimited ASCII file Standard Data Format (Columns) ASCII file FoxPro/dBase file Lotus 1-2-3 file v.1a DIF (Data Inter. Format) Microsoft Multiplan Microsoft Multiplan v4.01 Microsoft Excel v2.0 Symphony v1.1 IMPORT Paradox v3.5 FrameWork II EXPORT FoxPro W/FoxPro type MEMO field Wordstar or NewWord MailMerge file MicroSoft WORD MailMerge file WordPerfect MailMerge file Word Writer MailMerge file WordPlus-PC MailMerge file Smart MailMerge file filetypef DEACTIVATE POPUP outpop FILENAME IMPORT SELECT "IMPORT FROM" FILE: Then to OPEN ENTER "EXPORT TO" FILE NAME: Then to SAVE IMPORT FROM TO 8 IF FILE('&newfile') .AND. mtype='EXPORT' ALREADY EXISTS. OVERWRITE THIS FILE (Y/N)? IF .NOT. FILE('&newfile') .AND. mtype='IMPORT' This IMPORT file cannot be found. Re-Check its name. IF (FILE('&newfile') .AND. mtype='IMPORT') .OR. (.NOT. FILE('&newfile') .AND. mtype='EXPORT') Ready to this file NOW (Y/N) ? Enter a field "Delimiter" (if other than a comma is desired) IMPORT READING IMPORT FILE & UPDATING INDEX FILES - WRITING EXPORT FILE OF REQUESTED RECORDS - 8 8888888 IMPORT APPE FROM &newfile TYPE DELIM APPE FROM &newfile TYPE DELIM WITH &mdelim APPE FROM &newfile APPE FROM &newfile TYPE PDOX APPE FROM &newfile TYPE FW2 APPE FROM &newfile TYPE &t COPY TO &newfile DELIM WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc COPY TO &newfile DELIM WITH &mdelim WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc COPY TO &newfile WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc COPY TO &newfile FOXPLUS WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc COPY TO &newfile TYPE &t WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc FILETYPE MDELIM LEADJUST MTYPE POPCOL ZOUTPOP FILEDESC NEWFILE BBOTT TEMPEXT TEMPFILE EGOLOGIC OUTPUT5 WINCOL GK_ESC HEAD2 G_LCKFL CONVWORD Select F file or POPFILE[1,1]f NO FILES FOUND MATCHING: DEACTIVATE POPUP ATYPE KEEPEXT LEATITLE POPFILE POPCOL RETVAL selerpt THIS LINE IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR EDITING EXAMPLE OF BOOLEAN LOGICF Use of parentheses will assist you in developing more complex FLEXI- SELECTIONS. For example, the following lines select different records: Z='444'.or.Z='555'.and.LN='SMI' (Z='444'.or.Z='555').and.LN='SMI' ================================== ==================================== JIM SMITH 55555 JIM SMITH 55555 JIM JONES 44444 BILL SMITH 55555 BILL JONES 44444 BILL SMITH 55555 Press Any Key to Continue selesort Edit - Boxes at top illustrate ways to manipulate data Edit - Your HEADING DEFINITION Edit - Your PRINT DEFINITION Edit - Your DESCRIPTION MAKECDX LETAGNUMBER DBFVALUE MENU2 WINCOL ZLC_MENU2 MEMVAL OPERATE BPOPCOL MEMVALH MEMVALP EMEMVSAVE SEARCH/REPLACE - A POWERFUL FEATURE. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKUPs REMEMBER, ALL EXISTING DATA WILL BE REPLACED BY ANY NEW DATA YOU ENTER HERE. YOU ARE URGED TO RE-VERIFY THAT YOU HAVE ALREADY USED FLEXI-SELECT TO SELECTED THE CORRECT RECORDS - ALL RECORDS SEEN HERE WILL BE CHANGED. REVIEW REPORT or LISTING FIRST! (To force a field to BLANK or 0, FILL the field with 1's) (To force the proper Case (Initial Caps) in character fields, enter:PROPER) m.fldnumf CURSORzj SEARCH WHICH FIELD ???? to Select Field: REPLACE WITH ????? newval=SPACE(LEN(&fldname)) / / # REPLACE ALL WITH THIS NEW VALUE: REPLACE ALL WITH VALUES FROM ANOTHER FIELD: PROPER Proper Case MAKE SURE You have Flexi-Selected the appropriate records first. Selected records: ALL records REPLACE with Continue Cancel WORKING - SEARCHING AND REPLACING VALUES IF newval=REPL('1',LEN(&fldname)) REPL ALL &fldname WITH SPACE(LEN(&fldname)) WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc PROPER REPL ALL &fldname WITH PROPER(&fldname) WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc REPL ALL &fldname WITH newval WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc REPL ALL &fldname WITH &fromfield WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc IF newval=VAL(REPL('1',FSIZE(&fldname))) REPL ALL &fldname WITH 0 WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc REPL ALL &fldname WITH newval WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc 11/11/11# REPL ALL &fldname WITH CTOD(' / / ') WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc REPL ALL &fldname WITH newval WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc REPL ALL &fldname WITH newval WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc SEARCHRE POPCOL LEGK_ESC FLDNUM REPLVAL FLDARRY ZREPLFIELD CURS_STAT FINDWIND BFINDWIND2 FLDNAME NEWVAL EFROMFIELD DISPNEWVALLN_CONT ALG_GETDL GC_OSEOL G_LCKFL DOALL DOALL IF .NOT. FILE('&tempfile'+'.dbf') .DBF not found IF .NOT. FILE('&tempfile'+'.ndx') INDEX ON UPPER(start) TO &tempfile USE &tempfile SET INDEX TO &tempfile Press any key to continue OR Home SELECT &currarea MSTART MAXROW ZHTITLE CURRAREA BHWIN HAREA HLPWIN EPOPCOL TEMPFILE FILE04 VALG_OPNFL LHREC HLPROW START ALGK_ESC PAUSE Enter decimal control codes for printer - one at a time. RETURN=Done Enter Part F of code MAXIMUM NUMBER OF CODES &var=SUBSTR(longchr,3,LEN(longchr)-9) Press ESC key to re-do. Any other key to continue. PROMPT LELONGCHR ENTRY GK_ESC CHECK for DUPLICATES when Adding records SALELEAD INSTALLATION PRINTER CODES: (eg. CHR(27)+CHR(64)) SELECT TRAY/PRINTER #1 SELECT TRAY/PRINTER #2 SELECT CODE-LEFT BRACKET SELECT CODE-RIGHT BRACKET XDUPCHECK LEFILE00 SALEOPT WINCOL XTRAYONE ZXTRAYTWO XLTRA XLTRB config.mem2 Your 'FILE=' command in this workstation's CONFIG.SYS may be insufficient. If you have any problems, try changing FILES= to FF The current setting is F Consider changing CONFIG.SYS. SETUP COMPANY/ORGANIZATION NAME ? SALELEAD If printing BarCodes on labels, Enter Y if you will use a Hewlett/Packard compatible laser? SALELEAD PRININT TO ACCESS MULTIPLE PAPER SOURCES/PRINTERS xtrayone printers with two paper feed trays, command to activate tray #1-letterhead xtraytwo printers with two paper feed trays, command to activate tray #2-plain bond PRIN2 TO CHANGE FONTS WITHIN LETTERS xltra SELECT special Font desired when encountering [ while printing letters. xltrb DE-SELECT special Font desired when encountering ] while printing letters. config config.mem NOCHANGE P_CODES p_codes// p_name Generic printer P_CODES SELE &currarea LN_FILES ELW_DSPAL INITCOLR WINCOL ZTEMPCON FILE00 BXLASER HELPPROC PRINTINT ECONFIG DISPSET ALCOLORCH LGC_PRNTID GC_PRNDESTCURRAREA LLN_OPNFLP G_OPNFL DEFAULT P_NAME P_OUTPORT P_CODES MPRINT SRCH.fmt SET FORMAT TO &screenf GET.fmt SET FORMAT TO &screenf ADDING RECORD #: FFFQ Previously Added: ESCREENF FILE04 OLDSTR DIFFERENT FIELD USED in SEARCH SCREEN is RECORD# or field does not allow CONTINUE CONTINUING TO LOOK FOR ESC key to Stop NO MORE RECORDS BGOLOGIC ETEMPC TEMPF RECNUMTOP windows.dbf2 Windows DEFINE WINDOW &mname FROM ulr,ulc TO lrr,lrc COLOR &standard, &enhanced, &border DOUBLE FLOAT GROW TITLE ' '+TRIM(titlename)+' ' &tempopt1 &tempopt2 DEFINE WINDOW &mname FROM ulr,ulc TO lrr,lrc COLOR &standard, &enhanced, &border FLOAT GROW TITLE ' '+TRIM(titlename)+' ' &tempopt1 &tempopt2 DEFINE WINDOW &mname FROM ulr,ulc TO lrr,lrc COLOR SCHEME &colorsc DOUBLE FLOAT GROW TITLE ' '+TRIM(titlename)+' ' &tempopt1 &tempopt2 DEFINE WINDOW &mname FROM ulr,ulc TO lrr,lrc WINDOWS.DBF file missing WINDOWS MNAME ENAME STANDARD C_STANDARDENHANCED C_ENHANCEDBORDER C_BORDER BM_STANDARDM_ENHANCEDM_BORDER ETEMPOPT1 OPTION1 TEMPOPT2 LOPTION2 LCOLORSC DOUBLE MEMVAL MCHOICE MSORT MSELECT MFORMAT LABEL REPORT ltr88 IF FILE('&tempfile') REST FROM &tempfile ADDI MSORT FFFFFF USE LAST NAME SORT REVIEW or ADD a SORT88 MSELECT FFFFFF ACCEPT ALL RECORDS REVIEW or ADD a SELECTION88 MFORMAT FFFFFF LABEL LETTER REPORT REVIEW or ADD a REPORTLABEL RUN DOS/DBASE PROGRAM DBFVALUE MTYPE ETEMPFILE FILE04 MEMVAL DMSORT MSELECT EDMFORMAT EXTRANOTES Ctrl-PgDn to edit Notes FREP.MEM Sending Page FF to: PAGE FF Flexi-Report @ PROW()+1,0 SAY 'Flexi-SORT=' + key(&val) Flexi-SELECT= =============================================================================== macfrtemp=&macfr More? (Y/N) SALES,F TOTAL SALES:F 999,999,999.99c TOTAL RECORDS:F 999,999,999c SALES,F Press any key frep* MCHOICE MEMVALP EMACFR FRCTR CTRPAGE DCTRTOT GOLOGIC EDSETUPP FILE04 BGL_CONT RDG_LCKFL EDGK_ESC EXCON MFILTER LTEMPHEAD LMEMVALH TEMPCTR STFREPCOLS LMACFRTEMP MPRINT GOAHEAD SALES TPORT C_SETPR BOTHCTR BOTHCTR alterf browtype.mem2 browtype CHANGE browtype browtype ALTER BROWTYPE memofldnmf IF TYPE('&memofldnm')<>'M' Available only for MEMO type fields Options for Memo Fields \'M' .AND. EMPTY(TAG(ctr)) INDEXING ON FIELD F INDEX ON &t TAG (FIELD(ctr)) srchvalf goodsrch=LOOKUP(&srchfld,srchval,&srchfld,'&srchfld') VALUE NOT FOUND IF srchval=TRIM(&srchfld) .AND. !showlist FILE PRODUCT LOCK 1 Value to search for (Case Sensitive): =Done to Insert value =Quit =Search =Search =Add =Delete/Recall =Pack file =Print file =Import a file =Export this file =Edit DO getval WITH 1 DO getval WITH 2 DO popadd DO popdele DO poppack DO popprin DO popimp DO popexp CTRL+E DO poped ENTER DO enterval SHOWLIST SRCHEMPTY POPCAREA POP_OPNFL G_OPNFL ORIGORDR SRCHFLD DSRCHVAL EDPOPCLEAR ECKEY RSTART FILELOOK LFLDONE LFLDTWO MSORT STMSELECT LMFORMAT BEXTRA RAREA ENTER GK_ESC ENTER CTRL+E origordr SELECT &popcarea ENTER WLIST HEMPTY CAREA _OPNFL GORDR CHVAL EDINST EORIGORDR POP_OPNFL FILELOOK LPOPCAREA CTRL+E EDIT MODE CTRL+E DO poped WLIST FILELOOK RSTART GK_ESC IMPORT IMPEXP1 EXPORT IMPEXP1 DELETED - (RECORDS MARKED DELETED PERMANENTLY ERASED AFTER PACKING) G_LCKRC ADD Mode when done G_LCKFL LISTPRIN Packing - Removing records marked deleted POP_OPNFL G_OPNFL FOUND NOT FOUND: val=&file fldone fldtwo BROWSE NOWAIT NOMENU WIND filelook &bextra WHICHFLD OLDVAL GETVALREC GK_ESC GK_ENTER SHOWLIST FLDONE DFLDTWO Select Printer or SENDING TO: FF =Quit PRINREC GL_CONT C_SELPR GK_ESC C_SETPR IF FILE('&tempfile') REST FROM &tempfile ADDI memval[ii]f memval[ii]=KEY(&val) FILLMEM memval[1]=FIELD(2)+IIF(TYPE('&third')<>'M','+'+FIELD(3),'')+IIF(TYPE('&fourth')<>'M','+'+FIELD(4),'') memvalh[1]=SUBS(FIELD(2),1,FSIZE(FIELD(2)))+REPL(' ',MAX(0,FSIZE(second)-LEN(second)))+IIF(TYPE('&third')<>'M',SUBS(FIELD(3),1,FSIZE(FIELD(3)))+REPL(' ',MAX(0,FSIZE(third)-LEN(third))),'')+IIF(TYPE('&fourth')<>'M',SUBS(FIELD(4),1,FSIZE(FIELD(4)))+REPL(' ',MAX(0,FSIZE(fourth)-LEN(fourth))),'') memvalp[1]=FIELD(2)+IIF(TYPE('&third')<>'M','+" "+'+FIELD(3),'')+IIF(TYPE('&fourth')<>'M','+" "+'+FIELD(4),'') ACCEPT ALL RECORDS (No record selection) ert to ADD FIELDS for a FLEXI-REPORT NO SPECIFIC EXPORT FILE FORMATS. (Use all fields, default order). ltrlbl memval[mchoice]f NO value for selection #F AVOIDBOX FLEXI-SORT (Y/N or Sort #) USE LAST NAME SORT REVIEW or ADD a SORT88 FLEXI-SELECT (Y/N or Select #) ACCEPT ALL RECORDS REVIEW or ADD a SELECTION88 FLEXI- LABEL REPORT (Y/N or Format #) LABEL REPORT [N=Run an F LABEL .LBL .FRM 8 file from DOS] REVIEW or ADD a REPORTLABEL RUN DOS/DBASE PROGRAM AVOIDBOX GK_ESC DBFVALUE MCHOICE MSORT MSELECT MFORMAT MEMVAL MEMVALP MEMVALH DTEMPFILE DFILE04 VALUE OPNFL MAKECDX LLBLDESC LLTRDESC FIRSTEMPTYVALSORT YMTYPE DEFINE WINDOW temp FROM 6,45 TO IIF(TYPE('&currfld')='C',16,15),72 COLOR SCHEME popcol SHADOW DEFINE POPUP gtsele FROM 0,0 TO IIF(TYPE('&currfld')='C',8,7),25 2nd, Select Operator: EQUALS, NOT EQUAL, etc. Equal to NOT Equal to Greater than Greater or Equal to Less than Less or Equal to IF TYPE('&currfld')='C' Contains DEACTIVATE POPUP = <>> >=< <=$ $ 3rd, enter value 3rd, enter value: CASE TYPE('&currfld')='C' fldget=IIF(temp=7,SPACE(20),SPACE(FSIZE('&currfld'))) CASE TYPE('&currfld')='D' / / # CASE TYPE('&currfld')='N' UPPER( CASE TYPE('&currfld')='C' UPPER( CASE TYPE('&currfld')='D' / / DTOC( " / / " CTOD(" CASE TYPE('&currfld')='N' .NOT. You can LINK more selections by selecting AND/OR, or Quit QUIT (Done) AND OR DEACTIVATE POPUP .AND. CURRFLD GTSELE POPCOL TEMP2 EIGHTWO WINCOL FLDGET MEMVAL DMCHOICE DGK_ESC ANDOR SET ORDER TO 1 &ascedesc SET ORDER TO 2 &ascedesc UPPER(FF SET ORDER TO TAG memval[mchoice] &ascedesc SORTING FILE... UPPER(FF tempndx SORT:F SORTBOX MCHOICE MSORT TRYCDX MEMVAL MEMVALP CHECK HOICE MSORTFLD ADDNDX IF TYPE('&mfilter')<>'L' .AND. LEN(TRIM(mfilter))>0 Invalid Logic - Edit: FINDING RECORDS... SET FILTER TO &mfilter NO RECORDS FOUND. Press any key. ALL RECORDS SELECTED GK_ESC SELEBOX MFILTER MCHOICE MEMVAL rptsort DONE RECNO() DO assignva SELECT &currarea CURRAREA TITLEVAR DBFVALUE POPCOL SAVE ALL LIKE memval* TO &tempfile TEMPFILE FILE04 DBFVALUE AVOIDBOX or Choose F FIELDS TO COMPARE FOR DUPLICATES EXPORT FIELDS, a FLEXI-SELECT, a FLEXI-SORT, a FLEXI-REPORT,8888 Pick a line, then A-dd fields Del/Ins a line F10-Quit =Add dit8 F10=Toggle Sort: DO ascedesc DEACTIVATE POPUP DO addfld DO popdelfld DO menu2 PASSDBF DBFVALUE DEFBAR MEMVALDEF SELEGET TITLELIS TEMPSORT ASCEDESC OPERATE WINCOL DFIRSTEMPTYCTR MEMVAL POPCOL PTYINS TYDEL RSTEMPTYMCHOICE YMEMVSAVE ASCENDING DESCENDING ASCENDING8 F10=Toggle Sort: ASCEDESC TEMPSORT SELECT FIELDS for REPORT eximdup SELECT FIELDS-NO MULTIPLES! SELECT a FIELD 1st SELECT MAJOR SORT 1st No dbfvalue8888 duprptlbl FLDLTOT ADDCTR MEMVAL FIRSTEMPTYMEMVALP TYMEMVALH TYMCHOICE TYDBFVALUE YGK_ESC ANDOR POPSTRU DGTSELE YOPERATE TYPOPCOL MAKECDX TAGNUMBER DBFVALUE YFILE00 TYCTR MEMVAL TYMEMVALP YMEMVALH OPERATE POPCOL DFIRSTEMPTY filenmf TEMPNDXFF INDEX ON &ndxexpr TO &filenm SET INDEX TO &filenm SET INDEX TO ndxnm[1],&filenm SET INDEX TO ndxnm[1],ndxnm[2],&filenm SET INDEX TO ndxnm[1],ndxnm[2],ndxnm[3],&filenm SET INDEX TO ndxnm[1],ndxnm[2],ndxnm[3],ndxnm[4],&filenm SET INDEX TO ndxnm[1],ndxnm[2],ndxnm[3],ndxnm[4],ndxnm[5],&filenm SET INDEX TO ndxnm[1],ndxnm[2],ndxnm[3],ndxnm[4],ndxnm[5],ndxnm[6],&filenm SET INDEX TO ndxnm[1],ndxnm[2],ndxnm[3],ndxnm[4],ndxnm[5],ndxnm[6],ndxnm[7],&filenm SET ORDER TO totndxs+1 &ascedesc NDXEXPR FILENM NDXNM MNDXORD YTOTNDXS TYCURRAREA LN_OPNFL YG_OPNFL RECNO() fieldln=FSIZE('&currfld') rptsortdup memvalp[mchoice]=memvalp[mchoice]+IIF(TYPE('&currfld')='D',IIF(dbfvalue='sort','DTOS(','DTOC(')+tf+')',IIF(TYPE('&currfld')='N','STR('+tf+','+LTRIM(STR(fieldln))+IIF(decimals>0,","+LTRIM(STR(decimals)),'')+')',IIF(TYPE('&currfld')='L','IIF('+tf+',"T","F")',tf)))+'+' duprptlbl LENGTH of fields SELECTED, F EXCEEDS WIDTH of NORMAL REPORT, 80 SORT, 100 LABEL, 5088 characters Adding #FF lblcont sortexim CURRFLD DBFVALUE GK_ESC YDECIMALS YFIELDLN MEMVAL YMCHOICE VALUE MEMVALP MEMVALH DFLDLTOT TYOPERATE YPOPCOL temp1 temp1 temp1e/ IF TYPE('A->&afield')<>'M' RECNO() REPL FIELD_TYPE WITH TYPE('A->&afield') CASE TYPE('A->&afield')='C' num=LEN(A->&afield) CASE TYPE('A->&afield')='D' CASE TYPE( 'A->&afield') $ 'N' num=LENNUM(A->&afield) RECNO temp2 temp1 temp1.DBF SELE &newarea temp2 temp2e/ SELE &newarea SELE &newarea NEWFLD MEMVAL MCHOICE TEMP1 YG_OPNFL YNEWAREA AFIELD YFIELD_NAMENUM FIELD_LEN FIELD_TYPETEMP2 OPNFL TYRECNO TEMPORD NDXORD TAGORD P_CODES P_CODES.DBF2 P_CODES.CDX2 P_CODES.DBF OR P_CODES.CDX file not found p_codes p_codes// p_name POSTSCRIPT Printer p_codes EDITP_CODES P_CODES.DBF2 P_CODES.CDX2 P_CODES.DBF OR P_CODES.CDX file not found p_codes p_codes// p_name POSTSCRIPT Printer Port OR \\\=LPT1 OR \\SPOOLER (Novell) Setup Reset Printer FORM Length Form Feed 6 lines per inch 8 lines per inch 10 characters per inch 12 characters per inch Compressed Font Landscape Mode (twisted 90 degrees) Portrait (normal) mode STOP printing bold Start Underlining Stop Underlining Start Italics Stop Italics Start Superscript Stop Superscript Start Subscript Stop Superscript Fixed spacing Proportional spacing Carriage Return & Line Feed Horizontal movement code #1 Horizontal movement code #2 Top Margin Setup p_codes If you deleted records, Permanently remove deleted records now? p_codes p_codese/ p_name p_codes SELE &currarea LC_FILE LC_KEYVAR LC_TITLE CURRAREA YG_DSPALT YLN_RETURN LN_OPNFLP G_OPNFL MEP_NAME BROWWIN SELECTED EDEFAULT CHGDEFA YP_CODES L_CNVASC P_OUTPORT P_SETUP P_RESET TYP_FLEN YP_FF P_6LPI P_8LPI P_10CPI P_12CPI P_COMPRESSP_LANDSCAPP_PORTRAITP_BOLDON P_BOLDOFF P_ULINEON P_ULINEOFFP_ITALON P_ITALOFF P_SUPERON P_SUPEROFFP_SUBON tP_SUBOFF P_FIXED P_PROPTNALP_CRLF P_HORZMV1 P_HORZMV2 P_TOPMARG LOCKSTATUSLN_CONT G_GETDLG GK_ESC Checking Other records marked as DEFAULT G_LCKRC DEFAULT SELECTED YGK_ENTER lc_value = &lc_varnam. CHR(F Printer Decimal Code syntax is:CHR(??)CHR(??) lc_chrval = &lc_chrstr. REPL &lc_varnam WITH lc_value LL_RETURN LC_VARNAM LC_VALUE LN_START YLN_END YLC_CHRSTR LC_CHRVAL G_DSPALT SETUP-SELECT MONITOR \ Select Printer or ln_rptcolsf ln_defcpif ll_fixdcpif ln_lpif lc_pstylef lc_pstrokef ln_tmarginf lc_porientf PRINTER PRINTER p_codes p_codes// p_name Default Printer: Destination: Select Cancel Default Printer: Destination: Print Select Cancel Select FILE, PRINT PORT, PRINTER or Send to Disk File LPT1 LPT2 LPT3 COM1 COM2 COM3 COM4 here to CHANGE PRINTERS IN LIST DEACTIVATE POPUP to Select default =Cancel TEMP.TXT File already exists. Write-Over Append Re-Enter Non-existent directory: Re-Enter Invalid File Name: Re-Enter P_CODES Your Selected printers="Y" Default printer="Y" Printer Not Ready Retry Select Again Cancel p_codes LC_TITLE LN_RPTCOLSLN_DEFCPI LL_FIXDCPILN_LPI YLC_PSTYLE LC_PSTROKELN_TMARGINLC_PORIENTLL_RETURN LL_HOTKEY LN_RESULT LC_SALIAS LN_OPNFL LN_CNT LC_PRNDESTLL_RESULT LN_RESEL TLN_RESP YLN_OPNFLP LN_BAR G_OPNFL GC_IDRVDBFMPRINT GC_PRNTID G_GETDL GC_OSEOL GC_PRNDESTC_SETPCD TLW_SELPR LU_SELPR FGC_OSTYPE P_NAME SELECTED P_CODES FLC_PROMPT FILEPICK LC_PATH STG_VALDR STG_GETDLG BROWFILE C_SETPR path and file name Spaces not allowed in None of [,],', or allowed in Path must end in :. File must not end in :. not found. not found. Spaces not allowed in None of [,],', or allowed in Path must end in /. File must not end in /. not found. not found. Spaces not allowed in None of +,&,|,/,[,],', or allowed in None of +,&,*,|,/,[,],', or allowed in Path must not include period. Path must end in \. File must not end in \. File too short. File too long. Drive letter not present in Drive separator (:) not present. Drive separator (:) present more than once. Directory specified by path does not exist. not found. not found. Unable to check directory - too many files open. Unable to check directory - disk full. Directory specified by path does not exist. LC_VALUE LC_OSTYPE LN_ETYPE LC_MSG CPILC_CHKFL YLL_DISP LL_RETURN LL_WRNONLYLC_DESC NTLC_TRMVAL LC_CHKFXP LC_TEXT LN_OPNFL GC_OSTYPE GC_OSEOL GC_EXTNDX GC_TMPF1 GC_EXTTXT G_DSPALT SALELEAD SALELEAD ##### #####.# #####.## #####.### ########## ###### #####-### AMERENGL ADMNFF SBTULEVEL7j FORMFEED GC_SYCINSTGC_SVERSN GD_SDATE GC_SDATE8 GC_BELL YGN_RETRY GN_MAXWA GN_FSTBAR GN_EXTBAR GC_FOXUSR GN_MSGLINEGN_PADLINEGC_SEPCHR GN_MOUSE GC_DECPIC0GC_DECPIC1GC_DECPIC2GC_DECPIC3GC_USERID GC_WKSTID GC_LOCLID GL_ULEVEL GC_AUDTTYPGC_CLCKTYPGC_PRNTID GC_USRMNU1GC_USRCMD1GC_USRMNU2GC_USRCMD2GC_DEFCOMPGL_MREMINDGN_HLPCOL GC_PROCID GL_COLORD GC_OSTYPE GC_OSCHR GC_OSEOL GC_TASK STGC_SUBTASKGC_PRNDESTGC_APPLID GC_ADESC GC_VERSN GC_COMPANYGC_WKSLOC GC_COMPID GL_CHKRULEGL_CONFRMEGL_CONFRMSGL_LNTAX GL_MULTI @GL_HOTKEY GL_AUDITL GL_LOGINR GL_PASSWD GL_WKSTNS GL_NDXPATHGC_EXTDBF GC_EXTCDX GC_EXTTXT GC_EXTDBT GC_EXTNDX GC_EXTFRM GC_EXTLBL GC_IDRVDBFGC_IDRVNDXGC_IDRVPRGGC_IDRVTMPGC_HELPID GK_ESC GK_ENTER GK_RGT GK_LFT GK_UP tGK_DN ^GK_PGUP DGK_PGDN 4GK_HOME GK_END GK_CTLEND GK_SPACE GL_CONT GK_CTLHOMEGK_DEL GK_INS GC_CLSETN GC_TMPF1 TGS_016 >GS_017 GS_177 GS_194 GS_197 GS_205 FGS_219 GS_220 done CHOOSE - EXACT SPELLING versus SOUNDEX (Sound-a-like) DUPLICATE CHECK Enter E to check for duplicates based on Exact matches Enter S to check for duplicates based on Sound-Alike (Phonetic) Match ("Schultz" and "Schults" are a Phonetic Match) (Blank=Quit) IF TYPE('&second')='M' Sorry, this function does not allow a memo type field in the second position SOUNDEX( mformat Automatically MARK for Deletion Enter Y to AUTOMATICALLY mark for deletion records that are duplicates. IMPORTANT Since you have no control over AUTOMATIC deletion, Enter Y only after FIRST reviewing the printed listings produced by this process. If you do not want ALL of the records on the listings to be automatically deleted, you will need to delete each record manually. DUPLICATES REPORT Print/Screen/Quit (P/S/Quit)? - RECOMMENDED ASSUME "GOOD" RECORD IS MOST RECENTLY ADDED RECORD (Y/N)? Building Index file UPPER( tempndx UPPER( tempndx STR(RECNO(),8)+' '+ SENDING TO: FF @ 1,0 SAY 'B&B '+file00+' Duplicate Records using '+IIF(goahead='E','EXACT','SOUNDEX')+' MATCH Option on '+memval[mchoice] Records marked "DUPL" will be deleted when Automatic Deletion option is selected are being marked for deletion automatically8 REC # F ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ mcompare=IIF(goahead='S',¯os,UPPER(¯or)) IF (goahead='S' .AND. ¯os=mcompare) .OR. (goahead='E' .AND. UPPER(¯or)=mcompare) @ dupctr,0 SAY 'GOOD: '+¯op .NOT. EOF() .AND. .NOT. BOF() .AND. ((goahead='S' .AND. ¯os=mcompare) .OR. (goahead='E' .AND. UPPER(¯or)=mcompare)) @ dupctr,0 SAY 'DUPL: '+¯op Press a key... =exit TOTAL DUPLICATES FOUND=F DUPLICATES WERE DELETED AUTOMATICALLY Done. Press any key DBFVALUE TITLENON TITLEVAR GOAHEAD MACROR OKEMACROS MACROP SECOND BFTHIRD FOURTH MEMVAL ESTMEMVALP SMEMVALH MCHOICE POPOPTIONSDUPVAL BFGOLOGIC3 MPRINT SGOLOGREV SGK_ESC STEMP YPADDNDX PISKIPDIR IGL_CONT SC_SELPR ZECTR DUPCTR RGILL_CONT SILL_RETURN G_LCKRC C_SETPR priorchkf srchtermf CURSORzj to stop Search for: to select Field: Find at Beginning (faster), OR Anywhere? @*RHN \?Beginning;\Anywhere Continue Prior Anywhere Match? @*RHN \Yes;\?No @*HN \!OK;\?CANCEL SRCHTERM OKSRCH PRIORCHK FLDARRY FLDCNT FLDNUM KEFLDNAME CURS_STAT FINDWIND FGTFLD ANYWHERE PRIOR TOKFUNC Searching. This may take a few moments to Abort Searching to Abort =LOOKUP(&fldname,TRIM(srchterm),&fldname,'&fldname') Locating ... CASE TYPE('&fldname') $'CM' LOCA FOR UPPER(srchterm) $ UPPER(&fldname) WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc CASE TYPE('&fldname') $'FN' LOCA FOR VAL(ALLTRIM(srchterm))=&fldname WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc CASE TYPE('&fldname')="D" {}"() LOCA FOR CTOD(srchterm)=&fldname WHILE INKEY()<>gk_esc CASE TYPE("&fldname")='L' LOCA FOR &fldname LOCA FOR !&fldname CASE TYPE('&fldname')='U' FIELD NOT FOUND NOT FOUND FOUND IT! OKSRCH SRCHTERM THISREC ANYWHERE PRIOR KEPRIORCHK FLDNAME FLDNAME FLDNUM File Maintenance DEACTIVATE POPUP \.REP, .FMT, .PRX SORT.MEM SELE.MEM DUP.MEM, etc. We also recommend deleting the .CDX sort file, which will be recreated. Re-opening file: Re-Opening file: FILEOPTS PMSTART POPMAINT WINCOL POPCOL PFILE EMCHOICE POPOPTIONSFSELE FSELEBOX YWHERE GOAHEAD TG_LCKFL SLN_OPNFL G_OPNFL FILE00 ONSMAKECDX CURRAREA SNEWFILE POPFILE You are running a Network Application On a NON-NETWORK version of FoxPro NETWORK You are running a Network Application On a NON-NETWORK version of FoxPro NETWORK DEFINE P_CODES Your Selected printers="Y" Default printer="Y" EDITP_CODES If entering your Printer's Decimal codes use:CHR(##) they'll be converted SELECT temp.mem PCHOICE C_SETPR GC_PRNTID BROWFILE ESETUPP Printer File Maintenance DEACTIVATE POPUP \ on Memo field to EDIT Search for Text Enter text to search for in: Searching for FF Search for: FF Save Cancel HELPFILE UPPER(ALLTRIM(helpstr)) $ UPPER(helpfile->details) lc_cond = "UPPER(ALLTRIM(helpstr)) $ UPPER(&searchfl->extranotes)" LOCATE WHILE .NOT. EOF() FOR &lc_cond Search again (Y/N)? lw_hlpedt HELPFILE HELPFILE ln_strt = ATC(ALLTRIM(helpstr), &searchfl->extranotes) HELPFILE MODIFY MEMO &searchfl->extranotes RANGE ln_strt,ln_end WINDOW lw_hlpedt lw_hlpedt End of File helpfile helpfilee/ helpfile helpfile// helpfile HELPFILE SELE &currarea HTEMP FILECURRAREA LL_CONT LN_OPNFL EG_OPNFL LEMOPTS EHEDIT EHELP SEARCHFL HLPSRH WINCOL HELPSTR GK_ESC GOAHEAD NSLL_CNTSRH LW_HLPEDT LC_COND LL_FOUND LN_STRT SHELPFILE SDETAILS SLN_END CONSOLEz DEVICEz PRINTERz lc_but1f lc_but2f lc_but3f lc_but4f PRINT LC_TEXT LELN_TOP LN_LFT LN_COLOR LL_BELL ELN_LEVEL ELC_LEVEL ELC_DEFBT LC_BUT1 LC_BUT2 LC_BUT3 LC_BUT4 LC_CONS LC_DEV LC_PRN LN_RETURN LN_DEFBT LN_NUMBUT LN_HIGH LN_PLEN1 LN_PLEN2 SLN_PLEN3 SLN_PLEN4 SLN_BUTLEN LN_LEN LN_WTOP ILN_WLFT LN_BUT LN_SCHEME LN_TEXT LC_TEXT1 ILC_TEXT2 ILC_TEXT3 LC_TEXT4 NGK_ESC GK_ENTER LC_CON OKELC_BUT GC_OSEOL LN_BTWBUT LN_WBOT LN_WRGT LL_BELLRG LW_GETDL WINCOL GC_BELL L_HLDWIN LW_GETDL ELN_RETURN lc_but1f lc_but2f lc_but3f lc_but4f LC_TEXT ELN_LEVEL LN_DEFBT LC_BUT1 LC_BUT2 ELC_BUT3 ELC_BUT4 ELN_RETURN G_GETDL CONSOLEz DEVICEz PRINTERz lc_textF IF TYPE('&mac')<>'C' &mac='' PRINT LN_TOP ELN_LFT LN_COLOR LL_BELL LC_TEXT01 LC_TEXT02 LC_TEXT03 LC_TEXT04 LC_TEXT05 LC_TEXT06 LC_TEXT07 LC_TEXT08 LC_TEXT09 LC_TEXT10 LC_TEXT11 LC_TEXT12 LC_TEXT13 LC_TEXT14 LC_TEXT15 LL_HOTKEY LC_CONS SLC_DEV SLC_PRN SLN_NUMLN LN_LEN LN_HIGH ILN_MARGIN LN_WTOP LN_WBOT LN_WLFT LN_WRGT ILN_RESULT LN_SCHEME LN_GET NGL_HOTKEY LC_CON ELW_DSPBX GC_BELL IF TYPE('&t')<>'M' INDEXING .CDX FILE F FOR FILE: INDEX ON &t TAG (FIELD(cdxctr)) Done Indexing FILLMEM FILLMEM CDXCTR _BELL G_LCKFL MEMVAL MEMVALP MEMVALH CONSOLEz DEVICEz PRINTERz ESCAPE CURSORz ?? CHR(7) SET CONSOLE &erconsol SET DEVICE TO &erdevice USER7 ERROR INFORMATION The following file is missing: FF OR... If this is a .PRG file, you may need to Compile this file with FoxPro to make an .FXP file. Someone else is using the file required at this point. Persuade other user to exit this Application. Attempt a 'retry' when the file is available exclusively. SET CURSOR &curs_set One of the following problems has occurred: 1. This is a demo version of this product and the database which contains more records than permitted. 2. One of the indexes is out of date. You don't have enough 'file handles!' 1. Increase the FILES= statement in your CONFIG.SYS. 2. If on a Novell LAN, increase the FILE HANDLES= statement in the SHELL.CFG file (Workstation OR Server). A 'memo field' file containing free form text has been erased or does not properly match its corresponding database file. It's impossible to continue until this has been fixed. Your computer does not have enough memory. report label labels There is a problem with the form file. can not be generated until the problem is corrected. Commonly, there is an error in the field definition There is a problem with a 'memory' .MEM file. You have run out of space on the LAN subdirectory, your local hard disk, or on the floppy disk. Information about this problem will be sent to the printer before returning you to DOS. Please give a copy to your LAN administrator. There is no more space on your hard disk or, if you are writing to a floppy disk, on that floppy disk. See file ERROR.TXT for more information An object/binary file has been corrupted. Someone else locked the record you need. User Name: If you try again it may now be available. There's a slight problem. An attempt was made to write to a read-only file. Your input can not be saved. There's a problem with the DIF (VisiCalc) file you are attempting to import. It may not actually be a DIF file, the file header may be corrupted, or the data elements may not match the database file in use. There's a problem with the Multiplan SYLK file that is being imported. The SYLK file may be corrupted or it may be that the file is a Multiplan 4.01 file which uses the MOD file structure rather than SYLK. RapidFile Framework II Lotus 1-2-3 v2.0 Lotus 1-2-3 v1.0 Lotus 1-2-3 v3.0 Symphony v1.0 Excel Version2.0 Symphony v1.18888888 The file from which you are attempting to import data is not a valid '+ftype+' file. An attempt was made to use an unavailable print device. Either the printer you want is not sharable (If on a LAN, make sure that the capture command has been issued to use the desired printer). Also, you have several options when selecting your printer. You can select a port directly, LPT1, LPT2, or Edit the Printer file, and insert the \\capture commands into the PORT field. Or, if your print device requires a PATH, it may not be set up. This can only be fixed by returning to DOS, correcting PATH= command there and then entering this application again. There is a problem with your printer. Check the following: 1. Is the printer turned on? 2. Is the printer on-line? (A green light on the printer usually indicates the printer is on-line.) 3. Is the printer out of paper or is there a paper jam? An internal SQL error has occurred. This may disrupt memory management, therefore, you will be returned to DOS. You can then restart the application. The temporary file for the SQL query has been corrupted. Not able to find the SQL index required for this query. Check PATH statement. Unable to build the temporary index required for the SQL query. Possible causes may be: a. You have run out of disk space on your local hard disk; b. You have run out of space in the LAN subdirectory; c. You do not have the appropriate user rights on the LAN Information on the problem will be sent to the printer. Unable to build the temporary index required for the SQL query. It is likely that you have run out of disk space. See file ERROR.TXT for more information. You pressed ape. If you really want to cancel, Select the option to Return to Operating System. Something has confused your computer's memory. You will be returned to DOS and can restart the application. If the problem persists try turning off the computer and starting it again. It appears you may not have the correct user rights on the LAN. Please contact your LAN Administrator. It's not possible to create a file needed at this point. This may be due to several problems, one of which is insufficient disk space. Because disk space may not be available error infor- mation should be sent to the printer. Your hardware and/or operating system returned an error while attempting to read a file. It may be minor or you may have serious hardware problems. If this is the first time you have received this message try things again. Otherwise, your hard disk, controller and LAN connections should be checked. A problem has occurred while attempting to write information to disk. If you are attempting to write to a floppy disk it may be that the disk is write protected. If so, unprotect the disk and try again. Otherwise, simply try again. However, if this message continues to appear it may be that there is a problem with the hard disk, controller, LAN connections or your LAN authorization rights. A problem occurred while attempting to close a file. It may be that the system is having some problems. Trying again may correct the problem. However, if this message continually appears there may be a hardware problem. A database file has been corrupted A problem has occurred that can be cured temporarily by returning to DOS and starting this application over again. It was not possible to run a DOS program because: a. Your computer does not have sufficient memory; b. The DOS COMMAND.COM program could not be found. Your printer driver has been corrupted. Printing can not be done until this is corrected. Please re-copy p_codes.* and fonts.* files from original disks One of two problems has occurred. Either you do not have the appropriate user rights on the LAN or the file you need has inadvertently been flagged as read only. There is a problem with the index files. They should be recreated. - See PACK option in file maintenance. You will not be able to use the system until this is fixed. An error has occurred. Often, a memory variable has not been found. Sometimes, erasing the file CONFIG.MEM and re-installing, will correct the problem. (Especially if the error was caused while upgrading to @ 10,1 SAY "a newer version). Otherwise, B&B Systems could use the " file error.txt to determine the cause. ERNUM EERMESS ERKODE ERMODUL ERLINE ERPRINT ERCONSOL ERDEVICE KEYPRESS CURR_DBF GETFIELD DEF_DRIVE RUN_MEMRY PRNT_DEVICCUR_DIREC TOP_WIN ERLOCKED MISSINGF ERPRG TRYAGAIN LSTEXT SLMTEXT SPRINTIT SCURS_SET NETCHOICE LC_CON ILC_DEV LC_PRN LC_ONESC LC_ONPAG LL_RETRY IERORSET NETNAME NETWORK NALERT YES_NO GO_AGAIN EWHICH1 WHICH2 DOPRINT NOSPACE NICECHIM FTYPE KANCEL TO_PRN EXITOS RE_TRY MAKECDX MAKETXT MSPRN Error #FF User: DEACTIVATE POPUP \ when done error.txt DISK_SPACEERMESS ERLINE ERPRG ERNUM ERR_SCRN ERROR HOICE ERKODE _F_NAME CHOICE G_GETDL ICALERT ERRVIEW WINCOL TO_PRN EXITOS SET CONSOLE &erconsol SET DEVICE TO &erdevice SET PRINTER TO &prnt_devic SET PRINT &erprint SET CURSOR &curs_set CURR_DBF EALERT LSTEXT LMTEXT ERORSET DO pro2eror WITH ERROR(),MESSAGE(),MESSAGE(1),SYS(16),LINENO(),SYS(102),SYS(100),SYS(101),LASTKEY(),ALIAS(),SYS(18),SYS(5),SYS(12),SYS(6),SYS(2003),WONTOP(),SYS(2011),SYS(2018),PROGRAM() LSTEXT ELMTEXT Please make sure your printer is turned on and on-line. Press any key to begin printing... error.txt MAKESURE EERROR ESURE CENTURYz SYSTEM2 SYSTEM SYSTEM WRITE Cannot read file SYSTEM. Please correct and retry SET CENTURY ¢_on READWRITE CENT_ON CHKFILE TEMPDATA READDATA XINSTALL XUSES WRITEDATA NUMBYTES xinstallf SYSTEM2 CONFIG.MEM2 WRITE SYSTEM2 CONFIG.MEM2 config.mem WRITE SYSTEM2 xusesf 01/01/94# SHEILA 01/01/95# MATTHEW 01/01/96# SANDY 01/01/97# 01/01/98# 01/01/99# XINSTALL XUSES FCHECK TEMPSTORE XUNLOCK CONFIG DEMOWIND , 0 SAY , 11 GET NOW, TO MAKE a .PRG file A file called: .PRG has been made. To use this file, you need to compile it and make a .PRX file. To compile it, you 1) need FoxPro, and select the COMPILE option under PROGRAM, or, @ 6,2 SAY '2) have B&B Systems compile it for you through the BBS.' The Advantage of being able to use this file are in the .DOC file, but include being able to popup validation files when in a certain field, forcing upper case, filling in repetitive default values from a .REP file, and allowing full control over data entry. Cannot read file .PRG. Please correct and retry SELE &currarea CURRAREA CHKFILE FILE00 KFILE WRITEDATA NUMBYTES WINCOL Printer SetUp (Printer you select may not support all options) mprintf setpfilef IF FILE('&setpfile') REST FROM &setpfile ADDI Desired WIDTH (Default=80 columns) PITCH (Default=10 characters per inch) 10, 12, or 16 LINES PER INCH (default=6) 6 or 8 STYLE N=Normal, I=Italic STROKE M=Medium, B=Bold TOP MARGIN (default=0) PAGE ORIENTATION P=Portrait, L=Landscape PAGE length LEFT Margin