Sysop of XTree BBS suggests work around for incompatability with new PKZIP version until official patch is issued. Msg#: 1954 *XTreeGold* 01-19-93 10:17:59 From: SYSOP To: JAY PURCELL Subj: REPLY TO MSG# 1942 (PK204) The eXecute command will work fine (to unZIP 2.04c files), but XTreeGold provides an even better way to do it. In your XTGOLD directory, create a batch file named ZIP.BAT: @echo off %2: cd %3 c:\pkz204c\pkunzip %4.%5 Now, when you hit Open (or ALT+Open to drop XTGold out of memory) the batch file will change to the .ZIP file's drive and directory, and run PKUNZIP. The files will extract to the same subdirectory as the .ZIP file. Two things: I formulated this off the top of my head; if there's a problem, ge back to me. Two, PKUNZIP might (probably does) allow for a destination directory right on the command line. In which case, ignore the two middle lines and have the third line read: c:\pkz204c\pkunzip %1 %2:%3 Where %2:%3 is the destination specification. If this is too confusing, stick to my original ZIP.BAT. I'm 98% positive it will work. For more info, check 8-16 to 8-21 of the User's Guide.