Wintertree Writing Style Analyzer (WStyle) 1.13 User's Guide Changes ==================== Using WStyle ------------ WStyle now supports three new command-line options: "/a," "/p," and "/s." The "/a" option tells WStyle that the document you want to check is in ASCII format. Use this option if you created the document using a text- editing program (as opposed to a word-processing program). If the "/a" option is not present, WStyle assumes the document was created by a word-processing program and contains embedded formatting information. If you're not sure of the document's format, omit the "/a" option from the command line. The "/p" and "/s" options run WStyle in "batch mode," where it checks your document and either saves or prints problem reports without requiring interaction from you. The "/p" option tells WStyle to print all problem reports without stopping. The "/s" option tells WStyle to save all problem reports without stopping. WStyle saves the problem reports in the "Wnn" file described in the user's guide. Following is a summary of WStyle's command-line options: wstyle [/a] [/p] [/r n] [/s] [/t n] [file.ext] /a: Set the document-format to ASCII (default is word- processor). /p: Print all problem reports and the statistical report in batch (non-interactive) mode. /r: Set the problem-reporting level to "n." /s: Save all problem reports and the statistical report to disk in batch (non-interactive) mode. /t: Set the target-reader's level to "n." Customizing WStyle ------------------ The "ASCII document" option has been added to the options form. This option tells WStyle that the document is in ASCII format. ASCII documents are typically produced by text-editing programs, and do not include textual effects such as underlining, boldface, or footnotes. If you create documents using a word-processing program such as WordPerfect or Microsoft Word, set the ASCII-document option to "False" (F). If you create documents using a text editor, set the ASCII-document option to "True" (T). If you aren't sure of the document format, set the ASCII-document option to "False" (F). See "Word Acceptability" in the "Configuring WStyle" topic for more information. Overall-Style Statistic ----------------------- WStyle otherwise works as described in the user's guide with one minor exception: it does not calculate or display the overall-style statistic. When you register with us, we will send you a copy of WStyle which does display the overall-style statistic. We wanted to give registered users something in return for their support, something that non-registered users wouldn't have. We considered various schemes such as having a special "professional" version of the program with extra features available only to registered users, but we wanted to make the shareware version useful. We decided to leave out the overall-style statistic because it isn't essential. WStyle is perfectly usable without it (although we do think you'll enjoy having the statistic when you register). About Shareware =============== WStyle is "shareware" and is provided at no charge to you for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. If you find WStyle useful and want to continue using it, you must make a registration payment of $25.00 to Wintertree Software Inc. The $25.00 registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time. Commercial users of WStyle must register and pay for their copies within 30 days of first use or their license is withdrawn. Site-License arrangements may be made by contacting Wintertree Software Inc. You are encouraged to pass a copy of WStyle along to your friends for evaluation. Please encourage them to register their copy if they find that they can use it. All registered users will receive: 1. A copy of WStyle that calculates and displays the overall-style statistic. Also, the "registered" copy of WStyle does not display the shareware message when you start the program. 2. A professionally typeset and printed copy of the user's guide. 3. Support for using WStyle from Wintertree Software Inc. See the file ORDER.TXT for information about registering for WStyle. Revision History ================ 1.0 February 1992 - First release. 1.10 March 1992 - Added "batch mode," invoked via /p and /s options on the command line. - Improved method of distinguishing words from word-processor formatting information. - Improved checks for words spelled using American or British rules. - Now detects printer problems and displays a message. - Overall-style score algorithm is now more accurate. - Fixed a bug that prevented WStyle from recognizing function keys which had been redefined via ANSI.SYS. - Fixed some minor problems with the directory display that appears when the "Check Doc" action is invoked. - Now accepts command-line options prefixed with "-" as well as "/". - Added the /a option to the command line, which disables the "Strict Words" feature. - Added the ASCII-document option to the options form. 1.11 May 1992 - Show directories at the beginning of the file-selection display. 1.12 June 1992 - Accept words containing three vowels in a row. 1.13 November 1992 - Fixed a bug that made the cursor invisible in the directory window on monochrome screens. WSTYLE.INF now contains suggested color settings for monochrome and color monitors, and the default settings work on either type. - Fixed a bug that prevented carriage returns from being printed on some printers.