************ Topic 7 Mon Oct 05, 1992 D.HAN [Asst. Sysop] at 21:45 EDT Sub: Crusaders of the Dark Savant SPOILERS Special topic area for solutions, help and general "I'm stuck and I can't get out" help for Crusaders of the Dark Savant. 351 message(s) total. ************ ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 1 Thu Oct 08, 1992 SIR-TECH [Todd] at 17:52 EDT To kill the Queen T'rang you must find the hidden cemetary and go below it. Walk around here awile and you will come to some white egss. Use it here. The entrance to the cemetary is in the Livestock center. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 2 Fri Oct 09, 1992 T.YEE2 [Freeman] at 05:00 EDT Can anyone give some general tips regarding the four bean receptacles in Munkharama? TY ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 3 Fri Oct 09, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 13:31 EDT What do you do with the heads that display different emotions in New City- (they are in the building that you have to use the coin to enter)? Plus what are the two stones for that you get in New City, I have no idea how to enter Old City, I can't get in the T'Rang building, I can't find the OrkOgre castle even using the instructions the Gorn gave me. I am having nothing but trouble- HELP!!! I must be getting old. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 4 Fri Oct 09, 1992 AGNARI at 15:43 EDT They sound like very good questions and if answered in detail we'll need a spoilers topic. SINCE I GOT MY COPY LATE, have only managed to boot it and port one party over and at present don't know anything informative about CoDS. Thus I can't give any veiled hints or assistance at this point. But it's the weekend and I've got no projects scheduled till 7:30 monday :) so things may change somewhat. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 5 Fri Oct 09, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:26 EDT You cant get into the T'rang building from New City. You have to get in by teleporting from Nyctalinth. Thanks for the info on the T'rang queen but I've completely searchef the Livestock pen and have found no stairs. I think I've walked over every square in the building with a Detect Secret spell and havent found a thing...is there an item I need to use to find the stairs? Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 6 Sat Oct 10, 1992 SIR-TECH [Todd] at 11:55 EDT The bean receptacles are random in every game. Orkogre castle is to the left of the path after you meet Lord Galiere. Agent: You must first visit Orkogre castle and go through Murkatos chambers, then you must use a tree near Rattkin Ruins. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 7 Sun Oct 11, 1992 M.HUSTON1 [Mark] at 08:21 EDT Has anyone figured out the Twisted Heads puzzle in the New City musuem? None of the NPC's know anything about it, and I'm not looking forward to trying all the combinations. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 8 Sun Oct 11, 1992 BARAK at 12:01 EDT I just started Savant! Any suggestions on how to get into New City? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 9 Sun Oct 11, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 12:29 EDT Barak: Kill whomever is blocking you I guess. =-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Ag/Sir Tech: Some questions on New City. o Whom do I see to figure out the Twisted Heads puzzle in the Museum? o Whom do I see to help me get into the Argus Arms Black Market? o Right across the Constabulary where the prisoner was kept, there is a building that has a door inside that needs, I assume, one of those black wafers to gain access. I've recovered one black wafer elsewheres, but this one doesn't seem to work here. o The only way I can obtain the Old City Access Key is by killing Prof Wunderlund. Should I've had to continue to try and get the key by peaceful means? (Hope Not!) Back to mapping the Old City ruins.... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 10 Sun Oct 11, 1992 AGNARI at 13:44 EDT Gosh, Jeff sure I knew BoCF inside out but heck you got CoDS before I did so you are ahead of me ;) At least you got the old city access key, me in truce negoitations the rat attacked and then while wounded ran off. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 11 Sun Oct 11, 1992 M.HUSTON1 [Mark] at 14:19 EDT Barak, I don't know about the rest, but talk to Dungore at the Inn/Tavern about the Arms of Argus. I'm still baffled about the Twisted Heads, too. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 12 Sun Oct 11, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 14:56 EDT Mark: That's how I found about about the Black Market, from Dungore, but using his name at the Arms doesn't ring a bell with the moron there. You guys having a fit with that D'rang T'rang?? Only by bribing him do I seem to stay alive as the dudes that follow him around are mighty tough and make mice fodder out of my party... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 13 Sun Oct 11, 1992 P.GANGI1 [PMG] at 16:17 EDT Hi, Can anyone help explicitly with these problems? 1- I almost fininshed Orkcastle but can't figure the blood and have left two gates although got the parchment. Help! 2-I went to Munkharama but can't do anything thanks to a bishop that gets 1 skill point a pop. Anything else I can do there? 3- went to Ukpyr and enlisted, but can't fire the musket. How do I or how do I get firearms skill? I'm kind of at an impasse and could use some serious help before going elsewher! Thanks Paul ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 14 Sun Oct 11, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 16:40 EDT Paul: As for the musket you must use MERGE of the bullets/powder on the musket. Otherwise, you're further than I! Well, went back to New City, found some Deadman's stuff in a chest, and got into the Black Market. Still Need: o Map/Item with clue to Twisted Heads. o Entry into the locked door with Blinking Lights (NOT the one at the jail, but across the street from it). o Haven't been able to enter the T'rang/Umpani embassies. Guess I'll move on for now... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 15 Sun Oct 11, 1992 AGNARI at 20:36 EDT Well I've heard about the Black Market but any name I give RhinoHead doesn't satisfy him so it's the bum's rush to the door. So what's the secret? Father Ralue asked me to give a message "slay not he that can not hear" to Brother TS... at the bridge. Well the good brother only want's to talk about the river, bridge or the city and doesn't seem to do anything but "I don't know>... " standard dialog for wrong input. Did I copy down the message wrong or what???? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 16 Sun Oct 11, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 21:31 EDT Agnari- The phrase is "Slay not he that CANNOT hear".. one word not two. I think syntax is very important when talking to NPC's. If anybody finds the ?Legend? map in old city can you let me know? I cant seem to find it. I also cant seem to get into Murkatos Sanctum in Orkogre castle either. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 17 Sun Oct 11, 1992 AGNARI at 21:43 EDT Thanks Agent, yes I guess syntax is CRITICAL and this stuff either scrolls by so slow you go brain dead or it goes by so fast you can't get it all written down. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 18 Sun Oct 11, 1992 M.HUSTON1 [Mark] at 21:53 EDT Agnari- Mention "Black Market" to the rhino in the Arms of Argus and he'll let you in. Agent- I haven't been able to get into Murkatos Sanctum either (or through a couple of other gates in the castle). It seems like the drip in the ceiling might be important, but I'm stuck. Also, what do you mean by "Legend" map? I found another parchment in Old City, but I'm wondering what I missed. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 19 Sun Oct 11, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 22:16 EDT Mark- Apparently there are a series of parchements you have to find that will lead to the Astral Dominae. So far I have the ?Temple? and ?Dragon? maps. I heard from NPC's that the ?Legend? map is near Old City. Maybe "near" iis the key and it is not IN old city but by the entrance.. I dont know. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 20 Sun Oct 11, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 22:35 EDT Agent: Where did you find the ?Temple? map???? The ?Dragon? map is in Old City. In addition to that, I have a ?Fool? map picked up by killing some Rattthingy along the way from the original starting point in the forest to New City. What is the use of the Deadman's Dagger, Hair, and Cloak that is found in New City? Anyone got into that durn door with the blinking lights that is located in the building across from the Constabulary??? I guess I need a different wafer from the one with the clue to the color-coded pattern. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 21 Mon Oct 12, 1992 PHOTOBASE at 03:12 EDT As usual, you guys are way ahead of me. I knwo where the access to the old city is but can gain access. Someone got the blueprints from the New City library before I got there, I can not get the door unlocked at the Umpi Detachment. What am I missing? Think Im moving on to (throwing a dart at the map) Munkharama. Has anyone gone looking for Hilynda? Sparks ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 22 Mon Oct 12, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 06:40 EDT Sparks: There's a key to the Old City. Have you been to the Library yet??? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 23 Mon Oct 12, 1992 DVANDERSLICE [Gremlyn] at 10:13 EDT Anybody get into the forbidden zone locked door (where the card sets off the alarm)? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 24 Mon Oct 12, 1992 AGNARI at 12:22 EDT Not that we've heard Gremlyn. But setting off the alarm is a good way to gain exp if your guys can handle multip sets of multipe Savant Guards or Troopers. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 25 Mon Oct 12, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 18:45 EDT Well, being uneasy at killing all those NPCs, I started over. This time, I've made friends with Wunderlund, and gained some information, but still can't get him to give me the blasted City Key other than by killing him. Has anyone been able to obtain the key from Wunderlund by peaceful means??? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 26 Mon Oct 12, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 19:20 EDT Jeff- Sorry I havent gotten him to give me the key either. I THINK the ?temple? map came from Orkogre Castle but I'm really not sure, sorry. Where did you find the Deadman's dagger, hair, and cloak??? I thought I'd been everywhere in New City but I havent found that!! I've gotten into the "Forbidden Zone". If you havent been to Nyctalinth I wouldnt worry about it since I believe you must get a card there. It is a good source of experience though when you use the Black Wafer to set off the alarm. Beat up on a few groups of those guys and PRESTO! 30,000 experience. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 27 Mon Oct 12, 1992 PHOTOBASE at 20:44 EDT Jeff if you are talking about the Blueprints, yes and they are gone, is there something else Im missing? Sparks ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 28 Mon Oct 12, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 22:11 EDT Agent: Remember the bank in New City with the small cubicle with the copper penny in it? Well that same cubicle has a secret button that opens up another small cubicle with a treasure chest. Sparks: Wunderlund has a key that will allow you to enter Old City. Otherwise, I'm not sure what you mean. The blueprints thing I think is just a clue to the whole Old City thing. Try to map out Munkharama, but not all characters have sufficient swimming skill as yet. Can't get into all those rooms with the goblet/slit thingy. Dunno what to yell into the well. Also mapped out some of Orkogre. Unable to find keys to get into all of the areas. Got one Throne room key and that's about it. Are there more keys to be found in Orkogre??? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 29 Tue Oct 13, 1992 AGNARI at 00:25 EDT Jeff that's about where I am. But I've taked the hours to get everyone to 100 swim skill. It's about 1 skill per each water square travelled, of course each also about halfs your stamina and at 0 stamina you die. So it takes one or two wades rest till 199 errr make that 100 and then repeat, ad infinitem [or some such spelled word ;] Now at 100 swim skills the party can go about 5 or 6 squares those arrows help not turning before somebody dies - think that the weight carried has an effect on how fast one's stamina goes. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 30 Tue Oct 13, 1992 AGNARI at 01:35 EDT Ok how about those brass goblets/slots in Munkharama city???? I've gotten 4 coins (diamond, emerald, amber and ruby) but then don't do any thing with the doors and just disappear down the urns. I don't see anyway of opening those doors? But I've got a sinking feeling that it will take collecting the coins 4 times and dropping them in all four urns, arrrrgh I hope not anyone got a clue. Also, that well is driving me crazy!!!!!!!!! anyone that solved it come up with a more logical clue????????????? PLEASE. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 31 Tue Oct 13, 1992 D.HAN [Asst. Sysop] at 08:44 EDT Ag: I think you need a coin for that well. What you'll then get is the key to opening the doors (but don't take me too literally on this). Danny ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 32 Tue Oct 13, 1992 A.HALPRIN at 17:13 EDT Some bits of advice- The boat map will help you with the twisted heads. After you do a quest for a rogue in the fun house, you will get the right words to make the professor help you (I don't know if a high level mindread can ferret that out). ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 33 Tue Oct 13, 1992 SIR-TECH [Todd] at 18:04 EDT Use the polished steelplate to get into Murkato's sanctum. Say "Archive" to get the key from Wunderland. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 34 Tue Oct 13, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:48 EDT Jeff- Thanks for the info on the Deadman's stuff! Agnari- In Munkharama after you put the coins in the urns you have to use the moonstone from the statue in New City on the statue in the center of the water in Munkharama. The clue for this is on the ?Temple? map I havent gotten the doors open or figured out what to yell into the well either... Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 35 Tue Oct 13, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 21:44 EDT In Munkharama, the only thing I was able to do after putting the coins into the urns was activate the statue, after that I went down into some dungeon area and thats where I got stuck. Does anyone know where I am? I went underground, fought these diseased monks and a leper giant in ssome blacked out area, and after getting various keys (I think I opened everything down there) I end up with a crypt map and Wikums Globe of Power , then I'm lost. Where are the crypts? By the way I couldn't open the doors in Munkaharama either.The only way out of where I am leads to an area of the forest I havent mapped, and away from Munkharama. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 36 Tue Oct 13, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 22:14 EDT Well, I'm in Orkorge. I've mapped all I've could, but I all I have is a burnished steelplate and bone comb/hair(?) Where do I get more keys to open all those other doors? (Or, do I need to explore more outside Orkogre?) Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 37 Tue Oct 13, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 22:29 EDT D.Savalli- I'm still stuck down in the dungeon area! Where'd you find the crypt map and Globe of power?? I'm still trudging around down here without any real purpose... Jeff- I havent been able to get several doors open either. The SIR-TECH rep posted that you could use the steelplate to open the door to Murkatos Sanctum but I couldnt seem to get it to work.. maybe I'll try again later. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 38 Wed Oct 14, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 12:05 EDT D.BILEK1- There are several levels to the dungeon area. There is one spot where you flick a switch to a door and once walking through are dropped down a pit, there is no way to deactivate this at first, but if you search around you'll find what you need and where to use it. If you go down to a level where you encounter an EXTREMLY powerful monk you're near the end-somewhat. Many nasty creatures in the lower levels. I still have no idea where the crypts are, unless that's where I was. One other thing, in Orkogre is there anything left to do after you defeat the wizards ghost and get all the items, or is that all for there? The one thing I don't like is running back and forth.I have mapped the whole thing. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 40 Wed Oct 14, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 19:28 EDT I'm at an impasse here. I can't get into anything at Orkogre. I can't get into anything at Munkharama due to the fact my swimming skills are pathethic. I've done all I've can at New City, and don't really have a clue as to where to go next. Hmm. Let's see. There's Nyetalinth, Ukpyr, and the Rattkin Ruins I've yet to explore... Sir-Tech: Exactly how is the steelplate used to get into Murkatos Sanctum??? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 41 Wed Oct 14, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 19:37 EDT D.Savalli- I already killed the Lord of Dark Forest and found the Notched Shaft on the lower level but I cant find anything to do with it! I've tried using it on all the gates not yet unlocked and on the lever that opens ]the gate leading to the trap I cant get passed... What am I supposed to use this thing on? Maybe I missed something...I'm going to go back and recheck the level where I found the notched shaft but could you please let me know where to use it just in case? Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 42 Wed Oct 14, 1992 AGNARI at 19:52 EDT Jeff I've got the same problem with O.... castle 5 or 6 grates that I've not found any keys for [not counting those prison grates on lvl 2] and that steelplate and combs doesn't seem to be useful anywhere. So I've headed back to Munkharama, and yes swim skills take FOREVER since you can only get 1 step into the water and then back out otherwise you die. Then you have to rest to restore stamania and repeat process 99 more times - but not to worry as your skills progress you can go 3, 4 and nearer the end 5 squares swimming before you must land. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 43 Wed Oct 14, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 20:07 EDT D.Bilek1- If you search around you'll find what looks like a button that can't be pressed, it's on the level with the trap door. That's where you want to use the rod. Then you are on your way. I'm still have no idea if I finished that area or not. When you have the Globe of power and the Crypt map are you done with the area you get zapped by the statue in Munkharama? What is considered the end of Orkogre, I already got everything from the wizard ghost. I already asked these things earlier, but I want, I have to continue. Oh the pain of Wizardry addiction. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 44 Wed Oct 14, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 22:03 EDT Where do you guys recommend after aborted expeditions to Orkogre and Munkharama???? I've explored some more, and found a bunch of Mean ole Ents who moan about some Sacred Grove, and found the ruins but didn't feel like scrounging around in the Forest. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 45 Wed Oct 14, 1992 C.MULLER at 23:55 EDT I'm in the Munk dungeon under the city via the statue etc. I am just past the dark area where the giant leper attacks you. You have to swim a square or two after the dark area to get back on land. Anyway, there are a bunch of grates under here that I can't seem to open and I have about a million keys none of which works. Can anyone tell me if these can be opened. If so what key do I need? Thanks, Chris. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 46 Thu Oct 15, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:28 EDT Chris- As far as I know you cant open them. If you read the previous posts you will find what you need to do in them. D,Savalli- Thanks for the help! Finally got the Crypt map and Holy Covenant. Did you ever get the other gates in the Temple Area open. The gate next to the fountain is the only one I got open... Now I cant find Master Xheng like I'm supposed to.. AAARRGGHH!!! Has anybody happened to have stumbled across him??? Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 47 Thu Oct 15, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 18:36 EDT D.Bilek1- No, I never got the other gates opened, but I did get into there.We are talking about the area where you can see water beyond the gates right? I think thats where I got the Globe of Power. I'm now stuck with finding the secret school and dealing with the Land of Dreams. On second thought, I think maybe one gate opens, I'm not quite sure, I have to takes notes and remember so much in this game it sometimes gets confusing. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 48 Thu Oct 15, 1992 M.HUSTON1 [Mark] at 19:51 EDT To those stuck in Orkogre Castle: The polished steel plate IS what opens the gate to Murkato's Outer Sanctum. You have to use it on the square where the blood stains and light coming through the ceiling are. Face the gate when you use it, and the reflected light will open it. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 49 Thu Oct 15, 1992 AGNARI at 20:48 EDT Mark, thanks I know that helps and the other stuck with that same problem will also find that *hint* of major help. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 50 Thu Oct 15, 1992 BARAK at 21:52 EDT I think I just finished Orkogre Castle?!? The King gave me a key to open the area in his bedroom where there is a chest... However, when I opened the chest, I was told someone had already been there. Is this normal, or is there something else I should now do in the Castle before trying some- thing different? Thanks for any help from anyone... ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 51 Thu Oct 15, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 22:24 EDT I have no idea why but the polished steelplate is not working for me. I got to the space with the bloodstains, face the door to Murkatos' Sanctum and use the polished steelplate and get no effect. From the posts here it seems there should be a beam of light or something I can reflect but I get no indication that there is any light coming down from the ceiling- The only thing the game mentions is blood on the floor! Is there something I'm supposed to do to open the ceiling or something???? Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 52 Thu Oct 15, 1992 AGNARI at 23:29 EDT Agent have you considered that outside it might be night and thus no sunlight could shine thru? I know I've seen the blood stains once with the light and once without. Now all I have to do is get back from Munkharama ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 53 Fri Oct 16, 1992 J.KUNCL at 01:12 EDT Hey folks I hate to sound slow,but I'm real confused about the mapping. I just started tonite and I'm up to lvl 5 but I can't find a mapping kit anywhere. Would someone please help me and tell me where I can find this this goody!I hope it is in the New city cause none of my group has one. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 54 Fri Oct 16, 1992 SLEW at 01:38 EDT I have a little problem I hope someone can help me with...my first party was ambushed by ratkins and after killing them they found a key but my second (current) party didn't find the key after the ambush. Is this the key for the gate under the city? I can't get in there no matter what I do. I just started and my people are very wimpy. Is there any where to go before New City as I am having a lot of trouble getting past the guards (and every time I make a level and _think_ I can defeat them, more come!!) I really don't want to start over and I especially don't want to have to roll up characters again! Someone help please, thanks. The mapping kit is in the forest hidden in a chest. Head away from the New City area and go to the place where you get the encounter with the phoots (it's a set encounter..says something about chewing bones right before) there's a way to go through the forest after you defeat them. Go till you see the water and you should be able to see the chest. (I hope this is right..I didn't write it down cause I didn't know the map would be in there and I was lost anyway :) to use the map, just pick use from the options (the key option on the floor panel) and click on the map. It records things you did before you got the map too, which was helpful in getting me out of the place I was lost in. How much artifact skill do I need before I can assay potions? Thanks! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 56 Fri Oct 16, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:47 EDT Agnari- Yeah I thought of that but night/day has no effect on it. Apparently in the game that I restored inside Orkogre I had not searched the space yet. You only see the light by searching the space and I had stupidly assumed that I already had searched it. Ah well, live and learn. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 57 Fri Oct 16, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 18:48 EDT Agent: You must first do a SEARCH on that square with the blood stains, and then USE the steelplate, facing the door. I too use and re-used that steelplate before thinking to do a SEARCH on that square with the bloodstains... Slew: The key obtained from the Rattkin is NOT used to get into Old City. You may want to set the difficulty level to EASY for a bit until your chars are up a few more levels. My Mage has an assay skill of about 38 and can generally assay almost anything. A low-power Identify spell should do the trick on potions. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 58 Sat Oct 17, 1992 AGNARI at 10:27 EDT S.S., the key to getting into the Old City lies with getting that professor rat [Wunderlick???] over in the library to give up the key to you. I've heard that if you mention archive to him in the dicussions you might get, personnally the little snot got huffy with my group over something we said and HE attacked us. Thus I just picked the key up as treasure after cleaning his clock. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 59 Sat Oct 17, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 10:35 EDT Finally went thru all that Murkatos Sanctum rooms, and so on. Still can't get into the Throne Room, or unlock a number of other doors. Are these areas to come back to later??? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 60 Sat Oct 17, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 13:08 EDT Jeff T- I believe that to get into the throne room you have to use some bananas next to the cage with the Gorilla in it. I think the whole area involving the Gorilla is behind a secret door in case you havent found it. Anyway this should let you pull a lever and open up a new area. D.Savalli- Have you figured out what to say to the guy in Munkharama to get him to tell you where the Secret School is? The only thing I can get out of him about the land of dreams is something called the Gran Melange when I say Palace of Munkharama... Also, have you gotten the 4 doors in the corners by the water open in Munkharama? I figured I'd be able to open them after I got the Covenant and Globe but no such luck... Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 61 Sat Oct 17, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 15:25 EDT What about this Deadman's stuff. I saw that the shroud was cursed so I sold it for 750 gps. Hope the shroud was of no importance. Otherwise, I hope I'm not screwed! Just where does one go to even find out about a black market or archive rumors? I tried asking all the NPC's in New City about Angus and the old city and none of them are willing to divulge any useful info or they cannot understand what I mean. ARGHH! Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 62 Sat Oct 17, 1992 AGNARI at 17:51 EDT Agent you need to answer the wells question to get what you need to open those four doors. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 63 Sat Oct 17, 1992 C.KANOLES at 20:08 EDT Help me, please! Rattkin Ruins: 1. What do I use on the door to Rudi's Funhouse? 2. What do I do at the Thieve's Guild? I have a Ninja with fairly high-level thieving skills, yet I can't satisfy Ratskell's requirement. What do I do??????? Orkogre Castle: 1. What do I tell the King? I try to give him the message I came to deliver, but he keeps telling me to leave. What's up? I would like fairly explicit answers, so if you don't want to post them, please write to me at C.KANOLES. Thanks everyone. Love this game! Ziploc ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 64 Sat Oct 17, 1992 B.DUNCAN7 [Brian Duncan] at 20:17 EDT Two Questions: 1) I heard that I need to use a Tree that I find in Murkatos' Lair(I found one there), to get into the Rattkin Ruins, but I can't find where to use it, TWO areas completely, one that says "The entrance seems to have become choked by the forest..." the other says something about a gnarled tree in the shape of a wry grin. Used the Bonsai tree at both of these to no avail(I used it from the main display, not from character display. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 2) WHERE am I supposed to find out that I say (blank) to the Prof?!? I know the answer(because I read it here), but I want to know how I am supposed to have found that out, is it by talking to another character or through reading what Wunderland(?) says? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 65 Sat Oct 17, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 21:10 EDT Ziploc: Didn't you rescue Capt Boriergard in New City??? He tells you to the the King that "Dartaen Alliance is broken" or something real close to that. Brian: That Bonsai tree is used on a square in the middle of a ruin area that is NOT in the Rattkin Ruins area. Instead, these ruins are off the road not far from Nycalinth (and not on the map.) I'm in Munkharama. I've mapped out all the surface area, and did some swimming and recovered a White Rubber Bear(?) and that's about it. Now what? Where are those hidden areas???? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 66 Sat Oct 17, 1992 SLEW at 21:19 EDT I'm stuck in new/old city. I haven't found much in old city tho I think I've been everywhere. I found some armor in a chest and not much else. Anyone have any ideas if I am missing something? Does anyone know the combo to the lock codex in the jail? I have been trying to figure it out logically but it's taking so long. Is there anywhere I can find the combination? How do you get into the museum? This game is hard!! Thanks. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 67 Sat Oct 17, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 21:59 EDT D.Bilek1- You have to find the four coins to open the doors, they are near the statue in the center-if you want me to get more explicit let me know.To find the secret school you must past through the land of dreams. It all comes together. I think I finished Munkharama, I have been through Ukpyr and now I am in the Rattkin Ruins trying to get into the funhouse. I also have to search out the T'Rang queen and dust her. Anyone- Are the Rattkin Ruins the ruins the Umpani are talking about when they send you off to kill the T'Rang queen? Also, how do you enter the funhouse? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 68 Sat Oct 17, 1992 BARAK at 22:00 EDT This may sound like a dumb question from a very seasoned RPG player, but can someone tell me what and how the reagents are used in this game. There is no mention of them in the manual, and I have tried merging, using, etc., all of the ones I have picked up so far. Do they have a use or are they just unnecessary extra baggage. Inventory maintenance is a problem in this game anyway since you can't get rid of special items once they are used. Also has anyone found out yet the combination for the heads in the Museum in New City. I am leaving it alone for the present; I figure it must do something to the Wand to avoid the serious bite you otherwise get in retrieving the stone. Comments and/or help? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 69 Sat Oct 17, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 22:51 EDT D.Savalli- Ahhh! I can finally help you out since you've been helping me with Munkharama... The T'rang queen is in Nycalinth, not the Rattkin ruins. To get into the Funhouse you need a rubber nose from the thieves guild. Ask Bleinmeis about the Funhouse when you talk to him in the thieves guild. If you need help getting into the thieves guild just post and I'll give directions... I already put the coins in Munkharama into the urns but somebody previously posted on the board that I need to answer the wells riddle to get the doors open so I'm working on that now Barak- The reagents are simply items that when equipped give you slight immunities to various spells... some are 20% sleep or 10% poison, etc.. Cast identify on them to find out what spell they protect against. Brian D.- Use the Bonsai tree in the Sacred Grove, not the Rattkin Ruins. Then you can enter at the place where the trees grow into a face-shape. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 70 Sat Oct 17, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 23:19 EDT Nevermind! After reading the *TEMPLE* map, the whole scheme became crystal clear. Sheesh. The SW part of the dungeon underneath seemingly has encounters every other square.. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 71 Sat Oct 17, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 23:24 EDT Slew: There's a secret button in Old City that opens up another area where you find yet another treasure chest with a map. Elsewheres in New City, you should find a black wafer with the codes on it to solve the Jail codex problem... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 72 Sun Oct 18, 1992 SLEW at 01:21 EDT I found one chest in old city but there was just some armor and an amulet in it. Is there another secret button or was I just unlucky and didn't get the chest with the map in it? I have a black wafer. Sheesh...I didn't think of using it on the codex :) Many thanks for all the help so far. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 73 Sun Oct 18, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 09:13 EDT Slew: Did you find the other secret button that is located in the same room where you found the Treasure Chest? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 74 Sun Oct 18, 1992 AGNARI at 09:53 EDT In the old city part that I've explored there were THREE chests in a row which ended up being 2, 3, and 4 steps to the west of the entrance to the old city. The first was behind a grill and the other two were behind a grill and then a secret door. What I've seen of the old city reachable from the comdemened area is merely an 8x16 rectangle area with 1 secret door and 4 grill/gates - unless I missed something. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 75 Sun Oct 18, 1992 SLEW at 11:00 EDT Ack, no I didn't find those. I'll check again. Thanks! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 76 Sun Oct 18, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 11:55 EDT D.Bilek1- I know where the Thieves Guild is, but they won't let me in. They more or less laugh at me. How do I enter? I know the answer to the well riddle, if you want it let me know. At least now I won't run ragged looking for a T'Rang queen in Rattkin. By the way is there anything special in Rattkin I'm supposed to do, since I really wasn't directed to there, I have just been mapping and killing. Now that I'm there I'd like to finish it up before heading to Nyctalinth. Just out of curiosity what maps do you have? I only have the Temple, Dragon, and Crypt maps I'm also being trakked down by Jan- Ette and her party, I hope I come across her soon, she has a map. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 77 Sun Oct 18, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 12:26 EDT D.Savalli- To get into the thieves guild you have to try to pick Bleinmeis ' pocket. He is in northeast of the Old Funhouse if you havent found him yet. Just select "steal" when you are talking to him. It doesnt matter what your skill is, you get caught every time but you get an item you need. Just wear the ring when you stick your hand through the thieve's guild window! Yeah what is the answer to the well riddle... I've been tearing my hair out over it for days... Agent oh yeah, I have the Crypt, Dragon, Temple, and Crystal maps. I bought the Crystal map so I have no idea where to find it. The only other map I have heard of is Legend and that is hidden in old city... I think I missed a secret door there so I'm heading back that way to look for it. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 78 Sun Oct 18, 1992 SLEW at 14:15 EDT Well I found some more chests in Old City but no map. The second chest was empty except for some wrappings and said someone had been there first. Is that the chest with the map? I can't find any other secret rooms --the first chest had an ankh in it and some scrolls if that gives anyone an idea of where I am. Are there more chests around besides those 2? I _still_ can't get into the jail. I have a black wafer, but I can't use it on the door or lock codex and when I look at it I see 2 blue dots and one black dot. Is that supposed to be the combo or something? Can someone please tell me how to get into the jail. Thanks. How come the spellcasters don't gain more than 1 spell a level? It's really slow going to get the good spells. Am I supposed to train them more or something? Do they ever get to choose more than 1 spell? Many thanks. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 79 Sun Oct 18, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 14:28 EDT Well, I now need to find Master Xheng, Yell something into the well, and get into those four doors in Munkaramadama. Any clues as to the Well Yell, and where the heck is Xheng??? Slew: At random, it seems like somewhere a problem is solved only to find the map missing and this has happened to various people at various places. I think you may be able to buy that map later on. The Wafer should spell out the code to punch in on that jail lock. Jeff T> ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 80 Sun Oct 18, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 15:45 EDT Slew - there are some letters on the wafer which should give you the clue. Also I could not find any maps either in the old city. I ran into that same chest that was already looted. I heard a rumor that the legend map was hidden in the Old City but I've been through there and could come up with anything. It's a pretty small area with no second level. I have a feeling that the game changes as you progress. There are probably time limits built in to find stuff. Sooner or later I'm sure those maps will turn up. I just ran into the Gorn Capt again after I freed him and he told me that the temple map was solved already. Since I have no idea where to have looked for the temple map, I'm sure I will have to buy it from him. Has anyone given map to an NPC who has another to exchange? I keep asking about maps to the NPC's and they keep saying give me a map and I'll consider... Well all I have right now is my mapping kit and I refuse to give that up. Phil BTW, I'm up to the Orgre Castle. Anyone know what those buttons do in the prison cells. I pretty much have everything but am missing the keys to those grill gates on the other levels. All I have is that ring of keys which only seems to open the prison doors. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 81 Sun Oct 18, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 16:05 EDT Phil: One of those buttons in the Prison Cells opens up a pit in another cell which takes you to another area... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 82 Sun Oct 18, 1992 SLEW at 16:26 EDT Thanks guys..I'll look harder at the wafer :) Is there any way past Lord Gorn (or whatever his name is Galiere?) without having to fight him? My party is still only level 8 and having a nasty time against him and his warriors even on the easy level :( guess I'll go do something else first :) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 83 Sun Oct 18, 1992 PHOTOBASE at 16:30 EDT Jeff, I have not see Capt Boriergard in New City. Also there is a chest in a room by the library. When I use the lock icon nothing happens. Neither does Knock spell. Am I missing something? Sparks ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 84 Sun Oct 18, 1992 P.GANGI1 [PMG] at 16:47 EDT Hi, Can anyone tell me where to use the "notched Staff" in Munkharama to go beyond the Leper pit? Exact location pleased as I've searched enough for all of us! Thanks for any help! Paul ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 85 Sun Oct 18, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 17:00 EDT Agent- The word you're looking for is "coin". ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 86 Sun Oct 18, 1992 AGNARI at 17:01 EDT Paul, there is a lever/grill combo to a 3x3 room with a chute it it; but as soon as you enter the 3x3 room the floor gives out and you drop down. Well to the west of that 3x3 room there was a button like hole in the wall, don't suppose you've tried using the notched staff while facing the hole? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 87 Sun Oct 18, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 17:24 EDT COIN!??!?!? COIN!!!??!?!? I feel really stupid. Agent thanks. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 88 Sun Oct 18, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 17:37 EDT Slew: When you got into the Jail and rescued Capt Boriergard, he should have given you a letter that allows passage thru Lord Galiere. Sparks: To open a chest, you must be facing it from the front, so just turn around a bit until you'll facing the front (I think this is your problem.) Well, this was interesting: after coming out of the underground Temple area into the forest, I encountered Ratsputin, Mick the Pick, Gruntwrapper, and Kymas Turan in rapid succession. Ratsputin attacked me, and I got the Legend map off him. I tried Peace with Mick, but even though he said he was pleased, he attacked me also, and I dusted him off. Managed to get Kymas to talk, and purchased the Fools map off him. So now have the: Legend, Dragon, Fools, Crypt, and Temple maps. Instead of a ?mapname? though, all the maps have a *mapname* around it. Why is this??? Off to that blasted Well in Munkaramamarmahama. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 89 Sun Oct 18, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 19:59 EDT Jeff T- Once you start collecting maps the NPC's start following you around. I cant hang around in one area too long or I start having endless encounters with Shritis T'rang, D'rang T'rang, Mick the Pick, Rasputin, Kyras, Brother Tshober, Rodan Lewarx, and Lt. Gruntwrapper. Shritis keeps attacking me. I think I got him angry when I killed another T'rang NPC... oh well. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 90 Sun Oct 18, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 20:46 EDT Does anyone know what to do in the Funhouse? I already used the rubber band to get the fan spinning, and I put the weight on the chain. I also found the spool handle and used it to wind up the weight, but thats where I deadend. I have the whole area mapped out, but cannot figure out what to do. I have been launced a couple of feet in the air when the weight drops, but that didn't seem to do anything. I also have a wooden dowel and another stone (lodestone), but they seem useless so far. Thanks for any help. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 91 Sun Oct 18, 1992 DVANDERSLICE [Gremlyn] at 20:56 EDT Ok...I've killed the Lord of the Darl Forest...got the key to good keep...key to the temple.....I have a staff I cant ID....where do I get the "notched" staff so I can push the button so I don't go down the shoot? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 92 Sun Oct 18, 1992 SLEW at 21:05 EDT Oh well it would help if I'd gone and got the guy out of the jail . I'm right now lost somewhere south of Munkanara in the woods with some really nasty encounters (every few steps it seems there's a new one). My poor level 8 party has been toast a few times. I don't think I should be there yet :) Thanks for help everyone. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 93 Sun Oct 18, 1992 DVANDERSLICE [Gremlyn] at 21:30 EDT Ok...got the onyx key...still no way to avoid the chute...any help? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 94 Sun Oct 18, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 21:59 EDT Gremlyn: You already may have the notched staff if you got it out of a 3rd treasure chest on the same level as the Lord of the Dk Forest... Slew: Where are you going???? Did anyone ever join with Xen Xheng and complete the quest of the 5 flowers to Ukpyr Mountains??? Is this necessary or just another diversion or what??? After going back to Brother Rulae and telling him about the Holy Sacrement, and gaining access to another area below New City, there was an empty chest. Was this chest supposed to contain an map, say the Legend Map rumored to be near Old City???? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 95 Sun Oct 18, 1992 P.GANGI1 [PMG] at 22:01 EDT Hi, I found the notched place and got under, but I can't open most of the gates. I got the globe...is that it down here?(Munkharama)The gates in question are aroung the water. WHich key would I need? Paul ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 96 Sun Oct 18, 1992 B.TONEY2 [TOP CAT] at 22:09 EDT Has anybody cast an IDENTIFY spell on the BAG of BONES in the purple bag with the yellow star? I sold mine off early in the game before I could Identify unknowns. Another item I could have sold off but didn't was the DEADMAN'S HAIR (which is better than an AMULET of STILLNESS for paralysis protection). This game has got a PoWeR GRIP on me! Later.... ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 97 Sun Oct 18, 1992 SLEW at 23:31 EDT Looking for Orcogre castle now. Anyone have any idea where it is? Have been wandering around the forest searching forever it seems. Is it visible or do I have to have that eye thing up? Nobody answered my question if ever spellcasters can learn more than 1 spell per level. Mine sure haven't so far, not even my priest. The bag of bones was poison resist, I think (20%?) I'll check it later and let you know definitely. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 98 Sun Oct 18, 1992 B.DUNCAN7 [Brian Duncan] at 23:37 EDT Help!!! I'm stuck in the Funhouse, I think I'm almost finished, all I've got left(as far as I know) is the glass tube with a hole(don't have anything to use there), and I have the wood stick with rope(looks like a whip to me), but I don't know where to use it at. Also the water trough has got me running in circles, I assume that when I turn the levers it adjusts how I slide down, but I can't seem to get it right, any help would be appreciated. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 99 Mon Oct 19, 1992 PHOTOBASE at 00:22 EDT I also did not find a map in Old City and I got the same 16x8 area Aguari got with 3 secret doors. I finally got the whole group to the statue and thought for sure I had the Moon Stone, but I can not find it any where on my party. This happen to anyone else? Slew once you get into the prison at New City, Capt.Galiere will give you a different answer. Sparks ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 100 Mon Oct 19, 1992 DVANDERSLICE [Gremlyn] at 00:22 EDT I dunno...I even went back and fought the Dark lord again to make sure...using the staff I get a "no effect" message at the button due west if the chute. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 101 Mon Oct 19, 1992 C.KANOLES at 01:21 EDT Jeff: Thanks for the tip, but I did try giving that message to the king. But nada, zilch, zero. Perhaps I'll try re-phrasing it. I've since left Orkogre and gone back to try enter the Land of Dreams. In Munkharama I've spoken to Brother Moser, and have tried lots of words he said, but no dice. I'm apparently not ready. I'm seriously completely addicted, and driving my spouse crazy! Ziploc ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 102 Mon Oct 19, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 02:54 EDT Has anyone tried to "Uncurse" and item? I've noticed that the stores in New City do not offer this. I also don't know about the Deadman's Shroud. It was cursed but was it a neat item? I sold it already so I don't know. Anyway, just got through the Okreogre Castle and I never ever want to see a Spectral Raven or Spirit Guardian ever. Killing 25 Ravens was just too much of a frustration. Well I imagine there a heck of a lot worse creatures than these roaming around. So are there any high tech weapons around other than the muskets? I have a 9th level ninja now and I'm wondering if he does more damage without a katana or sia(ie. using just bare hands). Anyone wandering around with a ninja using no weapons? Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 103 Mon Oct 19, 1992 T.YEE2 [Freeman] at 03:39 EDT Can anyone tell me what I'm supposed to do in the cemetary behind the church in Nyctalinth? Haven't figured out how to grab the sceptre. Thanks, TY ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 104 Mon Oct 19, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 18:36 EDT Paul: Have you gotten an Onyx Key??? From looking at my maps/notes that's the only key I have noted down in the general area you're looking... Gremlyn: You don't get the notched staff from fighting the Dark Lord. You get it on the same level in another chest. There is a button in one of those cubicles on the west side that opens up a small area reached thru yet another cubicle over on the east side. Ziploc: Have you yelled into the Well yet? If not, forget the Land of Dreams until you do that. If you've found the Palace then the guy there should give you some words that if mentioned to Brother Moser should help you along... Samurai: Try -49- Spectral Ravens!!! Blink In, Blink Out, Blink In, Blink Out for seemingly 10 hours before my first guy finally got to hit. My Ninja is bare-handed and does really well. His Hands & Feet skill is at 100. Still, my Samurai with the Murasama Sword does the most damage. My Lord is kind of disappointing, can't find any weapons for him as yet. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 105 Mon Oct 19, 1992 DVANDERSLICE [Gremlyn] at 19:11 EDT Please...does anyone recall where they found the notched staff? I've killed the Lord of the Dark Forest twice, and examined, I think, every square inch down here. A games counselor at Sir Tech told me to "look for a button". I can't find anymore. I've opened 6 chests, none of which had that staff.....HELP ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 106 Mon Oct 19, 1992 B.TONEY2 [TOP CAT] at 19:13 EDT Slew: I knew I shouldn't have sold that bag of bones! Five out of Six of my characters are magic users (Level 10 now) and I have never gotten more than 1 new spell per level gain. To get to Orkogre Castle, head East out of New City and turn LEFT at the 1st fork in the road and travel to the spot where Galiere and his men block (or did block) the North heading road. From there, Orkogre is West 21 and North 12, down a ladder... Phil: I have a 10th level Monk who uses just his hands (and feet!) and is one mean killing machine. He does 20-35 points of damage each hit and gets 6 attacks per round. He accounts for 48% of my group's MKS! When running thru character generation at the start of the game, I rerolled until I got 18 bonus points for each guy. It took me about 6 hours. On my last man, I just couldn't get a decent bonus, then WHAMO! - a bonus of 25!!! And so my Monk was born. TC. P.S. My lizardman fighter has been using a halberd for a while now - pretty nice weapon - does 1 to 10 points of damage - but.. well... is there anything else a little better out there to look foreward to? P.P.S. I found the *Dragon* Map in the 3rd chest in the original 8 X 16 square Old City, and Lore rumors still say the ?Legend? Map is hidden near Old City. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 107 Mon Oct 19, 1992 AGNARI at 19:51 EDT Gremlyn I think I got the knotted staff once I fell thru the pit and ran into a monk who had been there for ages. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 108 Mon Oct 19, 1992 BLUE.GHOST at 20:25 EDT Slew, if you want more spells change Professions of your characters at 8th to 10th level. If you have a Valkyrie change to a Lord, they both are Priests. Or a Mage to a Bishop. You will go back to level one charcaters, but you will pick up most of the spells you didn't get. Don't change all of your characters at one time. They will catch up fast. Save your characters to another save game first, if you don't like the outcome. Ghost ~~~~~ ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 109 Mon Oct 19, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 20:30 EDT D.Savalli- I dead-ended on the funhouse too. I headed back to Munkharama to finsih up there. I did find the Legend map if you want to know where that is... What's the point of the bean's in Munkharama? No matter what I do I keep getting the spinner in the middle to come up black/white/white/white. I explored everything I could in the Palace and got a pipe and a mysterious pastille reagent. I didnt find Xheng though. What am I supposed to tell Brother Moser to lead me to xheng? Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 110 Mon Oct 19, 1992 SLEW at 21:42 EDT Ghost thanks! I'll try that. This game is so much fun..I'm really addicted already and my party is _still_ level 8/9. I'm in Orkogre now and really enjoying it. Ya my monk is incredible too. He has 100 in hands and feet and does awesome damage. My dracon ranger is a definite asset too he can do 20+ damage to around 5 creatures with the breath. Thanks for the clues everyone ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 111 Mon Oct 19, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 22:26 EDT Has ANYONE been on the 5 Flowers quest for Xen Xheng to the Ukpyr Mountains???? In no rush to try and finish this game, I've decided to go that way, and found a cave in the Mountains. Even at the EASY setting for my level 11 characters, it's no picnic up in these Mountains... Found one of the 5 flowers but it's WAY up on a cliff and my Climbing skills are too pathethic (*SIGH*) to get up there.... Oh well, at least a whole new area to explore that isn't a Dungeon or a City.... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 112 Mon Oct 19, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 23:19 EDT AGENT- You have to keep doing the bean thing until you come up with all black on the spinner. It took me forever to do it. The best thing to to is get all the beans and save it, so that you don't have to keep going up from the pit, recover the beans and try again. I think it allowed me to get to the area where the Land Of Dreams is, although I'm not sure. Anyway, the way to Xheng is through the Land Of Dreams. Thanks for the offer on the ?Legend? map, but I already got it by way of a foolish T'Rang. I'm still deadended on the funhouse, if I don't get any clues on it I just might head over to Nyctalinth to deal with the T'rang. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 113 Tue Oct 20, 1992 R.ROYCE [Randy] at 00:20 EDT Well, I just had four days off from work, and all I did was eat, sleep and play Crusaders. Jeesh, I need to get a life :) Randy ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 114 Tue Oct 20, 1992 PHOTOBASE at 00:26 EDT Phil, my level 9 ninja is just punching and kicking his way. It worked fine in Bane. He does not do as much damage per turn, but he sure gets a lot of turns! Oh how I love those Critical hits. Sparks ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 115 Tue Oct 20, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 03:28 EDT Just how does one get enough gold around here? It's so tough just trying to get money that I'm forced to pawn everything off. Now that I enlisted in the Scouts, I can't afford the 8000GPs to pay for all that equipment. Anyone know of a short cut to get the stuff from the supply depot in Ukpyr? I went straight from Orkoogre castle to Ukpyr since all the other areas near New City were so tough. Is there a proper sequence from New City after you finish that area? Orkogre castle is done but my party of 9th level characters can't really take on much after that. Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 116 Tue Oct 20, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 03:43 EDT Thanks and yes i love those Crit hits. So far I have an 9th level Samurai and Ninja. However my Kirujitsu is only around 19 or 20 or so. They get really poor points in academia every time they go up in levels. Still trying to get my priest to lord level but can't. ARHG! Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 117 Tue Oct 20, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 05:55 EDT ARGH. I need money..Bad... I've noticed one thing about this game. Creatures don't have GP's everytime you kill them. Unlike the first Wizardry. Too bad. If I had a gp for every monster I have killed so far, I'd be rich. Phil HELP!!! Any treasure chest lying around. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 118 Tue Oct 20, 1992 DVANDERSLICE [Gremlyn] at 14:05 EDT now I,m finally downstairs......guess I can go eat now.... ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 119 Tue Oct 20, 1992 AGNARI at 18:13 EDT What is with the spinner, got black, black, black, black on the second attempt over in Munkharama, but I don't notice any [or possibly too little to notice] in the layout of the levels and no access to anything new. Did get some cash and a 2000 point bonus though for getting it to come up b/b/b/b. What gives, is that all there is? to the spinner????? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 120 Tue Oct 20, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 19:15 EDT Agnari: I also got that B/B/B/B on the spinner. Also, go back in later and all those beans are back in those cubicles, allowing you to again, I presure spin again.. Haven't the slightest idea what this bean receptables/spinner thing is for. Anyone: Plea #105, r.e., Ukpyr Mountains. I'm in the Cave with the underground river. Found a lever in the southern part of this Cave that opened up another passage. From this passage across the water to the other side, I can see another trail. I -CANNOT- get across the water to that trail because of the strong current. How do you cross this water??? In addition, I found a cliff with a yellow flower on top, and evidently my party climbing skills are too meager to allow me to successfully grab that flower. How do you increase party climbing skills???? Well, dead-ended in the Ukpyr Mountains. Time to move on, I suppose... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 121 Tue Oct 20, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 20:06 EDT Well I'm still stuck in Munkharama. I guess it is time to head over to Dionysceus since that's the only city I havent been to yet. I still cant seem to find Xheng even though I got b/b/b/b on the spinner. Does the smoking pipe have anything to do with it? I merged it with the mysterious vermillon but the only place I seem to be able to use it is through the black door (where you arent supposed to go). I suppose if I go to Dionysceus and then come back something might occur to me. D.Savalli- Dont expect to find the T'rang Queen until you finish the Rattkin Ruins. Apparently there is something you need to do in there someplace that allows you to find some stairs in the Livestock Pen in Nyctalinth. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 122 Tue Oct 20, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 21:39 EDT Agent: The pipe/mixture combination IS used once you go thru the black door, and then you'll meet Xen Xheng... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 123 Tue Oct 20, 1992 AGNARI at 22:08 EDT Haven't seen the black door, but all that don't go beyond the door sure ensured I'd have a save and then OPEN the door. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 124 Tue Oct 20, 1992 AGNARI at 22:51 EDT Well I once again missed the exact wording and now am stumped without assistance. That phrase Brother T'Shober(??) gave me to give to Brother Xen Xhang and help out there?? It was something like "Be thankful you have an ear" ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 125 Tue Oct 20, 1992 DVANDERSLICE [zen] at 23:41 EDT AGNARI: Be thankful ye that hath an ear. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 126 Wed Oct 21, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 11:59 EDT AGENT- You have to smoke the pipe after the first vision beyond the black door , after that you will be teleported right to Xhangs front door. You're right about the Queen, she sends me right back to Rattkin. Does it make any difference if I accept or deny that one T'Rangs request to help him fight the Umpani? I would prefer not to assist. After all this playing, the only complaint I have is the constant dogging by the NPCs. Seems like every few steps I'm running into someone. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 127 Wed Oct 21, 1992 AGNARI at 16:26 EDT D.S., I've got two other MAJOR complaints, but they are at best trival to minor [especially if you compare it to the complaits about OTHER games released this year]: 1) These LONG page after page dialogue descriptions you have to wade thru repeatedly every time you enter a place. Nice the first two or three times, but a real drag the 4th thru 100th time you enter the BlackMarket/Inn/Paluke's/ect. 2) Talking to NPC's and coming out of the exit the mouse is left right on top of steal. If you've got a sticky mouse or fat fingers you can end up taking an option not desired. 3) forgot now but it was a variant along the lines of 1 or 2. 4) How about some kind of NPC text file for those EXACT wordings needed that scrolled off the screen before we released much later that exact spellings were necessary? Ok so my count to two is a little top heavy. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 128 Wed Oct 21, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 17:58 EDT AGNARI- I have to agree on the exact wordings part, I was ripping my hair out over the "have - hath" wording at the Secret School. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 129 Wed Oct 21, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:22 EDT D.Savalli- I didnt help Shritis kill the Umpani either. I got fed up with the T'rang and cleaned out most of Nyctalinth. In my opinion I'd guess that being friends with the Umpani is a lot more useful than being friends with the T'rang. Right now I'm trying to find the Queen's egg room so I can blow it up with my Thermal Pineapple. Agent Thanks about the pipe, I guess I just wasnt patient enough. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 130 Wed Oct 21, 1992 SLEW at 19:37 EDT Ag, if you hit escape a couple of times after the first part of the message comes up, it cancels the rest of the message. This doesn't work with the long winded npc's though, but you can sometimes get them to stop talking with it. I agree with the steal being too close to talk and trade..also lore should be on the other side since I hit that one accidentally and gave all my info to Lord Galiere :( Great game in every other respect and no bugs so far (except for an intermittant problem with my mouse every so often)! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 131 Wed Oct 21, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 21:15 EDT How do you get into the Umpani detache in New City? I have the dispatch for Leworx inside and I can't seem to get in. I tried waving my badge in front of the window as well as the orders for the Umpani inside. My orders tells me that I can get in but can't. My badge and other documents from the Umpani Sgt. doesn't help. Where is the key then? Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 132 Wed Oct 21, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 21:25 EDT I did some scouting and decided to kill all the Trang I ran into. Helping the Umpani is probably a better bet since I think the TRang are untrustworthy. The first mission the Trang gave me was to infiltrate Ukpyr and find out the location of the Umpani ship. They offered me 10000 gps. Since I killed them, the Umpani gave me 5000gp plus another 750 for finding them in the forest. Anyone else decided to side with the Trang? Well I found the money to buy the equipment but I'm really ticked that almost none of my people can wear the flak jackets and that it really isn;t that great of armor. I have stuff better than that. Gee for 8000gps, I really didn't get anything useful. My guns are ineffective also. My people can't seem to load the guns and fire them during combat. Do you have to have skills better than 10 or what in firearms? It looks like I'm going to have to practice at the range far more often than I wish. It's way to costly too. Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 133 Wed Oct 21, 1992 L.EIERDAM [Lee] at 22:09 EDT Help Please. How do I get into the livestock pen? I've tried the only two finger rods that I have been able to find. I found them in the Security Station. Where do I find the right key? Thanks ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 134 Wed Oct 21, 1992 SLEW at 23:23 EDT Help! I'm stuck in orkogre castle (still). I have 3 keys but nowhere to use them. I have a pewter key (that I can't remember where I got) an iron key and an azure key I got out of the chest after killing the spectral ravens (and sheesh what an awful battle that was. I had to resurrect my mage :( ) I went back upstairs and tried the new key on three of the gates I know that I couldn't open...Throne Room and the one in a secret room with a treasure chest visible behind it. I also can't get by Gigantica (or whatever the name is) the giant ape. I can't get past the glass to pull the lever. Does anyone know what gates I might have missed? I can't find any other ones tho I didn't explore that much on the lowest level (after the pit) cause I climbed straight up the ladder after the spectral ravens and can't get back down that way (dumb..a one way ladder :) and I don't really want to take all that damage with the pit again if I can help it. So, does anyone know where I can use the keys or where I can get the keys for the places I can't get into? Much help would be appreciated. Also how to break the glass by Gargantua the ape. Thanks. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 135 Wed Oct 21, 1992 E.LARGE [Merkin] at 23:25 EDT Help SIR TECH....!!!!! SOmewhere along the way my group's Thermal Pinneapple Disappeared. I never used it and I never droped! It just vanished. The problem is that the only save I have with the item is 7 levels of experience back and maybe 30 hours of my free time! Am I screwed without this item? And if so is there any possible solution other than replaying all that time.??? And/or is there some bug that caused this to happen. I am loathe to repeat all that I have done since then! Please Help ..... Merkin ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 136 Thu Oct 22, 1992 S.BAKER26 [V'ger] at 01:05 EDT Samurai, The muskets are QUITE useful. If you do an identify on them, you will see that they can do 24+ points of damage AND they can crit. The trick is that you give a musket and ONE target to each character that you wish to have that skill and let them shoot at the target ONCE. That will give you a skill of one. You can then blaze away at monsters where ever you find them. In order to load your musket, take the powder and shot and merge that with the musket. You will then have the musket "in mouse" as it were. Now, put the musket over the hands on the suit of armor and click to equip. Select secondary. Muskets are a one hand weapon and may be used as a secondary weapon. I generally only fire once for each character per combat, but that usually gets three badguys with foru shots. I then reload after combat. Your skill will rapidly climb. My first two characters now have skills in the high fifties. First rank, FIRE! ADVANCE! V'ger gone ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 137 Thu Oct 22, 1992 C.WILLIAMS55 at 01:12 EDT Gentlemen start your engines! help is on the way! -to gain access to the black market at the ARMS OF ARGUS just say "black market" ITS THAT SIMPLE! -yes kill the RATTKIN professor to get the OLD CITY access key (its the only way besides its fun) -to get into the sanctum of MURKATOS at ORKOGRE CASTLE you must have the polished silver plate that you find under a twig filled mattress on a different level. 1st..search the blood stained area 2nd..stand on the blood facing the gate 3rd..use the polished plate..the gate opens! -you need a "BUNCH O'BANANNAS" to get the ape to open the glass portal so you can use a switch that open a wall section in the hall near the thro throne room gate where there is another switch to open the throne room gate. -tell the king that the "DARTAEN ALLIANCE IS BROKEN" Well thats enough for you guys now...ask away..and if I know the anwer I'll get back to ya! Oh, and by the way.. ARE YOU TIRED OF BEING SPAT UPON BY PASSING MOTHRAS? DO YOU LIKE IT WHEN YOU GET PUT DOWN BY THE T'RANG? ARE YOU BEING HARRASED BY EVERY PASSING UMPANI? IF SO YOU NEED "CHEAT.LZH" FROM -RDMN- SOFTWARE!! DONT BE THE 95 POUND WEEKLING IN YOUR DIMENSION!! WORK-OUT! PUMP IRON!! GET IN SHAPE!! THEN GET THE "CHEAT.LZH" CHARACTER EDITOR FOR CRUSADERS OF THE DARK SAVANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DOWNLOAD IT HERE FROM THE GAMERS LIBRARIES!!!!!!! LATER, C.WILLIAMS ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 138 Thu Oct 22, 1992 C.WILLIAMS55 at 01:40 EDT AND ANOTHER THING... -the only way into the T'rang and Umpani embassies in NEW CITY is to go to their home bases (i.e. Nyctalinth for the T'rang and Ukpyr for the Umpani) -IMPORTANT- not all cursed items are bad!!!! I have a NECROMANTIC helm that allows me to see into the spirit world on occasion (I just cant take it off -IMPORTANT-if you find the AXE OF MANY RUN leave it alone!!!! it sucks your hit points up and a REMOVE CURSE spell wont get rid of it!! -the LOCATE PERSON spell comes in very handy! -the WIZARspell can be very useful! -Keep in mind that D.W.Bradley's favorite character is the SAMURAI they are excelent fighters and they cast spells like a mage! -Spell casters that use the MAGE spellbook get a spell later on called NUCLEAR BLAST (wow what a spell)! around 14th level though! -when you find SPELL BOOKS (treasure items) don't scribe them into your characters spells..if your spellcaster has a good SCRIBE skill level you can USE them in combat like a scroll without using up your spell points! and they work more than once! thats all for now, C.WILLIAMS PS: has anyone gotten into the LAND OF DREAMS at MUNKARAMA? I cant figure out how to get in!!(believe it or not!) PPS:for those of you that download the CHEAT.LZH character editor.. the creators of that file said that registered users will recieve an item editor that they are working on now!! Just remember that there are maximums for each editable stat and going above them will make your save file unreadable by the game!!!!! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 139 Thu Oct 22, 1992 C.WILLIAMS55 at 01:46 EDT OOPS! in my last message its the AXE OF MANY RUNES!!! And "WIZAR" refers to the WIZARDS EYE spell Most Grammatically yours, C.WILLIAMS ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 140 Thu Oct 22, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 11:56 EDT Is there any way to stop NPC's from bothering you other than killing them , I cant' take more than 15 or so steps without bumping into someone. It's quite annoying when two Umpani, Jan-Ette, and two munks are dogging your every step. It's really beginning to take away from the game since I'm having a heck of a time mapping with them around. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 141 Thu Oct 22, 1992 T.KRZMARZICK at 18:58 EDT In New City, Where do I find the combination to get the guy out of jail. Where is card to open the door across the street from the constabulary? I have a black key card but it doesn't work. What is the combination of the devil heads,imp etc. in the oddities place?> I am afraid if I leave there I won't get back in because I don't have another copper coin. Anyonw who can help Thanks!!! T. Krzmarzick ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 142 Thu Oct 22, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 19:05 EDT D.Savalli: For sure all those NPCS are annoying as all heck. I'm in the Fun House, and every time I turn around I have to wait on Gruntswrapper(?), Rhallick, Xen Xheng, Kymas Turan, and Brother Tshober. I killed Mick the Pick, D'rang T'rang, and Ratsputin(?) out of sheer frustration, else, 8 NPCS tagging along is just too much. Does -anyone- have the slightest ideas as to how large this game is as compared to BoCF? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 143 Thu Oct 22, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 19:10 EDT T.K: Jail: Take a look at that black card you've been lugging around! You won't be able to get into the other door until much later. Solving the twisted heads problem requires a certain map I believe, and I've yet to discover it, I'm pretty sure you'll find it much later in the game. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 144 Thu Oct 22, 1992 BARAK at 19:24 EDT Someone mentioned a character editor that is supposedly available in the library. I just checked and can't find any such file. Does anyone know what happened to it or was it just a fig-newton of someone's imagination? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 145 Thu Oct 22, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 19:47 EDT I've found that if you have numerous NPC's following you around it is probably best to vacate the area for a while. When you return you will have some time before they catch up with you. It is REALLY annoying when 6 NPC's are dogging your every step. I'm currently on the quest for the 5 flowers. Ive run into a cave with a large water-area but I keep getting dragged under. I pulled a lever but the current is still too strong. Anybody know how to get past? Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 146 Thu Oct 22, 1992 AGNARI at 20:48 EDT Barak, the editor is still hidden till a sysop checks it out. Jeff, I blv that Todd mentioned a figure about 6 times larger then BoCF; but that could have been some hype he got from a marketing type. Agent, I'm on that same quest and I have 3 flowers or did when I shut down last night [haven't had time to play tonight yet] and I don't see a way around those water drag unders either. Also the mountains seem to dead end with the only option of returning to Ukypre or the cave. However one mountain wall had a notice about it being unscaleable - so I expect with something it will evenutally lead elsewhere. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 147 Thu Oct 22, 1992 C.WILLIAMS55 at 21:44 EDT BARAK, Sorry about the character editor thing I had just uploaded it when I posted that message. It will be available as soon as it it approved by the the system operators. -as far as getting the guy out of the jail look on the far left wall when you enter the jail area of the constabulary there should be a key. -this game is so much larger than BANE that its not even funny! -dealing with NPC interuptions is just a fact of life! But dont kill all all of them some are very helpful. has anyone found SKY CITY home of the flying biker babes yet? and I still havent been able to get into THE LAND OF DREAMS in MUNKARAMA... HELP! later, C.WILLIAMS ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 148 Thu Oct 22, 1992 C.WILLIAMS55 at 21:52 EDT AGNARI, I have all five flowers but who are they for? I collected them because i knew someone would want them. north of the UNSCALABLE mountain section is a climbable area and if I remember correctly it takes you to the home of the GIANTS! North of that is a path to a 4 tier mountain where the witches are, you will come to a spot with a vine attached to a rock dont climb down there you cant! you just fall and die..you need to find som some vines to tie to the rock, climb down and search a wall, there you will find the names of the witches. You have to know them to complete that area. still trying to get into LAND o'DREAMS, C.WILLIAMS ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 149 Thu Oct 22, 1992 AGNARI at 23:13 EDT C.Williams, you have to have visited the land of dreams and met up with Brother ...... [notes on the other side of the room] in Munkharama to know who want's the 5 flowers. Of course the key to getting into the land of Dreams is held by brother Moser in the apothecary. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 150 Fri Oct 23, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 18:47 EDT What is the secret to this blasted *#$*&#$ing Funhouse!!!! I have a wooden dowel, a painted ball, and a bar with rope.. I stuck the dowel into a hole but nothing happens. I threw the ball at the painted bull-eyes target and got BULLS-EYE. So what's with the bar and ropes???? And what do I do now!!!! I haven't figured out what to do with the transparent dome with the hole in it... Arrrgggh. Plus, after throwing that ball, I went back to the corridor with the target and the blasted target was back there again! But, now, NO ball! Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 151 Fri Oct 23, 1992 J.LEWIS7 [Argus] at 20:15 EDT Jeff, Im just starting this game, but in my quest for knowledge I have been scanning messages everywhere I can about this game. I dont know most of the answer for you, but think about where the rope goes to up above. (next level up). Hope this helps until someone who knows more can answer you. Argus ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 152 Fri Oct 23, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 20:47 EDT Jeff T- Well, you are further into the Funhouse than me! All I did was attach a rubber band to two hooks and put a weight and a rope on some gadget with a plank. Then when I stand on it I am hurled four feet into the air and take damage. Where do you get the rubber ball??? Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 153 Fri Oct 23, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 21:01 EDT Agent- You have to buy the feather weight potion from that rat that has the store, I can't remember his name, he is outside the funhouse area. You have to use the potion at the plank, then you'll get hurled where you need to be. I can't figure out what to do with the bar and rope either, plus now that I have the ball I can't find the area with the target. I slowed down on playing because the NPC's are driving me crazy. I can't go more than a couple steps without them on my tail. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 154 Sat Oct 24, 1992 L.EIERDAM [Lee] at 03:25 EDT Does anyone have any idea what to do in the Dane Tower after you reach 'LORD DANE' status? All I seem able to do is find an exit teleporter and a four space hallway with fireballs every move(Which by the way magic screen does NOT help with), beyond the hall is a chest with some cool armor and a book with instructions about some pit. But how do you get to the pit, or get by the Dane orgy without taking so much damage(My mage has only 33 hp and gets dusted EVERY time)? Also, is there anything to do in the funhouse after you attach the weight and rubberband? Flying four feet is not my idea of a good time... I had an idea that perhaps a levitation spell might help, but my mage doesn't happen to have one and is 200,000 exp away from the next level. Thanks... ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 155 Sat Oct 24, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 09:10 EDT If any of you guys played BoCF, then you remember the infamous mines (up here, down over there, etc)! Well, welcome to the FunHouse! I have it pretty well mapped out but can't figure out where the bar/ropes comes in! D.Savali: The exit to the level with the target is on the same level with the exit down to see Don Barlone. More specically, this exit is one square diagonal to the north (look at the map!) from the "troughs" exit. Agent: The painted ball in is the room you get sent to when you take the "Troughs" exit. This exit is one the same level as to where you go when you are catapulted via the rubber band gadget. Well, the NPCs are also driving me nuts in the Funhouse so I'm heading out to try and shake them off. NOTE: Isn't it ridiculous (or poor programming) that these NPCs can seemingly follow you everywhere in the Funhouse! Once I solved the rubber band thingy and was hurled upwards 2 levels or so, I took my first step forward and those blasted NPCs where right there waiting for me! Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 156 Sat Oct 24, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 14:15 EDT J.Thomas69- I still can't find the target. I am on the level with the trough,do I stay on this level, or step on the trough? Going has been slow because of the NPC's, I had to fight that 9 foot tall T'Rang. I'm glad that I don't have to do that twice. Anyway it seems as if I am going in circles in the funhouse. I would like to finish as much as I can before going back to Nyctalinth to get what the Don wants.One other thing, do you know what to do do with the glass dome with the hole? Thanks. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 157 Sat Oct 24, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 16:05 EDT DD.Savalli- The target is down some stairs on the level with the trough. To get to the stairs start at the trough and go W,N,N,N,N,N,N,E,E,E,S,S,E,E,S,E ,E,S,E,E,S,S,W,W,W,W,W,W,W,N,W and you should be at the stairs.(If my map is accurate). Did you complete the Quest of the 5 Flowers? I've got 3 of them but cant find the other two. I mapped out the whole area north of Ukpyr and cant find any way to proceed except through a cave or maybe at one place that says there is un unscaleable mountain wall in front of me. I figure there has to be a way by but I dont know what it is! Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 158 Sat Oct 24, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 16:25 EDT D.Savalli: If you do a USE on that journey map, then the ladder to the painted target area is one square NE of the square where the "troughs" square is. To get to that ladder, you go N from the square before the troughs square until you reach the end of this corridor, then go E 3 squares then turn right and make your way thru the area with a bunch of one square columns to the SE where there is that long corridor that snakes back W to a ladder at the very end. That ladder takes you to the painted target area. I went to Nycalinth to get Don Barone what he wanted, and am back in the Fun House to try and figure this thing out. I have a painted ball, wooden dowel, and bar with ropes, and that transparent dome, hole in wall, and painted target left to figure out. I have to believe all these objects and locations have something to with one another. Another reason I went to Nycalinth was to try and disperse those NPCs. However, they stayed put and were still there when I returned to the Fun House. Moreover, that Shritis dude joined the party. Now, I have 6 NPCs bumbling around the big level of the Fun House.... Also, returning back to Don Barone, he wants 40,000 pieces of gold if I want his treasure/articfacts that he is leaving behind. Sheesh. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 159 Sat Oct 24, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 17:19 EDT Agent- I can't help you with the 5 flowers, I skipped that for now. J.Thomas69- The wooden dowel gets put in the hole in the wall, and you have to throw the ball at the target that I'm trying to get to. As for the other stuff, I have no idea, I'm in the same boat as you. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 160 Sat Oct 24, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 17:19 EDT Jeff T- Use the wooden dowel in the hole in the wall. It says nothing happens but I'm pretty sure thats what you do. Just throw the wooden ball at thew target then jump into the trough again! A gate opens and you are thrown through it. The only thing left I havent figured out is the Dome. If you figure it out let me know. thanks, Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 161 Sat Oct 24, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 19:01 EDT Agent- How do I find out the combination for the switches that I assume open the transparent wall that is in the area after the target? Also the stick with the rope goes across a pit found beyond the target. I would ask for the combination outright, but I have a feeling it isn't the same for everyone. I STILL havent figured out the dome either, but I think I finally ditched the NPCs. Thanks for anything. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 162 Sat Oct 24, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 19:13 EDT D.Savalli/Agent: I also found out by throwing that ball, hitting the target, and then going down the trough a second time puts one on the level with all the switches with the transparent wall. Also placed that dowel into the hole with the same nothing happens result. I've been dashing to and fro from everywhere back to the transparent dome, and no dice. Still also haven't figured out a use for the bar with ropes. Have either of you found out what to do with this thingy??? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 163 Sat Oct 24, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 20:36 EDT J.Thomas69 I layed the bar/rope across a pit on the level you get to by going onto the trough after hitting the target. All that I have been able to do with that is climb down and up it. I still need to figure out the combo for the switches. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 164 Sat Oct 24, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 21:38 EDT D.Savalli: It that's the case about the bar/ropes, then I wonder if it was just a means by which one could climb up and down at the pits area to retrieve the painted ball until the target was struck with a bulls-eye. Those pits lead down to the same room in which the painted ball was originally located. Still stuck on the switches myself... not to mention the transparent dome. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 165 Sat Oct 24, 1992 B.BUNN1 [Brian] at 22:01 EDT Hello all, I'm on a mission for the Umpani to bring a message to the Umpani General in New City. However, I can't get into the Umpani Detache because its locked. I've tried Knock-Knock spells but they don't work. Can someone please tell me how to get in so I can complete this mission? Thanks, Brian ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 166 Sat Oct 24, 1992 C.FREAS at 22:07 EDT I need some help with Munkharama and hope some one can help. So far I have gotten the coins form the well, opened the four doors, pulled the levers etc. Found The beans and put them in the cups and explore what appears to be an empty dungeon. I need to no what to say to moder to get the clue to the dream land and what to do at the statue and any other hints that would be salient. Thanks c. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 167 Sat Oct 24, 1992 AGNARI at 23:34 EDT Brian when I had that task it was after giving the tracker L... the order not to hunt down the T'Rang assassin [which he completely ignored], and the General was in the Umpani City NOT in New City. That tracker guy was the one over in New City - of course you could be way ahead of me and on a completely different mission. Beans, I'd put the four beans in the four urns and then SAVE. Now go in and pull the spinner. If it doesn't come up Black/B/B/B restore as that is the one that gives 2 or 5,000 exp points and I'm not sure if it opens anything new in the city - maybe just a doorway from one area you knew about to another that now merely shortens the trip but nothing significant. Brother Moser in the Apothcary has the words needed to get into the Dream Lands rope ladder, look at what he says and then visit the dream lands area. Statue, is a two stage problem. First you need the moonstone from NewCity - you did search that statue in the center of the pond south of the temple didn't you? Next you will need the 4 gem coins found by searching those 4 ponds around the statue. Now if you put those coins in the urns surrounding the pond/lake and then go back and USE the moonstone at the statue you will be transported beneath the city. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 168 Sun Oct 25, 1992 B.BUNN1 [Brian] at 01:45 EDT AGNARI, Regardless of the mission, how did you get into the Umpani Detache in new city? I can't believe the Umpani Sgt. would send me on this mission without a key to the door. Also, all my characters are around 8th or 9th level and I have not found any of the special maps in this game. Too late in Orkogre, etc. Is there a time limit on this game? Thanks, Brian ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 169 Sun Oct 25, 1992 AGNARI at 03:04 EST Brian didn't the Sgt give you a whommper [some such thing] pass or control card????? Checking my map of the city I see as you came in from the west there was a locked area called Humpawhammer you couldn't enter. But since the Sgt was kind enough to give you the control key you can use this teleporter to get to New City consul in a hurry. I've gotten the 5 flowers finally, didn't see anything about the names of the witches under any of the hoods, and have the note from Xhen on mixing the Red and Blue, Yellow and Purple, those together and then the white. Can mix the first the two to gether to end up with an amborsia but the white won't mix with it, strange anyone can provide info???? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 170 Sun Oct 25, 1992 AGNARI at 03:05 EST Sorry Brian I forgot to mention that the Humpawhammer room was just to the North of that Western entrance to the city. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 171 Sun Oct 25, 1992 M.HUSTON1 [Mark] at 08:39 EST Has anyone figured out how to get through the water in the cave in the Ukpyr Mountains? I found the lever that opened another access to the water, but can't get across without being sucked down by the current. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 172 Sun Oct 25, 1992 BARAK at 08:56 EST Does anyone have any thoughts on which is the best "path" to take when offered the choice in the Land of Dreams? I did all five and save games with each. I am playing on with my Samurai using the Sword of Four Winds which I have uncursed. Also what is the Holy Work that Xeng wants before he will talk to you. I think I have missed something in Munkharama! Also what is the White Rubber Bear for? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 173 Sun Oct 25, 1992 AGNARI at 09:12 EST Good questions Barak, however I don't have any useful answers. I took the Staff path and though everyone's Intelligence went up. Oooh, doesn't Xeng what the Holy Covenant???? As for the White Rubber Bear, all I can think of is that it is for Later ;) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 174 Sun Oct 25, 1992 K.DRONKE [AKKarl] at 09:23 EST Does anyone know if there's a way to cure a character of disease if you don't have the Cure Disease spell yet? I'm also having a hell of a time getting through the fields of wild orchids. Any hints? Thanks, AKKarl ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 175 Sun Oct 25, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 09:28 EST Agnari: I declined to accept admittance into the 5 Flowers school and went on to Rattkin Ruins (where I'm stuck.) I met Xheng later on and he tells me that he left a note for me back in the school. I went back to the school and cannot find any such note. Do you know of or where that note that Xheng is talking about is located???? D.Savalli: Well, found a spot to put that bar/ropes and like you said, all it does is allow you to climb down and from there either climb back up or drop down. Still cannot figure out those dang switches, either. Have you made any further progress per those switches??? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 176 Sun Oct 25, 1992 AGNARI at 10:23 EST AKKarl, there is someone who sells a cure disease potion which should help till one of your MU's [magic users] gets the cure disease spell offered - of course at the time that is offered there will probably be another choice you want/need even more. Jeff, he dropped the note for me right there on the square as you enter the dojo. The note's purpose was to give you some words that will get you into another part of Father Rulae's domain. Try using Holy Sacrament - healing be free, and by the time I got there the special chest was of course empty :( Gosh I still haven't gotten into the Rattkin ruins, but I suspect that it has something to do with the face in the tree and the bonasi tree or something else I don't have. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 177 Sun Oct 25, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 12:05 EST Agnari: I was wondering whether the note had some mention of the quest for 5 flowers... Oh well, I did get Brother Rulae to help me out. The Bonsai Tree is indeed needed for the Rattkin Ruins quest... Did anyone get that computer in New City activated??? An unexpected (at this point) scene ensures with Vi Dominae and I assume the Dark Savant. I think I may be a bit premature at this point in pursuing this particular path... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 178 Sun Oct 25, 1992 AGNARI at 12:33 EST Jeff right after I did the *S, noticed I hadn't mentioned the flower stuff. "mix the Red Rosis and the Blue Mythia, the Yellow Lione and the Purple Plumand, then these together, and lastly a divine (albeit odorous) solution of White Dahlia" I've done that mixing 3 or 4 times and I get an ambrosia from the first 4 but the White Dahlia won't mix with it. Maybe it's not potent and I should have done it right after picking the white one????? Haven't gotten the computer activiated, did get to almost talk to it as I've gotten the comm link; but now it wants an access node connection or I suspect it's asking which network I want to log on to. Of course it doesn't like any of my answers and shuts down. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 179 Sun Oct 25, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 17:23 EST J.Thomas69- No go on the switches as of yet. I just keep flipping switches and entering the water slide. Supposedly you end up someplace new at the end of the slide if the combination is right. AGNARI- I run into the same situation on the computer. I haven't a clue what word it wants. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 180 Sun Oct 25, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 17:25 EST Whew! Some tough battles with Vilet Kanebe and the T'rang Queen and now I have the Serpent & Crystal maps. Still dunno about that stupid Fun House... Agnari: Are you undertaking this quest for the 5 flowers after answering YES to Xen Xheng question about joining the school, or what? I declined to join, myself. As for the computer, it's worthless until you've done some dirty work in Nycalinth.. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 181 Sun Oct 25, 1992 L.EIERDAM [Lee] at 18:23 EST After the ?premature? encounter with Vi, could you think of anything to get her out of the room with? (I did it early accidently and didn't have many of the items/keys I have now)... A few burning questions: 1] Does anyone know where you use the Key of Azure or the Key of Gorgoo?(something like that). I have them, but have NO idea where in heck they are supposed to work. 2] Has anyone been able to retrieve the map from the Danes? I am unable to get past a gate with a demon heads/candle holder and also unable to find whatever beast and pit the book of immortals rambles about... 3] Anyone else noticed some of the more powerful weapons/items from Bane when transferred over have less power (IE the Ring of Stars no longer regenerates) 4] WHERE DO I FIND THE WITCHES' HOODS? The only place that I can use the vines is by merging all four, tying them to a rock and climbing down into an area I had already been from a different entrance(I think it's the 'unscalable cliff' area. Could someone please give some instructions or just e-mail me the witches names? Thanks ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 182 Sun Oct 25, 1992 AGNARI at 18:28 EST Yes Jeff I said I'd join and then took the Staff option from the options offered it seemed the more "Intelligent" option. He then sent me on that 5 flower mission. But when I got back he was gone but had left the note. Remember that Xheng is the third in the line of assist/joining Brother Rulae, Brother T'Shober and then Xen Xheng. Guess I'll have to check out that Dane area and the ruins. Somewhere near all those witch mountain up/downs I ran across a 3x3 underground room that has a locked grill preventing further entry into which ever dungeon it is. Also is that water suck you under and die area that is preventing me from getting to another passage I've not yet explored. So I hate leaving these areas "unfinished" but I don't see any other options open at the moment. Only trouble is, I won't get all these MAPS converted to computer files until too late this evening to do any exploring :( Well at least I can start in Monday night with fairly complete maps. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 183 Sun Oct 25, 1992 BARAK at 19:06 EST Agnari, thanks for the nudge... I found the Holy Work and the "gizmo" in th crypt (Onyx Key). I think I have finished Munkharama... I took Xeng up on the offer of the Five Flower; so I am off to the mountains at my next session... Boy, is this game B-I-G... I have so many loose ends hanging o that I don't know if I will every tie them up... I have done Nacylinth, New City/Old City, Orkogre Castle, and now Munkharama and still only have one map -- ?Legend? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 184 Sun Oct 25, 1992 SLEW at 23:13 EST I have legend and dragon maps now but they don't seem to be very helpful. Which is the map that tells about the twisted heads puzzle? The azure key (from Orkogre) opens a gate there leading to a fountain which restores magic. It's at the end of the hall from the entrance ladder. It might do something else though, but that's what it did for me. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 185 Mon Oct 26, 1992 C.YANG6 [Jason Yang] at 02:26 EST I think I'm furthur along then most of you here so ... The cave with unpassable waters: You will know how to get pass the water after completing the Witch part (i.e. freeing the good witch) The 5 flowers: If you meet up with Xeng later and ask him about the white Dahlia he will tell you that you need to MERGE it with a HOLY POTION first. (you can get the potion from Rulae in New City) The Funhouse: The levers infront of the transparent walls control the path of the water slide. Some combination of the levers will allow you to reach a area (with the help of the bar/rope over the pit) where you will find a large black ball. You should know what to do then. (I did not draw a map so can't give you the exact combinations; sorry) The tower of Dane: Afer becoming 'Lord of Dane' you should reach an area with three small rooms, one of which is marked EGRESS. The other room at the end will allow you to go up to the roof where you can find and kill a demon... The Witches: Wearing the Necromantic helmet found in Giants cave at the place of the haunting (after climbing down the long vine) will let you find the names of the witches. The 6 heads: The *Boat* Map will give you clues to the heads. If you think this game is big, wait until you get the boat and start mapping out the SEA of SORROWS! Jason ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 186 Mon Oct 26, 1992 C.FREAS at 18:11 EST I have a couple of questions. 1. Could someone please tell me exactly what to say to get into the land of dreams or exactly what to say to moser so he will tell me. 2. does anyone know what to do with the rubber bear? 3. does anyone know what to do with wickums globe. thathanks. c. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 187 Mon Oct 26, 1992 AGNARI at 19:19 EST C. Feas don't know what to say to Moser, I asked him about the dream emporium. But tell the other guy Dreams to his first question and walking dead to the second. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 188 Mon Oct 26, 1992 AGNARI at 20:16 EST Ok what's going on in Nyc.... took the wrong turn after leaving that bozo behind the window and got jumped. After the battle I can reach new areas of Ny... but after using that 3rd finger device I got to an area don't seem to be able to leave. One area is blocked by a force barrier, and I don't see anyway ot stopping that ghostly thing from taking the jeweled item from the altar. Only way out that I can see is restoring from a save prior to entry. I saw the 3 frozen(??) SV Guards below but couldn't get them unfrozen. Anyone have any hints? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 189 Mon Oct 26, 1992 D.HAN [Asst. Sysop] at 22:29 EST How does one cross the open pit that guards a ladder in the temple of Munkharama? Danny ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 190 Mon Oct 26, 1992 R.ROBBERSON1 [Highlander] at 23:06 EST HAve just gotten underway in this game and am a little puzzled at what I have seen so far in this adventure. A) Found a dungeon outside of New City. Is this Old City? The clues I have gotten inside is that Old City is under New City. I discovered a room in New City that had a sign referring to Old City. IS this anything special. b)Does order of quests mean anything? I have freed the Gor, and now about the Bridge Guarding monk? Which do I do first? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 191 Mon Oct 26, 1992 AGNARI at 23:45 EST Danny you need to look at the back wall [outside of the room} and then think about that knobby stick you've got. I'm sure you'll think of a place to stick it! ;) Highlander, I blv that is a "starter" dungeon to help you get a few points and some armor. Part 2 of A) Yes that is something special but after you examine that wall you'll need a key from the library rat. Some have mentioned that the phrase "archive" might get you some info or the key; personally he attacked me and my steroid iron pumping body builders didn't like it and split his binding. B) beats me I didn't write the game and haven't finished so I don't know if the order is important. With the competing groups somebody might get in first and get a prize or map. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 192 Tue Oct 27, 1992 C.YANG6 [Jason Yang] at 03:32 EST C. : 1. Moser wants to know the name of the Hall of Dreams (the Gran Melange, I think) 2. I think the use of rubber bear is to raise a characters swimming skill by a few points when invoked and not a special quest item. (I find one way to tell if an item IS a special quest item when you try to sell it to a NPC and they say 'you need it'. 3. The use of the Wikum globe will be apparent once you acquire a boat. AGNARI: I think the area you're in is the old cemetary in Nyc... To get out of that area, you need to be a ghoul... I haven't been able to get the wand from the on the altar or getting past the barrier or waking the SV Gaurds, so if you solve them, please drop a hint here. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 193 Tue Oct 27, 1992 AGNARI at 16:09 EST Thanks Jason, Jeff mentioned the grave robbing scenario so I've fallen thru one and mapped quite a bit; but I don't know if I have the item needed to get the gem wand or get thru the barrier. Maybe if I have time tonight. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 194 Tue Oct 27, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 18:47 EST Agnari: Thanks for the reply. Just finally bopped old SPOT, and I counted over 1300 hit points needed to make him extinct. The item needed is to free the Gem Wand is not below-ground, but above ground, but to get there, you gotta go below-ground! Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 195 Tue Oct 27, 1992 L.EIERDAM [Lee] at 19:58 EST Agnari- The cave with the churning waters in impassable until you retrieve the Sphinx map from the witch quest (Actually it isn't impassable, but the map gives you the clue so that you don't have to try to swim accross) If you want to know what to do, email me and I'll tell you outright ;) Slew- The boat map (through the funhouse) is what gives you the solution to the twisted heads puzzle. When you solve it an area opens that gives you a boat. All- I got those damn flowers and Xen's note and am unable to mix the flowers as he instructs... I keep ending up with 'Orchid Ambrosia' that the white dahlia refuses to merge with... Anyone manage to get them all together and if so, how? I believe I have completed all the cities/ruins on the main continent. I have collected 9 maps, is this all there is to found? I'm about to set sail and I don't want to leave with out everything I need. Does anyone know just how many maps are in this game??? Sir-Tech- Is the choice between joining forces with Vi Domina against the Dark Savant or not one of the hinges for the different endings?(Just in case I made an extra save!) WHERE do you get a chance to learn Snake Speed, Reflection and Powerstrike? And how in the heck do you get to Sky City? Back to the future...(past?!?!) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 196 Tue Oct 27, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 20:35 EST You have to merge the white Dahlia with Holy Water before you can merge it with the Orchid Ambrosia. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 197 Tue Oct 27, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 21:46 EST Lee: Remember old Blindmeis? He had a Ring of Relextion for sale, and equipping it gave that character the Reflextion skill. In addition, somewhere in my wanderings I found a Power Gem/Jewel that when equipped, gave that character the Powerstrike skill. Right now, I'm wandering around helplessly lost in the mountains. I found a 250 feet vine, a witch with the golden face, and the witch's cave. I also found a long climb down but the vine is too short. Is there supposed to be another vine somewhere??? Only 3 flowers, thus far, Yellow, Purple, and Red... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 198 Tue Oct 27, 1992 G.BECK7 at 22:14 EST RE: Quest for 5 Flowers Finding all these flowers is a pain in the buskins. Can, would anybody help me with the location of the Blue Mythia flower? Will trade info on Dane Temple, which I completed this a.m.. Boffo ending to that installment of this clambake. Thanks! Greg (Get *on* with it, man!) Beck ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 199 Tue Oct 27, 1992 AGNARI at 22:15 EST Yes Jeff you should find 3 (maybe it was 4 more vine parts, but I expect that you know that by now). Me I'm over in the Dane area trying to figure out what I'm to stuff into the Urns to make some progress. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 200 Tue Oct 27, 1992 AGNARI at 22:23 EST Greg, when you left the town thru the Northernly exit you ran into eventually an impossible cliff to climb??? Well thru that city gate you can find the white, blue and yellow flowers. Shortly before the path from town disappears there was an exit to the West which eventually led to the white flower and the unclimbable cliff. Well if you had followed the road/path and taken that Northeasternly branch after a few round_a_abouts you have a choice of a Northernly path and a an Easternly path. Northern one leads to the cave and the yellow flower while at the end to the other you find the blue flower. But, I'll bet if you mapped the area, you've discovered all of this by now ;) My map puts the blue flower's location about 21hexs North and about 13hexs East of that city square of four colum posts supporting arches as you leave. Ok, to help me out with those stupid Urns, I'll ask you to go ahead and post the answer, in the hopes that it will enable me to solve the puzzle before you can reply!!! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 201 Tue Oct 27, 1992 AGNARI at 23:43 EST Gosh did I really miss that cell with the chest in it across from the grill - or did that open up after I stepped into the two Urn rooms???? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 202 Wed Oct 28, 1992 G.BECK7 at 07:51 EST AGNARI, RE: The Urns in Dane Temple: Near as I could figure out, using Jongha Powder in the urns turned off any local traps in the area. My mistake was using all three doses of Jongha Powder in the first dark area, where there's a killer trap. After using the powder, the trap disappeared. I think that if I'd used only one dose, it would have yieled the same results. Then I'd have had powder for the urn near the coffer temple, where there's a *really* nasty trap that vegifies the party. So...try using only one Jongha powder per urn and save them for the dark area and coffer temple areas. BTW, the Dane temple is the only area where I've mapped. It was a tough but very rewarding area to complete: Unexpected results like other parts of this romp. Regards, Greg ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 203 Wed Oct 28, 1992 D.MILLER31 at 17:29 EST Ok, I am in with xheng and he says....Slay not he that cannot hear and is waiting for response...I wrote it down but for the life of me, cannot find the answer(lost notes). What is the correct response?????Help me please!!!! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 204 Wed Oct 28, 1992 R.DOMINICK2 [Mr. Horrible] at 18:43 EST ...I believe that it is: "Be thankful that you have an ear." ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 205 Wed Oct 28, 1992 G.BECK7 at 18:57 EST Be thanful ye that hath an ear! (And take good notes! ;)) Agnari, Thraxe for the info on the blue mythia. I never knew snakes peed. Now...I have four lovely pieces of gold facial parts and know not where to go to redeem them for neat prizes. Witch way do I go to dump the golden bits? Inventory pressure in this game and all that...Thanks!!! Regards, Greg (Back to using graph paper) Beck ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 206 Wed Oct 28, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 19:30 EST Agnari: Where in relation to the Cave with the impassable waters is that dang Blue Flower????? I'm on the very last square of road prior to the mountains and have yet to find an east path that leads to the Blue flower. I have the other four flowers. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 207 Wed Oct 28, 1992 AGNARI at 20:26 EST Jeff at the first road end you enter a circle are and ther is a north road bit to another circle area which to the east has more road parts. Well where this second section of the road after the breakup there is a southernly exit that wraps to the east [be aware there is a 2x2 open area and then taking another easternly exit from the south you get to the VERY eastern part which has 2 blocks in the north that dead end, the western northly dead end had the blue flower. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 208 Wed Oct 28, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 21:10 EST Does anyone know how to get past the force field area and how to get the rod from the ghost in the cemetary in Nyctalinth? I already have the ray gun, which was used on the savant, and I have the budda looking statue. Right now I have done everything I can, except getting past those two areas. Also, are there any computer terminals in Nyctalinth, I remember playing with one in my travels, but I can't remember where it was. Thanks in advance. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 209 Wed Oct 28, 1992 C.KANOLES at 22:03 EST HELP!!!!!!!!! I would appreciate explicit instructions for the levers in the funhouse. Do you realize how many combinations that are possible? I've tried many of them. I was at Dane temple, but couldn't figure out what to do with the gate/demon cornu combo. Now these levers. Jeez. Thank you to any and all kind, wonderful souls who help me. Ziploc ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 210 Wed Oct 28, 1992 G.B.SMITH [ ] at 22:05 EST I have played this game differently than most---apparently. I have level 17 and 18 characters but have solved very few "puzzles" as they have been a pain. I built my characters up in Ukpyr where everything attached me. I ended up slaughtering the town and never could find out about any "quests" nor did I enlist or was I asked to enlist. I left when I could not get into the 2 doors in the firing range...wondering what I did wrong. I did end up with 6 powerhouse characters all capable of spells. Now a few questions: (1). Where are there some "good" weapons? I am still fighting with original swords. (2). What am I supposed to do with the beans in Munkharmama? I keep getting dumped into the basement with nothing happening. (3) What the deal with the opening and closing pits in the Dane Temple? I can't get the ones to close that allow me to go on. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanx! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 211 Wed Oct 28, 1992 AGNARI at 22:07 EST D.S. you have used the longstem spade to dig up right? well eventually you're digging will get you something that's under a statue which tricks the ghost thing into thinking you are in one room and it dashs to the other - where you are. So it takes the thing [can't remember what it was ] and drops the sceptre of crossing. Now can anyone remember in Nycl... what key was used to open the pits of hell???? and if so where you found it perchance? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 212 Wed Oct 28, 1992 AGNARI at 22:12 EST G.B. good weapons can occassionaly pop up in the black market and over at Paluk's later in the game. Don't think we will see a lot of POWER weapons like there were in BoCF - but that is just a guess. Those beans in Munkharama let you use the spinner. Of course after distributing all four I'd do a save and then go in and pull the spinner. That way if you don't get the Black/B/B/B combo to win 5,000 exp points you can always restore after you've fallen in and won't loose very much time. Opening/Closing pits in the Dane tower. I didn't keep very complete notes on that but I seem to recall that the pattern was like room A let you get to B. Then going to A then B could get you to C, then A, B C would get you to D. and so on until you got to the other side. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 213 Wed Oct 28, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 22:13 EST Agnari: Thanks. I think I was looking too far North. Will circle back and look for the flower after finishing up in the Witch's cave area... D.Savalli: Try using that Buddha status to get that jeweled rod. Yes, there was a terminal in Nycalinth, the info gained there helps with the terminal in New City. BTW, did you ever solve the switch problem in Fun House???? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 214 Wed Oct 28, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 22:26 EST Ziploc: According to a Fellow Far Beyond Me in this game, those levers are random, and took him two hours to get right. Let's see, there are 5 levers, and only two possibilities (up/down) so that means 32 possible combinations. Yech. Agnari: What Pits of Hell in Nyc??? I thought I had that one mapped out pretty well.... Would you believe it! While climbing up in the Witch Mts area, about 3 climbs up, I ran into all those NPCs again. This game needs more intelligence as to the whereabouts of those NPCs. I'm expecting to get some magic carpet, and while flying 10,000 feet above the ground, I'll probably run into all those NPCs just walking on the clouds or something... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 215 Wed Oct 28, 1992 AGNARI at 23:28 EST Sorry Jeff, I of course meant in the Dane Tower. Guess it's the final thing to become a Dane Father and get some dark secrets from the Dane King. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 216 Thu Oct 29, 1992 R.DOMINICK2 [Mr. Horrible] at 02:25 EST Well, I finally did it. Assembled a half-decent party of characters, with three 'elite-class' fighters (Samurai, Valkyrie, Lord) and a Bishop and regular Thief and Mage. Three characters who'll be able to cast Heal Wounds! Wow! :-) The real pain is having to start over again. I'll have to do the starter dungeon, and the encounters in New City... I'll leave the Munk and the Gorn for last, tho'. I think I'm going to try to go to Munkharama first. Is there a reason why I shouldn't do this? It couldn't be harder than OrkOgre castle... (of course, I had no elite characters but a bard in that party.) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 217 Thu Oct 29, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 11:45 EST J.Thomas69- Yeah, I finally got past the lever thing. I didn't give the combo because the one combo answer I received somewhere else was completely different than the one I used, so I figured it was random. I only got the right one through sheer luck, I got mad flipped a few switches, hit the slide and boom I was there. One thing though, make sure you have the rope and stick over the pit and the wooded dowel in place, or you'll screw up.Later. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 218 Thu Oct 29, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 18:24 EST D.Savalli: Good. I went wayyyy back to an older save game from the Land of Dreams sequence, and did the 5 flowers and Witch quests. So, I gotta go thru this Fun House again... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 219 Thu Oct 29, 1992 G.BECK7 at 18:46 EST Hi, all. Can anyone start me in the right direction to cash in the golden facial parts picked up from the witches? Need a break from the Funhouse and the eyes, nose, et al are taking up room! thanks...Greg ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 220 Thu Oct 29, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:57 EST Yes, please help us out with the witches! Where do you find the names of the witches? I believe I read it in an earlier post but since I wasnt on the witch quest then I just ignored it. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 221 Thu Oct 29, 1992 L.EIERDAM [Lee] at 20:46 EST Can anyone help me with the right order to click on the Rune buttons for the second part of the test at the statue in the city of Sky? Thanks ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 222 Fri Oct 30, 1992 L.EIERDAM [Lee] at 02:02 EST Greg- There's an area I believe in the North Western area of that cave that has another ebony mirror with the good witch in it, then you put the parts on a blank face that's sitting on the table. Agent- You obtain the witch's names by getting the Necromatic Helm (From 'Spot' in the Giant Cave) and equipping it in the mountain ground level) area where you felt cold spots (I think the first message was something like 'You feel this place is haunted'). If you can't find the area e-mail and I'll send you their names ;). ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 223 Fri Oct 30, 1992 C.YANG6 [Jason Yang] at 05:59 EST Help... What is the combinations for the buttons with symbols (Dragon, Star, Wand, ...) in City of Sky? I think this has something to do with the *Crystal* map but I just can't figure it out. Jason ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 224 Fri Oct 30, 1992 G.BECK7 at 18:12 EST Thanks, Lee! Greg ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 225 Fri Oct 30, 1992 AGNARI at 18:38 EST So has anyone figured out where the pits of hell are and how to get into them? I've got that gate/chest south of the long cooridor of firey explosions thru the gates, that I can't unlock the gates to reach it [neither the east or west side of it] so I've assumed that chest or from that chest area the pits are reached to call_fortth or do battle with this demon - but hey I could be wrong. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 226 Fri Oct 30, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 22:40 EST Agnari: I'm in the Tower of Dane, and on the 5th level (Deadly Coffers Temple). I've got 5 Coffer Keys, but I'm in the smaller room with gates to the N, S, and E that these keys don't work on. What gives here???? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 227 Fri Oct 30, 1992 AGNARI at 23:17 EST Jeff there must be about 10 coffer keys, I'm currently a level or two ahead of you [when you posted]. Checking my map I think there were 10 or 9 coffer keys in the 11 chests on that level. Much later I found the hidden room with what was possibly a MAP chest but of course I found it soooo late the cupboard was bare. Trouble is finding out which of the coffer keys opens the grate to the east so you can find 2 more keys to open the next door to the east to find 4 more keys and an idol to open the northern grill in the second chamber to use the idol to open the grate to the south and thus reach the stairs to the next level [btw the secret room is in the third water room on the souther wall, please let me know what I missed????]. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 228 Sat Oct 31, 1992 K.ROGERS1 [Kelly] at 00:38 EST Help!! I have 3 of the flowers, blue, white, and yellow but I can't find the last two. I have that area mapped out pretty well but don't find the witches caves either. I have seen the spots where it says "This place feels haunted" or something like that. What do you do there?? I've also been to the unscalable wall. Appreciate the help. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 229 Sat Oct 31, 1992 AGNARI at 01:31 EST Kelly, you have to travel north from the eastern shore of the river-road from newcity to munkharama, eventually you will get to a mountian area. On/In this mountain area you get the other two flowers and something to use in those chill spots to get info to use back in the witch cave. Or so I understand as I haven't quite completed all of that stuff [got the flowers but not the witch names and answered the questions from the mirrors]. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 230 Sat Oct 31, 1992 R.LAWRENCE [The Count] at 11:50 EST Hi folks, I haven't been here in a while. I think I have a problem... I know you should enlist with the Umpani, but I have never been given that option. I wander around Ukpyr and the only thing they ever do is yell Intruder Alert, Attack. I must fight at this point. I have yet to finish the whole city, but will I ever be allowed to enlist, or is this a portion of the game I will have to miss? I'll talk to you later....Bye. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 231 Sat Oct 31, 1992 A.GEYER1 [Lex] at 12:06 EST I chose to start from the Dragon/Spaceship ending and thus started in a different part of the forests from everyone else it seems. (Forest north of Ukpyr) When I got to Ukpyr I was confronted, right at the entrance by a guard that initially acted threatening (demanding to know who I was and what was I doing there) and then shifting into the offer to join the scouts. I know there are two entrances (N & S) into Ukpyr surely this "guard" isn't only stationed at one of the entrances?!?! Puzzling! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 232 Sat Oct 31, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 13:00 EST Where do I find the Book of Immortals??? I have all the other stuff as required by the Magna Dane, the Innards, Ashes, and Gate Stone, but no Book... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 233 Sat Oct 31, 1992 AGNARI at 13:14 EST Beats me I picked it up somewhere along the way and didn't accurately mark which level it was acquired on. However most every level was an 8x16 hex rectangle so check your maps for anything smaller then that [the deadly coffer lvl was I think about 10x16 bcs of the odd shaped rooms]. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 234 Sat Oct 31, 1992 L.EIERDAM [Lee] at 15:30 EST The Book of Immortals is in the chest with the +3 Plate Mail at the end of the hall with all the fireballs (where there are four gates that you continue to take damage as you pass)...It isn't a hidden/secret area, the chest is out in the open. I don't know the exact hex/map place but it's in the northeastern area of the level of 'wanderers'. Anyone know what the combination is to the runes/second test in the City of Sky? I thought it had something to do with the Crystal Map, but maybe not... ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 235 Sat Oct 31, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 15:37 EST Agnari: Jeez. The stupid book was in a chest just around the corner. Well, I defeated the Demon, killed the Magna Dane and assorted cronies and got the jeweled stuff from the chest locked inside the cubicle with the Demon's face. Is that it??? Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 236 Sat Oct 31, 1992 AGNARI at 16:56 EST ARRRGGGH so where did you meet the demon???? I though you had to kill the demon beyond that Demon gate face thingie and can't open it. Of course if you killed Father Magna Dane that would explain things. He sent me off to go kill the demon and return with a horn of some type and I can't find the demon. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 237 Sat Oct 31, 1992 B.DUNCAN7 [Brian Duncan] at 17:00 EST Well, I just finished the water puzzle in the Rattkin Ruins, for those that don't want to go through a binary search(like I did), this might help: There are three "levels" with levers(though 3 are on the same level, 1 can only be accessed by going up a ladder and then down a stairwell). Starting with the level you "start" on(this one had the target you had to hit with the ball), the farthest lever at the end of a passage is UP, the other lever on that level is DOWN, the lever that is by itself(up ladder, down stairs to a lever) is DOWN, on the level with just two levers and no other passageways leading anywhere, the closest lever(to the stairs) is UP and the farthest one is DOWN. I hope that helps, though perhaps the puzzle is random, took me about 40 minutes to do it, unfortunately it was try #22 out of 32, oh well. Does anyone know the answer to the Spears puzzle? It's probably on a map, and if so, which one? Also, is there anything to do after finishing the Water trough puzzle? I basically ended up outside and knocked off a few giants and found a lair, but didn't feel like cruising around too much, where are all the Razuka, or is it just the spears puzzle and then I'm done? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 238 Sat Oct 31, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 18:13 EST Agnari: After being sent off to kill the demon, you gotta go back up to the top of the tower, then take the "Demon" lever option back down which puts you in that "fireball" passage and then you get the Book of Immortatlitty. -THEN- you gotta go back out to the top of tower AGAIN, and take the "Demon" option lever. This time however, instead of leaping down that first pit in the middle of the water, go thru the innards/ashes/stone routine and then be prepared to fight that demon. Brian: Did you ever talk to the Queen T'rang in Nyc?? She gives out a clue to the Spears problem. After solving the spears thing, you should get the famous Boat map.. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 239 Sat Oct 31, 1992 K.ROGERS1 [Kelly] at 19:52 EST Thanks for the help Agnari. I found that area but only found the violet flower and no white flower. I never located the giants cave either to get what I think is the item needed to learn the witches names. Where is that cave?? One other question...in the bottom level, there is a ladder that leads to a 2x2 room with a gate. Where do you get the key to open that gate. Thanks, Kelly ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 240 Sat Oct 31, 1992 AGNARI at 22:34 EST Don't know about the key kelly. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 241 Sun Nov 01, 1992 PRINCE.NAMOR at 00:31 EST Help, I'm stuck in the fun house...have conected the 200lb weight, the rubberband and used the spool handle...what do I do next to exit this puzzle? PN ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 242 Sun Nov 01, 1992 K.ROGERS1 [Kelly] at 01:02 EST Never did find a key for that gate. I just noticed that I don't have the red flower. Any idea on its location??? Agnari, aren't you in West Texas? I'm from Big Spring...small world. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 243 Sun Nov 01, 1992 AGNARI at 09:14 EST Kelly the red flower was in a cave [without a grid coordinate system it's kind of hard to point out which cave though]. There was some water and it was on a small island in the southern area of the cave and was reached by the south [northern part of the island was cave walls]. This wasn't if memory serves me correctly the same cave with the lever and the pull down water death traps. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 244 Sun Nov 01, 1992 R.GRIDLEY [Rick] at 10:41 EST is anyone near finishing this game? Agnari and Jeff seem to have put mucho hours in so far and I don't think either has stated that they have finished! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 245 Sun Nov 01, 1992 G.BECK7 at 11:44 EST Well, I "solved" the lever/water puzzle in the Ratkin ruins *late* last night. All I could add to the above advice is to start with all 5 levers up, then find the one that guides you more or less straight ahead while falling through the various levels. The longer the ride, the better, it *seems.* Then, find the one lever that will get you to the rope you've dropped through the chute up above. After that, the next puzzle is a pleasure, comparatively. Now I need to find Wikum's globe (referred to elsewhere, but I never found in under Munkharama.) Does anyone remember where in M-rama the Wikum Globe is? I re-searched the level with all the chests. Nada. Help, please!! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 246 Sun Nov 01, 1992 L.EIERDAM [Lee] at 13:18 EST The powerglobe is on the same level as the holy work...In a side chamber with a black altar and a room with mummys...You'll get it ;) Just pull the lever to make the altar rise, then (after taking the globe)again to make the gate open.... ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 247 Sun Nov 01, 1992 G.B.SMITH [ ] at 14:25 EST I have 2 questions as I am at "Dead Ends": (1) I have pushed the secret button and pulled the lever that opens the pit in the first cell of Orkogre Castle. Now how do I get down that pit? (2) I am missing something that enables me to get beyond the pits in the second level of the Dane Tower. Probably I need to deposit something in the urn across the hall. What do I do to close the pits enabling me to proceed Any and all help appreciated. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 248 Sun Nov 01, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 14:38 EST G.B.Smith: As for the Dane Tower, did you try putting some of that Jonga Powder into the urns? YOu can buy the power from Almagorte. As for the pit in Orgkogre, just click on the pit and you'll jump in (and take some damage, unless you have a levitation spell). Rick: My wife also wants to know when I'm going to finish this one... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 249 Sun Nov 01, 1992 AGNARI at 15:18 EST Jeff, I guess she wouldn't like the answer: probably long after the divorce. As for how far I was along in the game, well I'd spent so much time plodding along outside exploring every nook&cranny that I decided to start OVER to see what some of those empty chests contained [did however save that last position in the Dane Tower, I may act brain dead at times; but I'm totally stupid]. G.B.Smith the trick on those dane pits is to use the rooms to open close the pits to get access to another side room to open/close more pits until you evenutally reach the other side of the room. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 250 Sun Nov 01, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 16:10 EST Agnari- In your last post you stated "I may act brain-dead at times, but I'm totally stupid". You mean NOT totally stupid right??? Brian D.- Thanks for the help on the Funhouse levers but I think the combination is random in every game. The combination you gave doesnt seem to work for me. Did it work for anyone else? Maybe I just did it wrong. I wrote down all 32 combinations and tried them but either I messed one up or just skipped one because none of them seemed to work. Guess I have to start over... I HATE this puzzle. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 251 Sun Nov 01, 1992 C.KANOLES at 16:52 EST Okay, I give. Could someone please E-Mail the names of the witches to me? I put on the helmet and briefly saw some spirits heading for the center of a clearing (near the cliff with the vine), but haven't a clue as to what to try next. I've walked all over the area, but nothing else happens. I've walked all over the mountains again, but nothing happens . By the way, I AM wearing the Necromantic helm. Thanks. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 252 Sun Nov 01, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 16:57 EST Thanks V'ger. I'll try that. I have heard so much about this cheat thing. Can I switch classes as well? Also, what is the uncompressor program for it called? The cheat is in LZH right? Phil BTW, I'm still stuck in the New City trying to deliver the orders to the Umpani there. How Do I get in the Umpani Detache? I'm already part of the Umpani Scouts. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 253 Sun Nov 01, 1992 BARAK at 16:58 EST Okay, I have had my party drowned at least 10 times... What is the signi- ficance and importance of the cave with the salty water? H-E-L-P, please! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 254 Sun Nov 01, 1992 AGNARI at 17:43 EST Ok so I forgot that little sign over the switch, do I feel like a fool running around and never spotting it. Ok so the Demon Spawn and the Mad Dane are history; but still don't have a clue to opening either of those two grates blocking the chest. Did pickup from the dead Dane one of those maps which were gone from the chest by the time I originally got there. So anyone got any clues as to the keys that open those final grates??? The horn seems to start something but, it doesn't appear to be enough. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 255 Sun Nov 01, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 17:44 EST Does anyone know how to enter Crypt Island? I got out there and am at a wall with some creature on it, I assume you have to use something here. I, of course, don't have whatever it is. Thanks in advance for any help. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 256 Sun Nov 01, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:26 EST Agnari- I hope you have a saved game from before you killed the Demon. The only way I've found to get to the chest is to choose "Forfeit" when talking to Magna Dane. Then you kill him and can get into the Magna Dane Temple. Now go kill the demon. You must use the Horn on all three gates leading to the chest. In case you cant find the third it is behind a secret door in the Magna Dane temple. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 257 Sun Nov 01, 1992 AGNARI at 19:03 EST Agent, thanks ARRRRGGGH don't have a save before meeting with Magna Dane and of course now that he is dead I don't have anyway of getting back in. Oh well time to go back to the newest game chars but at least I'll be prepared when I reach this point next time. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 258 Sun Nov 01, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 19:17 EST Agnari: After you battle the Magna Dane, you should have gotten a Demon Ring or something; USE it on the grate to the "Magna Dane" room because none of the two outside "Horn" doors will open, the real "Horn" door is reached only from inside the "Magna Dane" room. BTW, which map did you gather from the Dane as I didn't get any parchments/maps of any kind? Samurai: Did you take the Humpawamthingy to get back to New City? That is the only correct way to deliver the message. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 259 Sun Nov 01, 1992 C.FREAS at 20:58 EST D. savalli.. I havent been to the isle of crypts but somewhere I did pick up the key of crypts. I would imagine that is what you need to get in. All.. I seem to be stuck in NYC.. I opened the livestock center and met the ghost that says follow me and am now stuck. WHat next? c. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 260 Sun Nov 01, 1992 AGNARI at 21:02 EST Jeff It was the Legend one I blv. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 261 Sun Nov 01, 1992 SLEW at 22:25 EST Help guys! I'm stuck in Munkamarama. I'm on the lowest level with all the water. I got the holy work and I got the globe of wiccan (or whatever it's called) but I can't find anything else (like a map) anywhere. I have a couple of iron keys, a pewter and a gorrid (or something like that) key but none of them will work on any of the other grates in the place with all the water (where the holy work was). Am I missing something??? I'd really like to finish munkawhatever already as it was a truly tedious dungeon and not one I'd like to stick around in for very long. That trap with the mummys was awful..took me totally by surprise (heheh SirTech you got me good :). Hopefully someone will have a clue for me to get out of here. Does anyone know what the bone comb and brushes? is for? I haven't found a use for it yet. Thanks! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 262 Mon Nov 02, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 02:15 EST Jeff - I have the Humpa card if that's what you mean, but that's just it, a card. I also have my Scout badge and Yamo's dispatch plus order#5 from the Umpani. I assume you need a key or something to get in the detache. So what do you do with the Humpa card? Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 263 Mon Nov 02, 1992 L.EIERDAM [Lee] at 02:37 EST Guys HELP: I'm still stuck at the second test statue in the city of sky. Have been for the last three or four days. It's the one with the nine buttons such as star,dragon,gate,map and etc... I can't get the right combination. I tried E-Mail to Sir Tech (Todd), and calling the Sir Tech hotline. The fellow on the hotline said that he didn't know the answer since only one of their testers was that far into the game and that he wasn't there. But he took my name and number and would try to find out the answer and call me. In the meantime I can't get any further. *** ANYONE please post or E-Mail the combo please.*** ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 264 Mon Nov 02, 1992 S.BAKER26 [V'ger] at 04:40 EST Samurai, Pour nada. 8) I haven't tried to change classes with cheat. I just change within the game at level nine or so. Your stats all got to pot, but you sure to get spells and skill points fast. The is another downside to this constant switching, that is, that you can't cast some of the higher level spells effectively. I must admit, I dissagree with the game's zapping all my stats when I change so I put them back where they were or close. Mostly, I use cheat to put back all my spell points, so I don't have to rest for 24-36 hours and whatch the moon go by. 8) Eventually, I'll have to settle down and decide what I want to be when I grow up, 8) but I'm having too much fun changing classes. You want LHARC to decompress that file. You may have a copy of it already with some of your games. Alot of companies are using it to scrunch their files. Just keep doing what the Sgt. tell you and eventually you'll get the item you need to get in the Detache. Y'all, Slow down! I'm catching up as fast as I can! Make it so. V'ger gone ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 265 Mon Nov 02, 1992 PRINCE.NAMOR at 12:29 EST Help! Still stuck in the funhouse. Connected 200 lb weight...connected rubber band to fan...used the spool...can't seem to get any further. What do I do next? Thanks, PN ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 266 Mon Nov 02, 1992 AGNARI at 17:10 EST Samurai, the card is all that is needed to access the portal to NewCity. As it unlocks the door to the Hum......... facility [found on the West side of town slightly north of where you entered arriving from New City]. Jeff/Thomas thanks for the tip on the ring! Though I had tried everything on that door. Know for a fact I tried that ring/horn on the other two grates to the chests, must have missed the ring on MagaDane door ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 267 Mon Nov 02, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:26 EST AAAARRRGGGHHHH I still cant get the stupid levers in the Funhouse into the right combination. FOUR times I've gone through all 32 possible combinations. Obviously I am doing something wrong. So far I put all the levers into the UP position and saved it. Then I tried a combination and restored the game when it didnt work. Do the levers have to start in a down position or something? I've solved all the other cities except for Nycalinth so I am pretty much stuck until I get by this!... I really hate puzzles that are along the lines of "try combinations until you hit the right one". There should at least be a clue as to the combo. Agent oops almost forgot... Whoever was asking about the City of Sky: As far as I know the reason you arent getting a response is that nobody else is in the city of sky! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 268 Mon Nov 02, 1992 BARAK at 19:31 EST Please, anyone, how do you get the rod from the ghost in the cemetary in Nyctalinth? I have Ymmu's Paw from the grave. Is this what I need or is there some other artifact I am missing? Please, this is driving me crazy. I have otherwise finished Nyctalinth including dispatching the T'Rang "Queen." I assume I need the rod to get by the barrier in the cemetary to the section beyond... Thanks... ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 269 Mon Nov 02, 1992 AGNARI at 19:38 EST Barak did you dig up at the statue? well take that item to one of those two rooms that the ghost comes to, it will grab the idol and drops the rod in the process. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 270 Mon Nov 02, 1992 SLEW at 19:51 EST Where is the key to get the *#$#@! ?crypt? map??? Someone pleeeze drop me a hint..I don't want to have to come back to Munkawhatever again or maybe I shouldn't be worried..someone probably already beat me to it ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 271 Mon Nov 02, 1992 L.EIERDAM [Lee] at 20:22 EST Prince Namor- You have to use a potion of feather lightness right before you step on the plank, that'll put you in a new area (The potion is available from that rat that sells stuff, forgot his name) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 272 Mon Nov 02, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 21:09 EST PN: Did you visit Old Blindmeis??? There's a potion you need to purchase from him to make you "light" enough so that you'll zip up to a new area when you step on one end of that plank. Agnari: I almost missed the Ring thing myself, I just tried it on the door as a sort of an afterthought. Lee E: Well, maybe you'll have to stay stuck in the City of Sky until the mob catches up with you... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 273 Mon Nov 02, 1992 G.BECK7 at 21:23 EST Wikum's Wacky Globe!? Alright, I started over from a very early save in order to find wikum's globe and set sail from New City. Figgered I'd dropped the thing with all the other stuff I couldn't carry around. Now, I really can't find what you all have seemed to find with no sweat: Wikum's bleep Globe. Is it in the same room as the Holy Work? This has driven me over the edge...Must be around here somewhere...Heeeeere, Globey, Globey.... Thanks in advance! Greg ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 274 Mon Nov 02, 1992 G.B.SMITH [ ] at 21:25 EST I still cannot get past the floor pits in the 2nd level of Dane Tower. I have tried the powder in the urn---I used up all 3 of them. I am aware that going in and out of the side rooms opens and closes some of the %#$%$ pits but the ones on the end of the room won't close no matter what I do. I even tried levate spells to no avail. There must be some other trick to this. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 275 Mon Nov 02, 1992 DIPLOMACY-1 at 22:24 EST This is a really stupid one - but where (be exact please!) is the room with the Rattkin Professor?? I ran into once when I first entered New City and now I can't find the bugger. I also can't seem to locate the entrance to the Old City - help appreciated! Peter ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 276 Mon Nov 02, 1992 SLEW at 22:51 EST Peter prof whatsis is in the library. Just wander around till you see the sign. Greg, you're right down where I'm stuck. If you look around some of the other passages on that same level there is a staircase which leads to the mummy room where you can get the wicked globe :) If you happen to find a map along the way...(or at least an extra set of keys for some of those grates in the same area with the holy work)... Thanx ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 277 Mon Nov 02, 1992 AGNARI at 23:16 EST Peter the library is in the NE section of town north of the eastern exit [leaving new city]. GBSmith. the trick is that there is as I explained before a pattern of hitting the rooms. like room 1 gains access to room two. then visiting room 1, then room 2 gets you to room 3. visiting room 1, 2 then 3 gets you to four which I think got me to the east wall. I think I started with the southern room as the first one. But it was a repeatition of the trail of earlier visited rooms at each step that got me thru. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 278 Mon Nov 02, 1992 C.YANG6 [Jason Yang] at 23:23 EST C.KANOLES: You have all you need to find the name of the witches. You just have to visit the haunting at night. BARAK: You can solve the cave of the salty water once you get the *SPHYNX* map from the good witch. D.SAVALLI: You need the Wand Majestik to enter the crypt. C.FREAS: You CAN follow the ghost by stepping through the wall. SLEW: The map should be in the same chest as the holy work. If it is not there, someone else must have gotten there first. The brush and comb if for latter. Greg: The Globe is in the level beneath the holy work level. Don't have a map so can't tell you where exactly. I do recall so you need a key to gain entry. G.B.SMITH: Sorry, can't help you there. I just kept walking around until a safe path was formed. The urn only disable the damage traps and is not vital to the solution to the pits. WATER SLIDE SOLUTION: I restarted the game and the combination to the slides are the same both times. The slide span three levels. The highest level is just one path. The second level is controlled by three levers and the lowest level is controlled by two levers. If you look at the map, the second level levers are arranged roughly as follows: 1 2 3 and the levers on the lowest level are arranged as follows: 4 5 The combination I used are: 1: down 2: down 3: up 4: up 5: down Make sure you have the BAR/ROPE in place before you go down the slide or you will not get to where you're suppose to. Hope this helps. Jason ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 279 Tue Nov 03, 1992 AGNARI at 01:08 EST Well I've gotten in to Ny... found the thieves guild but cann't get in and found the fun house - also can't get in. Oh well maybe when I attack the problem fresh tomorrow something will strike me but the clown face and it's pin area doesn't jive with anything I've found so far. Can't figure out why the thieves won't let me in, the Ninja has some high, 84 or so, skill in lockpicking and I think about 5 or 6 when it comes to stealing. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 280 Tue Nov 03, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 01:10 EST Thanks. Well I finally got through to the Umpani detach. But has anyone received a promotion on the firing range. I'm thinking about boosting my musket score but don't know if the promotion is worth anything. I'm still waiting for the cheat program so if anyone has it, can you tell me what file# it is. Or is it still waiting to be reviewed before it gets uploaded on Genie? Thanks Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 281 Tue Nov 03, 1992 G.BECK7 at 08:05 EST All, Thraxe for info on Wikum. I CAN'T believe there's a level BELOW the Holy Work. Have never seen any down stairs in the area. Will re-search. Agnari, while I'm nnot into the legerdemain thing, it seems to be a nice revenge on NPC's who follow you around everywhere. So...just practice on Brother Tshober. He's an easy mark. Just don't get caught...He gets mad...then you have to run...unless you're into off'ing drunks...(;)). Firearms practice, either with the musket or the ray gun in relatively safe areas may come in handy, I think, so I'm building up that skill in one character. Otherwise, why would they have put it in that Personal Skills category? Remember reaching the end of BoCF and discovering you needed a high Dagger skill to finish? GRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! So, it probably pays to have a well balanced crew. Are you sure there's a level below the Holy work? Mummies? Am I the only one having trouble finding it? Aieeeeee!!! Many thanks for the replies! Greg ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 282 Tue Nov 03, 1992 AGNARI at 16:35 EST Greg that dagger skill requirement at the end, I BELIEVE that it was changed to another type of weapon skill in the later releases of BoCF just because it came as such a suprise. So maybe there are skills that aren't needed, but I'm not counting on it. Don't know what I got for the musket marksmen ship, but I saved after getting the 2nd or 3rd set of targets and just restored till we eventually got lucky. Think you get the chance to get a bettor grade of flack jackets for a short period of time, going on the report to the King quest will end a lot of activity in Umapi. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 283 Tue Nov 03, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 18:47 EST Jason Yang: ARGGGGHH. The *SPYNX* map! The Good Witch did NOT give me such a map! How, or under what circumstances will she give me that map! Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 284 Tue Nov 03, 1992 SLEW at 18:58 EST Thanks all for the info. I didn't see the map so I guess I'm done. Could anyone get into all those gates down there or is it just me who couldn't? Greg..since my party is down there now, I'll go see where that staircase is (I think there was a secret button to push or something like that, but I can't remember exactly.) Will let you know soonest. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 285 Tue Nov 03, 1992 SLEW at 20:15 EST Greg, I checked it out..east and south of the ladder where you came into that lower level. The staircase is there, but search around for a secret button or something like that. I can't remember where it was. G'luck. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 286 Tue Nov 03, 1992 DIPLOMACY-1 at 21:17 EST Thanx! I'll look for the library in the NE. Next question - how do I get into the Old City?? Where is the way down? Thanx! Peter p.s. I've maxed out New City save for three doors I can't open... ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 287 Tue Nov 03, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 21:45 EST How do I get past the water in the Ukpyr mountains? I found one flower and one switch but thats it. I ended up having to backtrack because I tried to tackle Crypt Island without doing a couple of areas( found out I need some stuff before I could even enter). Also in Rattkin, after you give the boss rat the info on the ship he says something about New City old archives, and he will be in touch. I have no idea what he is talking about, so after looking around New City and playing on the terminal I left empty handed and off to Ukpyr Mts. Anyone know what he is talking about? Thanks for anything. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 288 Tue Nov 03, 1992 R.LAWRENCE [The Count] at 22:17 EST Has anyone tried all four items from the Spirit of Life? Are there really four different branches of the game at this point? And when you meet Xheng is there really much difference between becoming an initiate of the 5 flowers or not?...One more...The chests i have found that are supposed to have something (ie: Chests in Orkogre and Old City)...someomne has always gotten there first! Is this supposed to happen, or am I just slow? thanx, folks...talk to you later. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 289 Tue Nov 03, 1992 C.YANG6 [Jason Yang] at 22:22 EST Jeff, The good witch doesn't GIVE you the map. After restoring her, a passage should open up just a few steps away, leading to the chest containing the map. Peter, You need the old city access key from the Prof.. The access is around the SW area of the map, pass the door marked CONDEMNED. D.SAVALLI, What Barlone' meant was that by mentioning the word ARCHIVE to the Prof. in New City will get you the Old City Access key. Have you solved the Witch's quest (reached after completing the Funhouse)? If you did, you will get a map that will allow you to cross those waters. Still waiting for someone to help me out with those buttons in the City of Sky... Jason ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 290 Tue Nov 03, 1992 G.BECK7 at 22:37 EST Slew: I foundthe gate I needed to unlock the secret to the mummies. Onyx, I really did! So that's what the Good Keep key was for... Agnari: Any chance of getting D.Bradley on for a conference like he did for Bo? I reread that one t'other night just to get into his wacky brain. He was cackling with glee over the ideas he was considering for CoDS. I'm sure he'd be happy with the vexation he's causingus poor pilgrims. Anyway, maybe there'd probably be some interes'mongst us in talking with him, no? Greg (shoulda stayed on shore...sheesh!) Beck ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 291 Tue Nov 03, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 23:02 EST Well finally found the cheat file, but can't seem to find a decompression program. Anyone know what file# is for the LZH file decompressor. I've only been able to find shell programs. Phil PS - I figure with the cheat program, that promotion shouldn't really mean that much since the rest of the Umpani scattered soon after. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 292 Tue Nov 03, 1992 AGNARI at 23:18 EST Samurai over in the PC RT, page 615, they have the decompression program to handle LZH files - program is LZA not sure what the number of the file is though. Greg will ask Scorpia, I would guess that she has already started attempting to arrange just such a conference. Whomever, I think i've checked all of the ratruins.and didn't find anything to open the door to the funhouse. Even checked the forest area to the east of the city but only found monsters out there and all paths deadended as far as I could tell. The guild keeps telling me to come back and the blindguy only says to stay away from the funhouse. Yet somewhere along the way I picked up the idea that the quild is the way to get into funhouse. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 293 Wed Nov 04, 1992 C.YANG6 [Jason Yang] at 01:55 EST AGNARI, You have to use the STEAL opion with the blind guy. You will get something that allow you to get into the guild. And yes the guild is the way to get into the funhouse. Jason, the Ninja... ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 294 Wed Nov 04, 1992 T.YEE2 [Freeman] at 03:03 EST Arghhh, Where the heck is the Holy Work? Mapped out the entire area and got the globe but no HW. Found the map in a chest but no work with it as someone mentioned . What the heck did I miss? And where was the Helm {from Giant cave? Mustt've missed that one too! Aged Blind One, TY ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 295 Wed Nov 04, 1992 AGNARI at 15:59 EST Freeman is the blind guy I'm supposed to steal from ;) Steal from a blind guy, like that would have occurred to me???? In all of BoCF and CoDS I think I've tried stealing from one guy, Quequeg and that was only after I knew I was gone to kill him in a few seconds anyway. Oh well, thanks Jason. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 296 Wed Nov 04, 1992 PRINCE.NAMOR at 17:51 EST Help!!! Stuck in Dane Tower...have all the items I need for Demon Spawn except for the innards...where can they be found? Thanks, PN ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 297 Wed Nov 04, 1992 AGNARI at 18:49 EST Prince.N they were found in the southern room beyond the Armory Grate on the 3rd level of the Ok..... castle. The northern room was the one with the spears/bow&arrows/armor. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 298 Wed Nov 04, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 19:38 EST Dagnabit! I went back to an older save game just prior to entering the Rattkin Ruins, and once I made it back into the Funhouse, I find that I don't have the wooden dowel! Where was that Wooden Dowel??? I neglected to mark it down on any of my maps... Sheesh. Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 299 Wed Nov 04, 1992 BARAK at 19:42 EST I finally got the Rod of Crossing from the Ghost in the Cemetary in Nyctalinth. Now, how do I get past the force field? I have done everything else there is to do here above and below ground including dispatching the T'Rang "Queen." H-E-L-P, anyone!!!! Thanks... ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 300 Wed Nov 04, 1992 SLEW at 19:58 EST Freeman there was a secret button on the wall next to a fountain that restores vitals. That room leads to the holy work. Is that where you found your map or somewhere else? My chest just had the holy work and I gave up looking for the map. It's in the room on the second lowest level of Munk whatever that looks like a cathedral and is full of water. Hope this helps a bit since everyone is so far ahead I don't get much chance too :) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 301 Wed Nov 04, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 20:04 EST BARAK- You have to equip the rod for it to work. Where is the cave I am supposed to find the Necromantic helm in the giantlands. I want to get the Witch area over, and I am told I need this helm, the only helm I found was a crusaders helm along with an axe and some other armor, but that was in a lone chest. Can I get to the cave and to the Witch mountains by traveling in the boat or can the entrances only be fouud by land? I would appreciate the directions to the Giantland cave and the entrance to the witch mountains. Thanks for any help. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 302 Wed Nov 04, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 21:20 EST I got the Sphinx map and I assume it gives a hint as to what item to use in order to get across the fountaining water in a cave. I thought it knew what it was referring to but I guess not. What item am I supposed to use to get by the water? Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 303 Wed Nov 04, 1992 C.YANG6 [Jason Yang] at 22:42 EST D.SAVALLI, The entrance to the Giants cave is furthur south then where you climb up to the witche's cave. The helm is guarded by * S P O T *. Beware... Agent, The item you need is in the museum in New City. Jason ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 304 Wed Nov 04, 1992 K.ROGERS1 [Kelly] at 23:19 EST I'm stuck in the same place Agent. Jason, I assume you are talking about the twistin' heads in the museum? Where is the combo for the heads? Another question...where is the key to the gate on the first level in the Dane tower? And where is the boat map? tanks, Kelly ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 305 Thu Nov 05, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 00:08 EST This is a stupid question but how do I get in the Rattkin Ruins short of exploring all the forest. I ran into a blocked area but can't seem to find a way in. I seem to just keep hitting walls in the forest area. Do I need something? By the way thanks Agnari. That cheat program is really helpful. I don't know how anyone can finish this game without some sort of cheating. I defeated the T'Rang Queen only from the fact I boosted all my stats in Persona to 100 and raised all my Hp's to a couple THOUSAND. Of course this is no guarantee of a win since the Queen and her minions seem to throw a lot of deadly poison/death wish/death spells and the Queen gets about 5-6 attacks a round. Finally, can anyone tell me where the other terminal accesses are. I only found one in New City and that was #2. I assume that there is one in Ukpyr and Nycalyinth but can't find them. Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 306 Thu Nov 05, 1992 PRINCE.NAMOR at 01:01 EST Samurai Sun: You need to use a bonsai tree in the sacred grove...don't remember offhand where to get it, but check earlier messages...should be there. PN ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 307 Thu Nov 05, 1992 AGNARI at 17:06 EST Samurai, as P.N. correctly points out use the bonsai tree in the sacred grove. Then when you get over to the ruins [slightly to the East of the grove location I believe], you will be assisted in you quest for entry. So I've used the spool, and the feather light and I the see-saw thingie and have gotten around in the upper levels. However I can't seem to turn off the water slide and don't have a clue about the glass dome with a hole in it. Also my mage has a throwing skill of mid 90's and still can't hit the target with the rubber ball. So what am I doing wrong? Put the dowdle in the hole in the wall which didn't seem to do anything and I put the rubber band on those hooks outside the other grill. Of course now I can't get the rubber band or the dowle back so I've been operating under the assumption that they were used correctly. Was this a bad assumption? Oh I've met with Barloni and of course don't have the info he wants so the info he's promised or anything else we'll get from him hasn't occurred yet. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 309 Thu Nov 05, 1992 SLEW at 18:25 EST Did anyone (besides me) -not- join the scouts in Ukpur? I'm wondering if I made a mistake fighting my way in...just wanted to see what happened to anyone else who didn't before I get much further there :) Does anyone know how many maps there are in the game? I only have 2.. just wondering how many more I need to get. Thanks. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 311 Thu Nov 05, 1992 AGNARI at 18:30 EST Slew I've heard someone mention 9. I've got 7 at present but I'm not sure you would call all seven Maps but they are those * .... * type of items. Also haven't heard of anyone other then you NOT joining ;) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 312 Thu Nov 05, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:32 EST Kelly- The solution to the twisted heads puzzle is in the SPYNX map from the witches quest. It doesnt give you the item you need though. I think that is somewhere else in the museum, Phil- I'd like to say that while I have no problems with other people using such things as "cheat" programs, it IS possible, and I believe more fun, to win without them. It may take a little longer because of the restoring you will have to do though. For instance it took me almost two hours to get by the corridor in the Dane tower where all the fireballs are. You also mentioned the T'rang Queen, I found that by having my first three characters attack the Queen and by having my 2nd three casting 7th level CRUSH, NUCLEAR BLAST, and WORD OF DEATH spells the Queen was burger-meat. Just my two cents... Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 313 Thu Nov 05, 1992 G.BECK7 at 18:34 EST Agnari, Once you hit the target (Practice, practice... ;) ), get any bar/rope combo's and put them in a chute upstairs. Then set about doing the odious, infamous lever puzzle torture. The dowel and bar rope need to be in place to take the correct path on the slide. For me, after dropping thru the first hole, getting a long, straight ride before falling thru the subsequent holes was important. Others up-topic seem to have a more scientific approach. A tip: Don Barlone is a royal sleazeball. Deal with him accordingly. Extortion isn;t my idea of a good time. BTW, if you're plagued by NPC's following you around, you can get some satisfaction by improving someone's legerdamain skill. Takes the pain out of the constant pauses in the action. Anyone adrift in the Sea of Sorrows? I've been exploring and don't seem to be getting anywhere. Explored the Hall of the Dead on Crypt Isle, but couldnt' open the gates. What swhoops What's need in the cubes outside? Nice place to build up stat's though (sick grin). Where's Jan-Ette???? It gets so lonely out at sea.... Greg ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 314 Thu Nov 05, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:38 EST Kelly= sorry I made a mistake in my last post. It is the BOAT map that leads to the solution of the twisted heads, not the SPHYNX map. Agent Oh yeah, the boat map is in the Old Funhouse. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 315 Thu Nov 05, 1992 A.GEYER1 [Lex] at 19:07 EST Has anyone found a connecting passage or any other "connected-ness" between the "starter" dungeon, just south of the western entrance to New City and Old City in the Condemned Area?? Map-wise, they seem like they would connect but I'll be darned if I can find where!! Just wondering if I'm chasing my tail on this one?!? Lex ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 316 Thu Nov 05, 1992 AGNARI at 19:09 EST Greg thanks for the tip, now as soon as I find out where you were talking about putting that rope/bar guess I'll have to start practicing. Agent, I know how you feel BUT then some really strick types would argue that your over extensive use of save/restore is in a way cheating. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 317 Thu Nov 05, 1992 AGNARI at 19:11 EST Lex you might be chasing your tail, I never found one but I didn't spend a whole lot of time looking. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 318 Thu Nov 05, 1992 A.GEYER1 [Lex] at 20:25 EST Agnari, thanks, I guess it's time to move on, I was getting dizzy anyway! (G) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 319 Thu Nov 05, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 20:25 EST Agnari- I guess you are right but if you can show me someone who get's through the game without dying and having to restore then I WILL give up and start using the cheat program!!! Well I'm currently attempting to map the Sea of Sorrows. Mapping this area makes everything up to this point look easy. It is huge. The only thing I know of that I didnt finish up to this point is one room in New City I never got into. There is a room with a 9-digit number lock on the door in the Umpani Detache. Did anyone get into it? I dont want to get too far and then have to come back because I missed something. Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 320 Thu Nov 05, 1992 A.GEYER1 [Lex] at 21:04 EST Yes, got into the room in the Umpani Detache, you need the code that you get in Ukpyr's HQ Security office files once the city is attacked and blown up. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 321 Thu Nov 05, 1992 G.BECK7 at 21:09 EST Agent, Garr-on-teed you'll be coming back to New City anyway to lick your wounds, 'specially if you meet some of the "healthier" monsters out there. But wait!! While browsing AOL, I heard a rumor that in this game,there is hidden a Mercurian Light Sword: +6 to hit, 5-40 damage; can be used by all fighters; includes KIA (critical hit power). Also seen out there: The famous Stud-Cur Bra +2, useful for the distaff types. So, press on, pilgrims! Greg ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 322 Thu Nov 05, 1992 D.HAN [Asst. Sysop] at 21:19 EST Okay, how do you get yourself into the Rattkin ruins? Danny ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 323 Thu Nov 05, 1992 SLEW at 22:09 EST Not having much fun being a //non-scout//. Everywhere I go I get combat and in the HQ I get "intruder alert" at every step. The combats are really nasty but with around 100k exp after each one (and some rooms are two and three cause each room seems to regenerate the guards!) and the party is going up levels fast. I couldn't use the firing range without the orders, but I got a musket and lots of shot from a chest, along with a flack jacket and a -9 flak armor or something. Is there any other way to get the firing skill without using the firing range? I had to kill General Yamo (intruder alert..) and am hoping he doesn't have anything useful to say. No items from him either. A tip for those who don't know this..the lifesteal spell is great on the xeno. Mine has always worked so far, even at level 3 power. And practically the only spell I could get to work on gen yamo was the deep freeze one tho I din't try all the ones I have. I switched 3 professions in Uk...since the exp is so good. Whoever says that is the way to get more spells was right. I have too many to pick from now but with ninja, valkerie and bishop my party is pretty tough. The xenos do crits with the blasters btw :( Am worried that my refusal to join the scouts means I can't finish the game. What purpose does joining the scouts have? I have an older save somewhere so I could always go back but I like being the rebel and not joining :) Thanx for the tip on the maps. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 324 Thu Nov 05, 1992 D.SAVALLI at 22:44 EST Is there anything else in the Giant Caves other than the red flower and the helm? I have moved on, and I know there are some areas further into the water that I could see, but couldn't get to. Thanks. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 325 Thu Nov 05, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 23:21 EST THanks guys for the help on the Rattkin Ruins. I used the Bonsai tree ealier but I didn't know what else to do since it didn't look like anything had changed. The grove tree god told me someone would be waiting but couldn't find the guy. Oh well. I'll try that later. Right now I'm stuck in the Munkharama. I found the underground dungeon but can't seem to get access to the area which is half underwater. It's blocked off by gates which I don't have the keys. I guess maybe it's because I still haven't figured out a way to cross the pit where the trap door opens up. Levitation doesn't seem to work. Anyway, I have the Key of the Temple, Pweter key and the Onyx key plus several iron keys. I still haven't been able to get into those doors which has that brass goblet half covering a hole. What does it take to get in those rooms? Is the well connected to the land of dreams? I visisted the Monk who sells potions but he won't tell me that much until I figure out the land of dreams. Agent - I hate cheat programs as well but in this case it was worthwhile. I never would have defeated the T'rang Queen with my puny 11th level characters. My mage only had 40 HPs. Plus the biggest spell I had was Fireball and Iceball with strengths of 40 and 50. I didn't even have Nuclear Blast and waiting around to pick up 250,000 EPS is an awfully long time to wait. I guess CODS must measure how strong your party is and sometimes throws in equally powerful monsters to boot. All I know is that I picked up 6 maps from the T'Rang Queen. WOW. It was a lot of work but I was glad to find so many maps in one location. Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 326 Fri Nov 06, 1992 C.YANG6 [Jason Yang] at 00:22 EST Kelly, Actually, I meant the pyramid thing where you get an EGG if you reach in and feel inside. The twisting map is for getting a boat but you need, you guessed it, the *BOAT* map where you get in the funhouse. The T'Rang Queen pointed me to that one. Phil, I only found the one access still functioning in New City. Is there some reason you need more than one terminal? Greg, You are about where I am. Have you explored the Dragon mountain and the City of Sky. You would need the Serpent Wand to enter the mountains and reach City of Sky. Oh yeah, that's where the *light* *sword* resides. A powerful weapon! SLEW, The only benefits I've gotten from joining the Umpani was learning the Firearm skill and some cash for completing their missions. None that lead to *maps* or special items. D.SAVALLI, The only thing I found pass those waters is a chest with some so- so armors and weapons. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 327 Fri Nov 06, 1992 AGNARI at 00:25 EST Ok I suspect that the *Temple* map aids in the chute glass wall puzzle but I don't see hou. It mentions all four corners but I've only discovered 3 levers on one level and 2 on another. Did I miss some or is this a brute force type of puzzle? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 328 Fri Nov 06, 1992 C.KANOLES at 03:10 EST I managed to get the witch names in the forest, and now I'm stuck on two other puzzles. I went to the Island of Crypts and got into every gate but the one with the serpentine dragon on it. There's an urn in the room directly behind it, but nothing I have seems to work. I then went to the City of Sky, and am stuck at the Second Test statue. I thought it might have something to do with the *Crystal* map, but can't seem to make that work. Anyone besides Jason and myself in City of Sky? Hello, Hello? Gee, it's lonely here. If it weren't for the recent election, I think my husband would be talking divorce. Help me, please! Ziploc ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 329 Fri Nov 06, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 03:38 EST Naw, I just thought that there would be more than one terminal in each of the cities since it'll be a pain shuttling back and forth to New City. BTW, I can't seem to get Vi Domina out of prison, so I assume that I won't be able to get her out til late late late in the game almost to the very end. I still need help in Munkhrama. Agnari are you also stuck there? I also have the temple map but that just tells me how to get into the dungeon. I don't even know if that's the lands of Dreams. How does one get past the pit on that level? Once I step on that plate, the pit opens up and I fall in regardless of the levitation spell. I found a button on the other end of the wall outside the room but it doesn't work. Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 330 Fri Nov 06, 1992 D.MILLER31 at 04:24 EST Someone please help!!!! where can I find the names of the witches? I have the neurohelmet, but please, the location! Or better yet, can someone email me the names????? thanx for saving my sanity. Great Game!!! ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 331 Fri Nov 06, 1992 R.GRIDLEY [Rick] at 06:27 EST No one has finished this beast yet? How many hours have you guys put into the game? I want to play but it seems just too big for the few hours a week I have to play games. It would take me years to finish. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 332 Fri Nov 06, 1992 AGNARI at 07:51 EST Phil think I've finished Munkharama, or at least for now I hope. The temple map I have I suspected was for the water slide problem in the rat ruins but now that you mention Munkharama the four corners thing makes much more sense. Rick, so what if it takes years to finish. If you liked BoCF and have a savegame position from it you will most certainly enjoy this one. Besides if you take years to finish, that should be just in time for Wiz VIII ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 333 Fri Nov 06, 1992 G.BECK7 at 08:03 EST Jason, Thanks. I assume I'll use the serpent wand around the foggy cliffs area. But I thought I'd}/. {{wMo#GI'd tried that already. C.Kanoles: Howdja get throug the two side gates in the Hall o' the Dead? Rick: This game sure is no weekend jaunt, eh? I spent four months on BoCF. This game is going *slighty* faster because of the new *mouse* weapon :) . It's worth the time IMHO. Few rpg's have me laughing one minute, and jumping back in the chair with my hair standing on end the next. D.W. Bradley, the evil genius behind the game is gracious in letting us see into his imagination. Enjoy the journey! Greg ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 334 Fri Nov 06, 1992 A.GEYER1 [Lex] at 08:49 EST If I might add a "P.S." to Slew on the question of joining the scouts or not......I also received from General Yamo a weapon, a "Thermal Pineapple" that he said would aid me in my quest to kill the T'Rang Queen. I have no idea of the weapon's effectiveness yet as I chose to begin the game from the "dragon" ending and seem to be working somewhat backwards from where the rest of you are and haven't found the T'Rang Queen yet. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 335 Fri Nov 06, 1992 AGNARI at 11:18 EST Ouch Lex you are right on track there about the thermal Pineapple [aka gernade]. But actually I found it necessary to use it just to get to the T'Rang Queen you run into some sticky eggs and I found the pineapple wonderful for blowing up that 2x2 room that otherwise seemed impossible to cross. So I can't say how effective it was on Queenie. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 336 Fri Nov 06, 1992 G.BECK7 at 18:19 EST Jason (cc: C.Kanoles) Thanks for the info. Nice welcoming committee at the entrance to the Dragon Mt's, eh? Arggh... Sky City is a mapper's delite. Now, about that second puzzle: Using the crystal map, I've been able to hit the buttons and not have it crap out on me until the end. Do you think this means there's only one pair of buttons out of synch? Tough puzzle! C.Kanoles: Yeah, my wife noticed me playing LATE last night and commented that I've been "playing that game for *a week* (my *'s). Wish it had been that long!! Hope to trade insights into the button puzzle. My current working order (first letters of buttons only) is "D,G,P,W,C,SK,ST,SER,M) This is based on my reading of the Crystal Map. Any thoughts, folks? Greg PS: 'Nother nice touch to this game is sunshine and open spaces. I got claustrophobic in BoCF and EOB's. After a while, it's a case of "GET ME OUTTA THIS PLACE WITH THE SIX FOOT CEILINGS!!" ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 337 Fri Nov 06, 1992 AGNARI at 18:25 EST Greg if your party was comprised of dwarfs and fariers then the 6foot ceilings wouldn't be such a head butting problem ;) So which map, parchment has clues to solving the water slide in Rat Ruins??? ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 338 Fri Nov 06, 1992 D.BILEK1 [Agent] at 18:30 EST Agnari- I never found a map with clues to the water slide. I believe the only way is to try every combination until you get the right one. A solution was posted but im not sure if it is random or not! If it is random, good luck. There are only 32 combinations! Greg- A mercurian light sabre??? Must be like Excalibur in Bane. I heard about it but never actually found it!. Any hints on where it might be? Agent ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 339 Fri Nov 06, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 18:34 EST Samurai Sun: There are TWO linkage servers numbers. Did you solve Nycalinth, get the Mystery Ray, and use it on the frozen Savant Berzerkers located underneath the T'rang Queen's abode?? You'll get a second server linkage number that helps with Vi Domina. I've gotten a transmitter from her, and she has told me the location of the the As-tral Doh-mah-nae as she puts it. Yes!! Finally finished the blasted Rattkin Ruins, got past those waters in the Cave and released Vi Domina.... On to the Sea of Sorrows... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 340 Fri Nov 06, 1992 SLEW at 18:34 EST Hmmm...my next question has anyone gotten/beaten the trang queen without the pinapple? (I guess I'll find out, huh?) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 341 Fri Nov 06, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 18:42 EST Agnari: Jason Yang's solution works! This is not a random puzzle as some as thought. I did the levers as J.Y said and it worked... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 342 Fri Nov 06, 1992 D.MILLER31 at 20:57 EST Please,Help me in my misery.....Where can the names of the witches be found? Or better yet, what are their names. Email please!!!! Or post here. This is the *spoilers* topic ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 343 Fri Nov 06, 1992 G.BECK7 at 21:48 EST Agnari: Yeah, but Felpurrs are sensitive about their fur and hate the bald spots they get scraping their heads. Bong! Slide: I did one lever at a time until I got the most unusual ride, mentioned above. Then found the other lever that enable me to do the tTarzan number. You WILL solve this one tonight...Your ship is leaving! Agent: A hint for the Sword? Psst...It's south of New City ;) Ducking, Greg ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 344 Fri Nov 06, 1992 C.FREAS at 22:05 EST I seem to be stuck in the dane tower. I have the book of immortality and can get to the pit at the top. It says that you need the blood of our enemies, a stone and ashes of diam. I have the stone and the ashes but I must have missed the blood. WHat and more importantly where can I find it? My second question concerns the gate with the candle holder that comes after the fireball hallway. What itme is necessary to open it and wherewhere can it be found? Thanks c. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 345 Fri Nov 06, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 22:06 EST Slew - You don't want to really meet the T'Rang Queen, but the pineapple can only be used on the eggs near the entrance to the chamber. All I got was the maps which I guess were ok but for the level of effort to kill her and her assassins, it wasn't worth it. I still think I got gyped from the Umpanis who don't even seem to be around anymore. I killed Shritis and the Queen and haven't really gotten much from the Umpani. Lewarx didn't even show up when I killed Shritis. Has anyone else managed to meet up with another Umpani outpost yet? Arghh! How does one get into the Thieves Guild? I met up with BleinMeis but he doesn't really seem to be much help other than to tell me that I need special charms. I assume then that the Guild possess the needed item to get into the Funhouse. Well I've given up on Munkharama for now until I can solve the rest of the Rattkin Ruins. Phil ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 346 Fri Nov 06, 1992 AGNARI at 22:15 EST Phil, for some unexplained reason you have to steal from Blinmeis to get into the guild. Guess it's from novel I didn't read. Yes you are correct in that the path into the funhouse lies with getting insdie the guild ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 347 Fri Nov 06, 1992 J.THOMAS69 [Jeff Thomas] at 22:21 EST C.Freas: What you need are some Munk Innards which you should have obtained back in Orkogre Castle. Phil: Try STEAL from Blindmeis. Just spent 2 hours in this blasted Sea and haven't met come across anything interesting but fought about 10,000 Pirahanas... Boring...boring... Jeff T. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 348 Fri Nov 06, 1992 SLEW at 22:24 EST Well after killing gen yama all the other npc were gone. only the guards remain. I left Ukpyr cause couldn't do nothing including lift the objects in the spaceport supply room. What maps does the t queen have? I know i need the rest of the maps. Can I finish the game without going there? I guess I can't do the egg room without the pinanplle. Is she very necessary or can I maybe buy the maps from other npcs? I have lots of gold from killing all those umpani and their chests. Outside the headquarters is a great gen spot of 100k exp combats each time :) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 349 Sat Nov 07, 1992 C.KANOLES at 00:20 EST Greg: Actually, C.Kanoles is my hubby. My name is Taylor. I don' remember how I got thru gate in IoC, I believe I found keys by searching the remains. ALL the remains. I still can't figure out the dragon gate, though. As for the annoying buttons, here are a couple of my combos. BTW, when you press map first, does it immediately crap out on you too? D,P,W,Se,M,C,G,Sk,St and D,P,W,Se,C,G,Sk,M,St. It always quits when I hit Star with no results. I sure hope I'm not grasping at Crystals by using this stupid map. Here's a list of the maps that I have. "S" stands for "Solved" 1 Sphinx S 2 Fools - 2 Legend - 34 Temple S 5 Crypt ? 6 Serpent S 7 Boat S 8 Crystal ? (ARGH!) 9 Dragon ? AGNARI: I saw Jason's post regarding the levers, checked my notes, and yes, we seem to have used the same combination. I believe Jason did a diagram of the levers, so just check his message. Taylor (Ziploc) ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 350 Sat Nov 07, 1992 P.CHIU [Samurai Sun] at 01:15 EST Slew - it depends on how far you have played the game. At first only a few people have them then as time passes the more powerful groups will collect more and more. I think I played so long that only a few groups have them now. When I killed the Queen(who happened to be male, strange if you asked me), she/he had 6. I ppicked up the Crystal, Fools, serpent, Dragon, Legend, and Temple maps. Gee, stealing from a blind mouse, how unethical! What next, killing a patient to cure the disease? Oh well, I guess ethics will be thrown out the window tonight. Thanks Phil PS - So what is the secret to the well in Munkharama? I still don't know what to do in the lower dungeons with the pit. ------------ Category 28, Topic 7 Message 351 Sat Nov 07, 1992 R.LAWRENCE [The Count] at 03:39 EST SLEW... I also never had the opportunity to join the Umpani, so I killed everyone as I walked through the city. Unfortunately, I never got the thermal pineapple or the Firearms skill (which I need for the ray gun I picked up); I don't know what the result of this will be. Meanwhile..I'm trying to tie up loose ends. Does the Polar Munk pool do anything?...and...In the Nyc. cemetery, can anyone grab the staff in the two small mausoleums?...and...Has anyone found a way out through the Power Bars in the Nyc. Cemetery. Thanx...Be back later ------------ REPly to topic, QUIt reading STArt new topic, #,#-# read prior PERmanently ignore this topic MARk or UNMark this topic or to continue ?