þ WHAT IS U'NI-net? þ Thanks for downloading this information file concerning U'NI-net, the network for users. The purpose of this document is to let you know a little bit more about the fastest growing, best managed network to date. PURPOSE: ------- U'NI (Pronounced "You and I") has one simple goal: promote the exchange of information between people for people. As a distributor of electronic mail, we focus our efforts on the users eliminating almost all of the political infrastructure that can be found in any other national network. This focusing allows quality, current information to be distributed quickly to everyone. ACTIONS: ------- To get the latest quality information requires the right connections. Boy do we sure have them. We are supported in several conferences by people who have actual experience in the products they are talking about. Our connections are bolstered by our cross echoing agreement with Smartnet. This cross echo allows us to offer the user and sysop a political, trouble free network without sacrificing product support from companies like Hayes, PKWare, Quarterdeck, and US Robotics. Our connections also count on our users. Many of our users are working professionals in the computer industry that offer experiences, advice, and tips that cannot be found anywhere for any price. USERS AND SYSOPS: ---------------- Diverse. That's our goal. We want to find users that know something from Alchemey to Zymurgy and are willing to share it. The network exists for users to help each other, not for sysops. In sysops we look for someone who wants to be involved in a ground floor opportunity. This opportunity will turn into a path filled with golden tidbits of knowledge and fun. Since we are new, there is a plethora of opportunities to help shape and determine the route of the network. GUIDELINES: ---------- "What, no rules," you ask? We believe that rules are outdated forms of control on the highway of information. They are so final. We prefer guidelines that can be modified and are malleable so that sysops and users can work within the confines to create a better network. These are the network usage guidelines. For Sysop specific guidelines, please see the sysop application form. 1) Aliases that are obvious are not permitted. Real sounding aliases are allowed if the local sysop approves. Dynamite Dan would not be allowed, where Dan Smith would be. 2) These conferences must be carried by every BBS: UNI-NET (Sysops and Hosts Conference), NETUSERS (User Comments Conference). CHITCHAT (General conference for the purpose of continuity) is strongly recommended. If your system will be providing any conference hosts, then UNI-HOST will be required. 3) Abusive or offensive language (profanity and non-profanity included), name calling, personal attacks and other such forms of verbal combat are not allowed. 4) Conference hosts facilitate the flow of conferences. If a user believes that there is a problem, we encourage that user to address it in the NETUSERS conference. 5) ANSI codes are only permitted in the designated ANSI Art conference. FORCES: ------ The driving forces behind the network have many years of telecommunicating experience between them. They are dedicated to providing a consistent, user driven network: Jim Fouch is the sysop of Sleepy Hollow BBS. Jim serves as the Western United States Hub, which is right up his alley seeing that he was the co-originator of the first national network, PCB Echo. Joseph Sheppard actively supports The Ledge PC Board in Lake View Terrace, California. As the International host, Joe has managed to successfully recruit several key members. Best known for his Shareware programs, he consistently knows what today's sysop needs in running a BBS. NETWORK DIAGRAM: --------------- ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ International Host ³ ³ U'NI-net ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ West Hub ³ ³Cntrl Hub ³ ³MidWest Hub³ ³ East Hub ³ ³ U'NI ³ ³ U'NI ³ ³ U'NI ³ ³ U'NI ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÒÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÒÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÒÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÒÄÄÄÄÄÙ º º º º º º º º ÚÄÄÄÄÐÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÐÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÐÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÐÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Node ³ ³ Node ³ ³ Node ³ ³ Node ³ ³ U'NI ³ ³ U'NI ³ ³ U'NI ³ ³ U'NI ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ SYSOP INFORMATION So, you say you're ready to join our family? Great! This step is a very important one for you and your users. A professional, dependable network for you and an information packed network for your users. Before we get some information from you, we need to let you know about some guidelines we have. GUIDELINES: ----------- 1) Normally, your BBS must have been up and running for at least six months, though special exceptions are made, so contact us. 2) Nodes must make daily mail transfers to their Hub. This eliminates old, dry mail. Exceptions can be made for special cases. 3) A QWK/REP compatible mail package must be supported on your BBS for network mail transfers. 4) Have fun! NETWORK ADMINISTRATION: ---------------------- Since the network is being started by sysops with experience with other networks, you will see that the administration is a compilation of what works best. U'NI-net is administered by a group consisting of the official Hubs, the Recorder and the International Host. The International Host sysop may make day to day decisions regarding general operation, and emergencies. However, decisions regarding the direction of the network are referred to the hub systems, who in turn refer the matter for discussion to the local Sysops they service. The hub systems report back to the host with the outcome of the discussions with their local sysops, and decisions are made based on what the majority of connecting sysops indicate. In the event a hub becomes unavailable, the area Sysops elect a new hub from their group. In the event that a decision cannot be reached by the area Sysops, the host may appoint the new hub. CONFERENCE HOSTS: ---------------- Any caller may volunteer to host a U'NI-net conference. The most important duty of a host is to keep his or her conference friendly and on-topic. Official conference hosts must be registered in the private UNI-HOST conference. This is where Hosts can come to find solutions to problems encountered in hosting. U'NI-net is simply a distributor of electronic mail, so it is not the job of the host to act in an editorial capacity. Rather, he or she simply welcomes new people to the conference and assists in keeping it on track. U'NI-net hosts are regarded by other callers as the "good guy", however, from time to time a caller may behave in a manner that the host feels is counter productive to the conference. Hosts are asked to stay clear of disputes with callers. If a caller doesn't respond favorably to a friendly request, then the host should contact the Sysop of the BBS the caller is using. BBS names can be found in the message tagline. Sysop names can be found in UNIBBS.LST which is distributed with this file. All U'NI-net Sysops and hosts have access to the UNI-NET administration conference. This is a private conference where the host can contact the Sysop and request that the problem be worked out privately. We find that callers respond to the local Sysop quite well, and this keeps boring debates about how a situation is being handled out of the conference. If the problem continues after contacting the Sysop, the Host may make a formal request that the caller be suspended from the conference for a period not to exceed 30 days for the first offense. If there is a second offense, the host may request a permanent suspension. Network Sysops are obligated to honor the request of a host. There is no set term of duty for a host. The appointment may be cancelled by the U'NI-net administration. Hosts are asked to give reasonable notice to the network before resigning. Suggestions for replacement are greatly appreciated. Proposing New Conferences for the Network: ------------------------------------------ If a U'NI-net member system would like to have a new Conference added to the network the net Sysop should follow this procedure: Post a message in the UNI-net Administration Conference to suggest the new Conference. Please use a SUBJECT: NEW CONFERENCE . This will make it easier for others to follow the thread. A brief description of the contents and limits of the subject matter should be included in the proposal if this is not obvious from the Proposed Name. The U'NI-net Administration conference is the ONLY conference this message should be sent to. Please do not bombard a large list of conferences with material about a proposed conference. The decision is in the hands of the U'NI-net Sysops, and the UNI-NET Administration Conference is the place to find them. If the member system finds six (6) other interested U'NI-net member systems and a candidate for a Host for the Conference within fourteen (14) days he should post a message to the U'NI-net Conference Chairman indicating the names of the interested members, the name of the proposed Host, and a brief description that will fit in the following format: Conf_Name : Conference Description...................... Maximum number of characters for Conference Name: 12 Maximum number of characters for Conference Description: 43 The Conference Chairman may at his discretion immediately add the proposed new Conference. He may also consult with the U'NI-net Hubs for their advice and opinions about adding the proposed new Conference. He may decide not to add the proposed new Conference if he decides doing so would not be in the best interest of the network and its members. Notes: (1) U'NI-net is interested in adding new and interesting conferences and members are encouraged to suggest them. (2) The requirement of (6) six systems willing to carry a new conference may be increased to a higher number depending on the size of the network and possible other factors. (3) Consideration should be given to the qualifications of the proposed Conference Host - Please see "Duties of Conference Hosts" elsewhere in this document. (4) The current Conference Chairman is International Host, Joseph Sheppard. CHANGES: -------- The above guidelines are always open to discussion and drafting whenever necessary. The stress is always put on making the network easier to administer, not stuck in bureaucracy. Upload your application as a C)omment to one of the following BBS': ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ U'NI-net International Echo Net HUBS List ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ BBS Name Area BBS Number ³ ³ Location Served Sysop ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Channel 8250 AL,GA,FL,SC,MS,TN (205) 744-8546 ³ ³ Birmingham, Alabama VA,NC,WV,KY,MD,DE,DC Randy Hilliard ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ French Connection, The WA,OR,ID,MT,WY,SD,AK (206) 771-1730 ³ ³ Edmonds, Washington Klaus Lamort ³ ³ ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ ³ Richware Shareware IL,IN,OH,MI,WI,IA,MN (708) 697-1606 ³ ³ Elgin, Illinois Rich Dougherty ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Sleepy Hollow BBS *CA,NV,UT,AZ,NM,CO,TX (310) 859-9334 ³ ³ Beverly Hills, Calif NY,NJ,PA,HI,ME,NH,VT, Jim Fouch ³ ³ MA,CT,RI ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ The Ledge PCBoard Areas not on List, (818) 896-4015 ³ ³ Lake View Terrace, Calif or Product Support Joseph Sheppard ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ War on Virus Southeast Asia and (66-2) 255-5981 ³ ³ Bangkok, Thailand Pacific Islands Alan Dawson ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ * The California Counties of Los Angeles and Orange are closed to new members until further notice. þ U'NI-net MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM þ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Please Upload to a HUB ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Your Name: __________________________________________________________ BBS Name: ___________________________________________________________ BBS Software and Version: ___________________________________________ BBS Public Phone Number: ____________________________________________ BBS City (Location): ________________________ Number of Nodes: _____ Modem Types and Speed Supported: ____________________________________ Length of Time Your BBS Has Been Operating: _________________________ Are You A Member of Another Network? If so, Which One: ______________ Do You have any Special Skills: _____________________________________ (Information below is CONFIDENTIAL): Your Address: ________________________________________________________ Your City/State/ZIP: _________________________________________________ Voice Phone Number: __________________________ Your Age: _____________ "I have read the enclosed Hub and Node agreements and will fully comply to them as a member of U'NI-net. I understand that failure to follow these guidelines may end my relationship with U'NI-net. I further understand that any charges for transferring mail may be the responsibility of myself." Your Name: _____________________________ Date: ____________________ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ IMPORTANT: Please PRE-REGISTER the Sysop of the hub you will by ³ ³ applying to on your BBS. This will speed up the verification ³ ³ process. ³ ³ ³ ³ First Name of Hub-Sysop you are Applying To........ ______________ ³ ³ ³ ³ Last Name of Hub-Sysop you are Applying To......... ______________ ³ ³ ³ ³ Password for Hub-Sysop you are Applying to to use.. ______________ ³ ³ ³ ³ Telephone Number the Hub-Sysop should call into.... ______________ ³ ³ (Please give the least-busy phone number) ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ