The Wine Cellar Cleveland Area BBS Listing (area code 216) January 15, 1992 The list is released on the 15th of each month. Submissions and/or corrections may be submitted to Jim Barry on The Flip Flop BBS at (216)951-9150, or Voice at (216)951-7401. Editor: Jim Barry ( Copyright 1992,93 by Jim Barry, 1989,92 by Eric Rickin We take no responsiblity errors or ommissions in this list. Codes Preceding BBS Name: *=No Answer; +=New/Revised [-Software-] Computer BBS Name (# Nodes) Phone # Baud Sysop --------------------------- -------- ------------- ------------------------ [-GAP-] IBM Dr. Zing's 946-3161 DS 96 Bob Brancheau HCS 273-8224 HST 96 Al Hawker HCS 273-8981 v32 96 " Lizard King's Den 646-1250 24 The Lizard King Lost Time 237-2116 24 Donald Bendzik Nibble Fingers II 881-6552 96 J. Mitchell Night Shift 941-9420 24 Tom Swimmer Night Shift 941-9921 24 " PC Niteline 942-9451 DS 168 Thomas Burker [-GT-] IBM Data Base Portal 243-0990 HST 96 John Fisher [-Major-] IBM Foot Talk - Medical Only 421-2548 24 Joseph Patterson Swingle's Adult 749-1020 HST 96 ? [-Megahost-] IBM Barf-80 237-8208 96 Tedd Mirgliotta [-Opus-] IBM OHIONet Express, The 842-5911 HST 96 Joe Dzurinda [-PCBoard-] IBM Amcom (6) 526-9480 DS 144 Bill Poissant CCC West 987-5466 24 Dr. Gabriel Cleveland Area-Amiga UG 642-3344 24 Carl Hartman Cleveland Area-Amiga UG 642-3345 HST 96 " Eastlake PC Board 951-4287 HST 96 Ken Bayko Electronic Dreams 356-8738 HST 144 John Whitehouse Fleet 646-0655 HST 96 Mike Morrell GIG BBS, The 267-3410 v32B 144 George Warish John Carroll University 397-3068 HST 96 John Piety Micro-Com 431-9174 HST 144 Terry Tillman Nerd's Nook 356-1431 DS 144 Butch Walker Nerd's Nook 356-1772 HST 96 " Nerd's Nook 356-1872 DS 144 " Northeast Ohio PC Club 888-9943 HST 144 Ralph Bolognese +PARADOX Online 691-1275 DS 168 Keith Bratton PcINFOMATICS 944-5639 v32B 144 Keith J. Ross PC-Ohio (30) 381-3320 DS 144 Norm Henke Project Questor 729-6419 24 The Ghost *Schoolhouse, The 691-9209 HST 144 Jonathan Evans Shareware Depot 886-2321 HST 144 Don Patrick [-Prism-] +Underworld Playground 741-1746 24 Gambit [-RBBS-] IBM DCMDM Mid-Atlantic 522-6800 24 Frank Herda Hamnet (2) 942-6382 v32 96 Dave Foran Metroparks Nature Center 341-7922 HST 96 Bob Hinkle Rebel Base 951-6167 24 Dan Hoffman *VA PBBS 522-7665 24 Robert Krause [-Renegade-] +Connecting Point, The 886-3622 24 Greg Romaniak [-RemoteAccess-] IBM *Buggie Works USA 225-6130 HST 96 Boris Osadciw +Funtime 273-9168 DS 144 Andrew Tollin Computer Connection 671-2574 HST 96 Richard Sharp [-RyBBS-] IBM Unwanted 289-6883 144 Huey [-Searchlight-] IBM BILLboard 661-2875 24 Bill Simsalek Bizhost 731-4769 DS 144 Richard Pressl +Cave, The 671-9284 HST 144 Ugga Ugga Computer Latchkey 946-7042 HST 96 Rich Heilman Computer Professionals 228-7335 24 Gary Schmitz County Link (4) 236-6126 v32 96 Steve Husk Flip Flop (4) 951-9150 24 Jim Barry Flip Flop 951-9134 DS 168 " Free America 429-1972 24 ? Graveyard Sanctuary 546-0048 24 Terminator Hal (2) 587-3435 24 Tom Huff In The Heat of The Night 381-3677 v32B 144 Bob Fejes Lomcevak 237-8379 DS 168 Lee Klimek Modem Hell (2) 439-1019 v32B 144 Ms. Hell Morrison Hotel, The (2) 731-6002 24 Mike Seifert +Mosh Pit, The 932-4339 DS 144 Franz Maruna Night Watch 261-8552 24 Eric Miller +Nightmare's Asylum 871-1357 DS 144 Psycho +Oriel Window 979-0524 24 Neil Rossin/Michael Ryan PrimeTime 941-9781 24 HardDrive +Silicon Dream 641-0311 DS 144 Michael Smith Tower of Wayreth 524-6848 24 Pendragon Valhalla 842-8994 24 Corey Bluemoon Wits End 826-4232 v32 96 Black Magic [-ShockWave-] IBM Cyberdyne Systems 232-5985 v32B 144 ICE Breaker *Tombstone Inc. 572-4521 24 Undertaker [-TBBS-] IBM Book Stacks Unlimited 861-0469 24 ? Book Stacks Unlimited 694-5732 v32 96 City Senders 734-1477 24 Dennis Mraz Mayfield Messenger, The 461-7631 12 Richard Berg Nasa-Lewis 433-8888 24 Nasa-Lewis Research Center NorthCoast Message Center 961-1621 v32 96 David Bly NorthCoast Message Center 961-1921 24 " Northcoast Survival 442-0879 24 Dale Tyjeski [-Telegard-] IBM Adventure's Guild, The 449-5428 v32B 144 The Fly Analytical Engine 942-3876 DS 144 Phil Roberts Communication Port 691-1106 HST 144 Santana Date-Line 451-8462 v32B 144 Bill Meltzer Fallout Shelter, The 921-4537 v32B 144 Minotaur +Floating Vegabond, The 256-3604 24 Rabid Child +Horizon Systems 899-1068 DS 144 Jon Burchmore Infinity III 899-7218 HST 144 Cazzaza +Pickle Barrel, The 871-0108 24 Mike Mistur Slasher's Den 442-8980 96 Slasher/Venom StarFleet Command 247-4421 HST 144 Mccoy [-Tritel-] IBM *Austro-Hungarian 283-2558 24 Magyar [-Virtual-] IBM Campus Computer Corp. 795-1600 *3* 24 Chris Computer High 526-4114 v32B 144 Dan Dzina +John's BBS 267-3279 24 Just John Mega-Base 888-8979 v32B 144 Regiment Modem World 252-2630 24 Leigh Hotz +Narnia 267-4033 24 Aslan [-Waffle-] IBM +Last Stand, The 228-0462 v32B 144 John Rowland Railnet 786-0476 PEP 96 Rick DeMattia [-Wildcat-] IBM Comstar 661-9065 DS 144 Roger Dye Cove, The 487-1565 DS 96 Blackbeard Cove, The 487-1566 v32 96 " Drop Zone 845-0935 v32 96 Ron Krepina Home & Vacation Ntwk (2) 237-7727 24 Dave Joyce Little Place, The 341-6568 24 Tom Houska +Mailbox BBS, The 671-7534 v32 96 Richard Bongiovanni Wizard's Tower 468-1104 v32B 144 William Derrer [-Other] IBM Center Ice 468-2759 96 ? Fremen Cleveland 464-5974 24 Cassandra [-Unix-] Unix APK 481-9436 24 Zbig Tyrlik APK 481-9425 PEP/v32B 144 " APK 481-9445 DS 144 " Cleveland Free-Net (72) 368-3888 v32B 144 Tom Grundner Medina County Free-Net 225-6732 24 Gary Linden North Coast 582-2460 24 Richard Garrett [-A-Net-] Adam Trading Post 791-4022 24 Herman Mason, Jr. [-T-BBS-] Adam Cleveland Adam eXchange 883-9355 24 George Koczwara [-ACOS-] Apple Dock 267-2938 HST 144 Rigi Intl Gandalf's Gallery 221-5783 24 Gandalf [-EBBS-] Apple Weimar Bauhaus 951-5167 DS 144 Chris Yannella [-Fido-] Apple Appleholic's 273-1340 DS 144 Bob Abbott *NE Ohio Apple Corps 942-3389 HST 96 John Stypa [-Metal-] Apple Clinic, The 333-4364 DS 144 Doctor Quack Space Station, The 883-7209 24 Space Kadet [-Towne Crier-] Apple John Carroll University 397-4303 12 Dr. James Dague [-C-Net-] Amiga Crazy 8 Ranch 946-9630 HST 96 ? Disk Connection 888-8426 24 Handyman Disk Connection 888-8427 HST 96 " Ganja Mountain 779-1593 24 The Boss +Midnight Express 468-3890 v32B 96 Bruce Rollins [-DLG Pro-] Amiga *Great Albion, The 368-8917 24 Michael Watkins-Pitchford My Basement 234-6572 24 Chuckles Wolf's Head 475-4808 24 Bill Lain [-Paragon-] Amiga Somers Photo & Computer 321-2294 *1* 24 Kirby Heintzelman [-Skyline-] Amiga Couples 228-7372 v32B 96 ? [-Xenolink-] Amiga NowhereLand 273-2738 HST 144 Tee Dee [-ExpressNET-] Atari Basement, The 381-7859 24 John Polka Part-Time 582-1196 24 Ken [-Express-] Atari-ST Dyna Computer Systems 441-3816 24 Keith Tscherne [-MichTron-] Atari-ST Sanctuary System 237-4980 HST 144 Maddog [-Image-] Commodore-64 Invisible Zone 439-7652 24 Knight Watcher Point of Entry, The 475-8634 24 Fratt Titanic 232-1716 24 Amazer [-Omni 128-] Commodore-128 Smart Modem 543-1866 ? 144 ? [-Hermes-] Macintosh MACleveland 371-3217 v32 96 Nick Zinn *Wolf's Den 528-0321 24 Chases Wolves [-Red Ryder-] Macintosh Motorola Info. Center 273-3822 v32 96 Subscriber Paging FTR Group [-Other-] Cleveland Public Library 623-0623 24 Cleveland Public Library Cuyahoga County Library 398-8806 24 Cuyahoga County Library Telcor America 835-4550 12 Telcor America Note 1: 6p-9:30a M-F except Tuesday when 8:30p-9:30a; 6p Sa-9:30a M Note 2: 5pm-11:30pm M-Th, 24 hours other times Note 3: 7pm-8am M-F; Sa after 4pm; all day Sunday 'And I fell down the stairs.. and my shoes came off!' ** END OF WINE CELLAR LISTING **