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 LEADCHAR(<C string>, <C character>)
 Displays a string with leading characters other than blanks.
 Returns <expC> with each leading blank space in <string> replaced by <char>.

 <string> has leading blanks.
 <char> is the character with which to replace each leading blank.

 Useful when converting numerics to strings with STR().

 LEADCHAR( STR(1234.56, 9, 2), "$" )
    returns "$$1234.56"

 LEADCHAR( STR( 123.45, 9, 2), "$" )
    returns "$$$123.45"

 LEADCHAR( STR(  12.34, 9, 2), "$" )
    returns "$$$$12.34"

 LEADCHAR( STR(    .12, 9, 2), "$" )
    returns "$$$$$0.12"

             Placed in the Public Domain by Tom Rettig Assoc.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson