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 TIMESTR(<N seconds>)
 Converts seconds to time string.
 Returns <expC> time string in the format "HH:MM:SS".

 Seconds are the "base" unit of time by which all calculations
 can be accurately made and the result converted to minutes,
 hours, days, or another time string.

 Seconds exceeding 1 day are not included.
 They are converted to days with the SSTOD() function.

 * Total seconds exceed one day
 m_seconds = 90000

 days_spent = INT( SSTOD(m_seconds) )
 time_spent = TIMESTR(m_seconds)

 * Total time is days_spent plus time_spent
 * days_spent contains 1
 * time_spent contains "01:00:00"

 * Total seconds do not exceed one day
 m_seconds = 80000

 days_spent = INT( SSTOD(m_seconds) )
 time_spent = TIMESTR(m_seconds)

 * Total time is days_spent plus time_spent
 * days_spent contains 0
 * time_spent contains "22:13:30"

             Placed in the Public Domain by Tom Rettig Assoc.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson