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 POKE...(<C segment>, <C|N offset>, <data>)
 Stores data of specified type at memory location.
 Returns <expL> false if less than 3 parameters passed, otherwise true.

 <segment> is the segment address of a memory location
    expressed as a 4-byte hexadecimal string.
 <offset> is the offset address of a memory location
    expressed as either 4-byte hexadecimal string or integer.
 <data> to POKE at the specified location.

 Useful for simulating data types and structures not supported by Clipper.

 The following POKE...() functions are available:

 Function     Returns
 ----------   --------------------------------
 POKEBYTE()   1-byte hex string
 POKECHAR()   1-byte ASCII character
 POKEINT()    2-byte integer
 POKELONG()   4-byte integer
 POKEDBL()    8-byte floating-point number
 POKESTR()    null-terminated character string

 See the example under ALLOCATE().

    There are no protected areas in memory on a PC.  These
    functions assume that the address you pass them is valid.  If
    it is not, you could overwrite essential areas in memory,
    possibly causing computer lock-up and data destruction.

 The functions ALLOCATE() and DEALLOC() have been provided
 specifically to give you a protected area in memory into which
 to POKE.  You get the most power and safety out of the POKE()
 functions if you use them in combination with ALLOCATE() and DEALLOC().

             Placed in the Public Domain by Tom Rettig Assoc.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson