THelpTopic Track-It Welcome to Track-It. Track-It is an inventory control/point of sale package designed for the small business. This is the general help screen, and contains general information about the program. This screen will appear when you press help on an item that does not have a help context of its' own, or when you select the cross reference to the general help screen. 0 General Information Track-It is broken into several segments in which general classes of functions are available. Each section has the following functions: G Sales: Invoicing, order entry, order shipping, and related functions. ] Inventory: Stock code addition, editing, deleting, serial number manipulation and searches. > PO: PO creation, editing, printing, and inventory receiving. 1 Vendor: Vendor addition, editing, and deleting. 5 Customer: Customer addition, editing, and deleting. Reports: This section allows access to all the reports that are generated by Track-It. The reports are grouped by functionality. Options: This section allows you to customize Track-It to your individual needs. Parameters include printer setup, company information, and invoice disclaimer lines. To select a section of the program, press ALT-x where x is the highlighted letter of the menu. This will bring up the menu for that section of the program. The main menu is not available after you enter a function. THelpTopic File viewer A file viewer views the contents of a text file. You can use the arrow keys to move about in the file. A file is loaded via the File Open:FOpen} menu item. Up Move up one line Down Move down one line Right Move right one column Left Move left one column PgUp Move one page up PgDn Move one page down Home View right most column of the file End View left most column of the file Ctrl-PgUp View top of file Ctrl-PgDn View bottom of file. THelpTopic Sales (Alt-S> The sales menu provides access to all the sales related functions of Track-It. Use this menu to initiate invoices, customer orders, returns, and other sales related functions. See also: e Invoice Order Reprint Invoice Returns Ship Order View Invoice Edit Invoice Invoice Payment THelpTopic Inventory (Alt-I) The inventory menu provides access to all the inventory related functions of Track-It. Use this menu to create new stock codes, edit, rename, or delete existing stock information. Also, use this menu to edit serialized items. See Also: I Clone Edit Delete Merge Query Rename Edit Serial THelpTopic PO (Alt-P) The purchase order menu allows access to all of the purchase order functions of Track-It. Use this menu to create new purchase orders, edit, view, or receive existing orders. See also: ( Create Edit Print Receiving View THelpTopic Vendor (Alt-V) The vendor menu allows access to all the vendor functions of Track-It. Use this menu to Add, edit, or delete vendors. See also: Edit Delete THelpTopic Customer (Alt-C) The customer menu allows access to all the customer functions of Track-It. Use this menu to Add new customers, edit, delete, or merge existing customers. Edit Delete Merge THelpTopic Reports (Alt-R) The reports menu allows access to all the reports that are generated by Track-It. The reports are grouped by functional area within the program. After selecting a report area from this menu, you will be provided with a detailed list of reports available for that section. See also: k Customer Reports Inventory Reports Order Reports Purchase Order Reports Sales Reports Vendor Reports THelpTopic Options (Alt-O) The options menu allows access to functions that are general in nature or span multiple areas of functionality. Use this menu to customize Track-It, run batch processing, change data location, purge unwanted history, or verify the data indexes. See also: H Batch Customization Data Location Purge History Verify Indexes THelpTopic Sales Invoice The invoice menu selection initiates the process of creating an invoice. It the customer your are invoicing is a new customer, you may add that customer to the data file while creating the invoice. New stock codes can also be created while creating an invoice. See also: Sales Returns THelpTopic Sales Order The order menu selection initiates a customer order. The order function of Track-It 'reserves' stock for customers who are picking up their purchases at a later time, having the items shipped to them, or ordering an item that is not currently in stock. The Track-It order system fills orders in a systematic method. Stock is allocated to orders in the order in which they were entered. This ensures that the oldest orders get filled as soon as possible. See also: Sales Ship Order THelpTopic Sales Edit Order The edit order menu selection allows you to edit the items ordered on an existing customer order. See also: Sales THelpTopic Sales Reprint Invoice The reprint invoice menu selection allows you to reprint any existing invoice that has not been purged from the system. See also: Sales View Invoice THelpTopic Sales Returns The returns menu selection initiates a returns invoice and allows you to return items that were previously invoiced. j Upon initiating this function, you will be asked to enter in the invoice number of an existing invoice. Once this is entered, you will be able to enter in line items to return to stock. The resulting invoice will have the same customer information that was on the original invoice, and is limited to containing line items that were on the original invoice. See also: Sales Invoice THelpTopic Sales Ship Order The ship order menu selection allows you to select outstanding customer orders for filling. Upon filling of the order, you will be prompted to either ship the items, or reserve items if the customer does not wish partial shipments. i When shipping items, and invoice is automatically created, and a shipper invoice is optionally created. See also: Sales Order THelpTopic Sales View Invoice The view invoice menu selection allows you to view, without printing, the contents of any existing invoice that has not been purged from the system. See also: Sales Reprint Invoice THelpTopic Sale Edit Invoice The edit invoice menu selection allows you to edit the supporting information of an existing invoice. The information that is available for editing is, the payment amounts, tax rates, shipping info, customer P.O., reference, and resale indicator. The contents of a completed invoice are not available for editing. < The changes are immediately reflected on any sales report. g To receive payment for an outstanding invoice, use the invoice payment function under the sales menu. See also: ) Sales Invoice Invoice Payment THelpTopic Sales Invoice Payment The invoice payment menu selection allows you to receive payment towards an outstanding invoice. An invoice will be created which indicates the original invoice towards which the amount will be credited. l The amount received will appear on the revenue report but will not be reflected on any other sales report. Use the edit invoice function if you wish to edit the payment amounts on an existing invoice without tracking the transaction as a payment. See also: % Sales Invoice Edit Invoice THelpTopic Inventory Clone The clone menu selection allows you to create a new stock code using an existing stock code as a template, and allowing you to edit the stock code information prior to saving the new code. See also: * Inventory Edit Rename THelpTopic Inventory Edit The edit menu selection allows you to edit the information of an existing stock code. THelpTopic Inventory Delete The delete menu selection allows you to delete an existing stock code that is no longer being used. Any stock code that is not currently on an invoice, customer order, purchase order, or has a non-zero stock count cannot be deleted. If the stock code that you are deleting is serialized, all serialized information for that stock code will also be deleted. V To delete all unused stock codes, use the purge codes option under batch processing. See also: Inventory Purge Codes THelpTopic Inventory Merge The merge menu selection allows you to combine two stock codes into one. You will be prompted to select a source code and a target code. Once completed, all references to the source code will be changed to the target code and the source code will no longer exist. If any references to the source code cannot be changed, the source code will not be deleted. See also: " Inventory Delete Rename THelpTopic Inventory New Code The new code function allows you to create a new, unique, stock code. See also: Inventory Clone THelpTopic Inventory Query The query menu selection is a quick means of checking available stock on an individual stock code. This function will display the current stock on hand, the quantity allocated to customers, and the quantity currently on order, along with the list and current sale price. 6 If the quantity on hand less the quantity allocated is less than zero, you will be asked if you wish to save the query. If you have lost a sale because of insufficient stock, save the query. A query report run at a later time can help in determining which stock codes should have higher on hand quantities. See also: Inventory THelpTopic Inventory Rename The rename menu selection allows you to change the name of an existing stock code. All references to the stock code will be changed to reflect the new stock code. If all references to the stock code cannot be changed, both the new and old stock code will exist after the rename. If this happens, you can recombine the old stock code into the new code via the merge function. See also: Inventory Clone Merge THelpTopic Inventory Edit Serial The edit serial menu selection allows you to edit information about specific serialized stock items. With this command, you can modify the stock code, cost, stock number, and the status of the selected item. See also: Inventory THelpTopic Create The create menu selection initiates the creation of a new purchase order. The purchase orders will be numbered sequentially after the year. An example of a purchase order number would be 1992-101, indicating that this was the 101st PO created in 1992. See also: Purchase Orders THelpTopic Edit The edit menu selection allows you to modify the contents of an existing purchase order. B To view a purchase order without printing, use the view command. See also: . Purchase Orders Receiving Print View THelpTopic Print The print menu selection allows you to print any existing purchase order that has not been purged from the system. M To view a purchase order without printing a hardcopy, use the view command. See also: Purchase Orders View THelpTopic Receiving The receiving menu selection allows you to receive items into stock that were ordered on an existing purchase order. This function automatically updates stock values. See also: Purchase Orders THelpTopic View The print menu selection allows you to view any existing purchase order that has not been purged from the system. A To print a hardcopy of a purchase order, use the print command. See also: Purchase Orders View THelpTopic Vendor The vendor add menu selection lets the user add a new vendor into the system for use with the purchase order section of Track-It. This function is called automatically from the purchase order creation function if you enter in a vendor code that is not currently in the system. See also: Vendor Edit Delete THelpTopic Vendor Edit The vendor edit function allows you to modify information of any existing vendor in the system. See also: Vendor Delete THelpTopic Vendor Delete The vendor delete function allows you to remove any vendor from the system that is not currently on a purchase order. See also: ' Vendor Delete Purge Vendor THelpTopic Customer The customer add menu selection allows you to add a new customer into the system for use with the invoicing and order section of Track-It. This function is called automatically from the invoice and order functions when no matches can be found for the name that you enter during customer selection. See also: Customer Delete Merge THelpTopic Customer Edit The customer edit function allows you to modify information for any customer that is currently in the system. See also: Customer Delete Merge THelpTopic Customer Delete The customer delete menu selection allows you to delete any customer from the system that is not currently on an invoice or order. L If you wish to remove a duplicate customer, please use the merge function. See also: Customer Edit Merge THelpTopic Customer Merge The customer merge menu selection allows you to combine two existing customers into one. If a single customer was accidentally entered under two different names, the two customers can be merged into one and contain the purchase history of both. See also: Customer Delete Edit THelpTopic Reports Customer This menu selection allows access to all of the customer related reports. These reports include customers sorted by name, customers sorted by zip, zip code count, and purchase history. See also: I Reports Customer Customer Purchases count THelpTopic Reports Inventory This menu selection allows access to all of the inventory related reports. These reports include, but are not limited to, stock by code, overstock and reorder, and serialized stock reports. See also: e Reports Stock Overstock Price Reorder Serialized Selective Stock Query report THelpTopic Reports Orders This menu selection allows access to all of the order related reports. These reports include reports of detailed order history, outstanding orders, reprinting of orders, and summary history reports. See also: F Reports Detailed History Outstanding Reprint Summary History THelpTopic Reports Purchase Orders This menu selection allows access to all of the purchase order related reports. These reports include reports of backorder report, detailed history, reprinting of purchase orders, and summary history reports. See also: B Reports Backorder Detailed History Reprint Summary History THelpTopic Reports Sales This menu selection allows access to all of the sales related reports. These reports include summary and detailed sales, custom sales, invoice reports, daily and month to date sales, and invoice reprinting. See also: Reports Summary Daily Invoice Balance Custom Sales Daily Invoice Report Month Summary Month Custom Summary Reprint Invoice Revenue Report THelpTopic Reports Vendors This menu selection allows access to all of the vendor related reports. These reports include two vendor lists, one sorted by code and the other sorted by vendor name. See also: Vendor Vendor THelpTopic Options Batch Run The functions included in the batch processing section of Track-It are generally run as either weekly or monthly batch process. The functions included in the batch processing are index maintenance, unused data purging, space recovery, a sales report, and an inventory report. These functions have been grouped together and set up to run each selected function sequentially without any user interaction. This makes it handy to perform these functions late at night or over a weekend to avoid contention with regular use. See also: O Options Index Verification Dead Removal Storage Reclaimation Reports THelpTopic Options Customization This menu selection allows access to the customization menu. Through this menu, you can customize Track-It by entering in your company information, editing the invoice disclaimer lines, and by telling Track-It what type of printers you have attached to your system. See also: ? Options Company Information Disclaimer Lines Printer Setup THelpTopic Options Data Location This menu selection allows you to modify the location where Track-It stores it's data. See also: Options THelpTopic Options Purge History This menu selection allows you to permanently remove old history from the system. These functions are not part of the batch process to prevent the accidental purging of history and due to the fact that the user must specify the purge date. The space occupied by the items purged will be recovered through batch processing. See also: Options THelpTopic Options Verify Indexes The index verification functions compare the contents of an individual indexes with the actual data in the data files and corrects any discrepancies. These functions do not modify data in any way. See Also: Options Batch Verification THelpTopic Reports Customer Customer by Zip The customer by zip report prints a selected list of customers sorted by the zip code of their shipping address. See also: ' Customer Reports Customers THelpTopic Reports Customer Customer by Name The customer by name report prints a selected list of customers sorted by their name. See also: & Customer Reports Customers THelpTopic Reports Customer Purchases The customer purchases report scans the systems sales history and displays a list of purchases by an individual customer. See also: Customer Reports THelpTopic Reports Customer Zip Code Count The zip code count report provides a sorted listing of the zip codes in which your customers reside. This list allows you to determine which demographic areas that you are selling into and which ones need to have a greater focus of advertising. See also: Customer Reports THelpTopic Reports Inventory Stock by Code The stock by code inventory report prints a complete list of all stock codes currently in the system sorted by stock code. This report indicates a description, manufacturer, max and min stock values, quantity currently in stock, last cost, and the extended value of each line item. See also: 7 Inventory Reports Selective Stock Serialized report THelpTopic Reports Inventory Overstock The inventory overstock report prints a list of all items that have a calculated on hand quantity greater than their max stock values. This report sums the quantity on hand with the quantity on order and subtracts the quantity already allocated for each stock code in the system. If the resulting quantity is greater than the maximum allowed stock value for that line item, it is included on the report. See also: # Inventory Reports Reorder Report THelpTopic Reports Inventory Reorder The inventory reorder report prints a list of all items that have a calculated on hand quantity less than their min stock values. This report sums the quantity on hand with the quantity on order and subtracts the quantity already allocated for each stock code in the system. If the resulting quantity is less than the minimum allowed stock value for that line item, it is included on the report. See also: % Inventory Reports Overstock Report THelpTopic Reports Inventory Price List The price list report prints a selected list of stock items along with their description, manufacturer, model, list price, and the current sale price. The price list is sorted by stock code. See also: Inventory Reports THelpTopic Reports Inventory Serialized The serialized report prints a selected listing of the serialized items currently in stock. This report is sorted by stock code and calculates total cost of each line item individually as well as a total for the entire report. See also: 3 Inventory Reports Stock Selective Stock THelpTopic Reports Inventory Selective Stock The selective stock report prints a list of stock codes that meet the criteria entered, and are sorted by stock code. This report indicates a description, manufacturer, max and min stock values, quantity currently in stock, last cost, and the extended value of each line item. See also: F Inventory Reports Stock Selective Stock Serialized report THelpTopic Reports Inventory Query The query report prints a summary listing of items that have been stored in the query data file for a user designated period of time. This report can be useful in determining which items are out of stock too often. See also: Inventory Reports THelpTopic Reports Orders Detailed History The detailed order report prints a listing of all line items of all customer reports that meet the entered criteria. Reports can be limited to a specific range of customers, dates, stock codes, categories or by salesperson. This report shows each line item of any orders that meet the entered criteria. If you wish to see a summarized report of the order history, use the summary history menu selection. See also: " Order Reports Summary History THelpTopic Reports Orders Outstanding The outstanding order report prints a listing of each line item of an outstanding order that is not completed. The line items are grouped by the order number but are not sorted within an order. See also: Order Reports THelpTopic Reports Orders Reprint The order reprint function allows you to print any customer order that has not been purged from the system. See also: Order Reports THelpTopic Reports Orders Summary History The summary order report prints a listing of all line items of all customer reports that meet the entered criteria. Reports can be limited to a specific range of customers, dates, stock codes, categories or by salesperson. This report shows each stock code only once. The information of all the line items of any order that meet the entered criteria is added to this one instance. If you wish to see a detailed report of the order history, use the detailed history menu selection. See also: ! Order Reports Detailed History THelpTopic Reports Backorder The backorder menu selection prints a listing of all purchase order line items that have quantity yet to be received. The line items are sorted only by the purchase order number. See also: Purchase Order Reports THelpTopic Reports Detailed History The detailed purchaser order report prints a listing of all items from existing purchase orders that meet the entered criteria. Reports can be limited to a specific range of vendors, dates, stock codes, and categories. This report shows each line item of any orders that meet the entered criteria. If you wish to see a summarized report of the order history, use the summary history menu selection. See also: ) Purchase Order Reports Summary History THelpTopic Reports Reprint The purchase order reprint function allows you to print any purchase order that has not been purged from the system. See also: Purchase Order Reports THelpTopic Reports Summary History The summary purchaser order report prints a listing of all items from existing purchase orders that meet the entered criteria. Reports can be limited to a specific range of vendors, dates, stock codes, and categories. This report shows each stock code only once. The information of all the line items of any order that meet the entered criteria is added to this one instance. If you wish to see a detailed report of the purchase order history, use the detailed history menu selection. See also: , Purchase Order Reports Detailed History THelpTopic Reports Sales Summary Daily The summary daily sales report is a non printing report that simply displays the daily totals for the date entered. r This report does not print any detail. To obtain a detailed sales report, use the Daily sales report selection. See also: B Sales Reports Daily Sales Summary Daily Summary Month THelpTopic Reports Sales Invoice Balance The invoice balance report prints a listing of all invoices that have a positive balance. The invoices listed can be selected by customer range, date range, and by salesperson. \ The invoices are grouped by customer, and a total balance for each customer is calculated. See also: ! Sales Reports Invoice Report THelpTopic Reports Sales Custom Sales The custom sales report is a detailed, selective report of sales for any given period of time. The items included on the report can be selected by stock code, category, date range, and even by salesperson. This report prints every line item of every invoice that matches the entered criteria. To obtain only a summary of the sales data, use the custom summary report selection. See also: ; Sales Reports Daily Month Summary Custom Sales THelpTopic Reports Sales Daily The daily sales report will print a report containing all the items, quantities, price, cost, and profit for any given day of sales. This report prints every line item of every invoice that matches the entered criteria. To obtain only a numerical summary of the daily sales, use the Summary Daily report selection. See also: D Sales Reports Month Summary Daily Summary Month THelpTopic Reports Sales Invoice Report The invoice report prints a listing of all invoices that match the entered criteria. The invoices listed can be selected by customer range, date range, and by salesperson. e The invoices are grouped by customer, and total sales and balance are calculated for each customer. See also: Sales Reports Invoice Balance THelpTopic Reports Sales Month to Date The month to date sales report will print a report containing all the items, quantities, price, cost, and profit for any given month of sales. This report prints every line item of every invoice that matches the entered criteria. To obtain only a numerical summary of the month to date sales, use the summary month to date report selection. See also: B Sales Reports Daily Sales Summary Daily Summary Month THelpTopic Reports Sales Summary Month to Date The summary month to date sales report is a non printing report that simply displays the daily totals for the month entered. t This report does not print any detail. To obtain a detailed sales report, use the month to date report selection. See also: F Sales Reports Month Summary Daily Summary Month THelpTopic Reports Sales Custom Summary The custom summary sales report provides a means of printing a summarized list of the items sold over any range of time, and selecting which items are to be included in the report. Each stock code will be listed only once, and the total quantity of each item sold will be calculated and printed. J For a detailed custom sales report, use the custom sales menu selection. See also: S Sales Reports Daily Sales Month Summary Daily Summary Month THelpTopic Reports Sales Reprint Invoice The reprint invoice menu selection allows you to print any invoice that has not been purged from the system. See also: Sales Reports THelpTopic Reports Sales Revenue Report The revenue report prints a breakdown of sales transaction for all sales during a given period of time. The total revenue for cash, check, and credit card transactions are calculated. See also: Sales Reports THelpTopic Reports Vendor Vendor by Code The vendor by code report prints a listing of all vendors that meet the criteria entered by the user. ; The vendors will be sorted by their assigned vendor code. See also: Vendor Reports Vendor THelpTopic Reports Vendor Vendor by Name The vendor by name report prints a listing of all vendors that meet the criteria entered by the user. The vendors will be sorted by name, and will have the vendor code assigned to that vendor printed to the left of the name in parentheses. See also: Vendor Reports Vendor THelpTopic Options Batch Index Verification Index verification compares the contents of the selected indexes with the actual data in the data files and corrects any discrepancies. These functions do not modify data in any way. See Also: 4 Options Batch Processing Individual Verification THelpTopic Options Batch Storage Reclaimation Storage reclaimation scans each selected data file and removes each item that is tagged as deleted. The data after each item deleted is moved down to fill the space of the deleted item, thus recovering the space that it occupied. The indexes are updated as each item is moved. # Please note that the data files are locked exclusively by the terminal that is processing the storage reclaimation and will prevent any other terminal from accessing the data while it is processing. Thus it is best to run these functions when no concurrent access to the data is required. See Also: Options Batch Processing THelpTopic Options Batch Dead Data Removal Dead data removal scans through specific data files looking for items which are not in use. If an item is not currently in use, it is tagged as deleted and removed from the system. Please note that when an item is removed from the system, the space that it occupied is not recovered for future use until the storage reclaimation functions are run. See Also: Options Batch Processing THelpTopic Options Batch Reports Two reports are included in the batch processing to provide a means of printing the reports immediately after batch processing without user intervention. These reports are a month to date sales report, and an inventory stock report by code. See Also: Options Batch Processing THelpTopic Options Customization Company Information The company information menu selection allows you to customize Track-It with information that is specific to your company as well as tell Track-It how you wish to handle cost management and header printing. The company information is stored in the same location as the data files to ensure that all terminals access the same information. See also: 9 Options Disclaimer Lines Data Location Printer Setup THelpTopic Options Customization Disclaimer Lines The disclaimer lines menu selection allows you to modify the text that is printed in small print at the bottom of every invoice. You can use the disclaimer lines to display text that describes your return policy, you monthly specials, or anything that you wish your customers to see at the end of their invoice. The disclaimer line text is stored in the same location as the data files to ensure that all terminals access the same information. See also: 5 Options Company Data Location Printer Setup THelpTopic Options Customization Printer Setup The printer setup menu selection allows access to the printer setup windows. Through this menu selection, you can tell Track-It which type of printers that you have attached to your system. Track-It directly supports any printer that is compatible with Epson printers, the IBM Proprinter, or the HP Laserjet (I, II, or III). If you have a printer that is not compatible with those listed above, you can enter in the printer setup strings in a custom printer selection. Printer setup information is stored in the same location as the program. Thus if you require different terminals to have different printer setups, you must have a copy of Track-It on each different terminal and set the data location to point to the data location. See also: 5 Options Company Data Location Printer Setup THelpTopic Options Customization Data Location The data location menu selection lets you tell Track-It where to look for the data files. You can set the data location to any valid data path. Track-It will store the data path and retrieve it each time the program is started. B The data location is stored in the same location as the program. See also: 5 Options Company Data Location Printer Setup THelpTopic Options Number Sequence This window allows you to change the number sequence of the purchase orders, invoices, orders, or stock numbers. Enter in the next number you wish to use for the sequence that you wish to modify. Track-It will not allow you to enter in a number that is equal to or less than the next available number. This prevents you from entering in the number 900 when the next number would already be 950. THelpTopic Options File Viewer The file viewer menu selection is a simple ascii text viewer. This viewer can read any report up to 64k bytes in length and display it on the screen. ` For reports that are wider than the screen, the viewer is capable of scrolling left and right. THelpTopic Customer Name Entry This window allows you to enter the last name of a customer and retrieve a list of customers that match the name entered, or you can enter in an individual customer number and retrieve that specific customers information. The entered name can be up to 30 characters in length, and can contain any letters or numbers. If the exact spelling of the name is not known, a search for partial name matches can be done by entering as much of the name that is known immediately followed by a "?". If you know the customers assigned number, you can enter in a pound sign, (#), followed by their number to quickly retrieve that customers' information. See also: Partial Search THelpTopic Stock Code Entry This window allows you to enter a stock code and retrieve the information for that stock code. The entered stock code can be up to 15 characters in length, and can contain any letters or numbers. If the exact stock code is not known, a search for partial matches can be done by entering as much of the stock code that is known immediately followed by a "?". See also: Partial Search THelpTopic Vendor Code Entry This window allows you to enter a vendor code and retrieve the information for that particular vendor. The entered stock code can be up to 12 characters in length, and can contain any letters or numbers. If the exact vendor code is not known, a search for partial matches can be done by entering as much of the vendor code that is known immediately followed by a "?". See also: Partial Search THelpTopic Partial Search A partial search is a method of locating a specific piece of information about something when you don't know the exact spelling or number of the item that you are searching for. Several functions of Track-It allow you to perform partial searches. These functions are customer name entry, stock code entry, vendor entry, and serial number entry. To initiate a partial search for any of the functions listed above, enter in as much of the name or serial number that you know exactly immediately followed by a "?". For example, entering "MA?" in the customer name entry will retrieve all names that start with MA, such as MASON, MACO, and MARX, and display the matches to allow you to select the exact item that you wish. THelpTopic Customer Selection The customer selection window provides a list of customers that match the criteria entered. Use the cursor or page keys to move the highlight bar to highlight the customer that you wish to select and press enter. You can also use the mouse to click on the list box arrows to move the highlight. When the customer that you wish to select is highlighted, press the enter key to select that customer. You can also select a customer by double clicking on the customer with the mouse. If you are selecting a customer for an invoice or order, and the customer cannot be found, press Alt-A or click on the Add button to add a new customer to the system. a Press the escape key or click on the cancel button to return to the customer name entry window. THelpTopic Customer Information Entry This screen allows you to add information for a new customer or edit information for an existing customer. Simply enter in the information as specified by the input field descriptions. When entering in the information for a new customer, or making a change in the customer name, be sure that the last name field is spelled correctly as this is the field by which customers are retrieved. When all the information is correct, pressing enter or clicking on the OK button will accept the information, save it to disk, and either move on to the next section of the function that you are working in, or return you to the menu. d Pressing Esc will back you out of the window without making any permanent changes to the database. THelpTopic Calculator The calculator is a simple four-function calculator with add, subtract, multiply, and divide. To operate the calculator you can either use the keyboard or press the buttons on the calculator with the mouse. The 'C' key clears the calculator, the ' ' key will erases the last character typed, and the ' ' key toggles the value from positive to negative (the keyboard equivalent of ' ' is '_'). THelpTopic Calendar The calendar displays the current month, highlighting todays date. The next and previous months can be viewed using the '+' or '-' keys respectively. The mouse can also be used to change the month by pressing the icons. THelpTopic ASCII Table The ASCII table displays the entire IBM PC character set. The current character is marked by a blinking block cursor, and the hexadecimal and decimal ASCII values of the character are displayed below the chart. A new character is selected by pressing it on the keyboard, by clicking the mouse on it in the chart, or by moving the cursor using the cursor keys. THelpTopic About When you open the About window, a dialog box appears, showing copyright and version information. G To close the box, press Esc, Space, or Enter, or click the OK button. THelpTopic Invoice Information This screen allows you to enter or edit information specific to an individual sale. 'Salesperson' designates the name, employee number, or any other method of designation, for the person given credit for the sale. This field is automatically populated with the contents of the salesperson field on the customer information window. 'Customer PO' provides a field for reference to the customers own purchase order number. The contents of this field will appear on the invoice to allow your customer to track their receiving. 'Reference #' allows the salesperson to indicate that the invoice is payment for a specific repair order, or any other misc. information. Track-It does not use this field for any purpose and is provided only for associating miscellaneous information with an invoice. w 'For Resale' allows the salesperson to disable the calculation and addition of sales tax for this individual invoice. 'Tax Rate' allows the salesperson the ability to change the tax rate calculated on the invoice for a transaction that is shipped to a location with a different tax rate. 'Ship Via' allows the salesperson to enter in the preferred method of shipment for the invoice. This field is automatically populated with a default. THelpTopic Invoice Payment Information This screen allows you to enter in the amount and the payment method for the current transaction. Enter in the payment amounts in the fields provided. The balance is calculated and updated each time a different field is selected either by tabbing to the next field, using a hot key, or by selecting a new field via the mouse. v If the transaction payment is deferred on a customer account, enter the terms of the transaction in the terms field. Pressing Esc will return you to the sales menu without making any changes to the inventory or adding the invoice to the sales history. This is the last point at which the invoicing process can be terminated without making permanent changes to the data files. THelpTopic Invoice Window The invoice window displays a list of all the line items entered on the current invoice. Each line item has a description, quantity, price, and the extended price for that line. The line items are sorted by stock code. ^ Along the bottom of the list box is the sub-total, tax, and the total amount of the invoice. e Pressing the Insert key or the insert button allow you to add additional line items to the invoice. { Pressing the Delete key or the delete button will, after confirmation, delete the highlighted line item from the invoice. ~ Pressing Enter or the Edit button will allow you to edit the quantity and pricing information for the highlighted line item. E Use the cursor/page keys or the mouse to move the highlighted line. Pressing Esc will return you to the menu. Pressing Alt-O or the OK button will complete the invoice and move to the payment window. THelpTopic Stock Code Selection The stock code selection window provides a list of customers that match the criteria entered. Use the cursor or page keys to move the highlight bar to highlight the stock code that you wish to select and press enter. You can also use the mouse to click on the list box arrows to move the highlight. When the stock code that you wish to select is highlighted, press the enter key to select that stock code. You can also select a stock code by double clicking on the desired stock code with the mouse. a Press the escape key or click on the cancel button to return to the customer name entry window. THelpTopic Stock Code Information Entry The stock code modification window is the means by information regarding an individual product can be entered. The following is a description of each editable field and its' limitations. The product category can contain any printable characters up to 7 characters in length. This category can be used as a selection criteria when preparing reports. ` The subcategory is a three digit extension of the category used for creating detailed reports. The manufacturer name can be up to 20 characters in length and should contain either the full name of the manufacturer or a commonly known anachronym. 8 The model number can be up to 10 characters in length. The 20 character description can be any printable character, and will be the description printed exactly as entered here on the customers invoice. The list price will accommodate a list price of up to $99,999,999. This price will not be printed on the customers invoice, but is rather for the retailers reference when quoting prices. This value will also be printed on any price list that is created. The sale price will accommodate prices of up to $99,999,999. The sale price field is also printed when a price list report is printed. The sale price will automatically be entered into the price field when invoicing a stock code, but can be easily changed if desired. 1 This field sets the lower limit for stock on hand of a particular stock code. When the calculated on hand quantity of the item falls below this level, it will appear on the inventory reorder report. By setting the minimum stock level at the correct value, you can usually avoid out of stock conditions. d The maximum stock level sets the desired maximum quantity on hand of an individual product code. If the quantity on hand of a stock code is greater than the desired maximum level, the item will appear on the overstock report. The suggested reorder quantities are directly related to the minimum and maximum on hand quantities, so choose them carefully. l The serialized checkbox allows you to tell Track-It that a stock code should be treated as a serialized item. If you wish to track the sales of the item by serial number, this option should be checked. If a tracking of only the quantities sold is desired, clear this checkbox. Change the status of the checkbox by pressing the space bar when it is highlighted. The taxable indicator sets the product as taxable or non-taxable. If the item is non-taxable, then sales tax will not be computed for the item on any invoice. The cost field allows the user to change the cost of an item and thus changing the relative profit of the item when it is invoiced. This number will rarely be changed manually as it is automatically updated through the purchase order receiving function. Current stock on hand, allows the user to change the on hand quantity of an item. This will automatically be updated by the receiving and invoicing functions of Track-It. THelpTopic Invoice Item (Non-Serialized) This window allows you to enter quantity and pricing information for an individual stock code on the current invoice. The quantity field can be any quantity that will fit in the field and should be the quantity that is actually taken or shipped to the customer at the time of the invoice. / The price field will accommodate prices up to $99,999,999 and should contain the cost of each unit of the item being invoiced. This field is initially populated with the current sale price of the stock code that you are invoicing. After the initial population, this field is not modified by Track-It. THelpTopic Invoice Item (Serialized) This window allows you to enter pricing information for an individual stock code on the current invoice. 4 The quantity field is not accessible when invoicing a serialized stock code. The quantity field is automatically populated by Track-It by counting the number of serial numbers entered on the next screen. This guarantees that the quantity invoiced matches the number of serialized items that are invoiced. / The price field will accommodate prices up to $99,999,999 and should contain the cost of each unit of the item being invoiced. This field is initially populated with the current sale price of the stock code that you are invoicing. After the initial population, this field is not modified by Track-It. THelpTopic Order Item Information Entry This window allows you to enter quantity and pricing information for an individual stock code on the current customer order. y The quantity field can be any quantity that will fit in the field and should be the quantity that the customer ordered. . The price field will accommodate prices up to $99,999,999 and should contain the cost of each unit of the item being ordered. This field is initially populated with the current sale price of the stock code that you are invoicing. After the initial population, this field is not modified by Track-It. THelpTopic Printer Port Selection This window allows you to select where the printer output for the function that you are in will be sent. The default destination is set in the options section of the program. If the highlighted selection is not the correct destination, use the arrow keys to select the correct port, or press ALT and the number of the port that you wish to send the output to. m When the highlighted selection is correct, simply press the enter key to accept the selection and continue. G Press Esc or press the Cancel button to terminate the port selection. THelpTopic Printer Port Selection This window allows you to select where the printer output for the function that you are in will be sent and the number of copies to print. The default destination is set in the options section of the program and the default number of copies is 0. If the highlighted selection is not the correct destination, use the arrow keys to select the correct port, or press ALT and the number of the port that you wish to send the output to. t Enter in the number of copies of the report that you wish to print. Up to 9 copies of the printout can be printed. When the highlighted selection and the number of copies are correct, simply press the enter key to accept the selection and continue. G Press Esc or press the Cancel button to terminate the port selection. THelpTopic Printer Port Selection This window allows you to select where the printer output for the function that you are in will be sent. The default destination is set in the options section of the program. If the highlighted selection is not the correct destination, use the arrow keys to select the correct port, or press ALT and the number of the port that you wish to send the output to. If you wish to send the output to a file rather than to a printer, select the File option. m When the highlighted selection is correct, simply press the enter key to accept the selection and continue. G Press Esc or press the Cancel button to terminate the port selection. THelpTopic Printer Selection This window allows you to select from a list, which printer your printer is compatible with. U Use the cursor keys to select the printer to which your printer is most computable. If your printer is not compatible with any of the printers listed, select the user defined option to enter the setup strings for your printer. This will allow your printer to work correctly with Track-It. } When the correct selection is highlighted, press enter or the OK button. Press Esc to back out without making any changes. THelpTopic Custom Printer Setup This screen allows you to enter in the command strings for printers that are not compatible with any of the selections available. The command strings are sent by Track-It to tell it to change how it will print. Because many printers have their own command strings, which are not compatible with the available selections, you have to enter in the commands that were provided to you in your users manual. Printer commands are also commonly known as escape sequences since many printer commands begin with the Escape character, 27. G Each line in the window represents one command string for one function on your printer. Each character of the string, with the exception of the printer name, should be entered as a decimal number and separated by a '\' symbol. Thus if the command for your printer to set it to 17 characters per inch (compressed print) is: 27 38 107 50 83 0 you would enter 27\38\107\50\83\0 on the line for 17 CPI. Enter the name of the printer that you are setting up in the printer name field. This field is used only to indicate to you the printers which are attached to which port at printer selection time. The 17 CPI field is where you will place the command to set your printer to 17 characters per inch, also known as compressed print. The 10 CPI field is where you will place the command to set your printer to 10 characters per inch, which is also known as PICA print. Some printers have a specific command to release the compressed print setting rather than just setting the printer to 10 CPI. If your printer has a specific command to release compressed print, enter it in the Release 17 CPI field. Your printer may not have this command. ^ The 6 LPI field is where you will place the command to set your printer to 6 lines per inch. ^ The 8 LPI field is where you will place the command to set your printer to 8 lines per inch. M The initialize field is where you will place the command that initializes your printer. Many times a printer needs to be set to a specific state prior to printing, such as changing the margin. By entering in the initialize printer command, you can ensure that Track-It sets your printer exactly how you want it prior to printing. The reset field is where you will place the command to reset your printer. If your printer has a reset command, please enter it in the field. This will ensure that Track-It can set your printer back to its power on state after each print. = Track-It will print invoices and customer orders in a high quality print mode if your printer has the capabilities. The NLQ/LQ field is where you will enter the command to set your printer to a higher print quality. This command generally has no effect on laser printers as they always print letter quality print. w The release NLQ/LQ field is where you will place the command to reset your printer back to its default print quality. When all the fields are set correctly, press the Enter key or the OK button to save the changes. Press the Esc key or the cancel button to cancel the edit and return without any changes. THelpTopic Printer Setup This screen allows you to tell Track-It what type of printers you have attached to your system. f Press Alt-1 to change the printer attached to LPT1, or Alt-2 to change the printer attached to LPT2. Q If you wish to change the default printer port, move the indicator of the default printer port to the port that you wish to have as the default. By changing the default port to either LPT1 or LPT2, you can indicate to Track-It where a majority of your printouts will be sent, and relieve you from having to change the port each print. w When all the changes are entered, press the OK button to save the changes, or ESC to exit without saving the changes. THelpTopic Vendor Information Entry This screen allows you to add information for a new vendor or edit information for an existing vendor. Simply enter in the information as specified by the input field descriptions. When all the information is correct, pressing enter or clicking on the OK button will accept the information, save it to disk, and either move on to the next section of the function that you are working in, or return you to the menu. d Pressing Esc will back you out of the window without making any permanent changes to the database. THelpTopic Serialized Item Information Entry This screen allows you to edit information for an existing serialized item. Simply enter in the information as specified by the input field descriptions. When entering in the information, be sure that the stock code field is entered correctly as this is the field by which serialized items are associated with a stock code. Please note that invoice number 0 is reserved by Track-It to indicate that an item is currently in stock. Invoice number 1 is reserved by Track-It to indicate that an item is no longer in stock but not associated with any invoice, such as a stolen item. When all the information is correct, pressing enter or clicking on the OK button will accept the information, save it to disk, and either move on to the next section of the function that you are working in, or return you to the menu. d Pressing Esc will back you out of the window without making any permanent changes to the database. THelpTopic Vendor Selection The vendor selection window provides a list of vendors that match the criteria entered. Use the cursor or page keys to move the highlight bar to highlight the vendor that you wish to select and press enter. You can also use the mouse to click on the list box arrows to move the highlight. When the vendor that you wish to select is highlighted, press the enter key to select that vendor. You can also select a vendor by double clicking on the desired vendor with the mouse. _ Press the escape key or click on the cancel button to return to the vendor code entry window. THelpTopic Serial Number Entry This window allows you to enter a serial number and retrieve a list of serialized items that have serial numbers that match the criteria that you enter. The entered serial number can be up to 10 characters in length. If the exact serial number is not known, a search for partial matches can be done by entering as much of the serial number that is known immediately followed by a "?". See also: Partial Search THelpTopic Serialized Selection The serialized selection window provides a list of all serialized items that match the criteria entered. Use the cursor or page keys to move the highlight bar to highlight the serialized item that you wish to select and press enter. You can also use the mouse to click on the list box arrows to move the highlight. When the item that you wish to select is highlighted, press the enter key to select that item. You can also select a vendor by double clicking on the desired serialized item with the mouse. a Press the escape key or click on the cancel button to return to the serial number entry window. THelpTopic Purchase Order Item Information Entry This window allows you to enter quantity and pricing information for an individual stock code on the current purchase order. The quantity field can be any quantity that will fit in the field and should be the quantity ordered. If you are tracking the item by each individual item, and the item is shipped in case quantities, enter in the individual quantity, not the number of cases ordered. & The cost field will accommodate prices up to $99,999,999 and should contain the cost of each unit of the item being ordered. This field is initially populated with the current cost of the stock code that you are ordering. After the initial population, this field is not modified by Track-It. THelpTopic Receive Item (Non-Serialized) This window allows you to enter quantity and cost information for an individual stock code on the purchase order currently being received. The quantity field can be any quantity that will fit in the field and should be the quantity that is actually received. Track-It checks the quantity entered in this field along with the quantity already received and determines if you are receiving more than the quantity ordered. The cost field will accommodate prices up to $99,999,999 and should contain the cost of each unit of the item being invoiced. Track-It uses this field to update the stock item cost field. THelpTopic Receive Item (Serialized) This window allows you to enter quantity and cost information for an individual stock code on the purchase order currently being received. = The quantity field is not accessible when receiving a serialized stock code. The quantity field is automatically populated by Track-It by counting the number of serial numbers entered on the next screen. This guarantees that the quantity received matches the number of serialized items that are actually received. The cost field will accommodate prices up to $99,999,999 and should contain the cost of each unit of the item being invoiced. Track-It uses this field to update the stock item cost field. THelpTopic Purchase Order Number Entry This window allows you to enter the number of the purchase order you wish to retrieve. The purchase order number is made up of two components, the year the order was created and the number of the P.O. An example of a correct P.O. number to enter is "1990-23". Y If the P.O. number that you enter is invalid, you will be returned to the entry window. THelpTopic Purchase Order Window The purchase window displays a list of all the line items entered on the current purchase order. Each line items has a description, quantity, cost, and the extended price for that line. The line items are sorted by stock code. D Along the bottom of the list box is the total amount of the order. c Pressing the Insert key or the insert button allow you to add additional line items to the order. y Pressing the Delete key or the delete button will, after confirmation, delete the highlighted line item from the order. ~ Pressing Enter or the Edit button will allow you to edit the quantity and pricing information for the highlighted line item. E Use the cursor/page keys or the mouse to move the highlighted line. Pressing Alt-O or the OK button will complete the purchase order. Pressing the Esc key or the cancel button will return you to the menu without making any permanent changes to the data files. THelpTopic Serial Number Entry (Multiple) This window allows the entry of multiple serial numbers to either invoice or receive. Enter in the beginning and ending serial numbers in the correct fields and press either the enter key or the OK button. Track-It will automatically enter in all the serial numbers between and including the two numbers that were entered. If you have only one serial number, enter the serial number only in the beginning field and press Enter, or enter the serial number in both fields. Both methods produce the same result. THelpTopic Serialized Item Window The serialized window displays a list of all the serialized items either entered on the current invoice or received on the current purchase order. The screen shows the serial numbers for only the current stock code, and shows the serial number and the assigned stock number. A stock number of 0 indicates that a stock number has not yet been assigned. The lines are sorted by serial number. Q Pressing the Insert key or the insert button allow you to add additional items. j Pressing the Delete key or the delete button will, after confirmation, delete the highlighted line item. U Pressing Enter or the Edit button will allow you to edit the highlighted line item. E Use the cursor/page keys or the mouse to move the highlighted line. Pressing Esc will return you to the menu. Pressing Alt-O or the OK button will complete the editing and return you to either the invoice window or the receiving window. THelpTopic Order Entry Window The order window displays a list of all the line items entered on the current order. Each line item has a description, quantity, price, and the extended price for that line. The line items are sorted by stock code. \ Along the bottom of the list box is the sub-total, tax, and the total amount of the order. c Pressing the Insert key or the insert button allow you to add additional line items to the order. y Pressing the Delete key or the delete button will, after confirmation, delete the highlighted line item from the order. ~ Pressing Enter or the Edit button will allow you to edit the quantity and pricing information for the highlighted line item. E Use the cursor/page keys or the mouse to move the highlighted line. e Pressing Esc will return you to the menu. Pressing Alt-O or the OK button will complete the order. THelpTopic Order Shipping Window The order window displays a list of all the line items entered on the current order. Each line item has a description, quantity, price, and the extended price for that line. The line items are sorted by stock code. Pressing Enter or the Edit button will allow you to edit the quantity shipped and pricing information for the highlighted line item. d If you wish to print a pick list of the items on this order, press the Pick button or enter Alt-P. E Use the cursor/page keys or the mouse to move the highlighted line. e Pressing Esc will return you to the menu. Pressing Alt-O or the OK button will complete the order. THelpTopic Order Information This screen allows you to enter or edit information specific to an individual customer order. 'Salesperson' designates the name, employee number, or any other method of designation, for the person given credit for the order. This field is automatically populated with the contents of the salesperson field on the customer information window. 'Customer PO' provides a field for reference to the customers own purchase order number. The contents of this field will appear on the final invoice to allow your customer to track their receiving. 'Reference #' allows the salesperson to indicate that the invoice is payment for a specific repair order, or any other misc. information. Track-It does not use this field for any purpose and is provided only for associating miscellaneous information with the final invoice. u 'For Resale' allows the salesperson to disable the calculation and addition of sales tax for this individual order. 'Tax Rate' allows the salesperson the ability to change the tax rate calculated on the order for a transaction that is shipped to a location with a different tax rate. 'Ship Via' allows the salesperson to enter in the preferred method of shipment for the items ordered. This field is automatically populated with a default. 'Ship Partial' indicates if the order should be shipped as items are available, or if the order should be held until all items are available for shipping at one time. 'Payment Method' indicates if the order is prepaid. If the order is not prepaid, select none. Otherwise select the payment method that is chosen by the customer. If an order is prepaid, the final invoice will show payment via the method selected on this screen. THelpTopic Outstanding Order Selection (Edit) The outstanding order selection window provides a list of all customer orders that have at least one outstanding line item. Use the cursor or page keys to move the highlight bar to highlight the order that you wish to select and press enter. You can also use the mouse to click on the list box arrows to move the highlight. When the order that you wish to select is highlighted, press the enter key to select that order. You can also select an order by double clicking on the order with the mouse. Q Press the escape key or click on the cancel button to return to the sales menu. THelpTopic Outstanding Order Selection (Shipping) The outstanding order selection window provides a list of all customer orders that have at least one outstanding line item and indicates which type of action should be taken for each order. An order that is available for shipping is displayed with an 'S' to the right of the order date. An order that has items available for picking is indicated by a 'P' to the right of the order date. The absence of any indicator to the right of the order date indicates that no action can be taken on that order. When you select an order, Track-It assumes that you will process the selected order in the mode that Track-It has indicated by either an 'S' or a 'P'. You can override the shipping method of any order by highlighting the order and pressing either the Pick or Ship button. This will force Track-It into processing the selected order in the mode that you choose before it would normally be selected for shipping. Use the cursor or page keys to move the highlight bar to highlight the order that you wish to select and press enter. You can also use the mouse to click on the list box arrows to move the highlight. When the order that you wish to select is highlighted, press the enter key to select that order. You can also select an order by double clicking on the order with the mouse. Q Press the escape key or click on the cancel button to return to the sales menu. THelpTopic Invoice Number Entry This window allows you to enter the number of the invoice that you wish to retrieve, print, or view. f If the number that you enter is invalid or does not exist, you will be returned to the entry window. THelpTopic Inventory Query Results The query results screen displays the results of the query that was just run. This window display the current stock on hand, the quantity allocated to customers, and the quantity currently on order, along with the list and current sale price. 6 If the quantity on hand less the quantity allocated is less than zero, you will be asked if you wish to save the query. If you have lost a sale because of insufficient stock, save the query. A query report run at a later time can help in determining which stock codes should have higher on hand quantities. THelpTopic Purchase Order Selection The purchase order selection window provides a list of all purchase orders that have at least one outstanding line item. Use the cursor or page keys to move the highlight bar to highlight the order that you wish to select and press enter. You can also use the mouse to click on the list box arrows to move the highlight. When the order that you wish to select is highlighted, press the enter key to select that order. You can also select an order by double clicking on the order with the mouse. N Press the escape key or click on the cancel button to return to the PO menu. THelpTopic Purchase Order Receiving The order window displays a list of all the line items entered on the current purchase order. Each line item has a description, model quantity ordered, and quantity received. The line items are sorted by stock code. Pressing Enter or the Edit button will allow you to edit the quantity received and cost information for the highlighted line item. E Use the cursor/page keys or the mouse to move the highlighted line. Pressing Esc will return you to the menu. Pressing Alt-O or the OK button will complete the receiving session for this order. THelpTopic Customer Report Criteria The customer report criteria window allows you to enter in the criteria by which to print a customer listing. _ Enter in the range of Zip codes that you wish to include the customer report and press enter. : Press escape or the Cancel button to return to the menu. THelpTopic Customer Report Criteria The customer report criteria window allows you to enter in the criteria by which to print a customer listing. [ Enter in the range of customer names that you wish to include the report and press enter. : Press escape or the Cancel button to return to the menu. THelpTopic Date Range Entry The date range entry dialog is a global dialog called by several different reports, and allows the entry of a date range to be included in a report. ] Enter in the range of dates that you wish to include in the calling report and press enter. The dates must be entered in as mm/dd/yyyy where mm is the month, dd is the day, and yyyy is the year. To enter in January 7th, 1992 as the beginning date, you would enter it as '01/07/1992'. Failure to enter the date in the correct format will result in invalid reports. A Press escape or the Cancel button to cancel the criteria entry. THelpTopic Purge Date Entry The purge date entry dialog is a global dialog called by several different reports, and allows the entry of a purge date for removing outdated history from the system. U Enter in the oldest date for which you wish to retain your history and press enter. The date must be entered in as mm/dd/yyyy where mm is the month, dd is the day, and yyyy is the year. To enter in January 7th, 1992 as the date, you would enter it as '01/07/1992'. Failure to enter the date in the correct format may result in the loss of data. 8 Press escape or the Cancel button to cancel the entry. THelpTopic Sequence Modification The sequence modification dialog is a global function called by several different functions of Track-It. It is used to change the numerical sequence of invoices, customer orders, purchase orders, and stock numbers. L Enter in the next number that you wish to be used for the calling function 8 Press escape or the Cancel button to cancel the entry. THelpTopic Stock Report Criteria This screen allows you to enter in the report selection criteria for several stock reports. Enter in the beginning and ending stock codes, categories, and subcategories and press Enter. Any field left blank will not be considered in the selection process. ) Press Esc to return to the report menu. THelpTopic Customer Report Criteria This screen allows you to enter in the beginning and ending zip codes that are to be included in this report. In this report, all customers that are located in areas with zip codes matching the entered criteria will be printed. Q Open ended reports can be generated by leaving one or both of the fields blank. J When both the fields are correct, press Enter or OK to start the report. = Pressing Esc will return you to the reports selection menu. THelpTopic Customer Report Criteria This screen allows you to enter in the beginning and ending names that are to be included in this report. In this report, all customers that have last names that are within entered criteria will be printed. The Customers are sorted by last name. Q Open ended reports can be generated by leaving one or both of the fields blank. J When both the fields are correct, press Enter or OK to start the report. = Pressing Esc will return you to the reports selection menu. THelpTopic Sales Report Criteria The sales report criteria window allows you to enter in the criteria by which you wish to process the selected report. M All of the selection criteria fields, with the exception of the date fields, are treated as partial searches. For example, if the beginning last name was entered as "B" and the ending name entered as "TAR", then all vendors that have assigned codes between "B" and "TAR" will be included in the reports. The longer the data entered in each field, the more specific the report. Depending the information entered into each field, the report produced can be very specific or very comprehensive. If a field is left blank, all data compared against that field will be considered a match. $ The fields are not case sensitive. The selection criteria ranges available are the customer name, date of sale, stock code, product category, and product subcategory, and by salesperson. Each of which range can be as detailed or as broad as desired. Enter in the criteria desired and press Enter or OK to accept the data and begin the report. A report will be printed even if no data was found to match the criteria. NOTE: The search criteria fields are not checked for invalid ranges. If an ending field is entered that is lower than the beginning field, or visa versa, then no data will fit the criteria, and thus no information will be included in the report. THelpTopic Company Information Entry This window allows you to enter information about your company and information about how you want Track-It to handle certain aspects of operation. Enter in the information requested in each of the fields as indicated by the description of the line. The information entered in the first six lines of this window are printed, exactly as entered, on both invoices and customer orders. The local tax rate field holds the default value for the tax rate field on invoices and orders. All invoices and orders will automatically have this value assigned when first created, but can be overridden by the salesperson. The default ship via field holds the text that describes your most common method of shipping merchandise to customers. All invoices and orders automatically have this text assigned when first created, but can be overridden by the salesperson. If you wish to have Track-It print the header information with your company information on the top of invoices and orders, check the box which indicates that option. If the box is left empty, only invoice information will be printed. Y The cost caclulation method option allows you to choose how the cost of individual items is calculated. Last cost will set the cost of each unit of a stock code to the last cost of that stock code received via a purchase order. Cost averaging will calculate the weighted average cost of the stock code and save that as the cost of each unit. The precision field allows you to set how many places after the decimal point are displayed for prices and costs. Invoice and order extended prices will all be rounded to 2 decimal places as well as all payment fields. THelpTopic Disclaimer Line Entry This window allows you to edit the contents of the disclaimer lines printed at the bottom of invoices. The contents are centered at the bottom of the invoice prior to printing. Each disclaimer line is 132 characters in length and can contain any text that you can type in, and will print exactly as entered in the fields. The fields will scroll to allow you to enter more text than what will be visible on the screen. When both lines are complete, press enter or the OK button to save. Press Esc are the Cancel button to exit without saving the changes. THelpTopic Order Report Criteria The order report criteria window allows you to enter in the criteria by which you wish to process the selected report. M All of the selection criteria fields, with the exception of the date fields, are treated as partial searches. For example, if the beginning last name was entered as "B" and the ending name entered as "TAR", then all vendors that have assigned codes between "B" and "TAR" will be included in the reports. The longer the data entered in each field, the more specific the report. Depending the information entered into each field, the report produced can be very specific or very comprehensive. If a field is left blank, all data compared against that field will be considered a match. $ The fields are not case sensitive. The selection criteria ranges available are the customer name, date of sale, stock code, product category, and product subcategory, and by salesperson. Each of which range can be as detailed or as broad as desired. Enter in the criteria desired and press Enter or OK to accept the data and begin the report. A report will be printed even if no data was found to match the criteria. NOTE: The search criteria fields are not checked for invalid ranges. If an ending field is entered that is lower than the beginning field, or visa versa, then no data will fit the criteria, and thus no information will be included in the report. THelpTopic Purchase Order Report Criteria The Purchase order report criteria window allows you to enter in the criteria by which you wish to process the selected report. S All of the selection criteria fields, with the exception of the date fields, are treated as partial searches. For example, if the vendor beginning code was entered as "MA" and the ending code entered as "TECH", then all vendors that have assigned codes between "MA" and "TECH" will be included in the reports. The longer the data entered in each field, the more specific the report. Depending the information entered into each field, the report produced can be very specific or very comprehensive. If a field is left blank, all data compared against that field will be considered a match. $ The fields are not case sensitive. The selection criteria ranges available are the vendor code, date of orders, stock code, product category, and product subcategory. Each of which range can be as detailed or as broad as desired. Enter in the criteria desired and press Enter or OK to accept the data and begin the report. A report will be printed even if no data was found to match the criteria. NOTE: The search criteria fields are not checked for invalid ranges. If an ending field is entered that is lower than the beginning field, or visa versa, then no data will fit the criteria, and thus no information will be included in the report. THelpTopic Customer Purchases The customer purchases window displays a listing of items that a customer has purchased. Each line item invoiced for the customer within the specified date range is displayed. The line items are sorted by invoice number only. Each item will show the date of purchase, the invoice number it was purchased on, the items stock code, quantity purchased, and the price. F Use the page up, page down, cursor keys to display additional items. THelpTopic Order Number Entry This window allows you to enter the number of the order that you wish to print. f If the number that you enter is invalid or does not exist, you will be returned to the entry window. THelpTopic Date Entry The date entry dialog is a global dialog called by several different reports, and allows the entry of a specific date for the selected report. , Enter in the desired date and press enter. The date must be entered in as mm/dd/yyyy where mm is the month, dd is the day, and yyyy is the year. To enter in January 7th, 1992 as the date, you would enter it as '01/07/1992'. Failure to enter the date in the correct format will result in invalid reports. 8 Press escape or the Cancel button to cancel the entry. THelpTopic Month Entry The month entry dialog is a global dialog called by several different reports, and allows the entry of a specific month for the selected report. - Enter in the desired month and press enter. The month must be entered in as mm/yyyy where mm is the month, and yyyy is the year. To enter in January 1992 as the selected month, you would enter it as '01/1992'. Failure to enter the month in the correct format will result in invalid reports. 8 Press escape or the Cancel button to cancel the entry. THelpTopic Customer Report Criteria This screen allows you to enter in the beginning and ending vendor codes that are to be included in this report. In this report, all vendors that have a code that is within entered criteria will be printed. Q Open ended reports can be generated by leaving one or both of the fields blank. J When both the fields are correct, press Enter or OK to start the report. = Pressing Esc will return you to the reports selection menu. THelpTopic Customer Report Criteria This screen allows you to enter in the beginning and ending vendor names that are to be included in this report. In this report, all vendors that have a name that is within entered criteria will be printed. Q Open ended reports can be generated by leaving one or both of the fields blank. J When both the fields are correct, press Enter or OK to start the report. = Pressing Esc will return you to the reports selection menu. THelpTopic File DOS Shell With the DOS Shell command, you can leave the program temporarily to perform a DOS command or run another program. 9 To return to this program, type EXIT at the DOS prompt. THelpTopic File Name Entry The Open a File dialog box contains an input box, a file list, a file information panel, a cancel button, and an open button. It is through this dialog that you can enter the file name that you wish to save a report under, or select an existing text file to view. See also: Name input File THelpTopic File: The Name input box is where you enter the name of the file to save your report or the name of an existing report that you wish to view. If you are selecting a file name to save a report under, enter the name of the file that you wish to save it under and press enter, or the Open button. If you wish to select a file name, you can mask which files are displayed in the file list box by entering a mask pattern. The default mask pattern is *.TXT. See also: ! File Dialog File THelpTopic Files FILENM01.CPP FILENM09.CPP FILENM02.CPP FILENM10.CPP FILENM03.CPP FILENM11.CPP FILENM04.CPP FILENM12.CPP FILENM05.CPP .. FILENM06.CPP \VER208 FILENM07.CPP \BACKUP FILENM08.CPP \CONVERT.DIR The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory that match the file-name mask in the Name input box, plus the parent directory and all subdirectories. C:\TP\EXAMPLES\*.PAS HELLO.PAS 52 Jul 14,1990 12:00pm The File information panel shows the path name, file name, date, time, and size of the selected file. = None of the items on this information panel are selectable. See also: # File Dialog Fine Entry THelpTopic Data Location Entry The Change Directory dialog box consists of an input box, a list box, the standard OK and Help buttons, and two other buttons (Chdir and Revert). This dialog allows you to indicate where Track-It is to store data. | Directory Name The Directory Name input box is where you type in the path of the new directory. Directory Tree Drives C:\ TRACKIT DATA The Directory Tree list box enables you to navigate directories by using the selecting bar and pressing Enter. If you're using the keyboard, press Enter to make the selected directory be the current directory, then choose OK or press Esc to exit the dialog box. + [Chdir ] The Chdir button changes the current directory once you've selected or typed in a directory name. + [Revert] The Revert button goes back to the previous directory, as long as you haven't yet exited the dialog box. THelpTopic PO Reference Entry This field allows you to enter text to reference a purchase order to something else. The most common use of this field is to refernce an internal repair order. Enter in the reference text that you wish and press Enter or the OK button to save. Press the Esc key or the cancel button to exit without making any permenent changes. THelpTopic Customer Export The customer export function creates a comma deliminated text file containing a list of all your customers and includes their mailing address, and telephone number. The customers are sorted by last name. THelpTopic Direct Receiving The direct receiving function allows you to receive items into inventory without the need to create a purchase order. Upon selecting this function, you will be prompted to enter in the stock code of the first item to be received. Enter in the desired stock code. If the stock code does not exist, you will be able to enter the new stock code into the system. A stock code can be entered into the direct receiving function only once. Duplicating a stock code will simply return you to the stock code entry window. After a stock code is accepted, a second window will be displayed. If the stock code is not serialized, enter in the quantity recieved and the cost per item. If the item is serialized, enter in the cost per item and press enter. You will then be prompted to enter the serial numbers received. Track-It will count the number of serial numbers received and count that as the quantity received. Z Once a stock code is entered, there is no way to remove it from the direct entry system. J Press enter on a blank stock code entry screen to complete the function. THelpIndex