Topmost TopMost Form1 Frame3D1 SSFrame Window to Move to Top MS Sans Serif Caption: MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Classname: MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif Window handle: MS Sans Serif Timer1 Panel3D1 SSPanel ,Press Ctrl-T to move the above window to top ChildWindowFromPoint ptScreen PointAPI Timer1_Timer GetCursorPos GetParent GetClassName8 GetWindowText2 WindyY WindowFromPoint Label1_Click Command1_Clicke Timer1 Enabled0 Command1A Caption Label2 Class Label2_Click Index~ @ Form_Load FormStayOnTop Form1 IDWinHand OnTop Check1_Click Check1 Value Checked Line1 Width Form_Resizer Scroll1 Height HScroll1 Lb_Click LbWinHand WLbth InitHeightA InitWidth Dat_Click- Check2_Click Command3D1_Click Lb_DragOver Sourcea Control State Topmost Panel3D1_DragDrop Panel3D1{ BevelInner BevelOuter Press above windowj stores initial form height stores initial form widtht Check1_Click Check2_Click apply StayOnTop switch Command3D1_Click Form_Load wHnd% = hWnd 'store window handle store initial height & width Form_Resize don't exceed initial height or width Timer1_Timer Press Ctrl-T to move the above window to top